In the first year of school, I took my counselor home

Chapter 165 Teacher Pei and the good sisters have a showdown

Chapter 165 Teacher Pei and the good sisters have a showdown (please subscribe)

"Pei Pei."

Xu Pingan lowered his head, looked at Pei Hongzhuang's beautiful face, and shouted.

Pei Hongzhuang turned her head and glanced at Xu Pingan, "Call me sister."

"Then give me a kiss, sister." Xu Pingan said and kissed Pei Hongzhuang.

"Wait a minute." Pei Hongzhuang looked at the little classmate who came over and said.

Xu Pingan stopped and looked at Pei Hongzhuang.

"Close your eyes."

Xu Pingan closed his eyes and waited expectantly.

This reflects the advantage of having a girlfriend, you can take the initiative to send kisses.

The next second, Pei Hongzhuang gently broke away from her little classmate's arms, stood up, and ran away quickly.

Xu Pingan opened his eyes and looked at Pei Hongzhuang who was running away...

report! Someone is scamming!

Xu Pingan stood up and chased after the beautiful fraudster.

He promised someone that he would be brought to justice!

Soon, the two held hands and arrived near the entrance of the accommodation area.

Stopping, Xu Pingan turned his head and looked at Pei Hongzhuang beside him.

"Congratulations to Teacher Pei for finding your boyfriend today."

"Well, thank you." Pei Hongzhuang looked at her little classmate, nodded and thanked her.

Xu Pingan waited for a while, and then reminded in a low voice: "It's your turn to congratulate me, Teacher Pei."


"When you want to say congratulations, be specific." Xu Ping'an reminded again.

"May you be happy and prosperous."

Xu Pingan: "..."

There was nothing he could do about such a naughty girlfriend.

The next second, Pei Hongzhuang took a step forward, stood on her tiptoes slightly, and kissed Xu Pingan gently on the lips.

Then he turned around and walked into the entrance of the accommodation area.

Xu Ping'an looked at Pei Hongzhuang's leaving figure and stood there, recalling the warm touch just now.

Teacher Pei's way of congratulating him was really hard for him to refuse.

All the way back to his room, Xu Pingan felt that his head seemed a little dizzy.

Oops! It’s the dizzy feeling of happiness!

On the other side, our teacher Pei also returned to his room briskly.

After changing into very warm pajamas, Pei Hongzhuang left her room and came to the door of the opposite room.

Dang Dang Dang.

Pei Hongzhuang raised her hand and knocked on the door gently.

At this time, their little Wan'er definitely didn't sleep.

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhao Waner stood up from the sofa, then came to the door of the room, bent down and looked out through the peephole.

It's their Pei Pei!

Zhao Waner stood up and opened the door happily.

"Pei Pei came to see me so late, are you planning to spend the night with me?" Zhao Waner asked with a smile as she looked at her best friend.

"I have good news to share with you." Pei Hongzhuang looked at Zhao Waner who was wearing bear pajamas and said.

Of course, happy things must be shared with my little Wan'er.

good news?

Zhao Waner glanced at Pei Hongzhuang, then pulled her into the room, closed the door, and walked towards the sofa. She asked with curiosity and expectation on her face: "What's the good news, Pei Pei?"

Could it be that Pei Pei has prepared some surprise for her?

When they came to the sofa, the two sat down. Pei Hongzhuang looked at her best friend and said with a serious expression: "I'm in love."


Zhao Waner's eyes widened instantly and she was stunned for a moment.

"What did Pei Peiqian say?" Zhao Waner asked in disbelief, thinking that there might be something wrong with her ears.

"I'm in love." Pei Hongzhuang said seriously, looking at her surprised bestie.

Zhao Waner was stunned again, then took her phone and looked at the date, "Today is not April Fool's Day either. Pei Pei, are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding, I'm really in love." Pei Hongzhuang said seriously again.

Zhao Waner glanced at her best friend, and then said: "You said Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people."

She still didn't quite believe this. How could Pei Pei suddenly fall in love when he was with her every day.

Pei Pei must have been unable to sleep at night, so he came over to tease her, hoping to give her a little surprise.

But I have to say that our sister Wan'er was indeed pleasantly surprised.

"Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people." Pei Hongzhuang looked at Zhao Waner and said.

Zhao Waner was silent for a moment, then looked at Pei Hongzhuang, "Are you really in love?"

"Yes." Pei Hongzhuang nodded and replied in the affirmative.

Zhao Waner was silent again, and then asked: "Who am I falling in love with? Do I know Pei Pei?"

She wanted to see who was so capable that he could deceive their Pei Pei away under her nose.

Pei Hongzhuang glanced at her best friend and replied, "Xu Pingan."


Zhao Waner was stunned again, then looked at her best friend and said with some disbelief: "Who?"

"Xu Pingan." Sister Pei said again very patiently.

"You, brother Ping'an, are you in love?" Zhao Waner felt that her brain capacity was not enough, and she could not accept such explosive news for a while.

This shocked her even more than hearing that aliens were going to attack the earth tomorrow.

"Yeah." Pei Hongzhuang nodded and replied.

Our sister Wan'er fell silent again, and then patted her thigh heavily.

"Oh, it hurts." Zhao Waner rubbed her thigh, and then said angrily: "It's hard to guard against house thieves if you guard against them day and night!"

She said how could someone deceive their Pei Pei away under her nose? It turned out to be a thief.

Pei Hongzhuang looked at Zhao Waner's little appearance and couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you laughing? Tell me honestly, when did you collude... colluded together." Zhao Waner looked at Pei Hongzhuang and asked with a serious look on her face.

Her best sister was in love, but she didn't even notice it at all.


"It's been a while. The relationship was confirmed today." Pei Hongzhuang said with a smile on her face.

"Good guys, I proposed to come out to play with each other, just to create opportunities for you two." Zhao Waner glanced at Pei Hongzhuang and said.

"Well, you can say that." Pei Hongzhuang nodded and said with a smile.

"Stop being so playful and smiling, answer my questions properly." Zhao Waner glanced at Pei Hongzhuang and said angrily.

"Well, I don't laugh." Pei Hongzhuang nodded and said with a smile. Zhao Waner: "..."

You are awesome, you are amazing, and when you fall in love, you know how to laugh.

"Then who of you two is chasing whom?" Zhao Waner ignored the smile on her best friend's face and asked with a bit of curiosity in her eyes.

Knowing that her best sister suddenly fell in love, after the moment of shock, our sister Wan'er began to show her melon-eating nature.

The love melon of good sisters, this is so delicious.

"He chased me." Pei Hongzhuang replied.

"Tsk, this kid is quite brave. He actually dares to pursue his counselor." Zhao Waner said, looking at her best friend, "Then you agreed?"

"I wasn't prepared to agree so quickly, but Wan'er, didn't you create opportunities for us, and then you agreed accidentally." Pei Hongzhuang looked at Zhao Waner and said seriously.

"Pei Pei, if you keep doing this, I won't be with you." Zhao Waner glanced at Pei Hongzhuang and said angrily.

"Okay, I won't do that anymore." Pei Hongzhuang nodded and said with a smile.

Zhao Waner saw that her best friend's attitude towards correction was very good, but the smile on her face was a bit irritating. She nodded slightly and then asked: "Then tell me how he pursued you and how you responded. What he pursues is from cause to effect, and every detail should not be left out.”

"Okay, Teacher Zhao." Pei Hongzhuang nodded and replied obediently.

Teacher Pei here is sharing his good news with his good sisters, and classmate Xu on the other side is also sharing the joy of his love with his little cousin.

Xu Ping'an: [Jiajia, your sister-in-law and I have achieved enlightenment. 】

His little cousin is a famous night owl, and tomorrow is still Saturday, so there is no need to worry about disturbing the little cousin by sending messages at this time.

After seeing the message from her cousin, the little princess quickly responded.

Jiajia is super cool: [Oh, I got it. 】

Xu Pingan: [? 】

Jiajia is super cool: [? 】

Xu Ping'an: [What's the question? Shouldn't you congratulate your cousin? 】

Jiajia is super cool: [Congratulations to my cousin for successfully marrying the beauty. I wish my cousin and sister-in-law to be together forever, have a happy marriage, and have a son soon. 】

Really, it took so long to win over my sister-in-law, what's there to show off? Unlike her, it only took one night to successfully upgrade the relationship to that of sister-in-law.

The invincible young and beautiful girl in the universe is the best!

Xu Ping'an looked at his little cousin's blessings and was basically satisfied. Although it was a bit early to have a happy marriage and have a son early, it didn't affect it.

He had just shared the joy of love with his little cousin, and then Xu Pingan opened a small group chat in their dormitory without stopping.

The name of the group chat is very simple and easy to understand: the four handsome men in the capital.

Xu Pingan: [Brothers, I have something big to announce. 】

After sending this message, Xu Ping'an liked everyone again.

Don't ask if sending a message now will disturb the rest of the good brothers. He is already in love. If he doesn't share it with the good brothers, will he still be a human being?

Soon, his good brothers responded, with three uniform question emoticons in a row.

Xu Ping'an didn't hold back any more and directly announced his good news to his good brothers.

Xu Pingan: [I'm in love, I have a girlfriend. 】

Come and send your blessings!

The next second, a line of prompts appeared on the screen of Xu Pingan's mobile phone.

[You have been removed from this group by the group owner. 】

Xu Ping'an took a look and knew that his good brothers must be worried that looking at his mobile phone for a long time would be bad for his eyes, so they had to take this step.

What a touching brotherly love.

If you want more money, he will send these three good brothers away tomorrow!

On the other side, Pei Hongzhuang also told her good sisters about her love experience.

Although Wan'er has no blood relationship with her, she is better than a biological sister. Her joy can be shared with her without any worries.

Of course, our teacher Pei will definitely not talk about some more specific details.

For example, the little classmate likes to touch her feet, and she also likes the little classmate's abdominal muscles.

And our sister Wan'er has some mixed feelings in her heart at this time.

No wonder Ping An's brother always hangs around her Pei Pei, and always comes over to eat together in the cafeteria. It's no wonder she looked away and didn't discover Ping An's brother's "wolfish ambition" early.

And not only was she not discovered, she probably also played a role in fueling the relationship between the two.

For example, let Ping An's brother read love poems to Pei Pei, and persuade Ping An's brother to stay in Pei Pei's room...

There are also some jokes she often makes.

Alas, maybe she was born with some talents that are as old as the moon.

"Then am I the first to know about this?" Zhao Waner looked at her best friend and asked.

"Well, you were the first to know." Pei Hongzhuang nodded and replied.

Sister Qing had bumped into her accidentally before, and Sister Qing didn't know that she and her junior classmate had confirmed their relationship, so Xiao Wan'er was indeed the first to know that she was in love with her junior classmate.

"That's pretty much it." Zhao Waner nodded, "Pei Pei, if you have a boyfriend, will you leave me alone in the future?"

"No, I like our little Wan'er the most." Pei Hongzhuang stretched out her hand and gently pinched Zhao Wan'er's fair and tender face, and said with a smile.

"Don't touch me, I haven't forgiven you yet for hiding it from me for so long." Xiao Wan'er hid her head to the side and said with a straight face.

She became a little angry when she thought of these two people flirting and doing little things under her nose.

Needless to say, she felt like a little fool.

"I've confirmed the relationship, so I'll tell you right away." Pei Hongzhuang leaned over and gently hugged her little Wan'er.

"Then... I will reluctantly forgive you." Zhao Waner looked at Pei Hongzhuang and said a little arrogantly.

Our sister Wan'er is still very easy to coax.

She wasn't really angry, she was just a little annoyed by her little fool's behavior.

Moreover, her good sister has found a relationship of her own, and she is actually happy for it.

What's more, what's wrong with having a boyfriend? Even if she has a boyfriend, she is still Pei Pei's best sister. If Pei Pei has a baby in the future, she will have to call her godmother.

"Pei Pei, I want to hold you to sleep tonight." Zhao Waner requested.

Even though your girlfriend is yours, sister Wan'er can be rare if she wants to be.

"Okay." Pei Hongzhuang nodded, with a smile on her face and said dotingly.

Wan'er is her little sister and her treasure.

The next second, Zhao Waner rolled her eyes, looked at Pei Hongzhuang, and said with a smile: "I didn't realize it. Our Pei Pei actually likes to eat tender grass. Pei Pei, tell me what it feels like to eat tender grass." , isn’t it very delicious?”

Pei Hongzhuang said nothing, stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Don't go, Teacher Pei, tell me your experience of eating young grass." Zhao Waner stood up and chased after her.

 Please give me a full order, I haven’t recommended it for a long time ('-ω)


(End of this chapter)

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