arcane emperor

Chapter 588 Yaya and Matthew’s lying down development

Chapter 588 Ya Ya and Matthew’s lying down development (1W, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

"The Gulf Territory will open up greater job authority, and those who have passed the test will be able to join the ranks of the military and staff."

"All material data in the stronghold will be open for everyone to observe and discuss."

"The channel for suggestions and suggestions is open, and everyone can make a suggestion based on their professional and expertise once a week."

“Proposals are publicly screened and discussed, and if successfully selected, they will enter the corresponding level of proposal advancement sequence.”

“The proposer can obtain 10% of the resources optimized and saved, and the validity period is one year.”

"If the proposal is replaced by a better proposal, you can get 3 months of savings and optimization rewards at one time."

"In addition, the last batch of supplies has been replaced with industrial golems and production equipment."

"Next, we will not be able to get support from the Gulf Territory Headquarters for the time being, and we will need everyone to work hard."

"Of course, considering the dangers ahead, as long as everyone has enough strength and combat expertise, you can learn some combat expertise and skills in advance..."


Everyone listened carefully to Sera's description of the situation in the stronghold, and saw Farmir sending out magical images about the enemy.

A tall and burly half-giant warrior.

Although the number is small, it brings a terrible sense of oppression to everyone.

A large number of ogre warriors.

Their huge size and thick metal armor also make them very intimidating.

A large number of gray dwarf warriors.

Despite their short stature, they are stocky and strong, with intimidating fiery red eyes.

That's the best proof of being controlled by the mind flayer.

What frightens everyone even more is a large number of magical creatures.

There are dangerous underground shadow lizards and terrifying underground cave spiders.

Drizzt, who is very knowledgeable, even saw a few deadly beholders!

Professionals with rich combat experience feel a lot of pressure.

The mind flayer army in front of them was obviously very powerful, and it was definitely not something they could resist.

Even with the fortress walls as defense, it would be difficult for them to withstand the fierce attack of the mind flayer army.

There are so few of them!

This is not the most important!
Judging from the quantity of supplies released by the stronghold.

The stronghold now has a lot of production machinery, but lacks various production materials.

And the most critical food is missing!
How to do?
Sera coughed slightly, faced everyone's anxious expressions, and said with a smile:

"living comfortably without anybody's help."

"If something is missing, we will produce it. The time the lord buys for us is very precious..."

It was confirmed that the Gulf Territory really had no follow-up support.

Soldiers from the Gulf Territory provided protection step by step.

The staff are still promoting corresponding production.

They have done a good job, and now it is up to the temporary workers to save themselves.

The temporary workers, who felt more and more anxious as they thought about it, immediately gathered together to discuss it.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that the various rules and task arrangements formulated by the Gulf Territory every day can ensure the balance of everyone's combat supplies and living supplies to the greatest extent.

And the various production knowledge they learned has already given the answer.

Everyone, including professionals, must contribute to the production capacity of the entire base.

They reached a consensus during the discussion to increase the number of production personnel.

But even so, they soon discovered new problems.

Extremely short of manpower!

Some helpless big guys had no choice but to ask Farmir for support.

Farmir, who had been doing commentary and guidance work, smiled and said to them:
"Don't think too much first. Let the newcomers integrate into the stronghold as quickly as possible, let them display their abilities as soon as possible, enter production, and join the battle..."

Farmer's reminder immediately made them react.

Yes, because of their initial worries and adaptation, it took them more than a week to fully recognize the Gulf Territory and integrate into the stronghold.

It took less than half a month to start actively learning various skills and engaging in tasks.

But time is running out now, and the stronghold will face a terrifying enemy in two months.

Naturally, these newcomers cannot be allowed to adapt slowly.

After a simple exchange and Farmil's advice, they quickly made up their minds.

Proactively perform human intervention!

After assigning tasks, they, under the leadership of Tyrell and Drizzt, persuaded the uneasy newcomers that night:

"Do you have any special skills? Can you blacksmith? Don't blacksmith yet, the farm needs your help."

"Hurry up and join the agricultural training. Blacksmithing? It's okay. I'll recruit you to work together. Next week's bonus and merit will be divided equally..."

"Although our work doesn't pay well, we usually get very generous bonuses. In the dangerous underground world, we have food in our hands and don't panic..."

"Don't even think about competing with me. I need more manpower to open up wasteland, otherwise everyone will be hungry in the second half of the month!"

"Not only will our numbers increase, but the number of Gulf leaders will also continue to increase, and the pressure on food will be increasing!"

"What should I do? What else can I do? Isn't it all in the land reclamation manual? Hurry up and notify and arrange other people to complete the land reclamation and cultivation tasks first!"

"Food, food, we need more food!"

"Can I buy it from the Gulf Leading Supplies Department?"

"It is no longer possible to transport it here. It is very difficult to transport it manually. The most we can do is get some seeds..."

"More people must be arranged for production. Look, Gulf Territory has already laid out a new development plan!"

"Both agriculture and military affairs must be grasped..."

"There is nothing we can do, hurry up and teach the newcomers step by step!"

"Yes, we must use every ounce of our strength!"


The newcomers were a little confused at first, but soon accepted their arrangements with suspicion.

After all, it is better to be enslaved by gray dwarves, become the plaything of drow, and become the food of mind flayers.

As long as you put in a little work, you can be safe to a certain extent and have enough food and clothing. It is simply the difference between heaven and hell.

Seeing that they adapted quickly and could officially pass the assessment and enter the workplace in about three days, everyone was relieved.

However, the problems before everyone still need to be solved properly.

The temporary workers didn't notice.

Under the threat of death, everyone began to worry about various problems in the stronghold.

After Tyrell learned about part of the Gulf Territory's defensive combat system, he was deeply shocked and began to make suggestions.

Build higher walls!
The original 8-meter-high wall was raised to 12 meters.

And the last batch of magic-forbidden materials were added to ensure their magic defense power.

In addition to the city walls, various types of war preparations such as trenches, arrow towers, and traps have never been seen before by various professionals. While they are eye-opening, they must also invest more energy in being busy.

In addition to defense facilities, weapons and equipment also require them to be well prepared.

Expand the size of the arsenal!

Now hundreds of sets of weapons and equipment are indeed enough, but it is far from enough to have enough defensive equipment.

As a last resort, they could only train workers in the military factory while starting to vigorously dig out the mineral veins under the ruins.

Of course, the engineering golems in the stronghold played a greater role.

But more professional command personnel are needed for control.

Fortunately, among these new prisoners, there are a lot of spellcasters and have a lot of experience in controlling golems and puppets.

After simple training, they will be able to control the golems to mine.

Although they were a little helpless, they all chose to be obedient in the face of various rewards provided by the Gulf Territory.

It was also at this time that the original professionals suddenly discovered.

The rules that Gulf Territory requires everyone to learn in advance, as well as the "violators" and "criminals" that are directly exposed every day, will make others obey.

No one dares to break the rules!

This resulted in a highly efficient structure set by the rules, which allowed them to exert amazing combat effectiveness and productivity.

Apart from these.

What excites the professionals the most is that the professionals who have completed the first batch of soldier training can finally become soldiers and join the Gulf Territory's combat order.

Joining the Gulf Territory's combat sequence means that they can better unleash their combat effectiveness.

Of course, their freedom will be restricted to a certain extent, and their daily tasks will also have more changes.

New patrol teams and sweep teams were formed at the stronghold.

Detect these dangers around the stronghold, and clean up the dangerous creatures or enemies that are approaching.

The thing that bothers them the most.

On the contrary, it is agricultural production that they never pay attention to!
Even the long-lived and versatile elves don't do much research on agricultural production.

The elves' environment and superb magic technology allow them to easily enjoy the fruits produced by the automated magic orchard.

This is also the reason why most elves are not interested in food from other races.

He believes that the food of other races is not as pure and pure as that of elves.

However, now facing the coercion of life and hunger, these elves have obediently abandoned their previous elegant habits, and have become accustomed to eating various foods produced in the Gulf Territory.

But now?

It seems that even these foods that can only satisfy the hunger are almost gone.

In the beginning, they didn't have much in the way of coping with this predicament.

The soil in the underground world is sparse and barren, and areas that can grow food are more valuable than many ores that produce rare metals.

This is the reason why Mobletho City wants to attack the Jackal Kingdom. The black land that can produce a lot of food is one of their real goals.

Fortunately, they quickly got the answer from the various technologies prepared by the Gulf Territory.

Farmir was very glad that he had learned enough. He opened the "Guide to Reclamation and Farming in the Underground World" in his hand and said:
"Now, we only have one agricultural golem for land reclamation, which can cultivate 20 acres of fields every day."

"There need to be 3 to 4 spellcasters to continuously repair and replenish energy for the agricultural golem."

"Then, we need to establish a fertilizer production base, which has a complete set of basic fertilizer production technologies and conditions..."

"The next step is the most important difficulty. The various high-yielding seeds we prepared will quickly deteriorate during rapid planting and harvesting."

"Therefore, there is a need for better breeding and selection of breeding professionals..."

"We need people who are proficient in druid ways and techniques. If not, spellcasters can temporarily replace them..."

"We only have two Druid trainee members here, so non-professionals need to be tested. If there are people with Druid talents, they must be cultivated as soon as possible."

Everyone who realized the difficulty of producing food in the underground world quickly understood that this was not a problem that could be solved in a short time.

However, if they don't solve it, even if they are lucky enough to defeat the incoming mind flayer army, they will starve to death because of running out of food.

Therefore, agricultural development cannot be given up.

Capable professionals will do their best to train and guide other non-professional members in their free time after work.

They need more manpower, more people who can do things, to help them share the pressure and improve their overall strength!

Bay Collar provided some help and guidance.

However, under the instructions of Yaya and Sera, the personnel from the Gulf Territory only provided some advice and technical support.

The remaining practical operations require discussion and research by an increasing number of staff and Gulf collar professionals.

Benefit from the many technologies that Gulf Territory reserves.

Supported by the pressure of death and amazing gains.

Everyone in the stronghold is growing very fast.

No one dares to waste any time and strives to make themselves and the stronghold stronger.

About three weeks.

The stronghold absorbs all new people and makes them a part of itself.

They also quickly came into their own.

Allow the stronghold to produce more weapons, equipment and resources.

The stronghold has stored 4000 sets of weapons and armor.

Most of them are well-made and of excellent quality, and have been unanimously praised and affirmed by everyone.

A 30-person magic item production team is working overtime to turn them into better enchanted items.

The more important production of crossbows and crossbow arrows has fallen into a bottleneck due to insufficient manpower.

In fact, the population of the entire stronghold has risen to 5500.

It has 1500 soldiers, 2500 production staff, 1000 construction personnel, 300 logistics personnel, and about 200 reserve members who need training.

With very few exceptions, everyone in the entire stronghold was working as fast as they could.

However, compared to the muddled slave time before.

The vast majority of people are very satisfied with their lives.

Under the legal provisions and the constraints of power, this originally simple stronghold turned into a large, equal, united, and enterprising group.

For individuals who join it, the feeling of becoming stronger and growing every moment can give them an indescribable excitement and joy.

You can become stronger by working hard, you can grow by studying, and you can get rich rewards by working. This is simply a dream life.

The entire ruins stronghold is growing at a rapid rate.

And all of this is just the Gulf Territory setting up the rules and forcing everyone to obey the rules.

Now, it’s just a little more “push.”

Everyone took the initiative!

The cheerful Sera looked at the magic weapons and equipment made in the stronghold, nodded with satisfaction and said:
"Everyone did a great job, so I can worry less."

"That's it. The territory belongs to everyone. Only by working together can the territory develop better."

Unable to help but roll his eyes, the busy Farmir was counting various data, worrying about the impending shortage of food, and muttering:

"No, we have to trade with the territory and exchange magic props for food and land reclamation supplies!"

Yaya, who was sleeping soundly next to him, could not help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and said to Matthew very comfortably:

"You are right, as long as you teach them the knowledge, they will work hard to find a way out on their own!"

Lie flat and develop!

so comfortable!
Even though she said that, Sera didn't mean to let go completely.

Seeing that the whole plan finally succeeded in step 1.

She is naturally willing to invest more time and energy to make the entire plan go more smoothly.

Soon, the new announcement information made everyone excited.

"There are a total of four threatening camps and strongholds around our stronghold."

"Their specific information is as follows, 1 gray dwarf stronghold and 3 mind flayer strongholds."

"The gray dwarf stronghold has a total of 3000 warriors, 1.4 gray dwarves, and about 2 slaves."

"The number of enemies in the Mind Flayer stronghold is small, but there are an average of 2000 combat troops and 3000 slaves."

"The Gray Dwarf stronghold is preparing to retreat. They seem to be afraid of the Mind Flayer's approaching army..."

"The purpose of the existence of the Mind Flayer stronghold is to mine several large metal veins around it."

This information was deliberately announced by Sera, and it quickly aroused everyone's discussion.

After more than three weeks of intensive production, everyone worked hard to solve many problems and difficulties and stored a considerable amount of combat materials.

Even the most difficult agricultural production.

With the help of the newly appointed 5 druids, a certain amount of output began to be produced.

Tyrell couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, thinking about the training and fighting in the past few weeks, and immediately thought about preparing to take action.

Training alone cannot further improve the strength of soldiers and professionals.

Moreover, the numerical disadvantage also needs to be rescued to make up for and strengthen it by rescuing more prisoners.

He quickly discussed it with the others, and the big guys who were ready to make a move immediately reached a consensus.

"So, do you all agree to take the initiative to attack the surrounding mind flayer strongholds to rescue more prisoners, weaken the number of mind flayers, and conduct combat testing by the way?"

Sera looked at several combat representatives, her heart slightly filled with joy, but the expression on her face was still very serious.

Tyrell and others nodded, feeling the tremendous pressure coming from Sera. Everyone couldn't help but wonder in their hearts, how strong is this gray elf?

"Very well, I'm glad that you are so forward-thinking."

"Since you have ideas, let's arrange a battle plan with the participation of all people based on the combat knowledge we have learned!"

After hearing Sera's words, several people who were completely unprepared were immediately dumbfounded.National participation?

Development of a tactical plan?
This made them a little confused, and real expectations and surprises emerged in their hearts.

Now that the territories have agreed, why should they hesitate?

News about the formulation of the battle plan quickly spread throughout the stronghold and fortress.

Everyone who joins the stronghold will actively or passively participate in job, soldier, and professional training after finishing their work.

Everyone has learned something about this.

But they never thought of it.

This was very important to them and had little to do with the formulation of the battle plan, but a task actually fell on them!

Everyone has a desire to talk!
Not to mention, the big guy has learned more or less!
As a result, various discussions and tasks began to appear on various subdivided battle plans, plan supplements, war-related logistical arrangements and layouts.

Even to ensure that everyone in every job position can participate.

We also specially developed additional combat proposal options for them:

"Every job is about combat support and enhanced production plans!"

It was in this atmosphere of lively discussion that everyone's spirits, which had slowed down a bit, immediately became high again.

The territory continues to teach everyone every day and promote it to everyone.

The difficulty of survival in the stronghold, everyone's struggle, how to eliminate dangers, and strive to develop and explore.

Various slogans that can solve current problems have caused huge changes in everyone's way of thinking.

There is danger and difficulty.

Don't wait silently, but be proactive and proactive, face difficulties and find ways to solve them!

So, it was only three days.

A very detailed battle plan with many backup plans was presented before Sera's eyes.

She looked at the entire plan with great interest. Although she found some loopholes and flaws, she did not point them out directly. Instead, under the disbelieving gazes of Tyrell and others, she said without hesitation:
"This plan is quite good. We will give everyone another two days to prepare, and then we will carry out combat missions in strict accordance with the plan."

Unexpectedly, the territory actually approved everyone's battle plan.

An unprecedented feeling filled everyone's hearts.

“The development of the territory depends on everyone.”

“Everyone is part of the territory.”

“The future of the territory requires everyone’s joint efforts and development.”

"The battle and survival of the territory are closely related to everyone."

"Working hard to do your job is the best support for the territory."


Everyone shouted slogans about daily study, but with extremely bright smiles on their faces.

These slogans have become a reality, and everyone feels that their efforts have not been in vain, and they naturally become more inspired.

The feeling of being recognized allows everyone to see clearly their strengths and contributions.

Everyone got their tasks and everyone became quite excited.

In the following time, they all worked hard to act strictly in accordance with the requirements of the task.

The entire stronghold started to move, from slow to fast, and finally burst out with unparalleled power.

8 month 2 day.

Underground world.

Gulf Territory Ruins Stronghold.

Brightness 1, humidity 40%.

Yaya stared at the soldiers who were getting ready to go with great curiosity, and the smile on his face could not be hidden.

She almost didn't care about anything except fighting.

These guys have integrated smoothly into the Bay Area backcourt.

Not only did he solve many problems for her, but he also successfully regarded himself as a member of the Gulf Territory, fully developing the spirit of ownership.

He is really an excellent tool man!

Of course, these interesting social experiments have come to an end for the time being.

Next, is the combat experiment that Yaya is most interested in and is most looking forward to.

In order to accumulate more data and information for the sixth reconstruction surgery.

Yaya and Matthew invested a lot of energy and resources to launch such a crazy experiment, and now it is time to collect the results of the first phase of the experiment.

I hope that these specially trained and strengthened soldiers and professionals can show the combat performance that Yaya and Matthew expect when facing the mind flayer army!
Thinking of this, Yaya felt the subtle praises and slogans coming from his ears, and patiently felt the power and transmission of the thoughts in them.

In addition to fighting and honing her combat skills every day, Yaya silently felt the impact of the prayers and praises of everyone in the territory on her.

There are good and bad!

The good thing is that she unknowingly gained more understanding of the body of a demigod.

The downside was that she had to deal with the constant voices and whispers in her ears.

However, after receiving Matthew's advice, Yaya did not choose to give up or fail because of the difficulty of this task.

She studied bit by bit and improved bit by bit.

Yaya's super thinking ability and speed allowed her to quickly adapt to the "noise" in her ears, processing and digesting it at extremely fast speeds.

After completing these daily tasks, Yaya spread his wings and quietly passed through the fog in the ruins, arriving at the battlefield where the war was about to begin.

She gently sniffed the smell of tension in the air, and could easily distinguish the location, status, and strength of the combatants on both sides.

Such a powerful and terrifying ability is the result of Yaya's continuous training and strengthening.

Yaya looked down carefully.

She immediately saw through the plan of the Gulf Territory Combat Force.

Seeing a special team of spellcasters quietly setting up magic circles to block communication around the Mind Flayer's stronghold, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

"Yeah, this skill is quite similar, but it's still lacking in precision."

The rest of the action force wasted no time.

In response to the information that had been observed long ago, a mining force out of the Mind Flayer stronghold was cut and surrounded.

The raid and killing operation of the gray elf transformed warriors was very successful.

As soon as the battle started, they launched a surprise attack on the mind flayer at the center of the team.

Not only did they successfully evade most of the Mind Flayer's defenses, but they also did not receive even a single psychic counterattack until the moment the other party died.

One pierces the heart, one chops off the head, and the last one uses a dimensional anchor.

The double fatal blow, both physical and mental, left the mind flayer commander with no power to resist.

As soon as it died, the 800-man combat team immediately fell into huge chaos.

Dozens of elite slaves controlled by the Mind Flayer were instantly hit with severe mental trauma.

They attack any life or individual around them arbitrarily, killing any creature that gets in their way.

The other slave warriors have not received decent training, and are more like miners and guards who guard slaves.

Soon, facing the chaos of the enemy's formation, the long-awaited combat team took the initiative to rush in.

They gave priority to clearing out some diehard elements who were stubbornly resisting, ensuring that there were not too many "voices" in the entire team.

Any enemy who dared to fight back was killed without mercy.

"This kind of guy can't understand the situation, is very stupid, and his sin is very serious. Killing him is naturally a good thing."

Just 5 minutes of effort.

This 800-man miner team was completely wiped out quietly.

Arranged for about 200 gray dwarves and elven slaves to be sent back to the stronghold.

When Yaya saw the entire combat force, he began to regroup and regroup, heading in the direction the opponent came from.

Looking at them like this, they were obviously preparing to attack the Mind Flayer stronghold.

However, Ya Ya does not think that this 1000-person action team will fail. Even if the opponent has advantages in defense and strength, it is already destined to fail.

As expected, facing the gray dwarf soldiers controlled by the mind flayers and the slave warriors guarding the stronghold, they had no intention of questioning at all.

Never question those ferocious and terrifying mind flayers, that is simply asking for death!

This is the feeling of most slave warriors!
Soon, the city gates and walls were lost in just a few dozen breaths.

The sharp knife squad composed of gray elf transformed warriors easily defeated the gray dwarf slave warriors who came to support them.

After the opponent is controlled by the mind, the strength of the slave warrior will even drop by one challenge level.

Without the command of the mind flayers, they rushed over and tried to retake the city gates, giving away as many as they could get.

Slave warriors are only proud of their numbers and strength.

But facing the gray elf transformed warriors, they were at an absolute disadvantage in any of them.

The accumulation of various considerable advantages naturally formed a powerful force that could easily suppress and eliminate them.

The Gray Elf transformation warriors successfully completed the capture of the city gate and city wall, and also held back more than 500 of the opponent's main forces.

A combat force of more than 300 people quickly came to support.

They quickly helped the gray elves transform their warriors and guarded the city gates and walls.

Facing the attack of more than 600 slaves in total, they showed extremely good protective power and withstood the opponent's offensive.

Just when Yaya thought that the battle was about to get tense, a sneak attack force caught her attention.

Starting from another defensive gap in the stronghold, they not only successfully eliminated the city gates and walls, but also started to move towards the center of the stronghold.

This decision immediately plunged the mind flayer commander, who was very concerned about his life, into a huge panic.

It was very straightforward and began to gather the slave army it controlled everywhere and use this army to open the way.

The mind flayer commander simply treats the slaves in his hands as consumables and cannon fodder.

The mind flayer's idea is very simple. As long as he can survive, he can just capture the slave later.

Naturally, the Gulf Territory would not be polite to them. First, they spread the news that the mind flayers had completely retreated and escaped.

Then, the soldiers went out of their way to publicize the Gulf Territory's treatment of prisoners.

To put it simply, it means being well fed and warmly clothed.

Many soldiers who were holding on put down their weapons.

But even so, some slave soldiers still began to flee. The Gray Elf Special Forces of Transformed Warriors pursued and killed them without hesitation.

While beating up the drowned dogs, they also seized a large amount of supplies and captured quite a few prisoners.

The entire Mind Flayer stronghold was taken down!

The excited Gulf Territory soldiers tasted the joy of victory.

This way of fighting with fewer enemies and more, with the weak defeating the strong, makes this joy even more mellow and sweet.

However, their celebration did not last long, and they soon began to clean up the battlefield.

"Collect all the corpses, and after purification, they can be used as bait to attract magical creatures..."

"No metal can be spared. It is always more cost-effective to re-refine it in a furnace than to mine it..."

"Disarm these guys. Don't do it yourself. After returning to the stronghold, there will be a lot of punishment waiting for them..."

"Priority is given to collecting all grains, but safety inspections are required. After collecting this batch of grains, our food pressure should be reduced a lot..."

"That's not the case at all. Although there is more food, the number of people who need to eat will also increase. It just lasts for another two months..."

"Bring back everything you can use, and don't leave any usable resources for the mind flayer army..."

"Why did you carry those rocks back?"

"Stones are also resources!"


The entire Mind Flayer stronghold was robbed, and news of the victory quickly spread back to the stronghold.

Everyone listened to the news in disbelief, with unspeakable excitement and excitement in their eyes.

Although they had a vague premonition in their hearts, they never expected that the news of victory in the battle would come so quickly and be so fascinating.

Countless people shouted excitedly, and many began to ask for details about the battle.

Looking at the batch after batch of prisoners being transported back and the rescued refugees, bursts of joy welled up in everyone's heart.

"Long live the Gulf Territory, long live the Lord!"

"The Gulf Territory will definitely win, I say it!"

"This is everyone's credit, and everyone should enjoy this joy."

"This is too impressive, it only lasts half a day!"

"Does that need to be said? We have made so many preparations and practiced so many times."

"The enemy is more slow and stupid than we imagined, and the difficulty of training is higher than that of actual combat..."

"A total of about 3500 prisoners were rescued, and now more people are eating..."

"I hope there will be more people with druid talents among them..."

"Hurry up and arrange for these people to check and rest. After they recover, they need to be put into production and work immediately..."

"Sending so much food back? That's great!"

"The total grain reserves have been restored to two months, but there are still some symptoms that are being treated but not the root cause!"

"Take your time and everything will get better!"


Yaya listened to their enthusiastic discussion and could clearly feel the joy and excitement in their thoughts and voices.

This very comfortable feeling makes Yaya's thoughts very clear, and he never gets entangled or worried.

When Yaya heard that the returning Gulf Territory warriors had begun to discuss how to remove another Mind Flayer stronghold, Yaya stretched out very comfortably and said to Sera who was also very happy beside him:

"Yeah, I'll lie down and sleep for a while, and you can continue to arrange their work."

Sera had just nodded in agreement when she heard Yaya's purring, which made her feel a little dumbfounded and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Today, the Gulf leading army made a small test and achieved a brilliant result of "23 losses and 980 enemies killed."

Sera was naturally very happy, but at the same time it was clear that such a tactic could only be used once.

Facing the more insidious and cunning mind flayers in the future will inevitably require more considerations and more detailed and careful plans.

However, Sera believes in the collective power of all people.

As Yaya said:

"A good system and environment only need to be properly maintained and repaired to allow the territory to develop rapidly."

This is an interesting conclusion that Yaya came to after observing Matthew's "lying development".

Sera quickly became busy. Victory in the battle did not mean the end.

Combat summary, reward distribution, personnel arrangement, and newcomer training all require a lot of time and energy to deal with.

However, Sera's task is not heavy.

Because she only needs to issue an order, and the corresponding staff will quickly solve it.

Bay collar.

bay city.

Lord's Palace.

Matthew flipped through the battle report in his hand, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly involuntarily, and he rubbed his hands in anticipation:

"It can be seen that everyone is very satisfied with the current system. It is time to give them some "surprises."

Matthew's surprise was naturally not a simple arrangement, but more "rewards" for the big guys in the stronghold.

Better fighting skills, stronger fighting expertise, better fighting skills.

Some strongholds are temporarily unable to produce super-level magic props and equipment independently.

There is also the "enhanced package" carefully prepared by Matthew for them.

A new power system route—psionic power!
Whether they are ordinary people who are not employed or professionals who have grown up, they can master stronger power by learning psychic powers.

This has an immediate effect on the big guys in the underground world.

By mastering and learning psychic powers, they can better resist the control and influence of the mind flayers.

At the same time, along with their psionics, there were many skills and expertise that Matthew needed to conduct experiments and collect data.

"The stage has been set for you, and the gift package has been prepared for you. You have to show your strength!"

Matthew, who was lying down comfortably again, was silently waiting for the "self-development" of his subjects.

When you wake up, it will be another good harvest day!
 Happy Mid-autumn Festival.

  1 today.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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