arcane emperor

Chapter 621 Go steal the house!

Chapter 621 Go steal the house!
A desolate cold wind came from the pit, mixed with the smell of blood.

The Cole elf warrior standing at the front had an ugly expression on his face.

A large number of people were sent in to investigate the situation, but none of them returned.

The dark and deep hole is like a terrifying mouth that will swallow any life without hesitation.

There was no doubt about the danger below, but without intelligence, he wouldn't even be able to issue accurate combat orders.

Even if some soldiers are sacrificed, there is no good attack plan, which will damage his prestige.

Just when Commander Cole Elf was in a dilemma.

Several figures covered in blood rushed out in panic.

They are the Cole Elf scouts who just went down to investigate the situation.

Their current situation is not good, each scout has an arrow stuck in his arm or leg.

There was also a scout with a crossbow arrow stuck in his abdomen, and blood was gushing out.

The other Cole Elf warriors felt sad for their plight.

Commander Cole Elf arranged for medical personnel to quickly treat their injuries, and at the same time immediately asked about the situation below.

The Cole elf warrior who was most seriously injured had unspeakable panic in his eyes, and he shouted tremblingly:

"The passage below is completely different from the one on the map. There are many more small passages and traps."

"Even if the ground is flat, there are potholes that can sink downwards at any time."

"There are also cunning villains in the darkness who are always trying to sneak up on people with bows and crossbows. Several brothers were shot dead in this way."

Several other Cole Elf warriors nodded with concern, with unspeakable panic in their eyes, and quickly continued:
"Yes, they also set up magic traps, including acid archery and fireball..."

"There are too many places for them to hide, and they don't emit any smell, so it's difficult to detect them in advance."

"In addition, there are professionals among them who are good at sneak attacks and assassinations. They will attack when we are alone..."


All kinds of information made the surrounding Cole Elf warriors both happy and frightened.

It's a good thing they didn't go down, otherwise they would have lost their lives accidentally.

Commander Cole Elf frowned. He was not too interested in these things. He asked softly to the strongest and least injured Cole Elf scout:
"Have you found Sparta?"

The elf scout, who had reached the peak of his high-level strength, had a little fear flashing in his eyes, and nodded slightly to the elf commander Cole.

With a hint of joy in his eyes, Commander Cole gave the order to "continue the attack" without hesitation.

As long as you can kill Sparta, build enough merits, and leave the prison of the Canterlot Mountains, it will be worth paying no matter how high the price is.

The Cole Elf soldiers, who knew the seriousness of the matter, immediately burst into high morale.

Under the orders of commanders at all levels shouting "Revenge for their comrades", they fought step by step towards the depths of the cave.

They moved quickly, trying to break through the trap as quickly as possible.

Moreover, many experienced Cole Elf warriors have already explained the situation to others.

"Although Sparta is strong, as long as we respond quickly enough and he does not incite enough slaves to rebel, we will not encounter too many enemies."

"You don't have to worry too much. Sparta chose the timing of its rebellion very poorly, and it happened to hit our defenses."

"Although he purchased some weapons and equipment, he definitely didn't have many soldiers and professionals to fight for him."

"Maybe his weapons and equipment are related to the power of the drow elves. This happened last time..."

"Don't panic too much when you encounter a trap later. We have brought enough healing potions and scrolls."

"That's right, capture every place we go, check traps and clean out the enemies. With our superior strength, we will definitely be able to clear them out bit by bit."

"Everyone must seize the opportunity to show off later. If you can make enough achievements in the battle to hunt down Sparta, you might have a chance to leave here."


With various ideas and purposes in mind, the Cole Elf warriors quickly swept through the mine passages.

At the beginning, they did find a lot of traps, and with the help of the rogues and mages who accompanied the army, they dismantled and destroyed many of them.

Some Kor elf warriors were also killed by traps.

However, with the numerical advantage of the Cole Elf army, they quickly occupied 1/3 of the mine area.

They were not attacked by slave soldiers, and their spirits relaxed involuntarily.

Many Cole Elf warriors even wondered whether the slave warriors led by Sparta had escaped?
They had experienced something like this before, many times Spartans had been killed and then reappeared.

I can't help but feel a little worried!
It turns out that they thought too much!

Just when the Cole Elf army hesitated to move forward.

A roaring roar came from the dark passage.

Under the bright light, Sparta, wearing gray-black metal armor, appeared in front of all the Cole Elf warriors.

He was tall and occupied 2/3 of the entire mine, and his armor was still stained with blood that had not dried up.

The ferocious aura made all the Cole Elf warriors frown.

Before they could react, Sparta roared and made an attack gesture.

Densely packed crossbow arrows flew out from behind Sparta and landed right in the middle of the Cole elf warriors.

The crossbow arrows, which had extremely strong penetrating power, pierced through the armor and shield defenses of the Cole Elf warriors.

The hundreds of Cole elf warriors in the first few rows were transformed into hedgehogs.

The smell of blood and screams mixed together, and the Cole Elf warriors immediately reacted and charged towards Sparta crazily.

Sparta roared and killed directly towards the Cole Elf who was charging towards him.

He was tall and powerful. He wielded the ghost-headed sword given to him by Matthew and easily split the charging Cole Elf warrior in half.

The rich blood stimulated Sparta's anger, causing the suppressed desire to kill in his heart to erupt like a gushing volcano.


This leader, with a challenge level of over 20+, faced these mid-level and high-level Cole Elf warriors with overwhelming force.

No Cole elf warrior could block Sparta's sword and was easily killed by him.

A mighty force of Cole elf warriors surrounded them. They didn't even care about the crossbows flying from afar, but they wanted to keep Sparta forever.

Seeing the majestic figure of Sparta killing everyone, Chris couldn't help but said "Smash it", nodded to Drizzt beside him and said:
"Inform the Gray Elf Transformation Warriors that they can start attacking."

Looking at the angry face of Cole Elf, feeling the suppressed hatred rising, Drizzt said with a ferocious smile:

"As ordered!"

Hundreds of figures followed the hidden tunnels and quickly headed to the tunnel combat zones.

When the Cole Elf warriors were besieging Sparta, all kinds of weapons were quietly aimed at them.

Commander Cole mobilized elite troops to besiege Sparta, and excitedly issued the order for a general attack.

The gray elf transformed warrior hiding in the dark pulled the trigger without hesitation.



Various weapons flew towards the Cole Elf one after another.

The unsuspecting Cole Elf warriors suffered heavy losses in an instant.

The safe area they had just carefully explored suddenly turned into a deadly death trap, which naturally made them feel quite panicked.

In particular, the black mist that continued to spread from the passage surrounded the light spell in the hands of Cole Elf, plunging them into darkness again.

Panic and fear spread among them, and countless Cole Elf warriors started shouting.

The Cole Elf commander stared at the surrounded Sparta, turned a deaf ear to the screams of the Cole Elf soldiers around him, and continued to issue the order to attack.

He could already notice that Sparta's speed had dropped, and the frequency of attacks was at least half a beat slower than before.

This shows that this powerful slave king has begun to suffer from exhaustion.

He must seize this rare opportunity to kill or capture it in one fell swoop to offset the impact of this rebellion.

If he does well, not only can he escape the prison of the Canterlot Mountains.

It is also possible to move further up the hierarchy of the Elf Kingdom of Kor.

As for the dead and wounded Cole Elf warriors around him, the Cole Elf commander didn't take it to heart at all.

Indifference to life is the basic style of the Cole elves in the Canterlot Mountains.

A steady stream of Cole Elf warriors are rushing towards the deadly and dangerous tunnel battlefield.

Many of them were killed in traps.

Some, under the orders of Cole Elf commanders at all levels, explore and attack tunnels and hidden areas.

The brutal battle and chaotic battlefield pulled the Cole Elf army deeper and deeper.

Unknowingly, they had gradually forgotten the dangers elsewhere, and just wanted to do their best to kill Sparta.

The fighting situation in the mine area naturally attracted the attention of the ruler of Glory Castle.

But when they heard that the army had surrounded Sparta and was strangulating it, they naturally ignored the warning of heavy casualties among the Cole Elf soldiers.

Luck looked through the sent messages, his eyes flashing with excitement, recalling the scenes that made him angry, and roared viciously:

"Sparta must be killed at all costs."

The irritable Lark did not mobilize the last 5 Cole elf warriors in Glory Castle, but sent out his own bodyguards.

Accompanying him was an elite force hidden by the Cole elves.

It can be seen that Lark is absolutely determined to kill Sparta.


The sharp sound penetrated into the ears of the Cole Elf warrior.

A little panicked, he subconsciously swung his sword and slashed in the direction of the sound.


The shock of the sword hitting the rock shocked the Cole Elf warrior.

The flying sparks illuminated a figure that was speeding by.

The Cole elf warrior did not have time to exclaim and dodge.

The fatal arrow pierced his chest.

Along with his entire body, he also fell down.

The noisy and chaotic sounds instantly became insignificant, and unspeakable pain began to flow from his chest and throughout his body.

The Cole Elf warrior, whose mind was blank, felt the weakness of his body, and the coldness spread from the rocks on the ground to his whole body.

He couldn't help but open his mouth, but no sound came out. Instead, blood rushed out from his stomach and poured into his lungs.

he died!
Drowned in his own blood!
This Cole elf warrior is not alone. Even if they are fully prepared, they are completely unable to guard against crossbows or attacks flying from all directions.

The mentality of these Cole Elf warriors gradually became unbalanced, and the ensuing fear and fear quickly increased with the chaos.

The orders from the commanders became increasingly confusing, and the various sounds made it completely impossible for them to discern the direction and distinguish the enemy.

As a result, some gray elf transformation warriors who had been prepared came out.

Using the cover of smoke, they attacked the panicked Cole Elf warriors without hesitation.

While killing the killer, they also shouted very sinisterly in Cole Elvish:

"An enemy has sneaked in, ah...!"

"Be careful of them, sneak attack from behind..."

"Ah...! Help!"

"There are many of them, disguised as us!"

"Voices, their voices!"

"They're everywhere!"

After hundreds of Cole elf warriors were killed.

The Cole Elf warriors in the passage immediately fell into chaos and fear where everyone was in danger.

The influence of fear and death spread rapidly. Before the Kor Elf commanders were aware of it, the Kor Elf warriors had fallen into chaos where everyone was in danger.

Incited by the Gray Elf warriors, they raised their butcher knives at their companions with red eyes.

Chaos gradually spreads and cannot be stopped.

Seeing the Cole Elf warriors fighting each other, the Gray Elf transformation warriors hiding among them immediately focused on the Cole Elf commanders who were trying to stabilize the situation.

They first calmly pushed a group of Cole elf warriors who were killing red-eyed, and then pretended to be scared and panicked, and leaned over very naturally.

The sight and shouts of them struggling to resist the slashing attacks of their companions around them naturally made Commander Cole Elf feel relieved.

The moment they relax, the deadly poisonous blade will instantly pierce their hearts, slit their throats, and even chop off their heads.

After taking away their lives, the Gray Elf transformation warriors did not forget to spread the news of their deaths everywhere, making the chaos become even greater.

After taking a look at the chaotic battlefield, Matthew was very satisfied with the results of the tunnel battle.

About 5000 combat personnel not only contained about three times the enemy's attack.

Moreover, it also caused considerable damage to the enemy, and its own preservation effect was very good.

According to Matthew's estimation, if the Cole Elf warriors choose to retreat now, they will most likely be able to stop the chaos and save about 2/3 of their troops.But now Commander Cole Elf has basically lost control of the army.

In particular, the Gray Elf transformed warriors have begun to pretend to be commanders and give random orders, which invisibly increases the difficulty for them.

The possibility of them retreating and surviving is decreasing at an extremely fast rate.

Alice, who was waiting for the news, withdrew her eyes from the bloody Spartan, turned to Matthew excitedly and said:
"Glory Castle dispatched an elite force, and there are still about 5000 Cole Elf soldiers left."

"Should we continue to wait for them to send support, or should we attack now?"

Noticing Alice's nervousness, Matthew knew that he had acted too hastily and answered directly without hesitation:
"Let's just do it. The opportunity now is very good. There is no perfect time on the battlefield."

Maybe after waiting for a while, the Cole elves of Honor Keep will send out all their troops in a desperate attempt.

But the greater possibility is that they will withdraw the chaotic Kor elves army and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Therefore, the current attack is the most suitable opportunity.

In fact it is.

"What? They haven't taken Sparta yet?"

"What are these idiots doing? Order them to retreat immediately, and at the same time block the exit of the mine, prohibiting any enemies or rebels from appearing."

"Order all the troops to withdraw and quickly return to Fort Glory, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements."

Lark heard the situation of the Cole Elf army at this time.

After learning that the losses of Cole Elf soldiers had exceeded 3000, they immediately issued an order to retreat.

It's not that he particularly cherished the lives of Cole's elf soldiers.

If all the soldiers are killed, Sparta can be killed.

Then he can give orders decisively without blinking an eye.

But what if, this mine and Sparta are a bait and trap, trying to consume the vitality of the Cole Elf army.

That means that Sparta and the external forces that assisted him in the rebellion have great intentions, and they are most likely coming towards the Castle of Glory.

Just when the other elven nobles and commanders were puzzled, the sudden killing sounds and panic shouts from the Glory Castle immediately made them fearful.

Lark decisively walked to the door of the Lord's Mansion and saw balls of fire rising from all over the city.

On the originally spacious and beautiful streets, enemies in gray robes and enemies dressed as half-elf slaves in units of hundreds were wreaking havoc and killing.

"How did these enemies get in?"

"Where do so many professionals come from?"

"Is it really the support of the drow?"

Waves of panic and fear emerged in Lark's heart.

He glanced at everyone calmly and shouted loudly at the top of his voice without hesitation:

"Inform the remaining 5000 soldiers to gather at the city lord's mansion as quickly as possible."

"As long as we guard the City Lord's Mansion, even if the enemy rushes into the Glory Castle, we can hold on until reinforcements arrive."

The nobles and commanders who heard this were immediately alert and began to arrange their own guards to carry out the "notified" order.

They were thinking very clearly at this moment. The enemy was obviously well-prepared and took action just when the defense of Glory Castle was weakest. It was obvious that they wanted to take down Glory Castle in one fell swoop.

The periphery of Glory Castle has basically fallen into chaos, and the nearly 10 residents in the city have lost the "value" of their protection.

They might as well "call" their relatives and friends back as soon as possible, follow Lark's orders, and guard the city lord's palace with astonishing defenses.

As for the other Cole Elf residents, they can only ask for their own blessings.

Regarding their idea, Matthew behaved very calmly, and even specifically called out to the troops who took action:
"Inflicting some pressure and casualties on them, adding some moderately wounded casualties, and consuming their rescue supplies and reserves."

"Let them bring the nobles and soldiers into the castle, just because they are afraid that they will choose to escape and not be able to capture them all."

There is a very tacit "cooperation" between the offense and defense.

The Gulf Territory's raiding force successfully captured the walls of the Glory Castle and controlled other key areas except the City Lord's Mansion as quickly as possible.

For example, there are warehouses that store tens of thousands of tons of high-quality metal ores and metal ingots.

Another example is a grain depot containing hundreds of thousands of tons of grain.

There is also a storage area stocked with many commodities and daily necessities.

After just a brief inventory, Matthew had already calculated that the value of this batch of supplies exceeded at least 2000 million gold coins.

Moreover, in this chaotic time, these high-value metals, grains and other materials can be said to be real hard currency.

Shipping it back to the Gulf Territory may be unrealistic.

But with them, the Gulf Territory does not have to spend a huge price to transport a large amount of materials to the Canterlot Mountains.

Aren’t the living supplies for the half-elf slaves already available?
The ensuing battle did not go beyond Matthew's plans.

More than 2 adventurers controlled the perimeter and walls of Glory Castle.

They took advantage of the situation and took control of the half-elf slave area where there was some commotion outside.

The Gulf Territory staff brought with them a large amount of daily necessities and a group of powerful bodyguards.

Very skillfully "controlled" a large number of half-elf slaves.

They fed this group of half-elf slaves as quickly as possible and gained their initial trust.
Then he took this group of half-elf slaves to the surrounding mines.

In the underground areas of these mines, two bases are undergoing construction and production, which just need a large number of people and labor to supplement them.

This process lasted two full days.

The main reason is that a group of half-elf slaves are in very poor condition, and they must first receive emergency treatment and physical repair.

Fortunately, there were sufficient supplies in the Glory Castle, and the Gulf Territory wasted no time in using this batch of precious supplies to rescue the half-elf slaves.

Anyway, they were purchased with the blood and sweat of half-elf slaves.

As for the Cole Elf soldiers in the mines, they had been temporarily stabilized after receiving the support of elite troops.

But when they learned that Glory Castle had been captured, nearly 4 gray dwarf warriors surrounded them.

Even Sparta, who had been used as a bait to attract them, had retreated into the depths of the mine tunnel.

The Cole Elf army, which lacked all kinds of supplies and ways out, and with "no way to the sky and no way to the earth", finally did not have the courage to fight until the entire army was annihilated, and chose to surrender to Sparta.

At this point, except for the 5000 Cole Elf soldiers who were huddled in the city lord's palace, all other Cole Elf active forces in Glory Castle had been wiped out.

For these captured prisoners, the staff of the Gulf Territory showed all the half-elf slaves what it means to be fair, open, and impartial!
The Cole elf who killed half-elf slaves.

He was sentenced to laboratory confinement + death penalty!

The proportion of this part is very large, as many as tens of thousands.

The Gulf Territory chose to execute it without hesitation, and played part of the laboratory prison images to the half-elf slaves.

This move won praise and recognition from the vast majority of half-elf slaves.

The Cole elf who insulted, beat, and humiliated half-elf slaves.

The same will be put into the laboratory for "transformation and education."

The vast majority will never see the light of day.

Only a handful of Cole elves who are willing to accept transformation and choose to join the ruins camp can gain a certain degree of freedom.

Of course, their actions will be strictly monitored.

They must carry out major and dangerous missions for the Gulf Territory at least five times in order to avoid the negative impact of being under surveillance.

As for whether they want to return to normal life or officially join the Gulf Territory.

That would cost at least a hundred times more than other ordinary intelligent creatures.

The contribution and value they have made will be used to compensate the half-elf slaves, and it will take almost a lifetime to pay for their sins.

There are a very small number of Kor elves who have not yet done evil, or who have refused to do evil.

The Gulf Territory will also arrange labor and transformation packages for them, allowing them to build homes and cities for half-elf slaves.

Only when they realize their mistake, undergo labor reform for at least five years, and pass the magic monitoring inquiry can they be qualified to join the ruined camp.

As for letting them leave?

That is impossible!

Such good labor must not be wasted!

Of course, the Gulf Territory also made a promise to the half-elf slaves, and these measures would only be placed on Cole elf civilians and ordinary soldiers.

As for those nobles and commanders who committed evil deeds, the only outcome was to be killed immediately.

They are not even qualified to live or breathe for one more second!
Of course, the Gulf Territory will not accept all the half-elf slaves under its command.

Their handling and admission process is the same as the Gulf Territory's admission of other refugees.

For those half-elf slaves who have done bad things, the Gulf Territory will also punish them in accordance with the law.

After all, the Gulf Territory doesn't want to take in those scum and disgusting monsters with cannibalistic habits.

Their end is usually not very good, and most of them will become the material for the classification of half-elf slaves in the Gulf Territory laboratory.

Half-elf slaves with other bad habits will also be punished and punished as appropriate.

Only those honest and clean half-elf slaves can join the Gulf Territory smoothly.

As long as they pass the internship period of a few months, they can officially enjoy the benefits of Gulf Territory residents.

This process is relatively long and will last for many days.

During this period, Matthew led Sparta and [-] adventurers to launch a final fierce attack on the Lord's Mansion of Glory Castle.

Under attack from giant trebuchets.

The magic shield of the Lord's Mansion held on for a long time, and the city wall held on for a long time. The 5000 soldiers only held on for less than two hours before they were defeated.

Except for a handful of lords and nobles who used life-saving tools to escape, all the Cole elves became turtles in the urn.

When the Gulf Territory destroyed Fort Glory and burned this centuries-old city to the ground.

Only 5 hours later, the Cole Elf support army arrived at Glory Castle.

They saw a large area of ​​bodies being burned.

Saw the city in ruins.

They also saw the half-elves waving to them on the hillsides on both sides and Sparta showing his true form.

"I, Sparta, am back!"

The loud voice echoed in the huge valley.

Seeing the tragic situation of Fort Glory and the compatriots, and hearing the Spartan protest-like shouts, unspeakable anger immediately swallowed up the minds of the Cole Elf reinforcements.

Without knowing much information, they took the initiative to enter the open mine passage and launched a pursuit against Sparta and the half-elves.

Sparta has no intention of confronting the Cole elves head-on this time.

He led a team of half-elf professionals, and with the assistance of Chris, he patiently fought with the Cole elves' troops.

They relied on the advantages brought by tunnel warfare to continuously weaken the number and morale of the Cole Elf soldiers.

Although they suffered some casualties, everyone in the team got combat experience, and their strength and combat literacy were greatly improved.

Ordinary Cole Elf warriors didn't have much to do against Sparta, and the Cole Elf commanders were forced to send elite troops down the mines.

When these Cole Elf elite troops enter the trap, Sparta will uncharacteristically take the initiative to attack.

When these elite troops thought that they had surrounded or captured Sparta.

Tens of thousands of heavily armed gray dwarf warriors have surrounded them.

The Cole Elf commander, who was unwilling and did not dare to give up his elite troops, decisively ordered an entire army of 5 people to enter the huge underground mine together.

With their numerical advantage, they occupied every passage.

They dug tunnels hidden inside, cleared every trap, and dug up huge underground spaces.

Suppress the battle space of the half-elf troops bit by bit.

It took them two days to finally rescue the elite troops, but found that they had already lost more than half of them.

The Cole Elf commander, who felt extremely heartbroken, had not had time to make the final stranglehold on Sparta and the half-elves.

He discovered a situation that made him a little panicked.

The half-elves built a city underground!

A city with at least 20 half-elves living in it!
This sudden news deeply attracted the Cole Elf Commander.

He couldn't wait to know.

How long did it take to build this city?

How many half-elves live there?
Are there such half-elf cities in other places?

The Elf Commander Cole spent nearly another week preparing for war.

He mobilized 5 Cole Elf soldiers, hundreds of siege equipment, and a large amount of military supplies, and transported them underground bit by bit.

When preparing to siege this half-elf dungeon.

A piece of news that made him panic appeared.

Home was stolen!

 Today 8000
  Ask for a monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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