Reborn in 2011, 985 missing from two copies

Chapter 221 The first Xingyi mobile phone is produced!

Chapter 221 The first Xingyi mobile phone is produced! (Ask for monthly ticket)

There is no doubt about miHoYo’s development capabilities.

Coupled with Wang Yi's business system operation ideas, "Honkai Academy" has a promising future.

At this time, Wang Yi received a text message from Jian Ziyan: [Boss, someone from the VMware baseband department is here. 】

Wang Yi replied: [Okay, you receive them first, I will be there in a moment. 】

Then, Wang Yi looked at Mr. Cai and the other four:

"That's how the business system is. As for how to adjust the specific values, you can find a few popular games and work backwards. Then adjust them again based on internal testing."

"Okay, boss."

After Wang Yi left, the four of them had complicated expressions and were full of emotions:

"This investor is really right. Now, the business system of our game is completely clear."

“Not only that, it also saved us a lot of detours.”

"Yes, according to our previous plan, "Honkai Academy" is just a 2D horizontal version of a stand-alone game about cute girls fighting zombies. It really has no future and is a waste of time. But with Director Wang's planning and investment, we By directly making an online game, the upper limit of "Honkai" will be greatly increased."

“This game must be done well and we must not let down Director Wang’s trust and investment.”

"Director Wang, not only that, there is also a surprise!"

Pang Liguo smiled and said: "There are thirty-two baseband R&D engineers coming to the Imperial Capital with me this time. In two days, there will be nineteen more, for a total of fifty-one baseband R&D engineers. Basically, those who can be brought here, Brought them all here!”

The reason is simple. First, MediaTek has its own baseband R&D team and there is no shortage of manpower.

A baseband that does not support telecommunications is a disabled baseband, which is inherently deficient.

"I know that you have accepted some chip R&D designers from Texas Instruments, and there is no shortage of CPU R&D engineers."

As for why these people chose to join Xingyi Semiconductor instead of switching to MediaTek?

"We strive to have both chips and basebands successfully taped out by this time next year!"

Pang Liguo smiled and said: "So I hired twelve chip R&D engineers in Taiwan, mainly in the direction of GPU R&D. They will also come to the Imperial Capital together in two days."

Wang Yi brows with joy, this guy really knows how to do things.

Then future development is even more of a problem.

Of course, like Qualcomm, they are all secondary research and development based on the ARM public version architecture.

"Okay, very good! Director Pang, I will remember you for your great contribution!"

"Very good, very good."

Wang Yize came to the semiconductor department to greet new colleagues.

Especially baseband R&D talents are so important.

For example, Qualcomm's GPUs are all self-developed architectures, so they have strong gaming performance.

Needless to say, they all see these interests clearly.

But this time, VMware's CDMA license was won by Wang Yi. In the future, if MediaTek's baseband wants to support China Telecom, it will be a problem if it wants to implement full Netcom.

The four of them struck while the iron was hot and started research and development directly.

In the afternoon, Pang Liguo, director of baseband R&D, and Williams, director of chip R&D, were called together and held a meeting:

"Right now, your two departments will be temporarily separated and operated independently. In one year's time, I want to produce 28nm application chips, and I want to produce 28nm baseband!"

Secondly, MediaTek's baseband is inherently deficient and does not support CDMA, so its future is bleak.

After all, ARM’s public version CPU is pretty good, with amazing improvements over several generations, and Qualcomm has adopted the public version architecture many times.

Wang Yi smiled. The most important thing at the moment is talent.

Therefore, when Pang Liguo mentioned it, these people were willing to join Xingyi Semiconductor, even if they crossed the strait and came to the imperial capital!

If we develop it ourselves from scratch, it will be difficult and thankless.

"Director Pang, thank you for your hard work." Wang Yi stepped forward to shake hands.

Being able to bring back so many engineers at once was an immediate achievement for Pang Liguo!

Today, semiconductor engineers are still very valuable.

That Xingyi Semiconductor must be very promising.

Two-thirds of the engineers poached from Texas Instruments are CPU R&D elites, while only one-third are engaged in GPU R&D.

But in the future, the CPU architecture will have to be developed by ourselves, and the GPU will have to be developed by ourselves.

Hearing this, Williams nodded: "I have no problem. At least one chip will be successfully taped out next year."

But Xingyi Semiconductor is different. It has a CDMA license and Xingyi mobile phone. Wang Yi is willing to invest heavily in baseband research and development!

Today, Pang Liguo, VMware baseband R&D director, came to the Imperial Capital from Taiwan with a group of baseband R&D engineers.

The first generation of chips developed by Wang Yi can focus on the development of CPUs, and the GPU can just use the ARM public version.

In the previous life, MediaTek obtained CDMA 2013 authorization from VMware in 2000, so that it could make CDMA baseband and support telecommunications.

Now, we have twelve more generals, and GPU research and development can be advanced.

"Boss, it's not hard work, it's all what I should do."

"Is there any surprise?" Wang Yi became interested.

Those who can become baseband R&D engineers are highly educated elites.

But RAM’s public version of GPU is really rubbish.

After the new employees settled in, Wang Yi held a banquet to welcome the new employees.

Wang Yi had communicated with him before and directly developed the flagship chip.

After the flagship chip is successfully developed, we will then reduce the frequency and create a mid-range chip.

In this way, if the two chips are taped out together, at least one of them will be successful.

Pang Liguo was a little embarrassed, but the chip department had already spoken, and he was embarrassed to say that he couldn't do it, so he could only grit his teeth:

"Boss, I will do my best. The 4G international standard will be announced next year. I am not sure about the 28nm LTE baseband chip. But I will try my best to make a 28nm 3G baseband chip!"

"Okay!" Wang Yi nodded: "In one year, we will first develop the 3G full network baseband. As for the 4G baseband, we will talk about it the year after tomorrow!"

The road has to be taken step by step. Currently, VMware only has 55nm baseband chip technology.

Wang Yi bought them all.

It would be great to be able to develop a 28nm 3G baseband chip in one year.

It is unrealistic to get the 4G baseband all at once.

Even if Pang Liguo is forced to death, he can't do it.

Moreover, the popularity of 4G is still early. In December 2013, 12G licenses were issued in China.

Domestic 2014G was only launched in 4. It was not until 2015 that 4G became gradually popular.

3G baseband chips are sufficient in 2013.

It will not be too late to launch 2014G baseband chips in 4.

What's more, when the 4G baseband was first released, the price was very expensive, but the sales volume was average.

To put it bluntly, before 2014, the world was still dominated by 3G mobile phones.

When domestic 2014G just started in 4, there were not many base stations. Most flagship phones had 4G, while other mobile phones still had 3G.

For example, Xiaomi only supported 2014G with Mi 4 released in the second half of 4.

Xingyi Semiconductor can also work steadily and step by step.

According to Wang Yi's plan, the 2012nm 28G baseband + chip was developed in 3.

The 2013nm 28G baseband + chip developed in 4.

The set goal has been achieved!

In the second half of 2013, the baseband department and chip R&D department will be merged into a new department to jointly develop SOC system chips integrating CPU, GPU, baseband and other modules to compete with Qualcomm.

The Snapdragon 2013 released by Qualcomm in 800 integrated a baseband.

Even if Xingyi Semiconductor cannot catch up with Qualcomm, it cannot lag too far behind.

At the latest, like Huawei, a SOC chip with integrated baseband was developed in 2014!

Now that baseband R&D elites are in place, the last link of the SOC chip has been closed. Next, Wang Yi will continue to recruit people, invest money, and conduct research and development.

The result depends on whether the baseband department and the chip department can provide adequate support.

If we work hard, the tape-out will be successful in the second half of 2012, and new phones in early 2013 will be able to use self-developed chips and basebands!

If it doesn't work, you will have to continue to look for Qualcomm to purchase chips and basebands...

Wang Yi patted the shoulders of the two bosses and said seriously:

"The semiconductor business is one of the most important core businesses of Xingyi Technology. If you have any needs in the future, just contact me directly. But within one year, the self-developed chips and basebands must be successful!"

"Don't worry, Director Wang, we will work hard!"

“You won’t be disappointed!”

The two of them spoke one after another. They were under great pressure, but there was no way out.

VMware and Texas Instruments gave up research and development, baseband business and mobile chip business just because they had no future.

Both of them are also facing being laid off, losing their jobs, and becoming homeless dogs.

Now that Wang Yi is finally paying attention to the chip and baseband business, they naturally have to seize the opportunity and go all out.

Once Wang Yi gives up, they will become losers again!

Whether it was for Wang Yi or themselves, they had to go all out.

"Looking forward to your good news!"

Wang Yi spoke with great emphasis.

Later, Wang Yishao took a trip to the system development department.

Yang Yanzheng led the R&D department to carry out the adaptation and division of labor for Android 4.0.

Today, October 10, at 19 a.m., Google and Samsung held a press conference on Hong Kong Island and released Android 4.0!

Yang Yan watched the whole process and took notes, and is now explaining the division of labor to his subordinates.

"After Android 4.0 is released, we will adapt it as soon as possible. We will also adapt to our Xingyi UI and carry out in-depth customization to make it more in line with the usage habits of Chinese people!"

"Everyone below will carry out sprint adaptation according to the division of labor!"

"The adaptation progress and the number of bugs are all included in the performance appraisal. Whether you can get high performance and high salary in October and November depends on the adaptation progress of Android 4.0."

Seeing Wang Yilai, Yang Yan asked everyone to work, and he came out: "Boss, you are here."

"How do you feel about Android 4.0?" Wang Yi asked.

Yang Yan thought for a while: "It has improved a lot compared to the previous Android 2.3, but it is still far behind the IOS system. Especially many things are not available in China, so we can only make them ourselves!"

As for Android 3.X, it is more for tablets and is not much different from Android 2.3.

Wang Yi nodded: "Yes, you are right. The release time of Xingyi mobile phone is expected to be earlier. It is expected to be released in early December and will be launched in mid-December, so the adaptation work of Android 4.0 will be completed before December It’s got to be done!”

"So fast!" Yang Yan was startled:

"At present, Xingyi UI 1.0 is basically ready, but it is based on Android 2.3. The next step is to adapt to Android 4.0. If it is launched in January, we can perfectly adapt to 4.0 without any problems. Now it has been advanced to December, and the pressure is very high big."

Wang Yi nodded: "The challenge for you is not small. Push forward with all your strength. It is best if you can adapt to 4.0. If you can't adapt, then use the native Android 4.0 first and be prepared!"

"Okay, this is easier to do." Yang Yan took a deep breath:

"Boss, I will arrange for the team to work overtime as soon as possible and try to launch a deeply customized system based on Android 4.0!"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

Wang Yi had some calculations in his mind.

The goal is set high, and if you can't achieve it by then, then Plan B.

There is nothing we can do about this.

If the goal is simply set low and it cannot be achieved, then we will be in big trouble.

Chip and baseband research and development can be done slowly, and it would be good to have output within a year.

But we have to go all out for the research and development of Xingyi mobile phones.

It would be best to launch it in mid-December, before the IPhone 4S is released in China.

When iPhone 2012S is released in China on January 1, 13, sales of Xingyi phones will definitely be affected when they are launched again.

I am afraid that many consumers will give up on Xingyi mobile phones and choose to buy iPhone 2000S for an extra 4 yuan.

These days, the appeal of the iPhone is still invincible. The Xingyi mobile phone generation cannot beat it, it cannot beat it at all.

For this reason, Wang Yi decided to advance the Xingyi mobile phone and release it in advance.

It is best to release it on December 12st, and it will be listed directly on the spot for one million yuan on December 1th!

Get the iPhone 4S first, sell it for a month first!

There is no way, Apple and Samsung can sell it globally, Xingyi mobile phone has no patent protection wall, it can only be sold domestically, and it can only grab the domestic market!

Now there are only two problems left with Xingyi mobile phones. One is the adaptation to Android 4.0.

Another problem is the antifreeze battery.

Thinking of this, Wang Yi came to the mobile phone hardware department again.

Zhu Changlin beamed with joy: "Boss, the prototype production of Xingyi mobile phone is going smoothly. It is estimated that the first prototype will be available tomorrow. Of course, the battery is an ordinary battery."

"I can get it tomorrow, so fast!" Wang Yi was excited!

Using mobile phones of other brands is completely different from using mobile phones produced by oneself.

"Yes, there are no problems with the plans we designed, so the progress is going smoothly and we can directly produce prototypes. If there are problems, they will be called back, the design will be redesigned, and samples will be produced again, which will be slow."

Wang Yi understood, it's like doing an experiment. If you get the right result the first time, it will go smoothly.

But if the result is wrong, it will take time to do it again. "Very good. Remember to notify me when you get the prototype."

"Definitely!" Zhu Changlin said: "We have produced thirty prototype machines. We will test them for a week. If there are no problems, we can produce engineering machines by the end of the month.

We have to produce 500 engineering machines. After another half month of testing, if there is no problem, we will be able to go into mass production in the middle of next month! "

"Okay, I'll contact the factory later." Wang Yi had some concerns in his mind.

Next, Xingyi Mobile Phone enters the most critical period. The factory promised by the Management Committee must not lose its chain.

"By the way, how is the progress of the anti-freeze battery?"

Zhu Changlin sighed, feeling a little helpless: "Boss, I have communicated with several suppliers many times. They said that antifreeze batteries at minus 20 degrees Celsius cannot be built, and antifreeze batteries at minus 15 degrees Celsius also need time. In a short time, Guilty, difficult!”

Wang Yi: "..."

"However, there is a supplier that has made an anti-freeze battery at minus 13 degrees Celsius. Coupled with the heat generated by the operation of the mobile phone, it can be used normally even if the external environment is minus degrees Celsius!"

"It can be used normally even at minus 13 degrees Celsius!"

Wang Yi smiled: "Except for Inner Mongolia and Northeast China, most winter temperatures in other places are within minus eight degrees Celsius, and the temperature exceeds minus ten degrees Celsius only a few days a year."

"Yes!" Zhu Changlin agreed very much:

"For example, the iPhone 4 freezes and shuts down at minus degrees Celsius. We can do it without shutting down at minus degrees Celsius, which is already great. It is enough for users except Northeast China and Inner Mongolia!"

"So, it is indeed enough." Wang Yi nodded: "Is the price suitable? How is the performance? Are there any other problems?"

"In terms of price, it is 20% more expensive than ordinary batteries. The performance is great and there are no other problems."

Wang Yi smiled: "Which company is it? It's really excellent!"


"Sure enough!" Wang Yi had a guess in his mind.

Wang Yi proposed to make anti-freeze batteries, and within a month, they were anti-freeze to minus 13 degrees Celsius!

Only top giants can do this, and ordinary mobile phone battery suppliers simply cannot do it.

As early as 2000, BYD became Motorola's first domestic lithium battery supplier with its superior quality!

At that time, the strength of other domestic suppliers simply could not meet Motorola's requirements.

After years of development, BYD has been able to handle electric vehicle batteries.

Making mobile phone batteries is actually a piece of cake, but dimensionality reduction is a blow.

"I estimate that if we give them a while, they can make an antifreeze battery even at minus 20 degrees Celsius!" Wang Yixiao said.

"Yes, it's not a big problem. BYD's strength and production capacity are very strong." Zhu Changlin was full of praise: "It's just that the price is expensive, 20% more expensive than ordinary batteries!"

Wang Yi waved his hand: "It's okay, the price is not an issue. Contact Director Wang for me and tell me I will visit him tomorrow!"

"Okay, boss."

Zhu Changlin was overjoyed, knowing that the boss was going to hit people again!

Throw money at people!

I just don’t know what the result will be.

But overall, the battery of Xingyi mobile phone is solved.

It's 13 degrees below zero and it's anti-freeze. Except for the bad weather in Inner Mongolia and Northeast China, there's no pressure in other places.

Even the imperial capital suffered a cold wave at the beginning of the year, with the coldest temperature being minus 11.6 degrees Celsius.

In the evening, Wang Yi received a call from Song Guangyao:

"Director Wang, today HM sent someone to come to me for peace talks and asked me to withdraw the lawsuit. I sternly refused. I will fight them to the end and claim 500 million US dollars in liquidated damages and compensation!"

"It's okay to protect your own rights and interests."

Wang Yi spoke calmly, but secretly thought in his heart, this guy really knows how to play.

It was his betrayal + backstab + prosecution last night, a wave of combination punches, that crushed HM.

So much so that HM has not yet recovered, and its stock price has plummeted by more than 15% again.

Wang Yi's short selling earned him more than 400 million.


"Dr. Wang, when is convenient for you, I'll treat you to a meal!" Song Guangyao said with a smile.

"You haven't gone back yet?" Wang Yi was a little surprised: "Well, I have to go on a business trip tomorrow. Let's meet and talk the day after tomorrow!"

"Okay, Director Wang, you go ahead and work first, I'll wait for you! Haha, it's okay, you go ahead and do your work!"

Song Guangyao's eyebrows were filled with joy: "Dr. Wang said that, the matter of representing Zhen You is basically settled." very nice. '

After ending the call, Wang Yi called Li Zongyang again. This matter was also related to Li Zongyang, so he had to inform him no matter what:

"Mr. Li, the situation is like this. Meiyou's Xingzhou exclusive agent has been given to you. Next, I plan to sell Zhenyou's exclusive agent. Do you have any objection?"

“Zhenyou’s exclusive agent!”

Li Zongyang is also a human being, and he instantly understood what Wang Yi meant. Thinking of Song Guangyao's sexy tricks, he quickly understood everything:

"No objection, absolutely no objection. But Mr. Wang, after selling the agency rights of Zhen You, our Meiyou store will no longer be able to sell Zhen You?"

"In principle, that's the case. However, one month before the opening of the Zhenyou store, you can still continue to sell. But after the Zhenyou store opens, the two parties must be strictly separated!"

"This..." Li Zongyang's expression changed slightly.

In Xia Kingdom, Meiyou is more cost-effective and more profitable than Zhenyou.

But Xingzhou has a high income and a high spending power, so Zhenyou makes more money than Meiyou!

Once you can't sell Zhenyou, you will be in big trouble!

This is not possible!

However, Wang Yi was the boss, so he didn't dare to say anything.

If Wang Yi is angered, Meiyou's exclusive agent may be gone.

But as a good person, Li Zongyang has been in business for so many years and has a flexible mind. He quickly thought of a way:

"Dr. Wang, do you think this will work? Can you reform it, cancel the exclusive agency, and change it to a dual agent model? For example, of the 25 Meiyou stores that I am an agent, I will transfer half of them to the other party. And the other party's Zhenyou store, Also transfer half of it to me."

"In this way, we can better coordinate the distribution of Meiyou and Zhenyou stores and maximize benefits!"

“Of course, whatever the difference in agency fees is, I’ll make up for it!”

Wang Yi smiled, human spirits are human spirits!

In order not to give up on Zhen You, Li Zongyang even thought of this method.

But that’s fine, Zhenyou’s store and Meiyou’s store are still strictly separated.

But instead of being an exclusive agent, they became dual agents, Li Zongyang and Song Guangyao, each representing half of Zhenyou and half of Meiyou!

In this way, resource distribution and adjustment are more convenient and internal competition can be achieved.

At that time, even if one party rebels, the other party can instantly take over without any problems.

Wang Yi was naturally happy to hear this: "Okay, as you said, you will each be responsible for half. As for the agency fee, it will be 100 million per party, and you can make up another 50 million."

"No problem, thank you, Director Wang, thank you!"

Li Zongyang was overjoyed. It was nothing to pay an extra 50 million in agency fees. At least half of Zhenyou's agency was retained.

Totally cost effective.

Even if half of the future profits were given to Song Guangyao, he would still be able to make huge profits.

It's much better than agency HM and the like.

After the call ended, Li Zongyang lit a cigarette:

"Song Guangyao, Song Guangyao, you are still very powerful. Even with a bad hand, you can counterattack and hit the king's bomb. You almost killed me, but you really have it!"

If Song Guangyao had not seen the situation clearly in an instant, stabbed HM in the back, and defected to Wang Yi, Song Guangyao would have gone bankrupt along with HM.

But now, Song Guangyao acted like a tiger, sued HM, stopped acting, and directly became the double agent of Meiyou + Zhenyou.

How awesome!

If it weren't for his wit, everyone would have been killed by this guy.

"But the Tao is only one foot high, and the devil is ten feet high. As long as you, Brother Li, are here, Lao Song, you will always be my younger brother."

Thinking of this, Li Zongyang called Wang Yi again:

"Director Wang, I think the agency fee of 1.3 million is still too low. I want to come up with million. Can you give me the eastern part? I and another agent will use the central axis of Xingzhou Central District as the boundary and the market east of the central axis. Be mine. The market in the west shall be mine!"

Wang Yi smiled, what the heck, these two people are monkey spirits!

The central area of ​​Xingzhou is the most prosperous and must be divided into two.

The east is rich in gold, has a good environment, rich people live in it, and its consumption power is naturally high. Li Zongyang suddenly took a fancy to it.

The western area is an industrial residential area, which is much worse than the eastern area.

However, thinking about this distribution, some of Li Zongyang's interests were indeed sacrificed.

In addition, Li Zongyang was willing to pay an additional 30 million, and he also arranged for "Love Is Not Blind" to be released in Xingzhou.

Wang Yi still nodded: "That's it. Just be prepared. On the 15th of next month, you will transfer all the Meiyou stores in the west to Song Guangyao."

"Okay, Director Wang, don't worry, I will take care of these things!"

Li Zongyang smiled.

'Song Guangyao, Song Guangyao, your Brother Li is still your Brother Li, I will take over the prosperous east. It’s just an extra 30 million, a piece of cake. '

Wang Yi laughed dumbly: "Li Zongyang and Song Guangyao, these two people are fighting openly and secretly, and they are almost catching up with the palace fight." It’s so interesting. '

Wang Yi was also happy to hear about this.

When they started fighting, Wang Yi felt relieved.

If the two of them were twisted together, thinking about how to deal with Wang Yi, then Wang Yi would not be able to sleep peacefully.

But if that's the case, it doesn't matter. The worst thing is to find another agent.

The liquidated damages are not much.

It's all under control.

Ignoring all this, Wang Yi went to bed.

However, Wang Yi slept peacefully here, but the Internet was abuzz again.

HM was hammered again!

But this time, it’s not Sinzhou that takes action, but Australia!

Seeing that Xingzhou's agent betrayed him, he stopped representing HM and sued for US$500 million.

Australian agents followed suit and stopped acting as agents for HM, and sued for US$500 million!

The reasons are exactly the same as HM Xingzhou General Representative.

[Because HM copied Meiyou Chun Yu Feng, the brand image of HM was greatly reduced. The revenue of HM Australian stores dropped sharply, and the agents suffered serious losses, which greatly damaged the interests of the agents. The agent hereby announces that all stores will close and stop acting as an agent for HM, claiming 500 million...]

This public announcement immediately caused a sensation in Australia and around the world.

Everyone is full of emotion.

The general agent of HM has betrayed one after another. He can only say that he knows how to play, he is very good at playing.

When a brand smells bad, it really has no sales.

For example, Samsung mobile phones in previous generations, before Note 7, were among the best in domestic sales.

But after Note 7, Samsung completely cooled down and became Others, and it was no longer in the top ten of the sales list.

The impact is so great.

Before the plagiarism incident, HM’s sales in Australia were pretty good.

However, after the plagiarism incident was widely exposed, H&M’s sales in Australia also dropped by 90%!

There was no one in the store, and the agent was losing money every day. He couldn't continue to work, so he had to close the shop and stop being an agent.

In order to stop the agency without paying liquidated damages, we can only sue HM and let HM take full responsibility.

Whether it is HM Xingzhou agent Song Guangyao or HM Australia agent, they all do this!

In response, HM headquarters was extremely angry, but there was nothing they could do.

A chain reaction begins, and the most feared thing happens!

Losing two major markets at once, HM's situation has become even more difficult.

Garford sighed: "This must be the worst outcome of all, right?"

Of course he didn't know that this was just the beginning.

More and bigger surprises are waiting behind!

October 10, early.

Wang Yi turned on his mobile phone and burst into laughter when he saw the news about the betrayal of the Xingzhou agent:

"HM's situation is getting worse and worse. It's great. But Zara's parent company is probably going to take action too, right?"

If HM is in trouble, the parent company of Zara, as its arch-rival, will definitely give him a ride.

This is also Wang Yi’s original intention to short HM.

The HM family has a great cause. Even if Wang Yi, the general representative of Xingzhou, and the general representative of Australia continuously take action and hammer HM hard, they can only leave HM with missing arms and legs.

Share prices have lost up to one-third of their value.

But it can't kill HM at all.

The giants are not easy to deal with.

But if the parent company of Zara, which is also a giant, takes action, it will be another result.

(End of this chapter)

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