LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 225: EDG blocked the door all night, IG bowed to it, and RNG knelt down and cried and couldn

Chapter 225: EDG blocked the door all night, IG bowed to it, and RNG knelt down and cried and couldn't get up if they didn't sign the contract.

Chen Yiqiu flipped through the contents of these posts and found that the last post contained various replies mocking Chen's father.

[Hahaha, are you scared now? 】

[Now Heizi is going too far. It's not enough to blackmail Chen Sheng. He even dares to pretend to be Chen Sheng's father, 6. 】

[The original poster’s experience is that you don’t want to be a mother. I suggest you give the baby a seven-day cycle to calm down. 】

Seeing this reply, Chen Yiqiu couldn't hold it back: "You don't want a mother, your whole family doesn't want a mother." 】

After clicking the send button, I found that the system prompted that the post no longer existed.

Chen Yiqiu: "..."

"Dad, what did you say you were doing...this...isn't necessary."

Chen Yiqiu controlled the twitching of the corners of his mouth and looked at his old father.

Father Chen was also quite embarrassed at the moment.

"This won't work."

"Hey, if you're too tired, you should stop playing professionally and go home."

Father Chen also reacted and looked at him displeased: "You want to hide it from me?"

? ? ? ? ?

Dad, why don't you cooperate with me?

"Speaking of this, I heard many people on this forum saying that your annual salary increased after playing this World Championship. Is it true? How much did it increase?"

"It's embarrassing, give me 50 to 60 million, I can... I can also go up and play the game."

As parents, we always want our children to be well.

Why don't you follow the routine?

Listening to this number, Chen's father pondered for a long time and suddenly grabbed his son's hand: "Listen to Dad, we can talk about it later if we are healthy. Let's make the money first."


Later, I began to condemn the current education of children and the public opinion environment.

"What? How much did you say?"

Chen Yiqiu waved his hand calmly, "Dad is right, money is too hard to make now."

Chen Yiqiu estimated that what he was waiting for was his father's cooperation, but he didn't expect that his father would be so weak that he would create opportunities for himself.

Chen Yiqiu: "..."

"Fifty to sixty million."


It's tens of millions just to open your mouth and shut up. Well, it's not easy to make money. It's better to have a son and have a hard time.

"I see someone scolding you. If you're angry, just talk back to them. But these people curse you when they open their mouths. Tell me, what kind of resin are these kids these days!"

"Didn't you say there isn't much? It doesn't matter if you don't make enough money."

Chen Yiqiu was stunned: "Dad, it's embarrassing for you to do this to me."

"Oh, not much."

Father Chen originally wanted to explain, but maybe because he talked about the sad things during this period, he became angrier in the end.

Chen Yiqiu nodded in approval: "It's too difficult to make money."

"Uh... Ahem, I'm just learning to surf the Internet. I've never done this before, but these people talk too much."

He expected that his father should ask in the previous sentence, how much is not much?

As a result, his father directly suggested that he give up playing professionally, which caught him off guard as a world champion.

After talking for five minutes, Father Chen remembered that his son had to face these public opinions every day.

"Well...actually it's okay."

"Yiqiu, seeing that you are talked about like this every day, I, as a father, feel uncomfortable. This profession...the money is really hard to make."

Father Chen now feels that his son has indeed matured.

When Father Chen saw his appearance, he felt that his son had become much more mature and couldn't help but speak.

Father Chen suddenly raised his voice.

Chen Yiqiu shook his head and said: "Now I still have to play professionally."

How can you grow up and see rainbows if you don’t experience ups and downs?


"How much is your current annual salary?"

So after briefly complaining, Father Chen immediately remembered this matter.

When my son saw these contents, he felt inexplicably social.

He couldn't bear the sight of it, let alone his son?

For a moment, he said something quite emotional.

In fact, he not only saw it on Tieba, but also the children among his relatives shouted every day that his cousin/cousin was going to become a rich man this time. Finally, there was a promising person in the old Chen family.

He thought that after these posts were deleted, only the titles remained, but he didn't expect that he could still click on them.

"Oh, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it... Next year's professional contract will probably be around 30 to 40 million? Including the live broadcast contract, it will be around 50 to 60 million."

Chen Yiqiu gave a thumbs up, completely convinced by his old father's Sichuan Opera face-changing state.

In contrast, Mother Chen's reaction was even more touching.

"No matter how much money you have, you can't make it all. You still have to pay more attention to your health. Your dad was just joking. My son is so good, he deserves whatever he gets."

Chen's mother's words made Chen Yiqiu feel better, and he couldn't help but nod: "Mom is right, I will pay attention to rest and training time in the future..."


Mother Chen suddenly turned to Father Chen and said, "You just said that everyone on the Internet knows that Yiqiu's annual salary is so high... When your brothers and sisters ask, don't tell the truth."

"At that time, let's just say that there are not that many of these nonsense spread on the Internet."

"Your sister hasn't repaid the money she borrowed from us last time. If you lend it to them again... this is not borrowing, this is giving money."

Father Chen nodded after hearing this: "Don't worry, I know it."

Chen Yiqiu was surprised again.

Then I suddenly felt a little happy.

In the past, my family's life was not considered rich, but they could be considered as having enough food and drink, but they were never rich.

He is also very mediocre among relatives. His parents have been busy all his life, and he is just an only child.

At the beginning, he was determined to pursue a career. In fact, in the eyes of many people, Chen's father and Chen's mother had already spent their lives.

Considering the age of the second elder, the number of people practicing trumpet may be very small.

The Chen family can be regarded as useless.

One can imagine how much suffering his father, who firmly supported him at that time, was suffering under his encouraging smile, and how disappointed his mother was.

Who would have thought that an account that was originally "disabled" would now be practiced again. Not only was it practiced again, but it also reached full level in one fell swoop...

Fortunately, fortunately he won the world championship, fortunately he performed well.

At this moment, Chen Yiqiu suddenly understood why winning a world championship could change the fate of a certain player's life.

Changing your destiny against the will of heaven, as long as you don't take the initiative to kill Huo Huo yourself, basically the rest of your life is very safe.

The subsequent income from the champion skin, and the most important live broadcast income.

Of course, if you want to maintain the popularity of live broadcasts, you need to continue to achieve better results. One S competition champion is enough, but not enough.

Chen Yiqiu thought of the players in the LPL division in another world who fell at the speed of light after winning the championship. They would continue to worry about the rest of their lives.

He should take this as a warning and work harder to protect this hard-won 'achievement'.


The first meal I had when I returned home was very delicious. I was used to eating all kinds of kimchi in Korea, so I had to express my appreciation for the diversity of food in my hometown.

Coupled with the delicious food cooked by his old mother, Chen Yiqiu was in a very happy mood.

For the next whole day, he had little contact with the outside world, just eating, sleeping, and talking to his parents.

He didn't let his parents tell his relatives about his return, as he didn't want to be disturbed for the time being.

Unexpectedly, this quiet life was disturbed the next day.

This morning.

Chen Yiqiu had just finished breakfast and was about to go out to buy groceries with his mother.

As a result, as soon as I walked out of the house, I saw a figure that was both strange and somewhat familiar.

This is…

"Hello, Reaper, I'm Abu, the manager of EDG."

EDG manager Abu walked over with a dusty look on his face. It could be seen that his face was still tired. It was obvious that it took him a lot of effort to find Chen Yiqiu's home.

"Uh... Abu..."

Chen Yiqiu was a little confused.

He had always heard people talk about blocking the door to the house, and he had thought about it when he came back before.

But because it was a little too outrageous, he himself felt that it might only exist in his imagination.

Unexpectedly, the day after returning home, Abu actually came looking for her.


It’s not just Abu.

The two of them had just said less than three sentences when a group of people in suits and ties appeared on the other side.

The leader had a beard, glasses, and wore an IG uniform.

"Abu has arrived."

"Fuck, is this guy's nose so sharp?"

"It's a bit disgusting." Everyone in IG saw Abu standing next to Chen Yiqiu at a glance. For a moment, everyone complained.

Su Xiaoluo was also dissatisfied with her 'lateness'.

This time the principal gave a death order.

Before he left, a blank check had been issued for Chen Yiqiu to fill in...

Of course, the free filling here must still be under the supervision of Su Xiaoluo. If it exceeds expectations... then it will be treated as waste paper.

In short, the attitude and sincerity are achieved.

I have long heard that C9 has a blank check to invite Faker.

Now IG is willing to help Reaper and once again achieve a good talk in the circle.

And it is also a beautiful talk of success.

Thinking like this, Su Xiaoluo strode forward. Before anyone arrived, he said, "Hahaha, Bu Shen, you came early enough."

"Mr. Su..."

Abu glanced at Su Xiaoluo and gave a professional fake smile: "You are not slow either."

"Haha, Reaper is such an excellent player, so the sooner we get in touch with him, the better... Well, Reaper, do you mind if I say this?"

Su Xiaoluo is a successful businessman.

As soon as he came up, he subconsciously declared his sovereignty, as if he wanted to change the passive situation of being late for a few minutes.

Chen Yiqiu smiled and said nothing while listening to the hidden words of the two.

"Yiqiu, then you can entertain your friends...Mom will buy groceries by herself."

Chen's mother was also a visitor. When she saw this posture, she immediately understood that these people should be official personnel who wanted to invite her son to join their club.

He didn't bother him too much, but he had a plan in his mind to ask the old man at home to help his son after he left.

Chen Yiqiu didn't know what his mother was thinking.

But everyone is here, and he certainly can't just leave them alone.

Several people returned home together.

On the way, Chen Yiqiu said softly: "I know what Mr. Su and Mr. Ji mean. To be honest, I haven't given much thought to the LPL region in the new season."


This first sentence made Su Xiaoluo and Abu a little shocked.

The two of them had prepared a lot of words, but now they couldn't say a word.

They told you directly that they are not considering LPL for the time being... What else do you say?

Of course, the shock is only temporary.

After all, the two of them were well-known managers in the LPL division. They immediately realized that what Chen Yiqiu said might not mean that he really didn't want to return to the LPL, but that he was raising the price.

Now the market price for Chen Yiqiu is very high.

Doesn't he think it's enough?

If Chen Yiqiu knew that the two of them had this idea, he would be speechless.

What he said is actually the truth, because the goal has been determined, so the new season should not only focus on money, but also the configuration of team members.

And in other words, even just in terms of money, the LPL division currently does not give the most.

"Well...that's it, don't mind if I call you Yiqiu, right?"

Abu spoke first.

Seeing Chen Yiqiu nodding, he continued to smile and said: "We are really, really sincere, and you have been in LPL before and you also understand our EDG configuration..."

"To tell you the truth, after the failure of S6, we will have to leave several generals in our team in the new season."

"It is now confirmed that Deft, Pawn...are all leaving."

"To be honest, our team may not have the highest configuration in next year's LPL. At least on paper, it may not be as good as RNG. After all, they have an extra puppy. Our factory manager may have to take a break in the spring split."

"However, our youth training system is very complete, and we have found an AD player to replace Deft. You can come to EDG to play a few training games to get a feel for it."

After a pause, Abramovich continued: "And what we actually lack in the new season is the top lane. As long as you come, you will 100% start for one year...two years. By then, you, plus Mingkai, will have Scout in the middle, and a new AD in the bottom lane." Together with Meiko, we might as well continue to compete for the S championship."

"What do you say?"

Chen Yiqiu nodded politely, but still said nothing.

He knew that the new AD mentioned by Abramovich should be iBoy.

iBoy's talent is indeed very high, and his performance in the first game this year was also very good. He once chased Uzi and beat him violently.

If you look at the configuration alone, EDG is actually one of the best configured teams in the LPL next year.

"Ahem, that Yiqiu... What's so good about EDG's newcomers? We at IG are all veteran players."

Su Xiaoluo saw Chen Yiqiu nodding next to him, thinking that the other party was already attracted, and suddenly became a little anxious.

He quickly said: "We can also promise you two years of starting, and we also have a strong mid laner like Rookie in the team. In addition, we also have a new AD, who is also a talented player, and just beat EDG's new ADiBoy. .”

"The most important thing is..."

He glanced at Abu, who had a fake smile on his face next to him, and lowered his voice: "The contract number we will give you can continue to increase."

"The principal really likes you. To tell you the truth, in order to sign you, he has given me a death order. A blank check. You can fill in the number as you like. Just write it down and we will cash it!"


Chen Yiqiu was startled.

He was really shocked by the treatment from IG.

Are the blank checks out?

No matter whether it is really effective or not, since you dare to use it, you are already a level ahead of other teams.

He was a little curious and didn't have the nerve to ask if the check would be invalidated if the form was too outrageous.

This is most likely the case, so just don’t ask.


"IG has spent a lot of money."

On the other side, in the EDG crowd, although Su Xiaoluo's voice had been lowered, everyone could still hear it clearly because of the close distance.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

As we all know, IG has never kept any secrets.

It won't be long before the whole world knows that in order to sign Chen Yiqiu, Principal Wang directly wrote a blank check.

As long as Chen Yiqiu dares to fill it, he will dare to do it.

At that time, and then at this moment, Chen Yiqiu's public opinion on the domestic Internet is so blowing, how can other teams compete with IG?

"I can't afford it. Is it important to have money?"

"Isn't this a bit too pretentious? You write a blank check. If Reaper writes 100 million, I don't believe IG can give it."

"But with this attitude, it feels like we are all stingy..."

The crowd was talking a lot, but Abu didn't change his expression and suddenly said: "As for the check, I can also apply to Boss Zhu."

"To be honest, when I came this time, Boss Zhu said that I would write you a blank check. If you want it, I can call Boss Zhu right away."

You have it, but I don’t?

Compared with financial strength, the son of the richest man today may not be able to compare with Ed Zhu.

Although the latter is low-key and not even well known at the moment, in fact, Ed Zhu's family background and strength are very complicated, and he is very rich, very rich, and extremely rich.

Lao Wang didn't dare to say what was going on when he came, let alone Xiao Wang?

"Well... I'm actually not that interested in checks."

Chen Yiqiu saw that both families expressed such positive attitudes and that they were indeed sincere. After pondering for a moment, he said sincerely: "I dare not give you an answer now. Let's do this, Mr. Su and Mr. Ji, please send me the new contract." Email, let me think about it for a few days, okay?"

"Okay, okay!"

"No problem, I'll give it to you now...well, it's not convenient right now, so I'll send it to you right away. I'll have someone send it to you right away."

Neither Su Xiaoluo nor Abu had any objections.

In fact, Chen Yiqiu's ability to say this was beyond their expectations.

After all, Chen Yiqiu didn't plan to consider the LPL competition not long ago.

Of course, even though they haven't agreed yet, with an attitude, they will be able to work better in the future.

Regarding their own eloquence and persuasion, Su Xiaoluo, who has been skillfully treating players as a card drawing game for many years, and Abu, who is extremely experienced, have unparalleled confidence.

You are not afraid of not catching fish, but you are afraid that fish will not take the bait.

On the same day, EDG and IG, the two clubs that were the first to arrive at Chen Yiqiu's home, issued new contracts, and the two stayed nearby that night and did not leave at all.

The next day.

Representatives from other clubs arrived belatedly and all offered higher offers than what was offered on the phone.

Obviously, everyone already knew the conditions of IG and EDG yesterday, and they are here to compete.

At this moment, the news about the SKT club that Chen Yiqiu had been waiting for came through.

Prior to this, SKT had actually begun studying how to retain Reaper in the new season.

Lee Sang Hyuk, Kkoma, and Supervisor Choi jointly submitted several letters to the headquarters. Because of the success of the SKT club this year, the headquarters attaches great importance to it.

But as soon as they finalized the plan, they heard all kinds of outrageous news from China.

Why did the EDG manager block the door all night, and the IG manager bowed to him?

There was even an RNG manager who knelt in front of Chen Yiqiu's house, crying and saying that he wouldn't get up if he didn't sign the contract, etc...

The news is outrageous and magical, but the price offered cannot be faked.

SKT did not dare to delay any longer and asked Kkoma and Supervisor Cui to convey the news to Chen Yiqiu.

(End of this chapter)

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