above the disease

Chapter 289 There is no place for you in the palace of epidemic eradication

Chapter 289 There is no place for you in the palace of epidemic eradication ([-])
  Zhou Zhi lowered his head slightly.

From Jin Xiangchuan's emotional speech, Zhou Zhi believed that the people watching the live broadcast of the Epidemic Eradication Tribunal through the screen have been moved.

People always have filters for certain people, whether they are seniors in the world of fighting the epidemic or those fighting the epidemic on the front line.

The lawyer looked at Zhou Zhi seriously: "What else do you have to argue?"

Zhou Zhi raised his head: "There is one more."

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you to finish your performance."

The young man was calm and leisurely, as if he was watching an interesting show to please himself.

Jin Xiangchuan's face turned cold.

This guy, at this point, is still bluffing.

All the evidence chains are absolutely complete. Zhou Zhi has no way to prove that the evidence they produced is false!
  The lawyer glanced at Zhou Zhi.

The last person is also the youngest plaintiff among the three.

[Zhu Shi].

Although he will be the youngest, Zhu Shi is already in his forties.

But as a researcher, he is considered young.

A researcher at Xuanyuan Alliance School.

In ophthalmology, he is considered a gifted person.

There were two papers published in three types of journals, and he became famous at a young age.

“This paper [Clinical Application of Cell Transplantation in Ophthalmology] was written by me three months ago. In my residence, there are also manuscripts left by the research institute at that time.”

"My current students can all testify that there are timestamps and considerable details on it."

Zhu Shi's eyes were slender, not pretty, and could even be said to be a bit ugly.

"On a rainy night, there was a mysterious theft... and the culprit was caught at that time."

There was a faint smile in Zhu Shi's eyes: "Classmate Zhou Zhi, you should know the name [Lian Yan] very well, right?"


Zhou Zhi's face was expressionless.

If plagiarism is to ruin one's reputation, then in this case, bringing up the name [Lian Yan] is to make Zhou Zhi die.

The most lively topic in most cities right now is whether to legalize vaping, but everyone knows how bad things like vaping are.

"Many people don't know who Lian Yan is, so I'm here to tell you."

"[Lian Yan] is a senior cadre of the anomalous organization [Fireworks Crowd], one of the [Three Scholars], and is also a criminal who previously attacked the Epidemic Prevention Center in Dadu Logistics District. He is a chief swordsman-level epidemic exterminator."

"Zhou Zhi alone can never perfectly complete plagiarism and theft of resources. It requires the cooperation of a higher-level epidemic killer."

Zhu Shi sighed: "Under my command, there are many young epidemic eradication warriors like you. They have dreams and great expectations for the academic world. Many of their talents and abilities are far inferior to yours, but... Zhou Zhi, you are too eager to achieve success. A young epidemic eradication warrior like you has no way to correct your attitude. You do things so despicably and unscrupulously, which is simply outrageous."

Behind them, the expressions of the audience also changed slightly.

Looking at the young man, who was silent at the moment.


Orchestrate everything seamlessly.

The evidence was created by them, and the framed witnesses were real. Lian Yan himself was the one who took the blame, or... that woman belonged to the same force as these three people.



The murder that occurred in the Dadu Logistics District was once again remembered by people.

"Your Honor, this is the testimony from the witnesses..."

In front, on the big screen, some faces that even Zhou Zhi had never seen told the story of Zhou Zhi stealing papers and cleaning them.

Among them, Zhou Zhi saw a [familiar] person.

"Liu Ji...it turns out he's not dead yet."

Little Mushroom whispered.

Zhou Zhi looked calm.

Liu Ji was sent to the audience of the Gu family before. If he guessed correctly, the Gu family would send this to the Xuanyuan Council, and what happened after that would have nothing to do with him.

I just didn't expect that the boomerang would actually come back.

"Zhou Zhi, using coercion, took away my father's life's hard work!"

On the screen, Liu Ji complained with tears and runny nose: "My father is Liu Zhaoguang. He is one of the most famous ophthalmologists in Feiguang Road!"

"Zhou Zhi is simply not a human being, he is a beast!!"

Zhou Zhi coughed lightly.

Well, this is true, that’s right.

As the testimony concluded.

The entire epidemic eradication court fell into a strange silence.

Then, there was an unusual commotion.

TV screen, the city’s TV wall.

There are many more places.

People pointed at Zhou Zhi's figure.

Such a heinous person is simply unworthy of being a human being, let alone becoming an epidemic fighter!
  "The other party is very well prepared..."


Ji Xiaohan sighed.

Zhou Zhi looked doomed.

How many people in Dadu have such strength?

Ji Xiaohan's face turned cold.

Helping Zhou Zhi was done casually, and there was no need for him to get involved for him, but Ji Xiaohan knew that some people in Dadu were irresistible, even Zhou Zhi.

Perhaps... Zhou Zhi can only follow Tai Sui Xingjun back to the Chengyun Dynasty.

Ji Xiaohan didn't feel happy about losing a love rival, he only felt a little sad.

[Young plague exterminators] can't fight against those old immortals.

Even I can't do anything about it.

Zhongshi Garden.

"[Ying Liang]."

A little girl in epidemic clothes said slowly: "You did a good job."

"Although you are not very capable, you are smart enough."

"Smartness is a rare attribute in Zhong's Garden."

The girl, who is about sixteen or seventeen years old, has a high ponytail, big eyes, and black-rimmed glasses. She looks cute and cute: "Your talent is too weak to become a direct Eye Secret Guard, but with this time Regarding the matter, [Mother] should also like you."

Hear this.

Ying Liang's face showed joy, with a humble smile.

He crawled on the ground: "Miss Wan'er, thank you..."

Next to Ying Liang, Lian Yan wore the same smile.

As a master swordsman, but still the same.

Xuanyuan Second Medical College.

A certain psychiatrist is watching the live broadcast.

"Master Dean..."

On the side, the secretary spoke.

Shen Muhuang's eyes were cloudy: "Get ready."

The secretary was a little stunned: "What are you preparing for?"

"Use this incident to take action against an ambitious congressman."

"Zhou Zhi is the introduction this time."


"Your Honor!"

"The witnesses and physical evidence are all there."

"The facts are completely clear."

"The level of those three papers is high and the wording is precise. It is definitely not something that a student like this can write. We Xuanyuan encourage young epidemic eradication warriors to innovate and work hard, but being able to stand on the stage and be seen by everyone is definitely Not a plague exterminator like Zhou Zhi!"

"I apply to deprive Zhou Zhi of all his academic achievements, expel Zhou Zhi's academic status, and never accept him from any official institution!"

The lawyer's impassioned speech seemed to have brought a successful conclusion to the epidemic eradication court.

This time, the epidemic eradication court will be broadcast live in most cities.

The lawyer knew very well how much his net worth would increase after winning this game.

In the world of plague exterminators, success is not only possible by becoming a plague exterminator.

As a [lawyer], I am only one step away from success!

What broke the lawyer's excited words was Zhou Zhi's lazily yawning voice: "Are you finished with the performance?"

Zhou Zhi put his hands down and leaned forward slightly.

All cameras were pointed at Zhou Zhi.

Zhou Zhi spoke slowly: "The shabby performances of several clowns are simply... making people laugh."

Above, Fan Shanhong banged his gavel: "Zhou Zhi, personal attacks are prohibited in court."

Zhou Zhi stretched out his hand to show that he understood.

"Your Honor, everyone here, and... the audience friends in front of the TV, those comments just now cannot be regarded as personal attacks."

Zhou Zhi said softly: "The next thing I want to say is a personal attack."

"Xiao Mo...Miss Beigong Dongzhi."

The little mushroom moved gracefully, opened the black box, and handed over the dossier.

Although he is Zhou Zhi's defense lawyer, he is not as good as the lawyer opposite him, let alone Zhou Zhi.

"Jin Xiangchuan."

Zhou Zhi looked at the message in his hand: "The former captain of the Red Blood Epidemic Regiment, the reason why he returned to Dadu is to bring back the relics of his comrades."

"What a pity...you are addicted to gambling, and you lost all your relics on the first day you returned to Dadu."

"By the way, you did not return to the Red Blood Epidemic Regiment normally, but because as the squad leader, you embezzled the anti-epidemic materials in the [Epidemic Regiment]. You were driven back."

Jin Xiangchuan's expression changed.

"By the way... your father is the former blood surgeon and subject leader [Jin Erwei]. In fact, I am also shocked by this news. After all, you have never told the outside world about this matter in so many years. Because of this , only an ordinary person like you can reach the level of a surgeon at the age of forty."

Zhou Zhi raised his head and said with some mockery: "It's very interesting that you graduated from Xuanyuan First Medical College. During the basic education stage, you wrote two papers on [blood] and [cells]. Above the second-class journals, wow, what a genius." "It's a pity that after your father died, there seemed to be no achievements. Maybe your talent died like your father... What a pity."

Zhou Zhi felt a little sorry.

Jin Xiangchuan's face was already red at this moment, which could be said to be completely red.

If it hadn't been in court, I'm afraid he would have taken action against Zhou Zhi directly.


"Repeat...repeat, no personal attacks in court."

Fan Shanhong banged the gavel.

A gift every week.

Still the same, he didn't care about the false evidence at all.

You don't need to prove that those things are false. Whether it's an epidemic fight or a court debate, what you have to do is never fall into the opponent's rhythm.

"Zhu Shi..."

Zhu Shi took a look at Zhou Zhi and subconsciously took a step back. Looking back, he felt a little embarrassed.

Zhou Zhi looked at the middle-aged man: "Compared with [Jin Xiangchuan], you are relatively smart."

"You used to be a serious genius. When you were the most powerful, you were the one who published the paper in Xuanyuan District [-] Journal [Xuanyuan Ophthalmology]... Although you are relatively immature, you can still be considered to have some talent."

"It's a pity... your talent has been converted into drilling and hooking up when you graduated and stayed in school."

"Your wife is a relative of the Gu family of Ping An Dao. Her father, your father-in-law, is the director of a department at Boshu Medical College. This made your stay in school particularly smooth. Unfortunately, God did not fulfill your wishes. As you grow older and your father-in-law retires, your wife is no longer able to help you, and your ability has long been wasted in these years of business."

Zhou Zhi's voice was like a bell, striking at Zhu Shi's heart.

Zhu Shi's face turned pale and he wanted to refute.

But Zhou Zhi didn't give him any chance.

"You now... No, you have never killed any disease, and you have no ability to produce academic results. You are just a roundworm occupying resources... Sorry, I have a friend who is not very good. I like that I use the two words [roundworm] to evaluate others."

Zhou Zhi's fingers danced lightly.

One person's voice completely overwhelmed everyone.

Elegance, perfection, indifference.

"Of course, this is my personal evaluation of you. It may be a bit subjective, but...there are also objective ones."

"Just a few days before you sued me, the results of the senior professional title evaluation that you were originally stuck on became extremely smooth, and... those who were originally ranked before you also moved to the back. This is very strange. , so I probably took a look.”

Zhou Zhi smiled and said, "Oh? Is there a deal?"

"Don't deny it yet. As a young epidemic killer, I know you people very well. I went to find some testimonies about the people who compete with you."

Zhou Zhi's voice sounded: "The people behind you want me to die so much, so you have used too many people, trying to cover all aspects. The more people involved, the harder it is for you to control."

"In my hand, I have a [communication report] from your laboratory at [Boshu Medical College]. Do you want to listen to it for a moment?"

Zhu Shi seemed to have thought of something, and his pupils dilated.


how is this possible……

Zhou Zhi said this, not as a question.

"Yes...ok...I will..."

This is Zhu Shi's voice.

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged. Zhou Zhi... Zhou Zhi will definitely die."

The other sound was like an electronic synthesized sound.

"Stand up and testify against Zhou Zhi, destroying his reputation."

"Sir, what about my professional title?"

"Believe...believe in the adults' skills and do what you should do."

rip rip rip...

The sound of electricity sounded.

Zhu Shi's face turned pale: "Synthetic... this is... this is synthetic... this is fake!"

Zhou Zhi smiled: "Why don't you ask who gave this to me?"

Zhu Shi looked at Zhou Zhi, his mouth elongated.

Zhou Zhi sighed: "You know, the word [sex] is like a knife. You can't divorce your wife no matter what. There are always people who are unwilling and want to be in power... I spent a lot of time on this message." [Three hundred thousand].”

There was an uproar.

"This... listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation!"

Zhu Shi's face was completely distorted, completely unlike the joke he had made before about "Young Epidemic Slayer".

This is live.

Ruined, ruined.

Everything about me was lost to this guy.

They were all ruined by this bastard!

The epidemic killer next to him had already restrained Zhu Shi.

Zhu Shi, who had never killed a single plague, was an official plague exterminator, but in Zhou Zhi's view, he was completely powerless.

Get pinched directly.

"Be careful... my old bones can't withstand such torture from you."

The little mushroom fanned the flames.

"After that……"

Zhou Zhi looked at the last person.

Luo Gudao.

The old man lowered his head and did not dare to look at Zhou Zhi.

"No need to lower your head and pretend to be innocent, dear senior."

"The anonymous credit card of your [Xuanyuan Branch] under Life Bank, before you correct me, has a huge amount of wealth, about seven figures."

Zhou Zhi's voice was calm and steady: "[Money]... is a means, not an end."

"What is your purpose... Your academic ability is quite good, of course, compared with these two clowns."

At this moment, Fan Shanhong was too lazy to talk about Zhou Zhi's personal attack.

He kept attacking from start to finish and never stopped.

"[Breast cancer]...the disease is very advanced. I receive treatment at Dadu's tertiary hospital [Yuanhaiyuan], which costs a huge amount of money every day. It's a pity..."

Zhou Zhi raised his head: "She will die soon."

Hearing this, Luo Gudao's body trembled slightly.

As soon as Zhou Zhi stretched out his hand, Xiao Mushroom put the new document in Zhou Zhi's hand.

"[Plagiarism]...Yes, I plagiarized."

The young man smiled and said: "I have seen your wife's case. This is the surgical treatment method for your wife's [breast cancer] that I copied."

"Of course, I'm ashamed because it was plagiarized."

Zhou Zhi's voice resounded in every corner of the epidemic eradication court.

"I would...destroy it and admit to plagiarism."

Zhou Zhi said with a smile: "Beigong Winter Solstice."

"Here I am."

Little Mushroom stretched out his hand and took the file.

Mycelium spreads.

"I'm really sorry for plagiarizing your masterpiece, Mr. Luo Gudao."

Zhou Zhi stretched out his fingers, preparing to snap them.


No sound has been made yet.


The old man looked horrified and fell to his knees on the ground.

"Zhou...Zhou Zhi...Mr. Zhou Zhi..."

"I was wrong... I was wrong..."

"Someone else instigated me."

"It's someone else..."

"It can't be destroyed...it can't be done...she is going to die..."

These words come out.

Jin Xiangchuan, the only person standing, was already stunned.

What the hell.

Two trash!

This is a live broadcast!

What are you doing! !

Stand up ahhhhhhhh! ! !
  Zhou Zhi put down his hand: "Three hundred and twenty-seven years in the world calendar."

"This is a new world."

"It's also a new era... There are too many rotten people like you in Xuanyuan and Dadu. You can't provide value, and you are squeezing the strength of young people. You have no character. In other words, for the sake of one’s own desires, one has to abandon his dignity as a plague-killer and as a seeker of truth.”

"There is no place for despicable people like you in this palace of epidemic eradication."

Zhou Zhi spoke seriously.


"The show is over."


"Let's go."

The girl [Ji Yingzhao] said. .

"Miss, don't you want to read it?"

asked Xuan Cheng, a man in a giant suit.

Ji Yingzhao said with a smile on his face: "That's enough."

"I am already satisfied and trembling all over... It is truly a wonderful performance."

  (End of this chapter)

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