above the disease

Chapter 123 Banquet, Start

Chapter 123 Banquet, Start ([-])
"Wow, even the person I am parasitizing doesn't know this news!"

In the washroom.

Fang Hui shouted loudly.

This happy person never takes things too seriously.

It would obviously be nice to have more excitement and meaning.

However, Fang Hui did not expect that the Chen family actually invited a powerful [forensic doctor].

"Fortunately... the Chen Lian incident is over. If this Qin Ming is allowed to perform an autopsy, then you and I will be doomed... Oh no, it's mainly you, who actually has little to do with me."

Fang Hui should have a faint smile on his face at this moment, Zhou Zhi could imagine it.

Chen Luo is in Xinliang, so the person who discovered Chen Chaosheng's blood stains in Qingshi Town was this so-called Qin Ming.

Zhou Zhi's pupils moved slightly.

Everyone has fear of the unknown.

"Do you know this Qin Ming?"

Zhou Zhi looked at himself in the mirror and turned on the faucet.

The sound of rushing water covered up the conversation between Zhou Zhi and Fang Hui.

"I don't think I know him, but I have heard of this person's name."

Fang Hui said: "For the profession of [Forensic Medicine], your Xuanyuan [Destiny Dao] will be more... This faction is completely against people, and it is different from the mainstream epidemic eradication faction."

"If the mainstream factions are targeting life and living bodies, the target of forensic medicine is [death]."

Fang Hui said calmly: "You know, in a world where epidemics are eradicated, in addition to death from illness, accidental death is also common. If it is discovered in the human world, forensic medicine is needed."

"They are proficient in autopsy examination and human body veins. Even the smallest clues will be traced back to the source. I have heard of this Qin name a little bit."

"Official-level epidemic fighters are famous for detecting cases. In the past few years, they seem to have solved many major and important cases, and even some cases of man-made diseases that were carefully disguised by some epidemic fighters. They have just started traveling in the six countries, because they are Xuan Most people in the Yuan Dynasty were from Pingchang Road, so the first place to start was."

Zhou Zhi knew very well that Fang Hui could not understand the following information so well.

He should have understood it by changing the parasite before he said the words just now.

"The Chen family's confidentiality work is very good...the official level [Forensic Scientist] is very capable."

inner city.

on the street.


Zhou Zhi stood in the crowd: "Mean?"

"What kind of means."

The young man held the black box and looked ahead at the street.

There is a row of fortune-telling stalls. Although they are one row, they are relatively mixed and have completely different styles.

For example, the former stall was still about astrology in the style of [Bliss], and the latter was about tortoise shell divination from [Carrying].

"Is it similar to these?"

Zhou Zhi said calmly.

When diseases enter the body, treatment is expensive.

For the vast majority of people in this world, it is still a luxury to actually go to the hospital to treat illnesses. This is why these slightly superstitious contents have a considerable audience.

"The so-called Qin Ming could shake the turtle shell and look at the hexagram patterns on the shell to find where Chen Chaosheng is?"

After hearing Zhou Zhi's question, Fang Hui thought for a moment: "Of course it's not advisable to be superstitious."

"However, I really don't know the abilities of forensic doctors. I only know that they are very powerful against [people]."

Fang Hui didn't seem interested in Qin Ming.

His eyes looked ahead.

"If you don't believe it, don't believe it. How about we go and do the math?"

"I think it will be very interesting..."

When Fang Hui saw Zhou Zhi didn't move, he started to tumble: "I want to go, I want to go..."

"it is good."

Zhou Zhi felt helpless and walked forward.

Perhaps because of the dinner party, almost all the stalls were very busy.

Except, there was a random mess at the end of the street.

Zhou Zhi didn't like queuing, so he walked straight there.

The owner of the stall is a middle-aged aunt who looks extremely philistine. At the moment, she is arguing with others at the top of her lungs.

On her table were a large number of divination utensils.

The person she was quarreling with was a man in front of her, about 30 years old, wearing black sunglasses and a long trench coat.

The man had a shaggy beard and was carrying a tactical backpack. He was a little too obviously slovenly and was obviously suppressed by the middle-aged aunt.

"Hey, you're going too far, fat lady!" The man was a little angry: "You asked three questions about twenty yuan. I think you are the cheapest on the street, so I came to patronize you!"

"'Can I start asking now?'"

"'Okay, one question.'"

"'Is this a problem?'"

"'Well, there's one more question.'"

"Aren't you bullying honest people!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Hui patted Zhou Zhi and said, "Oh, black shop, let's find another one."

"Speaking of which, are there still such ancient deceptions these days?"

The middle-aged aunt spoke righteously: "This is the family fortune-telling technique I learned. If you don't want to do fortune-telling anymore, I won't refund your money to you."

For Zhou Zhi, there is no such thing as a black shop for these fortune tellers. They are just talking casually anyway. Seeing as this uncle looks like an outsider, there is probably nothing he can do.

"Brother, would you like to have your fortune told? It's very good at predicting marriage and wealth. Today is such a good day. I'll give you three questions for fifteen Xuanyuan coins."

The middle-aged aunt's eyes lit up when she saw Zhou Zhi.

"Hi, I'm here."

The man in the trench coat felt a little aggrieved: "And why is he cheaper than me?"

"never mind."

Zhou Zhi's voice came from the side: "Uncle, you'd better ask quickly."

"If the question just now is answered, your twenty Xuanyuan coins will be completely wasted."

The man came back to his senses: "Wow, so insidious!"

"Almost cheated by you."

The middle-aged aunt looked like she looked down on you.

The man in the trench coat was obviously a little angry. Twenty Xuanyuan coins was a huge number.

The man looked at the middle-aged aunt seriously and thought for a while.

I want to ask a very cost-effective question.

After a while, the man finally spoke.

"When will I die..."

When this question was asked, the middle-aged philistine aunt was startled, but she actually took it seriously and started to calculate in her mouth.

"It feels so sloppy... It is said that the shipping company will ask for birth date and horoscope."

Fang Hui complained: "How about we go to a crowded place and queue up? I can use the roundworms to infect someone as a [cattle], so you don't have to queue up..."

Zhou Zhi hadn't finished listening to Fang Hui's complaints.

"Within three days."

"You will die violently within three days."

Before he finished listening, the man in the trench coat changed his expression and spat: "Forget it, I admit defeat today. I tell you that you will be punished for cursing people like this."

The aunt also looked innocent: "This is what the hexagrams look like..."

"Let's go."

Zhou walked over to the man's side and said, "Just listen to this kind of thing, uncle."

The bearded man suddenly reacted: "Brother, who do you call uncle? I'm only 30 years old, how can I be considered an uncle?"

Zhou Zhi looked the man up and down and said, "Sorry."

The man was somewhat satisfied, then glanced at the stall owner next to him: "Forget it, let's go."

Watching the man go away, Zhou Zhi shook his head.

"Let's go, the time is almost up, Mr. Ascaris, can you help me save some money? Twenty Xuan Yuan coins are enough for me to eat for a day."

Fang Hui thought for a moment and scratched his head in embarrassment.


street corner.

The middle-aged man with disheveled hair, who looked like a homeless man, was smoking a cigarette.

"The smell of blood is so strong. I have never seen such a strong smell on a trainee plague exterminator."

"Tsk tsk."


The man blew out smoke rings.

"really interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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