above the disease

Chapter 194 Little Daisy and Little Mushroom

Chapter 194 Little Daisy and Little Mushroom ([-])
Love Club.

"You were born to do this!"

If she had hands, Fang Hui would definitely choose to applaud vigorously.

In the deck.

The cold young man Zhou Zhi is like a fish in water.

Fang Hui once again saw Zhou Zhi's superb skills.

Although Fang Hui had some premonitions after what had happened before, she was still shocked when she actually saw it.

"Brother Little Daisy, are you really a newcomer?"

"It's nothing like it."

The female guest next to her cast all her eyes on Zhou Zhi.

"As an employee of this club, I am indeed a newcomer."

Zhou Zhi shook the wine glass in his hand slightly, and the turbid liquid swayed: "However, when it comes to pouring out your feelings, I am not a newcomer."

There isn't much of a smile, just that aura that makes people want to stop.

"That's right, everyone."

"I'll put on a show for you."

Zhou Zhi said calmly.

"I want to see!"

"I want to see too!"

sound came.

Zhou Zhi stretched out a slender finger.

At the same time, spiritual power surged.

The dark spiritual power wrapped around Zhou Zhi's fingers, forming a small ball with precise control.

"Brother Daisy... you are... a plague exterminator!"

"so smart!"

It's like playing some kind of role-playing. In a place like this, the identity of a plague exterminator is enough to add points.

Zhou Zhi doesn't like to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. This is true on the train and in the club.

"Sisters, I plan to take Xuanyuan's medical exam in one month. Working here is just a transitional choice."

Before Zhou Zhi finished speaking, a female guest was already crying and making trouble.

Zhou Zhi didn't care and just smiled twice.

"So... I really want to know, what exactly is the content of Dadu's medical exam?"

"I am new here, and there are many things I would like to ask my sisters for advice."

"It's not just these..."

Fang Hui, who was inside Zhou Zhi's intestines, now understood completely.

What little daisies, what are there and what are not.

Zhou Zhi had planned everything long ago.

"You're so disgusting, Zhou Zhi, you've learned how to flirt with me!"

Fang Hui complained angrily.


In the world of epidemic eradication, there are theoretically two exams called [Medical Examinations].

The first one is the medical exam to enter the medical school.

The second session was the examination held by the Medical Department for the official level of epidemic eradication specialist to obtain [Practice Qualification].

With the passage of time, the latter was gradually replaced by the name "practical examination" and "medical examination" were only used to refer to the examination for admission to higher education.

And Zhou Zhi also heard the exact content from his guest's mouth.

The middle class who have money and leisure, their information channels are very critical to Zhou Zhi.

[Medical Examination], simply put, is divided into three parts.

[-]. Epidemic test questions.

Second, actual combat elimination.

Third, disease treatment.

This is not some undisclosed secret.

Among them, the epidemic test accounts for a total of [-] points, and the actual combat elimination and disease treatment account for a total of [-] points, with a total score of [-].

In Zhou Zhi's opinion, this score is reasonable.

For more than 90.00% of the candidates who are above the fifth level and are trainee level epidemic killers, it is almost impossible to achieve two or three items.

Actual combat against the epidemic resulted in a very high mortality rate. When he was in Qamdo, Sun Shun was in his second and third year at Weidu before going to the city to carry out the most basic suppression of strange incidents.

In fact, at the trainee level, no one expects the plague killers to have sufficient combat effectiveness.In the same way, the third article is also the same, formulating treatment strategies for patients... To put it harshly, for ordinary epidemic eradication warriors, treating patients is just an extra step.


There were a lot more words on the scene.

"Brother Little Daisy..."

A female guest approached Zhou Zhi: "I heard that this year... the medical exams will be cleared of actual combat, and there will also be disease treatment..."

"Hiss... the most likely test is... [Infectious Disease]."

"Hiccup...I just heard about it. This news is very secret."

Zhou Zhi nodded with a smile.

Infectious disease?

If this is the case, it is a very large and broad type of disease.

Even roundworms in square fennel can be counted as one of the infectious diseases.

"Brother Xiao Daidai, if you ask me, what kind of epidemic exterminator do you want to be? In other words, it sounds good."

"It is common to treat diseases but turn them into diseases. People who go out to suppress the epidemic die. Didn't it just come out in the news a month and a half ago?"

Another younger female guest secretly caressed Zhou Zhi's thigh: "The team that went to [Night City] suffered heavy casualties. Even Councilor Zhong was alarmed. I also have gossip."

The female guest approached Zhou Zhi, and Zhou Zhi could smell the woman's fragrance: "Those corpses that came back from the disease site were not human. I have a friend who works at the epidemic prevention center and secretly showed me the photos. That scene... tsk tsk." "

Someone next to me was dissatisfied: "Don't say such disgusting things."

Zhou Zhi was a little curious: "Well... I have a question."

"Little Daisy is so cute when he asks questions. My sister likes it so much."

In the intestines, Fang Hui said: “…….”

Zhou Zhi squinted his eyes and shook his wine glass: "This Mr. Zhong is..."

The female guest looked slightly drunk and seemed to like Zhou Zhi very much: "Member Zhong Panxi Zhong, one of the very few female members of the Xuanyuan Parliament. She is the pride of our women, a standard hard-line hard-liner. I like her politics very much." idea."

Zhou Zhi nodded.

Another key name.

I don’t know whether this congressman is of the old school or the new school.

At this moment, Zhou Zhi no longer asked any more questions. He already knew almost everything he needed to know. After all, he was his first batch of guests and he still had to serve them well.

"Open another bottle of [Holy Grail]!"

On the left side of Zhou Zhi, the most wealthy female guest waved her hand.

Zhou Zhi roughly calculated the commission, and found that the commission from this bottle of Holy Grail was almost equal to his one month's salary when he worked in Qamdo. I have to say, it was really easy to make money.

There was no wine cabinet next to the Holy Grail booth. The waiter told Zhou Zhi that he had already sent someone to get it from the back.

"Zhou Zhi, we will sell bars here from now on."

Fang Hui had regained her composure at this moment: "It feels like we are going to make a big move."

“If you are stupid and have a lot of money, it’s like paradise.”

Zhou Zhi tapped the table: "Don't insult my guests."

"Brother Little Daisy, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Zhi smiled: "Nothing."

next to.

Footsteps sounded.

The Holy Grail has arrived.

Zhou Zhi turned his head, his pupils slightly dilated.


"What is this thing called?"

"Oh... [Holy Grail]."

"Dear sisters... we are... we are new here. We are currently washing dishes in the kitchen and bringing wine to everyone."

"Our stage name is [Little Mushroom]. I hope everyone will give us a good review. If you want to give us a tip, I won't be able to accept it..."

An emotionless voice sounded.

The girl, wearing a baggy waiter's uniform, appeared in front of Zhou Zhi looking helpless.

The moment he saw Zhou Zhi.

The face that had remained unchanged since ancient times finally changed.



 3 I will continue to make up the rest tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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