Do not engage in underworld operations in the human world!

Chapter 104 Jiang Lu brings dawn to Florence

Chapter 104 Jiang Lu brings dawn to Florence (5k please subscribe!)

Overall, Jiang Lu was satisfied.

Although after leaving the body, its effects are not as immediate as compared to direct effects, and the time to take effect will be much slower.

But that's enough.

Now that you have determined that what you are playing is effective, it is time to try adjusting the concentration.

He needs to formulate the final drug to be effective at the lowest possible concentration.

Ignoring the beaked doctors in the square who were waiting to watch the fun, whispering to each other with faces full of banter, he entered Marino's studio again.

After forcing the sleeping Catherine to turn on her phone, Jiang Lu collected some more raw materials.

Then, he prepared solutions of different concentrations in the same solvent according to a certain proportion, and then continued to divide them according to different solvents.

Different solvents are used to determine how to preserve them better, while different concentrations are used to determine how to achieve the effect of curing patients with the smallest amount.

Now it's time for the controlled variable method to show its power again.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

But when Greco told Jiang Lu the results of all the experiments, he fell silent.

"Mr. Holmes, they are of no use at all, and none of the patients show any signs of improvement!" Greco reported anxiously.

Jiang Lu guessed that many solvents might not be suitable for preservation, but he didn't expect that there were so many types, not even one of them.

"Not even distilled water?"

"No." Greco shook his head: "It must be in its original state to be useful."

"I understand, let me think of another way." Jiang Lu sent him away, his face not very pretty.

If it has to be in its original state, how much should it be beaten?

It's impossible even for him.

He began to search all his memories, trying to find which link had gone wrong.

Soon, he discovered that he had overlooked a very critical issue.

That is, even he cannot break free from the shackles of nature.

The healing factor is not immortal.

In their original hotbed, their survival time is 24 to 72 hours, but if they are added to other liquids in order to reduce the concentration, they will become inactive very quickly.

The temperature, properties of the liquid, and even the surrounding environment will affect its survival rate.

How to solve the problem of survival rate has become the main trouble.

"what can we do about it"

Jiang Lu paced back and forth in the studio.


His footsteps soon woke up Catherine, because he was walking to the simple bed where Catherine was lying. The latter thought that he needed new raw materials, so he opened the quilt out of habit and waited for Jiang Lu.


Jiang Lu stopped and stared at the crystal on Catherine's thighs.

"I figured it out!"

"What did you think of?" Catherine yawned and asked curiously.

"I'm such a coin!" Jiang Lu slapped his thigh: "Just put them where they should go! This way, not only will they not become inactive, but they will become more energetic out of instinct!"

"What?" The sleepy Catherine couldn't think at all at the moment: "I don't understand."

"It's okay, you don't need to understand, let's continue."

"Oh." Catherine nodded, stood up and sat on her knees on the ground.

"No, turn your back to me."

"it is good."

"Something is different this time." Jiang Lu held her shoulders and ordered: "Tell me if you feel it. Don't be like before."

"Ah?" Catherine turned around and said embarrassedly: "You want to tell me?"


"Okay okay."

Catherine has a sensitive constitution, which Jiang Lu has noticed a long time ago.

Because of this, he felt regretful that he had not thought of this method before.

In the time it took Catherine to collect the raw materials once, she could collect them several times, almost a full cup, which made Jiang Lu shake her head repeatedly.

It was so wasteful before!
Catherine, whose face was flushed again and whose chest was heaving, also looked ashamed when she saw that Jiang Lu had collected so much.

"That's so much?"

"How much?" Jiang Lu shook his head and looked out the window with a melancholy expression: "These are not enough."

He divided the healing factor into the new solvent in proportion, then called Greco and asked him to try again.

What finally came back this time was exciting good news.

"All patients have improved!" Greco was ecstatic: "The worst dark spots have also faded, and their condition has stabilized."

"Great!" Knowing that her efforts were not in vain, Catherine also showed a bright smile.

Jiang Lu breathed a sigh of relief and sat down at the table to take a breather.

Once his condition stabilizes, he won't die soon.

He looked at Catherine.

Catherine is not like Jiang Lu. After many overdrafts, she is already a little unable to do what she wants.

Although it seems to be a lot of food, compared to when I was in the bathroom and when I first came to the studio, it is already the end of the stick.

After thinking about it carefully, Jiang Lu sent Greco away first.

"Catherine," he called.

"What, Mr. Holmes?"

"I need you to do me a favor."

"Let me rest for a while~" Catherine blinked and acted coquettishly.

"No, not this one."

Jiang Lu shook his head.

Catherine looked puzzled: "That is."

Jiang Lu sighed: "God helps those who help themselves. I have now realized that my meager strength alone is not enough to save all Florentines. I think everyone needs to unite."

"Unity?" Catherine was even more confused.

Medici Residence, corridor.

"What?! Mr. Holmes developed a medicine that can cure the plague?"

Giovanni's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Then what are my previous sacrifices?"

"Sacrifice?" Catherine shook her head in disgust, looking through the crack in the bedroom door behind Giovanni: "I don't think you enjoy it very much, don't you?"

When she came back, she learned from the old housekeeper that Giovanni had never left the bedroom after they left.

What shocked her most was that she wanted to knock on the door and call out Giovanni.

As a result, I vaguely heard the conversation inside at the door——

"I am Sherlock Holmes now, please pay attention to your title."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Holmes."

"No, no, you have to resist a little bit."

"Mr. Holmes, I feel sorry for my husband. He will be very sad if he finds out."

"Oh! This is so touching!"

Catherine immediately knocked on the door.

Then there were sounds of falling and knocking things off.


"I am Catherine."

"Coming soon."

So at this moment, faced with his sister's direct gaze and questioning, Giovanni couldn't even raise his head.

"You heard everything?"

Catherine nodded: "It's clear."

Giovanni sighed.

"Let's talk about medicines. Where did we just talk?" Catherine came here for Jiang Lu's commission, and she didn't bother to talk to Giovanni about his incomprehensible habits at the moment.

"Now the manufacturing of the drug is in trouble and cannot be mass-produced. Mr. Holmes needs your help."

"How can I help?"

Giovanni asked curiously: "I know nothing about medicine."

Catherine rolled her eyes: "Of course I'm not asking you to help make the medicine, but I'm asking you to help collect materials."

"what material?"

Catherine looked around, then whispered into Giovanni's ear to explain.

After listening to this, Giovanni suspected that he had heard wrongly.

"What?! What?! You're not kidding?!"

"Yes, that's it. Without that, maybe only a very small number of people can be saved."

Catherine could guess what Giovanni was thinking and said: "The drug must be fine. It has been tested. The problem now is how to mass-produce it so that all Florentines can escape this disaster. The only way to do this is to You are the only one responsible for this matter now, and only you have such great appeal."

"No, then you can't call for this."

Giovanni's face was full of embarrassment: "If this spreads out, how can I get around in Europe in the future?"

Upon hearing this, Catherine was furious.

"If everyone in Florence is dead, I don't think you can survive!"

"This" Giovanni still hesitated: "Let me think about it again."

At this moment, Jiang Lu, who was always worried and worried that Catherine could not convince Giovanni, also rushed over.

Seeing that Giovanni was still hesitant, he was grateful that he had come.

"Mr. Medici." He greeted, and then said with a smile: "Now all my hopes are pinned on you."

"You're here." Giovanni had a complicated expression and smiled bitterly: "This is really... a bit too absurd. I don't know what to do now."

"It doesn't matter whether it's absurd or not, what matters is what you achieved."

Jiang Lu shrugged: "I understand your fear of the unknown and new things, but think about it, if tens of thousands of people die because you let the opportunity go in vain this time, future generations will not care about saving people. No matter how absurd the method is, they will only remember that you deprived them of the chance to live.

I know this logic sounds bastard, but there are always people who use morality to flaunt themselves and use it to kidnap others.

Maybe you can think about it from another angle. If tens of thousands of people are saved with your help, then this kind of bad result will never happen. On the contrary, you will become a hero, not only making the name of the Medici family If it is passed down, it can also gain the loyalty of the entire Florence. "

Having said this, Jiang Lu smiled: "And haven't you already joined our Red Cross Society? Maybe we can do something big and turn Florence into the new Papal State.

While those incompetent believers in the Vatican are still praying to God, wouldn't it be better if the whole of Europe becomes our backyard? "

These words awakened Giovanni.

Indeed, now is not the time to worry about face.

The opportunity to save the entire Florence was now in front of him. No matter how ridiculous this thing was, it was better than later generations saying that he was stupid and incompetent. At least he truly saved tens of thousands of lives.

And the second half of Jiang Lu's words simply spoke to his heart.

Although the Medici family is the new overlord of Florence, its foundation is not stable and it often needs to submit tribute to the Papal State in order to gain recognition and guarantee its status.

Being able to gain a firm foothold is already a dream, let alone have the opportunity to completely get rid of the Papal State and become completely independent. This was a topic that was simply impossible to talk about in the past.

Giovanni was moved.

Compared with the great righteousness mentioned by Catherine, it was obviously the practical benefits mentioned by Jiang Lu that moved him more.

"Red Cross."

He murmured, then suddenly laughed: "Okay! That's it!"

Catherine watched Jiang Lu quietly. In her opinion, at this moment, Jiang Lu, who was speaking boldly and calmly, and convinced Giovanni in just a few words, was extremely charming.

"Mr. Holmes, you are simply a genius!" Giovanni did not hesitate to express his appreciation and respect: "In your eyes, even natural disasters also have opportunities, which makes me admire you!"

"No more polite words." Jiang Lu looked at the clock pointing to two o'clock in the morning and said: "Every minute and second we waste, a patient may die. Now that we have decided, let's take action quickly. .”

"Okay, I'll order it now."

Giovanni said, and was about to go find someone to convey the message, when he remembered something again and quickly returned to the bedroom.

Not long after, he came out holding a basin.

"This is..." Jiang Lu looked at the half-filled basin of water and realized something.

Giovanni smiled sheepishly: "These are some of the things you asked for that I just collected. They have other uses, but I hope you can use them."

"How about being a noble?"

Jiang Lu nodded with satisfaction: "Both the gameplay and the ideological consciousness are very high."

The private soldiers of the Medici family took to the streets in groups, knocked on the doors of every house in the safe zone, and then handed them leaflets.

The bearded man, who worked as a judge in the Holy See and had to stay at home after the outbreak of the plague, closed the door, walked up the stairs with a frown on his face while holding the leaflet, returned to the bedroom, lit the oil lamp, and sat on the edge of the bed.

His wife had been woken up and looked at the sky, surprised that her husband had gotten up so early today.

"Honey, what's going on?"

Huzi stared at the simple flyers and saw that they were improvised flyers. He was filled with doubts and said, "Something strange happened."

The wife propped up her upper body, leaned against the head of the bed, and combed her hair that was messed up during sleep.

"what's up?"

"Well, the city lord said that he has now found a medicine that can effectively cure the disease."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Looking back at his wife who had a calm face and a slightly confused look in her eyes, the bearded man didn't know how to explain.

In order to prevent his wife from panicking, he kept saying at home that there was a contagious disease outside, without telling her how terrible the disease was.

Only as someone who has seen the tragic situation outside the city, he knows how desperate this plague is.

Therefore, in his opinion, it is simply impossible to find a drug. This is no longer a disaster that can be reversed by human power, but a punishment from God!
"A good thing, maybe."

The bearded man didn't explain anything, he just continued to look down.

When he saw what Giovanni wanted them to do, everyone was stunned.

"Absurd! It's a joke!"

Seeing his reaction, his wife asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"look by youself."

He handed the flyer to his wife, and soon, shock appeared on her face.

"Go to sleep." The bearded man shook his head, intending to pretend that nothing happened.

But at this moment, his wife was attracted by the last words on the flyer and stopped the bearded man who was about to lie down.

"Look at this."


[People who fall into the sea will not drown. Only those who pray for a big ship to fall in the sea and do nothing will drown. Florentines need to unite and each of us needs to swim to form a ship. An indestructible ark that can defeat all storms and tsunamis! 】

Seeing that Big Beard was thoughtful, his wife talked about a past event that Big Beard didn't know about.

"My parents were always against it before I married you."

The bearded man was startled and raised his head suddenly: "Why so suddenly?"

"Listen to me."

His wife interrupted him and continued:

"At that time, you were still a poor boy who only knew how to memorize the laws and regulations, and had nothing.

But I just appreciate your enthusiasm.

When I saw this sentence, I thought of you. You are the kind of person who was born in the sea, but will always swim desperately towards your goal. I know that sooner or later you will succeed one day, so I have no hesitation. "

"what do you mean"

"Why don't you give it a try?" The wife smiled: "You were worried that I would be scared, so you never told me what was going on outside. But when my neighbor was taken away that day, I actually guessed that the situation was worse than what you said. Much worse.

And now, the possibility is before us, although it seems a bit...but at least it's not something that must not be tried, right?

Don't you always talk about what you want to do for Florence? Isn't the opportunity right in front of you now? "

The bearded man took a deep breath.

After a while, he suddenly showed a smile: "I didn't expect that you are more open-minded than me."

He was persuaded.

The same thing happens in every household.

Although some people thought the things in the flyer were too unacceptable, most people happily followed what was said, found containers, collected materials, and then quietly placed them on the street in front of their homes.

When the soldiers returned to the initial distribution area an hour after distributing leaflets, they were surprised to find that the entire street was filled with bottles and cans.

It is clear that the people of Florence are ready to overcome this challenge together.

The unity of Florence on this night has become an enduring legend of the city.

As for that flyer, because of the items it raised, it was revered as the sacred water droplet in the Red Cross Bible!
 Good morning! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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