Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 204 Officially Adopting Hongxiu

Chapter 204 Officially Adopting Hongxiu

Couples should also have a sense of freshness. When Luo Cheng appeared in front of Liu Xiaofei in a casual suit, her eyes really lit up. I just feel like his hair style is a bit off, and he needs to get a cool hair style.

So he took Luo Cheng to get his hair styled on the spot. This mess made Liu Xiaofei fall in love again. Then she secretly placed an order online. She also wanted to give Luo Cheng a surprise. She had always thought about playing with clothes, but she had never tried it.

Anyway, Luo Cheng felt that Liu Xiaofei was weird that day. How should I put it? She had such strong bones. Luo Cheng was too simple to describe it.

At night, the two of them didn't have much trouble, they just lay together and played mobile games for a while, and then Liu Xiaofei insisted on kissing before going to bed. Luo Cheng felt that after the eel was out of stock, Liu Xiaofei's mind was no longer on having fun, and the relationship between the two seemed to be warming up again. Before going to bed, Liu Xiaofei also showed off the results of her hard work throughout the day. She and the clerk got into several groups of pregnant women and BMWs, waiting for the opportunity to ask the clerk to add mothers or expectant mothers to the group one by one.

Of course, Liu Xiaofei thought it would be best to communicate with the group owner so that she could advertise directly in the group. I'm afraid that I won't be kicked out of the group before I advertise, so I plan to join a few small accounts first, and then add some people privately, and then I'll ask the group owner, and I won't be afraid of the group owner kicking people out.

Luo Cheng also told Liu Xiaofei that he planned to take a trip the day after tomorrow. He wanted to see how the tomatoes were in a certain place. If the quality and taste were good, he planned to try some.

Liu Xiaofei knew that Luo Cheng liked to cook cheap food, and he had done it several times since last year. They can also earn some money, but with their current income, there is no need to spend that energy to earn that little money. But this is not just about making money. Helping vegetable farmers solve unsold vegetables is also a good deed.


"Hongxiu, you woke up so early."

"Sister Yanzi, you can sleep a little longer. I'll boil some water first."

, it was dawn, Zhang Hongxiu had already gotten up, and now she was living under someone else's roof, so Luo Yan was sleeping in the kitchen with her. But she is the sister of the landlord here. It’s okay for her to get up late, but I can’t.

Moreover, Luo Cheng had already said yesterday that the wild animals he brought would be kept for his own consumption and would need to be disposed of, which would definitely require hot water to remove the hair first. It is up to the second sister-in-law Zhao Qian to decide how to marinate and preserve it.

Luo Yan lay down for a little longer and got up. Luo Cheng came back, and the breakfast standard was different from usual. Luo Cheng likes to eat vegetable porridge, the thicker kind. When Luo Cheng was away, the porridge was much thinner. If she hadn't been pregnant, Zhao Qian would actually have cooked the batter with stick noodles.

Soon, with the two people's busy work, a pot of vegetable porridge was cooked, and it was very fragrant. At this time, Luo Yan went to call Luo Cheng and his sister-in-law to get up, and the monkey was led to the door outside the house and tied up.

Zhao Qian was pregnant and slept a lot, but Luo Cheng was lazy. Hearing Luo Yan's cry, Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian both woke up and started to get up.

After washing up, the four of them sat down in the kitchen to have breakfast. I made half a bowl of vegetable porridge in a wooden bowl for the monkey to eat, and the door was closed.

At the dinner table, Luo Cheng winked at Zhao Qian. Chen Laizi had a wife there, so Zhao Qian asked her to speak.

"Hongxiu, sister-in-law, I want to tell you something. We were willing to take you in two days ago, and we told you the conditions. Now Yanzi's brother is back, but something went wrong with what we said before, and we have to find someone to talk to you about. I have already found a partner. She also came here to escape from poverty, and we had sex the same day we met, so what I said before will definitely not come true."

"Sister-in-law, then let me~~."

Zhang Hongxiu didn't expect to hear such news so early in the morning. She had already resigned herself to living. When she heard that the person she wanted to introduce was not tall enough, she immediately agreed. At that time, she said that things would be put on schedule when Luo Yan's brother came back. Unexpectedly, Luo Cheng told her this the next day after he came back. If she didn't get married, Yanzi's sister-in-law and brother would still take her in.

"Your name is Zhang Hongxiu, right? I'll call you Hongxiu too. Let me ask you a question. Do you know how to write?"

"Yes, I'm still in junior high school."

"Junior high school, Hongxiu, you are a junior high school student, you are really amazing."

Hearing that Zhang Hongxiu was actually a junior high school student, Luo Yan responded in surprise at first. These days, few girls study. Rural people also let their girls go to school, but usually they are not allowed to go after one or two years. They only need to be able to write some calligraphy and write their own names.

This is basically the case for female children in the city. Many of them are caused by the fact that the children are small and cannot work, causing trouble. If you can go to elementary school, urban children, if they are from poor households, can go to elementary school for free.

Luo Cheng also didn't expect that a woman his wife took in at random would turn out to be a cultural person. These days, someone with junior high school education is considered an educated person. Let’s not talk about technical secondary schools. Those are assigned. If you have a technical secondary school education, you won’t run away.

After careful questioning, I found that my arithmetic skills may be a little behind, but I can still write and calculate. Luo Cheng could use someone to help him with his vegetable business. Hei Niu and the others can be found in the town. But in the urban area, Luo Cheng has no helpers, and Zhang Hongxiu is already completely helpless. If his character is not a problem, he can help him a lot in private.

"Okay, just be able to write and do math. Since you also call me second brother, then we are destined. You also know the way of the world. You can't eat and drink for free at home, even if we are willing to take you in. People in this yard see I still want to gossip, I will arrange a job for you in a few days, are you willing to do it?"

"Second brother, as long as you take me in, I'm willing to do any job."

"That's fine. From now on, you can live here with peace of mind. I'll take you to the street office to register in two days. Register as a guest, so you can easily explain yourself if you encounter someone questioning you when you go out in the future."

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Zhang Hongxiu nodded quickly. In urban areas, many places actually evict outsiders like them, and they evict them while providing relief. I really had no choice but to escape here. I had nothing to eat or drink. When I had no other choice, I went to steal and rob. Therefore, whenever they see signs of beggars in groups, the patrol officers will drive them away.

As for relief, it means giving out some porridge, and for children, there is a place to take care of them. But just like the Women's Federation, the shelter is also limited. Those who come here now are better off, but if they come here in a year or two, there will be more children begging on the streets.

Luo Cheng said he would take her to the street to register. In fact, not only she had to register, but his sister Luo Yan also had to register when she came to live here. The houses in the city are really not something you can just live in if you want. Guest houses require a letter of introduction and documents before you can live there. Even if people from rural areas have money, they cannot rent a house.

The commune had just been established not long ago. Luo Cheng checked his cell phone in the future era. Before the commune was established, everyone's fields were still their own. They could eat and use what they had, and no one had to take care of it. After the establishment of the commune, everything became collective. In addition, the city has introduced policies to streamline the employment population, which has driven some people who have not stayed in the city for more than three years, even if they have jobs, back to the countryside.

If a rural person wants to go to the urban area, it doesn't matter if he just returns the same day and doesn't live in the urban area. But if you're going to another place and staying for a few days, you can't stay with a relative without a letter of certification from the commune.

(End of this chapter)

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