Great Entrepreneur of the Universe

Chapter 225: The Era of Comparing Each Other

Chapter 225: The Era of Comparing Each Other

A few days later, Wang Shouliang had breakfast with his uncle Shi Xi. When the stroller left home, he had just pedaled a few dozen times when he saw a beautiful woman in a long skirt walking out of the corner ahead, carrying a A flower basket, sell bouquets to everyone you meet.

The pretty girl asked four or five passers-by, but none of them were interested in buying flowers.

Wang Shouliang stopped the car and took out a money bag from his pocket, "Bring me a flower."

The beautiful girl was overjoyed and came over and took out a pink rose, "Sir, your flower costs ten cents each. It is a patriotic flower and will definitely bring you good luck."

Wang Shouliang took the rose and threw the money bag into the flower basket, "Since it is a patriotic flower, there is no need to give change."

After saying that, he rode away.

He recognized who the other party was, the flower girl Shanshan in the sequel to Plan A. Whether it was Shanshan, her cousin Qiu Ling, or the progressive young people Bai Yinghong and Wan Tianqing, they all worked in Hong Kong Island for Raise money.

To raise money for the uprisings planned again and again by progressive pioneers.

Wan Tianqing, Bai Yinghong and Qiu Ling came to Hong Kong and were hunted down by the Qing prince. Just last year, they followed a pioneer to assassinate the Qing governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

The assassination failed, and the leader was captured last year and died heroically.

This vote is the follow-up to the assassination of the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Wang Shouliang pedaled very fast. Shanshan was stunned for a few seconds. She grabbed the money bag and opened it. It was full of at least hundreds of black Mexican eagle coins. This frightened Shanshan, and she started chasing her, "Mr. …”

There is something that must be explained. Wang Shouliang, including many businessmen, is accustomed to using Yingyang when doing transactions, because Yingyang has a reputation for quality assurance for more than half a century. The silver taels brought with it are said to be one tael, but in fact they are short of a few grams. Or it is doped with other metals, and the color of silver is different, which are all basic factors.

According to official statistics from the late Qing Dynasty in 1910, there were approximately million black Mexican eagles in circulation among the Chinese people.

There are hundreds of millions of other messy North American silver dollars, Spanish silver dollars, and Hong Kong Island silver dollars.

Mr. Wang, who was riding a bicycle, waved back a few times with one hand and left.

Due to certain factors, it was inconvenient for him to get involved in some major events, so he could only open his own escort agency and various factories and enterprises.

Meet Shanshan, a group of elites pursuing progress? Just take care of it.

Shanshan hurriedly chased her, running and shouting, until another beautiful girl ran out of the intersection and pulled her to ask what she was talking about.

She just opened her money bag and said, "Cousin, that person just bought a flower and gave me this much money..."

She was still showing Ying Yang to her cousin when she saw a young man in a long gown rushing towards the road not far away, grabbed the money bag and ran away.

Shanshan and her cousin Qiu Ling were stunned for a few seconds and quickly shouted to catch the thief.

This is not because they are too unlucky, but just like in the sequel, Qiu Ling entered the birthday party held by the boss of the security department for his daughter, and asked the Chinese Assistant Dong during the dance.

The security on Hong Kong Island is so bad. Vicious security incidents such as robberies and rape of women occur every day. Don’t you think it’s very chaotic? Deputy Dong answered very honestly. According to the crime rate statistics, this year is much better than last year...

This is the time to compete with each other!

Compared with the chaotic situation under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, where people ate a lot of chaff, drank water, ate Guanyin soil, froze to death and starved to death on the roadside, sold their children or exchanged their children for food, Hong Kong Island was well highlighted.

A mere case of robbery, injury or rape of a woman is not a big deal at all.

Wang Shouliang, who had already ridden for hundreds of meters, was speechless. When he stopped and saw the robbers running away, he didn't even think about it and did nothing.

Continue back to Yau Ma Tei.

In Hong Kong in this era, Zhou Yongling is the one who stews black and white, Ou Xinhu is the pure black, the evil police detective has to look at the third ring road of the town, look out at Luo Sanpao when leaving the harbor, and so on.

It's just these local gangsters who are showing up.

No matter who the boy who stole the money bag he gave away was messing with, Wang Shouliang would make a phone call and ask the other party's boss to pay ten times the compensation and return it to Shanshan, Qiuling and other progressive young people. Isn't it difficult?

He gave away about 150 Yingyang, ten times that is 1500. He could buy 30 of the Li long rifles that were eliminated by Yin Lun and had to be refilled ten times to fill the magazine.

When Wang Shouliang returned to the Yau Ma Tei instant noodle factory office, he picked up the phone and called Zhou Yongling.


at dusk.

Wang Shouliang had just finished the New Day Militia military literacy training for 90 junior bodyguards in the Zhujiang Garment Factory and planned to return to the instant noodle factory.

Outside the factory gate, Zhou Yongling quickly bent over and said, "Big shopkeeper, I found out that it was Ou Xinhu's men who did it. I also contacted Ou Xinhu for lunch."

"He said to ask his subordinates to return the original amount, and then give you tea to admit your mistake. If you think it's okay, just go directly to his base camp at the Paul Inn in Sai Wan."

"The Paul Inn is closed to the public tonight. We'll wait for you until eight o'clock."

Mr. Wang smiled, touched his chin and complained, "You haven't explained to him, who am I?"

Zhou Yongling wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I have more or less revealed that you are not at the same level as us. I advise him to compensate ten times."

"He didn't believe it... or maybe he thought what I said was too exaggerated. It's impossible for such a fast-moving Chinese to appear on Hong Kong Island."

Anyway, he said a lot, but Ou Xinhu didn't believe it.

Wang Shouliang smiled and took out a whistle from his pocket and blew the assembly whistle.

Soon, the sound of a quick, orderly and violent assembly was heard in the garment factory area. The first to react were the junior escorts, and the other 900 escorts who had not been recruited for a long time were still confused.

When the 90-person team was assembled at the factory gate, several temporary team leaders came out to report.

Mr. Wang waved his hand, "All junior bodyguards will obey the order, be fully armed, and attack the Lu Inn in Xi'an District!"

When the nine temporary captains loudly obeyed the order and turned around to run, Wang Shouliang took out a cigarette and said with a smile, "After training for so long, it's time to see some blood."

So many young and middle-aged men with good families and breadwinners just follow orders and train, train and train again. Even if they have participated in many live-fire exercises, they always go to the beach or mountain retreats to live-fire.

But seeing blood and not seeing blood are two different things.

He was kind to Zhou Yongling. Although this old Zhou also played dirty tricks, Zhou Yongling's biggest business was a trader, a trading house, and made a fortune by transshipping various materials from eastern Guangdong to East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Otherwise, he would not pay Luo Sanpao so much protection money every year.

In the early days, this was at least a boost for the Wang Group's enterprises in transporting various raw materials, including industrialized goods.

He was kind to Luo Sanpao, and it was hard to pick up a ready-made navy sailor!

Ou Xinhu? He has a useless purpose. Ou Xinhu has occupied all the gambling stalls, opium dens, and women's branches in the Western District, and has raised batches of wanted criminals. This is the iconic representative of the local tyrants and evil gentry on the mainland.

Ou Xinhu and his various subordinates do not have senior maritime skills, and they are not worthy of joining the Sihai Escort Agency. The best members of the Escort Agency are from good families, honest people who can only obey.

Not the group of old fritters and ruffians under Ou Xinhu.

Zhou Yongling, "..."

At this moment, Zhou Sheng's head and face were drooped.


At around seven o'clock in the evening, Western District is far less prosperous than Sheung Wan and Central District. It's still the time when the lights come on, illuminating many neighborhoods with bright and lively lights. The originally bustling street scene in the Paul Inn area was quickly suppressed by a group of marchers riding uniform bicycles, carrying Lee long rifles and carrying Mauser C96s astride their waists.

When the scene of 90 uniformed blue security guards appeared on the street, they rode all the way down, and there was deathly silence and silence everywhere.

The common people in the city, who had ordinary reactions, looked at this team in a daze. They quickly returned to their houses, closed the doors, locked the windows, and covered their mouths. They were a little afraid to watch the excitement.

Where did the extra population in Hong Kong Island come from in recent years? ? Guangdong, Fujian and Hunan, how many years have they left the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society that eats people without spitting out their bones?

How many years has it been since the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom that swept the north and south was extinguished?

This group of bicycle-based troops, with their illuminated lengths and lengths, were more majestic and majestic than any Chinese soldier I had ever seen before.

As we all know, the most popular thing in the late Qing Dynasty was the double-gun soldiers, smokers and addicts created by heavy smoking guns, who were neither human nor ghosts.

When 90 bicycles approached the Paul Inn area, they quickly divided into three teams. Not only did they surround the front and back entrances, but there were also 30 agile people guarding them from the left and right to prevent anyone from jumping out of the window or building to escape.

Paul Inn is just a two-story wooden loft.

Under the siege, the six teams responsible for the attack at the front and back gates, several temporary captains took out their pocket watches to check the time, then each waved their hands, opened the safety and carried Li's long rifles, and the 33 teams rushed into the Paul Inn.

When a series of exclamations, screams and curses sounded for dozens of seconds.

The dull gunshots started one after another.

After the gunshots were silent for two or three minutes, Wang Shouliang, who came riding a horse, climbed up the steps from the main entrance and walked into the hall with a calm face.

What he saw were dozens of young and middle-aged men in different clothes. They were either lying dead on the street, injured and squatting on the ground holding their heads, or kneeling and holding their heads without any injuries.

They were suppressed by dozens of junior escorts from the Sihai Escort Bureau, and there were also a dozen figures in blue uniforms roaming and guarding on the second floor.

There are also a group of women with different professions being guarded on the left side of the hall.

While Wang Shouliang was still looking around, he saw four temporary captains quickly gathering, saluting and reporting, "Report to the boss, all targets have been subdued and controlled. Five men tried to resist and attack us, and two of them were shot dead."

"Three people who resisted the attackers were shot and wounded..."

"No casualties among the small team."

Soon the report came again that Team 2 had no casualties and Team 3 had no casualties.

At this moment, several shots of Li's long rifle rang out on the street outside. It was obvious that those who tried to escape through the window instead of going through the door were targeted by the guards outside.

Wang Shouliang smiled and nodded, and walked towards the middle-aged man in a suit at the front of the group of detainees, "You are Ou Xinhu, how dare you steal my money??"

"How many lives do you have? You are so brave."

Ou Xinhu, who was kneeling on his knees and holding his head in his hands, was completely broken at this moment. He looked up at Mr. Wang, who was tall and powerful and was also wearing a handsome blue uniform. He collapsed and said, "You are the one who asked Zhou Yongling to talk to me at noon. ??”

Is this still Hong Kong Island?

How can any Chinese be so powerful and upright as to use such force? Is there any justice? Is there any Wangfa? You don't hesitate to shoot in a busy city.

What about the law? Those who suppress Tamar in the Third Ring Road often make fake cases to gain credit for themselves, but they still pay for people's heads.

Even in the land police system, how many people are qualified to carry a gun when going out? Why are green-clad police officers ridiculed as "arresting people without bragging?" Is that nice? !

Wang Shouliang smiled and nodded, "Boss Ou, be a sensible person in your next life."

Ou Xinhu's eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face, "You have already killed two of my people, and you still want to kill me? Just for a mere 150 Black Mexican Yingyang?"

150 yingyang is equal to 108 taels of silver, which is a huge amount for ordinary people, but for Ou Xinhu, who has shares in all opium dens, women's branches, and gambling stalls in the entire Western District, it is nothing.

Wang Shouliang's smile did not change. He opened the holster on his waist and took out the Mauser C96. He turned on the safety and aimed at Ou Xinhu. Boss Ou was so frightened that he wet his pants. "Wait, wait, I'll pay 15000 Yingyang to make amends."

Zhou Yongling acted as the middleman and paid him ten times the amount...Now that people are coming to kill him, he has paid the head office a hundred times as much, right? I can buy 300 Li Shi Zhang rifles that are being eliminated.

Wang Shouliang grabbed Mauser and shook it, "Do you know who to give it to?"

Ou Xinhu nodded hastily, "I know, I know."

Wang Shouliang said again, "Can you do this if all of your wanted criminals are sent to the police force to surrender?"

Ou Xinhu swallowed speechlessly for a few times and explained tremblingly, "Can I pay to protect them once?"

In fact, with Wang Shouliang's efforts to ban fans on Hong Kong Island in the 90s, the business war ended after only a few rounds. He originally wanted to ban all opium dens in Hong Kong.

But smoking was banned in 1901…

Unless he first goes to London and Paris, releases a dozen little boys, and triggers a war in advance.

Even that would not be able to control the overall situation. China will be war-torn in the next few decades. How many ordinary marshals will grow rich and support their younger brothers?

At this moment, Wang Shouliang just asked Ou Xinhu to hand over his wanted criminal brother.

Do you dare to negotiate conditions when you meet Boss Ou? ? Wang Shouliang was just about to say something when he predicted the movements of a bearded young man kneeling behind Ou Xinhu.

The muzzle of the Mauser C96 turned, and the beard just started to sprout, bang!

The man with a beard and his eyebrows shot into the street with a gun in his heart.

Wang Shouliang looked at Ou Xinhu with a smile, "What did you just say?"

Ou Xinhu was so frightened that he peed again, "No, I said I would deliver 15000 Yingyang overnight."

Mr. Wang nodded, "Get up, you identify the wanted criminal, and I'll arrest him!"

This was a very successful negotiation, which proved that his more than ten days of militia training had good results, and what he said was correct, no matter how many gangsters and wanted criminals Ou Xinhu had.

Suddenly, they were uniformly subdued by a group of strong men who were much more elite than the Qing Dynasty's green camp. They carried long and short men to surround and attack them, and they did not hesitate to shoot.

In the final analysis, these scumbags are hooligans and the lackeys of the local tyrants and evil gentry.

Being attacked with bare hands, what can they do to resist?

There is another problem. A newbie who kills for the first time will have various reactions such as discomfort, nausea, fainting, etc...

This has not happened at all among the 90 junior escorts.

They fled from Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places on the road to Yau Tsim Mong. They were used to seeing too many turmoils, natural and man-made disasters, and life and death. It was probably normal for them to sleep on the roadside of mass graves on the way out.


After a period of time, dozens of escorts in blue uniforms stood guard on the first and second floors, guarding all kinds of people in the Paul Inn at gunpoint or with ropes.

Wang Shouliang and Dama Jindao were sitting at a side table in the center of the living room, drinking tea quietly.

Ou Xinhu ordered 15000 Yingyang and walked over tremblingly, "Shopkeeper Wang??"

Mr. Wang laughed and said, "Just wait."

What are you waiting for? Of course, we are waiting for the Third Ring Road and the ghost guy.

(End of this chapter)

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