above the disease

Chapter 110 Doctor Bird’s Beak

Chapter 110 Doctor Bird’s Beak ([-])

What Fang Hui saw was Zhou Zhi wearing a crow mask and epidemic uniform.

【Dead Crow】Set.

It's almost like the Grim Reaper.

Zhou Zhi exuded a depressing aura.


"Just put it on, it's easy to get stared at by the Black Death!"

"That's a top infectious disease!"

Fang Hui said sharply.

under the mask.

Zhou Zhi's eyes were indifferent.

Feel the power in it.

This broken epidemic costume should be the costume of a bird-beaked epidemic fighter during the great disaster a long time ago.

As time goes by, the aesthetics of some places are contrary to modernity.

What Chang You said is not wrong. This epidemic uniform can really only be used as cultural relics and decorations by ordinary epidemic eradication warriors.

Just put it on.

The message will flow.

[The disease index is rising significantly].

[Source of disease: Black Death].

[Passive epidemic eradication technique is activated—Doctor Beak's costume adapts].

[The disease index is stable].

There is a strange feeling coming from the body.

Zhou Zhi shuddered.

Then the body temperature suddenly rose.

The skin has even reached the edge of feeling hot.

The feeling of nausea and vomiting was even more intense, but it was quickly limited to a normal range.

Fang Hui's voice could no longer be heard in his ears. Zhou Zhi was the only one here at this moment.

Although he was nauseated, Zhou Zhi was not prone to becoming completely sick.

It won't turn into a disease, that's the confidence it brings to Zhou Zhi!
"There are corresponding diseases that can trigger special effects."

Zhou Zhi's eyes moved slightly, and in his eyes, there was even a small shadow of a mouse flickering past.

It was precisely after seeing this that Zhou Zhi chose this epidemic outfit.

What he was certain of was that the Wu family did not know this content.

"My [message] is more detailed than the ordinary so-called appraisal."

[It was detected that the user is carrying the Black Death...].

[Did you know...the Black Death was also afraid of death].

Void flickering.

A moment of darkness.

Zhou Zhi's thoughts surged, like the impact of some foreign object.


dark night.

The world here seems to never have daylight.

Among the ruined buildings, countless shadows exuded malice.

In the distance, there is a giant-like dark monster, standing under the heavy clouds, penetrating the sky and the earth, like a giant beast in the wilderness.

The luxurious pillars show the extraordinaryness of this place.

"We have already penetrated into the imperial court of [Leech Emperor-Bailanduo]. This will be the end point of this epidemic eradication study."

Under the moonless darkness.

A human epidemic eradication team appeared.

Although there are only a few people, there is a sparkle in every eye of the men and women among them.

The leader of the group had a solemn face, and the black diseased face flowed like liquid.

On the back is a huge [Steel Hammer].

"We also collected a lot of medical books about the Black Death...including some precious resources."

Behind the man, a middle-aged woman spoke.

The external team has evacuated early, which is of course just a nice thing to say.

In the depths of [Night City], ordinary teams have no qualifications to survive, and the Xuanyuan swordsmen led by them have no time to take care of these people. The right way is to evacuate with resources as soon as possible.

The leader of the man with the steel hammer was as strong as an iron tower: "Ms. Ran, open your [eyes] to check the surroundings."

"Other members are on standby. If the [Leechi Emperor] is alerted, we will retreat immediately."

The men and women in the rear were solemn.

Under the boundless night.

These people appear to be very capable.

Wearing various epidemic attires, epidemic masks, and fully armed.

The woman named [Ran] nodded. Her eyes were particularly bright, so bright that they were almost weird.

What's even more weird is that there is a protruding third eye on her forehead.

This eye looks extremely evil, with the vertical pupils full of malice.

Spiritual power spreads outward.

Members of the surrounding squad waited.

The woman also looked calm.

"[Evil Eye] confirmed."

"There are no movement tracks of disaster-level diseases around, no [Rat Appearance], no [Flea Knight]..."

The leading man was obviously relieved.

The plague exterminators with their sharp eyes are originally team observers, and generally have the strongest field of vision in the plague group.

And Ran is the leader among them.

Ran's evil eye judgment... is never wrong.

In fact, even they themselves did not expect that their elite team could penetrate so deeply into [Night City].The current environment is extremely dangerous, there are no supplies, and the auxiliary plague killers in the team are almost exhausted, and the spiritual power can only be restored by oneself.

But danger also contains opportunities.

This is a treasure trove that no one has ever been to before...

There are a lot of epidemic control knowledge and resources.

Let the leading man make this decision.

Just...stay a while longer.

if only……

"No... no!"

Ms. Ran's expression suddenly changed.

It was like seeing some shocking scenes.

"what happened?"

The leader's face changed.

Ran had never shown such an expression before when he fought against the disease.

"The disease energy of [Leech Emperor] has left [Leech Palace]."

"It's coming towards us quickly, very quickly"

"There are still a lot of diseases..."

"what's the situation?"


Zhou Zhi has always had a calm and calm personality.

But this time, Zhou Zhi was really stunned.

Special effects?
where is this place?
The dilapidated palace.

There is still a lot of slime on the ground.

"The world of eternal night...what is this place?"

Zhou Zhi said in a cold voice.

There is no message.

The surroundings give people an extremely depressing feeling.

A doctor with a bird's beak stood on the ruins of the wall, like a catcher in the rye.

Disease index increased.

at the same time.

Something seemed to be impacting Zhou Zhi's mind.

[Strengthening the epidemic eradication technique...].


A lot of knowledge comes into the mind.

Zhou Zhi didn't have time to think yet.

Extremely far away.

An unprecedented terrifying shadow is exuding strong malice.

Above the shadow.

The title of gold is as if it was born there.

Countless leeches are like scales and claws entrenched on the ring-shaped golden frame.

[Emperor Leech——? ? ? 】.

【? ? ? 】

Not just the title above.

And the epic symphony sounded in Zhou Zhi's ears.

This time...it's really soulful.

Zhou Zhi's expression changed, he wore a bird's beak uniform and ran quickly towards the distance.

"What the hell is this place..."

Zhou Zhi gritted his teeth.

His eyes looked forward.

Not far away, there seems to be someone?

"I have to explain it properly."

Zhou Zhi ran and waved his hands.

"It's not my fault!"

In Zhou Zhi's eyes were the shocked and confused eyes of people in the distance.

Then...a moment of pain erupted.

Wake up again.

"Zhou Zhi...Zhou Zhi..."

"You look like you've been sucked dry."

Fang Hui saw Zhou Zhi's eyes slowly opening: "What happened to you? The Black Death really cursed you."

"Let me tell you, although there is no way to eradicate high-level diseases, if there is only a little bit, it will not have any impact on life..."

Fang Hui was still chattering.

Zhou Zhi stretched out his hand.


This is reality.

And consciousness returns to the room.

The first thing Zhou Zhi noticed was that his disease index exceeded 50.00%.

The second... is about the epidemic eradication technique of [bloodletting treatment] in my mind.

Before, I had actually learned it when I put on the epidemic clothes.

But the knowledge Zhou Zhi now possesses...

It's an enhanced version.

(End of this chapter)

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