above the disease

Chapter 158 Mysterious Ophthalmology Epidemic Killer

Chapter 158 Mysterious Ophthalmology Epidemic Killer ([-])

Chen Luo.

Male, 45 years old.

The plague exterminator of the Chen family's main house in Qamdo is also the only one in charge of the plague exterminator besides Chen Hengyuan, the head of the family.

Because of this, the Chen family placed the task of finding the missing Chen Chaosheng on him.

Strong enough to cope with all possible dangers.

Whether it's a disease or a hostile plague exterminator, cultists can deal with it with ease.

At least within the borders of human beings, the combat power of the chief swordsman is enough to move sideways.

In Xinliang, Chen Luo controlled the [Asthma Family] and asked them to search for news about Chen Chaosheng throughout Xinliang.

The penultimate stop where Chen Chaosheng disappeared was in Xinliang.

Slowly, some traces surfaced.

The Chen family invited forensic doctors, and they have initially determined that [Chen Chaosheng] may have been killed in Qingshi Town.

But I didn't expect that news would come out before Chen Luo returned to Qamdo.

Chen Chaosheng is not dead!

And... the Chen family's main house was purged by Qamdo's Qi Chongxiao and Fu An.

Emotionally, I have mixed feelings.

Chen Luo didn't know what he should do.

Chen Hengyuan is dead, and the Chen family's main house has become useless. Returning to the Chen family is only a possible choice.

As for revenge for Chen Hengyuan?

Chen Luo knows.

What happened this time was not just a simple vendetta.

I'm afraid there are more forces behind it.

Although the main sword is powerful, it cannot really determine the direction of a battle.


It’s not a bad idea to wait for the opportunity and see what happens next.

And one more thing.

Chen Luo has his own intelligence line. Currently, there is no one else on the bottom floor of the prison in Qamdo except the professor of the Tao of Immortality [Liu Zhaoguang] who is imprisoned.

Chen Luo knew that Chen Chaosheng had escaped.


"Are you surprised?"

Zhou Zhi clapped his hands, and his side face was outlined with beautiful lines in the dark night: "Just like you dreaming of dominating the underground of Xinliang, the same is true for those patients suffering from asthma."

"The exterminators infected with the power of the disease attacked another patient family."

"But I didn't think about it. The backstage they rely on actually doesn't need them."

Zhou Zhi spoke softly, as if he was expressing his thoughts to the deserted night.

Around them, the four cadres of the Lupus family were horrified when they heard this.

"You see, it only takes a little communication and no need for us to take action at all, and they will fall apart on their own. It's great..." Zhou Zhi paused and said, "What I am best at is communication."

Fang Hui nodded: "Indeed."

"Sir, where is Mr. Chen Luo?"

Juan felt a little uneasy.

To be precise, they were not ecstatic right now.

Yes, there is only the panic that overflows the body like a skin disease.

"Mr. Chen Luo is, after all, a master-level plague exterminator. I am not qualified to influence his thoughts."

"However, he should be stationed in Xinliang for a long time, which is a good thing for you."

Zhou Zhi adjusted to a comfortable position.

"Mr. Juan, my original purpose was to eliminate the lupus erythematosus family after eliminating the two patient families."

After saying this, the expressions of several cadres completely changed.

But neither spoke.


Inside the intestines, Fang Hui spit out two words.

"But at least before, your mobility was pretty good, and apart from secretly informing the Dysentery Family, you were relatively law-abiding. Because of this, I chose to keep you."

Zhou Zhi looked at several people.Juan and the others were obviously relieved.

"However, it is a pity that the task I received is to clean up the underground epidemic eradication world in Qingliang."

"The Lupus family can no longer exist."

Zhou Zhi said.


The dwarf woman Hong Du said with some confusion: "Our industry..."

Even Huan, who usually had a hard time dealing with Hong Du, signaled for Hong Du to shut up.

In their field of vision, Zhou Zhi's approach was already very clear.

Almost everything.

And it was explained that that [Qi Chongxiao] wanted to completely purge Qingliang.

Zhou Zhi only came to inform them and protect their family to the greatest extent.

As for whether to listen or not, it is just a matter for the Lupus family.

"That's it, you can do whatever you want. I don't care very much. My sister and I are here to travel to Xinliang. Is there any other interesting place in Xinliang besides the health gate? Don't sell grilled sausages and squid everywhere. Come on, can you come up with something new?"

Zhou Zhi said.

Juan and others are even somewhat grateful to Zhou Zhi now.

"Tourism... Mr. Zhou Zhi, our family is a local leader in Xinliang. We can send a guide... No, I can be your tour guide myself." Juan said.

Zhou Zhi stretched out a hand and pushed outward: "That's not necessary, it's a bit scary."


"Zhou Zhi, it's really hard to imagine what kind of environment you grew up in."

Night falls.

Walking along the river in Heshui North District.

The river water made a slight sound when it hit the gravel.

Fang Hui stared at Zhou Zhi: "I secretly checked your file."

"Oh, then you have quite a variety of parasites."

Zhou Zhi said while looking up at Lang Lang's moonlight.

This world seems no different from the previous life.

I always feel like they have something in common.

Ascaris spun in a circle: "You come from a very ordinary background. It's hard to imagine how you learned those words and your precise knife-handling skills. I'm sure you have never had any experience in orthodox epidemic eradication." I have never done any clinical surgery.”

"Theoretically, you should be just an ordinary person."

While pacing, Zhou Zhi said flatly: "If you get too entangled in something like theory, it's easy to fall into a rut."

"What is the stereotype?"

Fang Hui asked.

Zhou Zhi thought for a while: "It should be the word used by Chengyun Dynasty to describe [small pit]."

"Wow." Fang Hui made an exaggerated voice.

After exaggerating his expression, Fang Hui's expression softened slightly, and he knew it very well.

Zhou Zhi simply has no ability to eliminate the Lupus family.

That night, Zhou Zhi and Chen Luo reached only one deal.

Use [Chen Chaosheng]'s diary in exchange for Chen Luo's chance to take action.

That night at Qixin Manor, when Zhou Zhi was leaving at the end, he turned back and took away some usable things.

For example, [Diary].

"As for Qi Chongxiao, I'm afraid he doesn't care who rules the underground in Xinliang. A low-level patient family like this can be eliminated at any time if he wants. His daily functions are only to pay taxes on time and maintain order."

As a member of the patient's family, Fang Hui had to see things more clearly.

"The point is, they are afraid."

Zhou Zhi said calmly: "By the way, even if the Lupus family does not leave Xinliang in the end, Qi Chongxiao will regard my mission as completed."

"Do you know why?"


Fang Hui really doesn't understand here.

Zhou Zhi smiled: "Why did Qi Chongxiao send me to Xinliang? Do you think that on the surface, I am only a trainee epidemic exterminator, and I can really eliminate dozens of official epidemic eradication personnel without the help of external forces?" Is it Shi’s patient family?”

(End of this chapter)

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