above the disease

Chapter 337 The Road to the Chief Surgeon

Chapter 337 The Road to the Chief Surgeon ()

Zhou Zhi woke up again.

This time, I was in a somewhat familiar place, Jiang Huizhen's research area.

The sense of disobedience had disappeared, which made Zhou Zhi certain that he should be in reality now.

In front.

The somewhat slovenly Jiang Huizhen was sorting out his experimental equipment.

It seems that everything was messed up because of the ward tour.

Hearing the sound of Zhou Zhi getting up, Jiang Huizhen turned around and said, "You're awake. How is the dean's [Skill Domain]?"


Zhou Zhi touched his head with his hand.

He looked at his hand.

After the personality riot ended, my body did come back.

"Now that we're back, let's start the experiment."

"Concerning the development of your brain, it may be necessary for me to learn some neurological knowledge about epidemic elimination."

Jiang Huizhen held paper and pen in his hand: "The development of human potential should not only be in the [spiritual] field. I am too obsessed with the development of [endorphins] and [dopamine], and I have neglected others."

"Human drive is a spiritual force, but again, there is not just one such force."

"Zhou Zhi, I have watched your battle with Di Qiuyan, and you have given me a lot of inspiration."

Although Jiang Huizhen had no expression, Zhou Zhi clearly knew from his tone that this sloppy man was a little excited.

Zhou Zhi looked at Jiang Huizhen's face seriously: "Researcher Jiang, I think any research should not be done too hastily."

"Academic achievements will not be achieved overnight... [Pituitary gland] research, after reaching the bottleneck, I suggest something else - by the way, Researcher Jiang, you seem to be in a hurry?"

Hearing Zhou Zhi's words, Jiang Huizhen nodded: "You are right, but it is true that I am a little anxious."

"You are leaving Kuitianyuan soon, didn't the dean say anything?"

"Your ward internship is over."

As Jiang Huizhen spoke, he continued to tidy up his desk: "This time, many students from the alliance schools were injured and had mental disorders. All in all, the dean seems to be very dissatisfied."

Zhou Zhi coughed.

This kind of internship as a patient with almost no safeguards is indeed quite outrageous.

Forget it if you have the strength.

Those with slightly average strength have no other choice but to stay calm when encountering those extremely vicious patients.

"Jiang Research Institute, I have a question..."

Jiang Huizhen was sorting things out and said, "You asked me before."

"You want to be promoted to chief surgeon."

“Having goals is a good thing no matter what.”

Jiang Huizhen turned around and said, "When I was in my teens or 20s, I was almost the same as you."

"But...this road is full of difficulties."

Zhou Zhi's face turned grim.

If someone else said this, it might be some kind of showing off or pretentiousness.

But Jiang Huizhen is different.

The "difficulties" spoken by the once strongest [hero] are worthy of careful consideration.

"Appreciate further details."

Zhou Zhi very seriously pulled out a chair and placed it behind Jiang Huizhen.

Jiang Huizhen twisted his butt and sat down.


A world of disease.

The levels currently appearing can be regarded as distinct.

Ordinary people have almost zero knowledge of epidemic eradication techniques and spiritual power.

Then there is the trainee epidemic exterminator. To be precise, there is no such level in the grade system announced by the Medical Ministry. Starting from the formal level of epidemic exterminator, this level is called the real epidemic exterminator. They are good at epidemic eradication. Driven by spiritual power, it is the main force in eradicating diseases.

Epidemic warriors of this level are the most mixed, and the top ones can even compete with the master sword at present. They are unrivaled in strength, but the weak ones are nothing more than empty shells, and they cannot kill even the diseases of the same level.

This is Zhou Zhi's current understanding.

At the formal level, choose one or several epidemic eradication techniques to learn, and finally gain systematic combat power.

"Your body is a little messy, blood, heart, eyes... Although your major is heart, it's still a little messy."

Jiang Huizhen said: "What the master swordsman level and even later epidemic eradication warriors need to practice is actually not just the art of epidemic eradication, but a concept of epidemic eradication science."


Zhou Zhi was stunned.

Jiang Huizhen pointed around: "Let's use an analogy."

"Quitian Hospital is a mental hospital, but haven't you noticed that patients with genetic diseases are also treated here."

"The simple truth is that it is difficult to have a specialized and completely subdivided discipline in medicine."

"Psychiatry and neurology, genetics..."

"Heart and blood and nerves..."

"Oral cavity and throat."

Jiang Huizhen is concise and to the point: "Children are divided into subjects, but adults are different."

"The so-called concept is the real way to eliminate the epidemic."

"Although I am a psychiatric epidemic killer, what I have mastered is the power of [brain development] and [body mastery]. I have specially learned knowledge from other disciplines for this purpose - but the most important point is that you You need to integrate the epidemic eradication skills you have mastered."

Zhou Zhi nodded.


It was also something Zhou Zhi had already figured out in advance.

【Cell Killer】.

I am constantly moving forward with this path as my goal.

"Mastering the anti-epidemic technique deeply is the first step, and it's only the first step."

“Second, it’s resources.”

"The power of disease, spiritual power, disease-transforming objects, medical equipment... Sword-level plague exterminators can transcend the void, and even the weakest ophthalmologists can completely crush official-level orthopedic berserkers."

"This is the most important core of incorporating the power of the world into the body."

Jiang Huizhen stretched out his fingers and made a three sign: "Third, it's a disease."

Zhou Zhi was stunned.


Jiang Huizhen nodded: "Yes, a high-level disease compound."

"Unlike the diseased objects that are resources, the powerful diseased objects that are integrated with corresponding attributes at the master level can significantly improve the strength of the master. Please note my adjective [powerful]."

"Of course, it is possible not to integrate, but the result is that the combat power will be weak and it will not be liberated for the rest of its life."

At this point, Zhou Zhi already had a new understanding of things like diseased substances.

Pathogens, if not viewed as disease vectors, are resources similar to oil or ores.

This also makes those powerful epidemic eradication warriors flock to him.

"at last."

Jiang Huizhen looked at Zhou Zhi: "That is, unrivaled faith."

"The gap between official level plague exterminators is already huge."

"But as a surgeon, the gap is even greater."

“You must have unrivaled and absolutely confident faith.”

"Otherwise, even if you become the chief surgeon, you will be just a weak insect, nothing more."

"Stepping into the Master Sword, you will gain fame, power, and everything you can imagine. The eyes of the entire Xuanyuan will be focused on you, and countless forces will invite you to join and provide you with various benefits. There are so many wonderful surgeons like this."

Jiang Huizhen's eyes were cold.

(End of this chapter)

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