LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 196 Time Assassin Reappears, ROX’s Ice Female Gun

Chapter 196 Time Assassin Reappears, ROX’s Ice Female Gun

"Yes... we want the Triple Crown."

Li Sang Hyuk was startled, then nodded seriously.

"Well, prepare well and we can make it to the end."

Everyone in SKT stopped talking and packed up their things to return to the backstage.

the other side.

ROX competition room.

At the end of a hearty game, the faces of all members of the Tigers were a little red. It was not because they were red, but because they were infected by the atmosphere and the high-intensity showdown in the first game. It was inevitable that they would be excited.

Likewise, they didn't have too many emotions over their loss in the first game.

BO5, or BO5 with SKT, they have long been mentally prepared for a fierce battle.

"As expected... As expected of SKT, it's too difficult. We have to cheer up."

The Rat King shook his head, picked up the water glass, and looked at Smeb: "Jinghao, are you okay?"

"Brother, I'm fine. I'm not much inferior to Yi Qiu in this matchup, right?"

Song Jinghao became more confident after the first match.

Before, he once felt that he was a little behind Reaper, but today he rarely felt this way.

The reason why Jace is so fat in the mid-term is more because of his cooperation with his teammates in team battles and his ability to capture enough kills to accumulate his own advantages.

What he needs to improve is this aspect.

"Okay, then come on, everyone, we will definitely win it back."

The Rat King nodded, acting like a big brother, and everyone in ROX also returned to the backstage lounge to start preparing for the second game.

at the same time.

outside world.

The first battle between SKT and ROX ended, and the impact and shock it brought to the world was unimaginable.

This may be the highest-level matchup so far before the start of S6. For the LPL, North America and other competition regions that have no "stand", today's game is more like a pure visual feast.

A pinnacle showdown in league history.

SKT is temporarily leading ROX 1:0, and the hot reviews of each major competition area have been released after the game.

Resistance within the bar.

The post flooded the screen and was hotly debated.

[After watching the first game today, I can only say that the gap between us and LCK is equal to ten LMS. 】

[I’m still talking about the LMS here. Didn’t your EDG lose to AHQ? 】

[Reaper is really incredibly strong, he really can’t let go of Jace. 】

[There shouldn’t be any controversy about being the world’s number one top laner, right? In this game, Chen Sheng's teamfighting effect completely overwhelmed Smeb. 】

[It’s embarrassing, didn’t you rely on your teammates? Without Faker and Bang to back him up, how dare Jess play like this? 】

[6. Wasn’t it just a bunch of bastard AD who hugged Reaper’s thigh two days ago? 】

[The leaders are like this. Chen Sheng personally eliminated RNG by stomping on his head. Now Niefeng Heizi doesn't dare to act openly and honestly. He probably wants Chen Shengxi in his heart, and now he has begun to embarrass himself. 】

[To be fair, if the game is at this level today and the BO5 ends today, the ten members of SKT and ROX will all be promoted, right? 】

[Reaper is an LPL player, okay? Our S game is open to the public. Chen Sheng feels the enthusiasm and will not come back until the new season! 】

RNG fans hate Chen Yiqiu, but other LPL viewers are very real.

The thoughts in my heart are also very 'simple'.

As the only Chinese who is still on the S game stage, doesn't Reaper represent their LPL?

Hmm...nothing wrong.

Moreover, Chen Yiqiu's popularity in China is now at its peak, and everyone is "adding to his work", waiting for Mr. Chen to feel the enthusiasm of his hometown in the new season and return to his hometown in glory.

It can be said that it is simple and unpretentious, and the "heart of boxing" is still visible.


"Both teams are so strong...This is the first time I've seen a team compete like this with SKT this year."

At the scene, many executives from Riot Headquarters were sitting in the audience, talking excitedly.

"Do you think ROX will win?"

Boss asked suddenly.

"I don't think there is any obvious difference between the two teams. In terms of details, SKT does better in teamfights, but ROX is actually not bad either. You can't tell."

Someone next to him shook his head.

"I hope ROX wins."

Boss spoke bluntly and smiled slightly: "What we want is balance, and SKT is no longer balanced."

"...makes sense."


"You guys like Smeb and Peanut must keep SKT out of the finals."

Backstage, Samsung lounge.

Leader An and his team specially came to the scene today to watch their opponents in the finals up close.

As for why they 'booked' a spot in the finals before the game even started.


Playing H2K in the semi-finals, with their current state and strength, they have the confidence to lock it in early.

In contrast, Samsung is now even more concerned about the outcome of today's game.

When playing ROX, Samsung still feels that there is no mystery at all.

But SKT... every time this team meets them in the World Championship finals, they always kill three stars, and they really lead the bad guys.

Compared with SKT, three teams with strong prestige, ROX still lacks some psychological deterrent power.

Therefore, everyone at Samsung is now the strongest supporter of ROX.

——The tiger flies forward, and the three stars always follow!

"It should be possible. According to the state of the first game, ROX has a great chance, and Xingxiong may not be able to stand this kind of continuous high-intensity competition. I feel that SKT should rotate Blank."

"That's the biggest opportunity."

Assistant CJJ analyzed.

Leader An nodded, his eyes shining brightly under the lenses.

Another thing they didn't mention is that both ROX and SKT should have prepared BO5 ultimate moves, but they don't know which side will use them first.


"Just use it in the next game. You don't have to wait until you are forced to a dead end. Let's make a comeback first."

In the ROX lounge, before going on stage, the entire ROX team had already discussed the tactics and style of play for the second game.

"But we have to beware of SKT's tricks. In short... everyone, win."

"Win it."

Everyone nodded and stepped onto the stage.

Two minutes later, the game officially started.

In the second game of BO5, SKT is on the red side and ROX is on the blue side.

As soon as they came up, ROX knocked down Jace, followed by Vampire and Ryze.

When it was SKT's turn, they eliminated Dragon King, Spider, and Leopard Girl.

Dragon King is aimed at Kuro. Kuro's Dragon King has been very hot recently. ROX likes to use this mid lane. As for Spider and Leopard Girl, it is because they played Blank in this game.

I am more afraid of Peanut’s signature invasion jungler.

And... Peanut's spider in the last game is just like ROX banning Jayce, it is a hero that must be eliminated.

In this way, the first round of bans is over, and ROX gets Fan Mom first.

Seeing this, SKT locked in the bottom lane combination of Jhin and Zyra in version T0.

"It's ready to light up."

"Just take it."

Everyone in the Tigers raised their eyebrows when they saw SKT holding Jhin and Zyra. They also hesitated, but finally made up their minds.

Nefo narrowed his eyes and directed his teammates to lock two heroes that no one in the world had expected.

Ice + female gun.

"ROX, directly locked on the female ice gun...what do you mean? Ice assist? Or female gun assist? Ice on the road, fan mother assists?"

For a moment, the scene fell into an uproar.

The main reason is that ROX's first three picks are very unexpected. It stands to reason that Fan Ma can swing up, middle and down. Everyone didn't know which way ROX's Fan Ma would go.

But once Han Bing and the female gun show up, it's almost certain that Fan Mom won't leave.

That means that in the second game, ROX will play the double shooter bottom lane of Hanbing + female gun.

See the two-shooter bottom lane again? !

And it’s the female gunner, an AD hero who has zero appearance rate this year.


Everyone was confused and thought that ROX made a mistake and made the wrong choice.

On the other side, in the voice of the SKT team, the atmosphere was quite subtle.

Kkoma glanced at Chen Yiqiu.

"I didn't expect...they really chose a female gunner."

Yes. Chen Yiqiu did communicate with Kkoma about this matter before.

But because this combination is too out of the meta, especially when facing Jhin, they actually didn't achieve very good results in private.

In addition, due to the butterfly effect, Chen Yiqiu didn't know when ROX would come up with this combination. SKT had defenses, but it was more about adapting to changes.

——Jhin is a hero who is very capable of restraining this combination. This is SKT’s precautionary move.

But at this moment, in such a critical situation, ROX took out this combination, which still made everyone in SKT look at them.

"It's okay. If Jin is here, the effect of the opponent's suppression will be reduced a lot."

Li Sang Hyuk said softly: "Should we choose according to what we discussed before?"


Kkoma nodded.

Then, SKT took top laner Ekko.

Chen Yiqiu hasn't played the hero Ekko for a long time, but when he showed up, he still caused a huge sensation on the scene.

Everyone still remembers the man who produced the league's top-level operational highlights.

"Ice Gunslinger has no choice. SKT takes Ekko again, and Reaper takes out his Ekko again... This second match point matchup is great to watch."

Wawa said sincerely: "Both sides feel that they have started to get serious."

"Yes...I don't even have to pretend anymore, let's show off our cards."

Miller's eyes are still fixed on ROX's Ice + female gun selection, and it is difficult to let go.

He can't figure out now why ROX took out this non-mainstream combination, and what is the role of this combination?

It's not just him, many people don't understand it before they actually see the Ice Maiden Spear combination.

SKT has tried several times in private, but because the combination of Jhin and Zyra is so classic, they feel that the cost-effectiveness is not that high if they rely solely on female guns to limit Zyra.

This is also recorded, because in another world, SKT, after clearly suffering the loss of ROX's ice gun, released the ice gun, which resulted in being forced into a desperate situation by ROX 2:1.

In the documentary, as opposing players against the Ice Lady Spear, Bang and Wolf also felt there was no need to target the Lady Spear, with the latter even bluntly saying: "It won't have much impact."

Therefore, unless he has suffered a loss, with Kkoma's stubborn temperament, he will not directly give up the T0 combination of Jhin and Zyra.

At this moment, the first three moves of both sides have ended. Just looking at the BP gives people a novel and exciting feeling.

The subsequent two rounds of BP were also carried out very quickly, and after a while, the lineups of both sides were completely settled.

They are:

SKT: Top laner Ekko, jungler Olaf, mid laner Victor, bottom lane Jhin + Zyra.

ROX: Top laner Kled, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Fan Ma, bottom lane Han Bing+female gun.

The lineup was settled, the screen began to load, and cheers for the two teams rang out.

The cool ground screen effect exploded and bloomed in the center of the stage, and the complete giant Summoner's Rift was presented to everyone.

Enter the competition.

"Junzhi, hold W when you are laning, try to cooperate with Shan Jiu and use it in seconds, don't use it up easily."

For double AD bot laners like Ice Maiden, the most fearful thing is actually the forced opening. Jhin's W happens to be long enough, and if you make good use of it, you won't be afraid of the opponent.

"OKOK, got it."

Pei Junzhi nodded.

Chen Yiqiu didn't say much, but he felt that this game should be difficult to win.


After he and his teammates set up a good eye position in the lower half of the jungle, not long after going online, Chen Yiqiu heard curses from bottom laner Pei Junzhi.

The laning strength of Jhin + Zyra is indeed version T0, and no one can compare with it. Ice and the female gunner cannot compare to SKT in terms of strength alone, but the problem lies in the support.

The reason why Zyra is strong in this version is because of her ability to control the output of seed plants and various online harassment, and she can also quickly push the line.

The female gun actually happens to be the one that restrains Zyra. The E skill can perfectly replace Zyra's above effects, and the range of E is also larger than Zyra's skill.

At the same time, the female gun's passive enhancement level A is also very effective against Zyra's plants. Basically, one shot combined with AD to compensate for the damage can quickly clear out Zyra's plants.

There is also the movement speed effect of W, which can avoid Zyra's skill consumption...

In short, when playing these two heroes, a certain degree of tacit understanding is needed to achieve miraculous results. If you are not proficient enough to double AD, it will be counterproductive in this version.

SKT did not choose this style of play because of this, but ROX obviously has full proficiency in this combination, and the various details and skills between Rat King and Grella are wonderful.

Although there is Jhin, an AD with a long-hand control skill, as everyone has reached level three, the Ice Spear, who was originally considered inferior to Jhin and Zyra online, has initially shown its strength.

At six minutes into the game, SKT's bottom lane already felt the difficulty of this pairing.

After reaching level six, the Ice Lady Spear will enter its true peak period with R.

"Bot lane... ROX chose the combination of Ice + Female Spear in this game, and the effect was surprisingly good against Jhin and Zyra."

Outside, everyone looked at the laning situation of the two sides in the bottom lane of this game, and they were shocked to find that the strong version of Jhin + Zyra actually had a tendency to be suppressed by the opposite Ice Spear.

The dazzling black technology has allowed everyone to understand ROX's tactics.

"It's not just the bottom lane...the game is now just over six minutes old. ROX is performing very well on several other lanes on both sides."

"Smeb's Kled on the top lane is very stable. Smeb seems to want to follow the path of Reaper. If it continues to develop, Kled's support and teamfighting ability will play a vital role later."

PDD said softly: "In this game, ROX continued their hot state from the first game."

The game lasted just over 6 minutes.

Except for the bottom lane, the middle and upper lanes performed very calmly.

But peace is actually the greatest unease.

Because according to their previous strength, SKT mid-top will have some online advantages, and then use the online advantages to radiate into the jungle, and then roll the rhythm snowball.

But so far in this game, the middle lane is evenly matched, and the high-profile ReapervsSmeb on the top lane is also evenly matched.

For heroes like Ekko and Kled, there is no question of restraint or lack of restraint. The two are completely based on individual operations.

As for Smeb, it is difficult to find any opportunities to kill when he takes the initiative and does not make mistakes.

On the contrary, the junglers of both sides tried to drive the rhythm several times during this period, but the six players on both sides were as stable as old dogs and could not find the right time to Gnak.

In the case of 'Jungle 1V1', Xiao Hei has been invaded by Xiao Peanut several times and is miserable.

——SKT seemed to be at a disadvantage at the beginning of this game.

"Brother, let me help you catch him once?"

Xiao Hei couldn't sit still. He felt as if he had entered chronic death as soon as he came on the field. The opponent's ROX was unbelievably stable, but Peanut's operation was so good.

In the last game, Bengi was able to cooperate with Chen Yiqiu to perform several spiritual ganks. In this game, he squatted on the road for the first time and was almost counterattacked by the opponent Peanut.

At this point in time, both sides are about to reach level six when they hit the road. Once level six, Kled's support ability will instantly increase.

When the time comes, Smeb will definitely take advantage of this and drive the rhythm crazily, making the game situation even more unfavorable to SKT.

"Need not."

Unexpectedly, Chen Yiqiu shook his head after hearing this.


Xiao Hei was startled.

"On the opposite side...he's squatting backwards."

Chen Yiqiu squinted his eyes.

At this moment, although the top lane laning seems calm, in fact, neither Ekko nor Kled is easy to get along with.

Smeb remained at a little more than half health, and the passive lizard's health was very low.

Ike is in a similar state to him.

Both of them stood cautiously, but there was something different about their caution.

Ekko obviously retreated, but Kled was cautious and did not pursue.

——In this case, with Smeb’s style, not catching up and showing off is the biggest problem.

Even Xiao Hei knows the truth, but the other party doesn't know it?

Little Peanut frequently counter-crouched on the top lane in this game, and there was a high probability that this wave would be behind Kled.

Chen Yiqiu was sure that once Xiao Hei came over, both of them would be killed suddenly on the road.

Thinking this way, Ike's position became more cautious, unmoved by the 'temptation' of Kled's passive state being so bad.


"Ah...he won't come over!"

"What is Yiqiu doing? This person is so perverted today. Counting this time, he has already avoided Gank at least three times!"

ROX team voice.

Seeing that the reverse squat failed again, Smeb was extremely angry.

He felt that Chen Yiqiu had betrayed the 'quality' that a carry top laner should have.

He is in this passive state, this position that seems cautious, but in fact with Chen Yiqiu's strength, he is 60 to 70% sure that he can come up to complete the solo kill, why don't he come over?

Are you still the good brother I know in Yiqiu?

"...Brother Yiqiu really wants to win today...Forget it, I won't waste time anymore. Brother Jinghao, hurry up and level six, we will directly link up to gank."

Seeing that there was no hope, Little Peanut was defeated for the third time and retreated.

The audience was in an uproar and applauded thunderously.

"Reaper, the whole map has the same consciousness! The third time he avoided Peanut's gank... The two sides in this game are really exaggerated."

" feels like it's not just the top lane, but also the other lanes..."

Miller nodded, then hesitated: "But for now, SKT feels very passive if ROX continues to grow so steadily, especially in the bottom lane, Rat King and Grella have already started to take advantage!"

"Yes, and...hey, what's going on, just hit the road right away?"

Before he finished speaking, the moment Little Peanut left, Chen Yiqiu, who had been on the defensive on the road, suddenly made a move.

(End of this chapter)

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