above the disease

Chapter 171 Embark on a Journey

Chapter 171 Embark on a Journey ([-])

[Breathing Condensation Technique] is not a particularly difficult disease-killing technique. Compared with the orthodox five techniques in medical school, it is very simple.

It took about half an hour for Zhou Zhi to understand its basic principles.

Theoretically speaking, this breath-containing technique is not a general epidemic-killing technique like disinfection, but belongs to neurologists.

The spiritual power of the epidemic killer is mainly transmitted and diffused through the nerves in the body. Zhou Zhi has realized that the so-called "Breathe Condensation Technique" should be a simplified version developed by the neurologist.

"Wow, Zhou Zhi, you sometimes surprise me with your cleverness."

Fang Hui covered her mouth in an exaggerated manner.

"Well, there's no need to be so exaggerated."

Zhou Zhi said calmly.

The reason why Mr. Ascaris has separated from his true body is that the whole Ascaris has become more and more abstract recently.

It's hard to imagine what kind of person Fang Hui is, who combines all abstractions into one.

"Speaking of which, [Breath Condensation Technique] is a popular commodity, but the epidemic eradication techniques that those neurologists can come up with are all kinds of weird. It is said that high-level neurologists can already achieve [no leakage of spiritual power]. .”

"Your spiritual power and capacity are sufficient, and you are very suitable for the path of neurology."

"By the way, these people are based on [spiritual power]. They can even directly use [spiritual power] to attack without relying on epidemic eradication techniques."

As a parasite, Fang Hui knows a lot.

"Have you not thought about which path to take until now?"

Fang Hui seemed to sense Zhou Zhi's thinking.

“The path I want to take, I haven’t seen in this world yet.”

Zhou Zhi's voice sounded under the moonlight.

"Haha, it sounds like you are not from this world."

Fang Hui laughed twice.

Zhou Zhi didn't care either: "My heart."

"Hearted Plague Slayer can be combined with other disease-eliminating paths. It just so happens that I am holding Chen Chaosheng's [Black Kite]. It seems that there are many methods that only Hearted Plague Killer can open."

Fang Hui narrowed his eyes: "I'm curious. If you put this plague-killing knife next to you so ostentatiously, aren't you afraid that others will snatch it?"


Zhou Zhi walked and said, "Everyone thinks that someone will eventually take away his exclusive sword."

Fang Hui seemed to understand.

Zhou Zhi didn't explain either.

Everyone thought that Chen Chaosheng would come back to get the sword, and no one cared how Zhou Zhi obtained the [Black Kite].

But... only Zhou Zhi knew that Chen Chaosheng was dead.

Before nightfall, Zhou Zhi went to visit Han Shuo, who was currently working at the epidemic prevention center.

Now Han Shuo has also become a trainee plague exterminator. After the battle in the outer city of Immortality Road, Han Shuo looked much more energetic.

Zhou Zhi now also understood that Di Qiuyan was probably most responsible for Han Shuo's ability to escape from the battle with the Tao of Immortality.

Although Han Shuo's parents have passed away, it seems that he now regards epidemic prevention as part of his career, and the slightly depressed feeling before has also dissipated.

After talking for a while, Zhou Zhi left.

"The world of the Plague Killer is really fun."

Zhou Zhi said: "There are all kinds of people living in this world."

"You probably haven't seen any truly diseased areas."

Fang Hui said at the right time: "The areas not ruled by the six major kingdoms can be said to be the real hell on earth."

"There are even many small countries that have completely perished due to epidemics. Such examples are not uncommon."

Fang Hui seemed to have thought of something: "Our trip this time is not very safe. You have to be prepared."

Zhou Zhi nodded.

When we got back to the hotel, it was already about eleven o'clock.

Just as I was about to go upstairs, I found a [book] on the table in the hotel.

Zhou Zhi looked around, stepped forward, and opened the cover.

【Heart Comprehensive Solution】.


"Zhou Zhi has become an official epidemic eradication officer and will soon go to Dadu to take the medical examination."

Chen Chuan looked at his sister: "He is indeed talented. He will definitely be able to get [ranking points] in this medical exam."

Chen Chuan was still a little confused about his sister.

He is completely different from before, both in terms of personality and behavior.

Not to mention, Chen Hao's way of looking at people.

16-year-old official level epidemic killers are rare even in places like Xuanyuan City.This level alone is enough to cope with various test questions in the medical examination.

"Why don't you go see him or try to save him?"

Chen Chuan said seriously.

Although the current power of the Chen family is different from the past, it is actually better for Zhou Zhi.

The big house was destroyed, Chen Luo ran away, and Chen Chaosheng disappeared.

If Zhou Zhi joins the Chen family, the current resources of the second room of the Chen family may be tilted towards him.

"He is very good and needs a wider world."

Chen Yan said: "He has a pursuit of eradicating the epidemic, so I can't block his path. What's more, I have no way to stop him."

Chen Chuan shook his head, of course he knew this.

It's even clearer.

My younger sister took out a copy of the Chen family's secret technique [Heart Interpretation] and gave it to Zhou Zhi.

This matter was tacitly approved by Chen Zhongxing and Chen Zhongyi, the two powerful brothers.

According to the information currently available, Zhou Zhi does not seem to have a clear path to eliminate the epidemic.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the Chen family sent out the epidemic eradication book.

[Heart Comprehensive Solution] has never been a popular product, but an epidemic eradication book that is enough to create a powerful person like Chen Chaosheng.

Chen Chuan looked unmoved.

In the future, major events may happen in Dadu and even Xuanyuan.

For example, not long ago, a plague exterminator from the Chengyun Dynasty who called himself [Tai Sui Xingjun] defeated Ji Xiaohan, one of the Xuanyuan Seven Stars, in Feiguang Dao.

The plague fighter seemed to appear out of nowhere, wearing a mask and traveling around the world.

No one knows who this person is. They only know that this person is not the famous genius [Ksitigarbha] or [Houtu] from the Chengyun Dynasty. He is a name that has never been heard of.

But Chen Chuan knew that this [Tai Sui Xingjun] was not the first to take action.

He once secretly defeated his own Zhaoxing, Chen Chaosheng, but the news was never made public.

"What a... troublesome time."

Chen Chuan sighed. Now, he just hopes that the Chen family can retain enough strength in the future, that's all.


"Goodbye, little gum, practice well."

Zhou Zhi said, then took two steps back to avoid Xiao Zhi's saliva.

Without joining the revolutionary faction, Qi Chongxiao would naturally not let Zhou Zhi take Little Gum away, but Zhou Zhi was not a veterinarian and had no such need for a mount.

nine in the morning.

Inner city, Central Station.

An endless stream of steam trains flow here.

In the world of epidemics, in addition to epidemic eradication techniques, other technologies are also developing naturally.

Qamdo connects the logistics of the entire Pingchang Road, and the prosperity here is evident.

Zhou Zhi carried the black box and walked through the crowd.

Pass the [Disease Test].

Go inside.

The outside is the internal transportation network of Pingchang Road. Generally, only trainee-level epidemic control officers are needed as inspectors for one train.

Because within Pingchang Province, it is unlikely that a horrific disease-related incident will occur. Even if it occurs, it can be eliminated and suppressed within a normal time.

Inside, it's different.

To leave Pingchang Road, the ticket price is extremely expensive.

And the ticket to the capital of Tianming Dao costs a full [-] Xuanyuan coins.

The simple reason is that the vehicles need to be equipped with a large number of security guards.

To pass through diseased areas and avoid strange natural disasters, you need plague exterminators.

Because of this, there is only one steam train to Dadu every few decades.

At this moment, the platform was already full.

There are many people who want to go to Dadu.

Zhou Zhi judged the number of people and found that it was enough to fill sixteen carriages.

"Phew, there are so many people."

Fang Hui, who had left Zhou Zhi's body during the test just now, returned again: "I'm afraid I've done something wrong again. Does Zhou Zhi have any medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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