Reborn in 2011, 985 missing from two copies

Chapter 152 VIP training camp, let’s see your performance!

Chapter 152 VIP training camp, let’s see your performance!

When a subject becomes popular, studios rush in and follow suit en masse.

Following the trend and defeating the original are commonplace.

He even pointed at the original face and scolded him for being handicapped...

I can only say studio, there is no lower limit!

However, Meiyou’s on-duty writers are different, they only create high-quality products!

Wang Yi came up with three themes, arranged for thirty writers to write them, and the editor followed them to read and review them.

Synchronously put it on the Meiyou APP and distribute it for testing.

If you have good grades in pursuit, continue writing and focus on training.

Those whose grades are too poor will be cut off directly and then assigned to write in other genres.

Just like cultivating gu, out of ten writers, three or four with good results will be selected and promoted.

Once a popular book appears, you will make money!

If there is a hit product, you will make a lot of money!

Of course, even those unpopular articles can be added to Meiyou’s novels to fill the library!

These on-duty authors are all regular employees of Meiyou, and all the copyrights of these novels belong to Meiyou!

Their remuneration adopts the model of five insurances and one fund + basic salary of 1000 + performance.

The basic salary can only guarantee food and clothing, not starvation, but performance is the top line.

For example, if you write a high-quality article, your monthly salary will be 5000+.

If you write Xiaohuo's articles, your monthly salary will exceed 10,000 yuan!

Write a popular article and earn a monthly salary of 50,000+!

Like the Patriarch of the Demonic Way, Wang Yi writes the outline himself and will find several powerful top authors to write it.

Other topics can be written by sitting writers.

Whether it’s the popular Boss, Mary Sue, Gong Dou, or the superwoman who will be popular a few years later, or even those crazy short dramas...

All the writers of Meiyou Novels can work on a regular basis to create and develop in a targeted manner!

This matter can be fixed completely.

Not only can it expand the library of Meiyou novels as quickly as possible, but it can also make Meiyou novels popular.

Wang Yi had some calculations in mind, so he went back to make a detailed plan and arranged it for Song Sining to implement.

"Okay, everyone, please go back and rest. Bring your personal belongings and meet at Meiyou Building at eight o'clock on Monday morning!"


After handling this matter, Wang Yi and Song Sining went to the Meiyou store manager training camp.

Now flagship stores and specialty stores open every day, and a large number of store managers and employees come to training camps every day to apply for paid training.

There is no way, Meiyou is too profitable, they spend their own money, and they all want to learn from experience!

The more money Meiyou makes, the crazier their idea becomes!

Just like in later generations, many people have failed to start their own businesses, but they can pretend to be successful masters, teach classes, teach people to start businesses, and cut leeks...

There are also many street writers who claim to be great. They use their past achievements to teach people how to write books and cut leeks...

In fact, their own methods may be outdated.

After all, all the authors who can make money are constantly updating 8,000 or 10,000 pieces a day. They are so tired that they are so unkempt, how can they have time to start classes and bring in new people?

But the sad thing is that those who sell courses make more than those who write books...

There is no way, there are too many people who want to make money these days, and it is easy to become leeks that are harvested.

It’s easy to learn how to start a business from losers, or learn how to write books from the losers...

In the end, the money was spent and they learned nothing. They were like leeks, but they still couldn't stop their enthusiasm to continue.

It can only be said that people’s desire to make money is so terrifying that it can’t be stopped.

Those successful masters who cut leeks can have countless disciples.

Meiyou Store Manager Training Camp, an organization that can make money steadily, is even more fascinating!

As a result, during this period, the number of applications to join Meiyou stores has exceeded 1,000!

Meiyou is simply too busy, so it can only continue to improve the approval standards. Currently, it has temporarily approved 500 companies!

There is no way, I can't cope with it at all.

Five hundred stores, based on the structure of one store manager + nine store clerks, means five thousand people!

Five thousand people require ten training camps of five hundred people!

Song Sining had a bitter look on her face: "Boss, it's only mid-September and there are so many people lining up for training. What about late September? How many more will there be?"

"I'm too busy. I'm really too busy. Even if you propose shortening the training time and adopting a 500-person training camp model, I'm still too busy!"

"We have set up a store manager training camp for 500 people in Jeju, and there are two more in preparation, but they are still too busy."

"This is a problem." Wang Yi nodded:

"Let's do this. We will set up four more VIP store manager training camps in the Imperial Industrial Park. The price is twice as expensive as Jeju. If they want to save money, they will wait in line here in Jeju. If they want to be trained as soon as possible, they can go Imperial VIP training camp.”

Song Sining raised her thumb: "The boss is still wise. The average employee training here in Jeju is seven days, including food and accommodation, and the fee is 5,000. The store manager training is seven days, and the internship is 14 days, including food and accommodation, and the fee is 10,000!"

"The Imperial Capital VIP training camp, no need to line up, ordinary employees train for seven days, food and accommodation are included, 10,000 yuan. Store manager training is for seven days, internship is 14 days, food and accommodation are included, 20,000 yuan!"

"This not only greatly improves the training efficiency, but also makes a lot more money. The boss is cunning... wise! But will they resist such a high training fee? After all, it's ten thousand or twenty thousand per person!"

Wang Yi shook his head: "No, not at all. That's the Imperial City, and the cost of food and accommodation is naturally higher than that of Jeju, so it's okay to charge twice as much. What's more, the internship is also an internship at the Imperial Capital flagship store. The revenue is three dollars a day. The imperial capital flagship store worth four million! Even if the store manager spends thirty thousand, he is willing to go!"

Now, in addition to one store in Imperial Capital, five more flagship stores have been opened!

Next, more flagship stores will be opened.

In a big city like Imperial Capital, basically every district and every core business district has to open a flagship store.

There is no way, with such a big market and such strong consumption power, not opening more flagship stores will be a waste of resources!

The same is true for several other big cities and core cities, with dozens of planned flagship stores!

Even in a second-tier city like Jeju, the number of planned flagship stores must exceed 20.

However, the advancement speed is naturally not as fast as the Imperial Capital.

After all, Imperial City is more profitable and profitable!

Wang Yi didn’t even let go of franchise stores in urban areas of first-tier cities such as Imperial Capital!

All flagship stores are recommended!

The biggest fat is naturally eaten by yourself!

As for authorized stores, don’t even think about it.

"Really?" Song Sining was still a little unbelievable: "Those people shouldn't be stupid enough to spend twice as much money and have to go to the imperial capital for training, right?"

Wang Yi waved his hand: "You will send out the notice later and see if they respond. As for the internship date, it will be September 9st. By then, the Imperial Capital will be ready."

"it is good!"

Song Sining decisively typed a text and sent it to the store manager training group:

"Because there are too many franchised stores, there are too many store managers and store clerks who need to be trained, and the waiting time in Jeju is long. In order to prevent delays in everyone's normal opening, the Royal Capital VIP store manager training camp is specially launched. Store managers are trained for seven days. , a half-month internship at the Imperial Flagship Store, with a training fee of NT$9.21, including food and accommodation. A seven-day training for store clerks, a training fee of NT$, including food and accommodation. Imperial VIP Training Camp, no need to wait, sign up now, pay, and the training will start on September st! "

As soon as the news came out, the group became lively.

"Imperial VIP store manager training camp? The price is twice as expensive as Jeju!"

"It's okay if it's expensive. After all, you don't have to queue up. Training can start on the 21st!"

"Yes, the most important thing is that you can go to the Imperial Capital flagship store for an internship. That is a big store with a daily revenue of three to four million!"

"Yes, I want to see it!"

"Isn't it just a little money? It's worth it to get VIP training in the Imperial City!"

"Train early and make money early. I'm so jealous when I see those specialty stores that are already open and making so much money!"

"It makes sense. The extra money you spend now will be earned back soon."

"Knowledge is priceless. Without training, our specialty store cannot make as much money as the flagship store! We have to go!"

"Yes, sign up!"

Soon, many store managers began to sign up.

In just fifty-three minutes, forty-seven stores have already signed up!

Song Sining was shocked: "In less than an hour, forty-seven families signed up, 470 people, and the entire camp is almost full!"

Song Sining was stunned. The situation was exactly the same as what Wang Yi said.

The store managers are so enthusiastic!

Even if the training fee has doubled, they are still so enthusiastic.

"How could this happen?" Song Sining was puzzled.

Wang Yi laughed dumbly: "Sining, never underestimate people's determination to make big money! Don't underestimate how crazy people can be in order to make big money!"


"Oh." Song Sining nodded and looked at the group:

"Fifty stores have signed up, and one VIP training camp is full!"

"Fifty store managers have 550 yuan each, and store clerks have yuan each. The training fee is million..."

Song Sining was stunned: "Even after deducting the cost of food and accommodation, the trainer's salary is still five million! Isn't this money so profitable?"

Although the accommodation standard for the VIP training camp in the Imperial Capital is 300 per person per day.

The employees work 7 days, and the store manager works 14+126 days. The total cost of food and accommodation alone is million!

But whether in Jeju or the imperial capital, Meiyou has her own canteen and dormitory!

If you stay in a hotel, the cost is naturally high in the imperial capital, which is really 126 million.

But if you have your own industrial park, your own dormitory, and your own canteen, the cost will be low.

Even if you eat well every day, it doesn’t cost hundreds of thousands!

This 5.5 million training fee can earn at least 5 million!

What's more, this is only the first phase of a VIP training camp, and there will be several more to come!

All added up, there are tens of millions!

"Isn't this too profitable?" Song Sining looked complicated. But Wang Yi waved his hand: "Join Meiyou, they can make so much money, this small amount of money can be considered as tuition fee!"


There is no franchise fee for Adidas and Nike. They rely on packaging repairs at the headquarters and shelves at the headquarters, and each store can earn 200,000 to 300,000 yuan.

Wang Yi's Meiyou franchise fee is only tens of thousands, and he doesn't make money by decorating or selling shelves. Instead, he relies on training in Jeju, and one store earns fifty thousand.

Or Imperial City VIP training, one store can earn 100,000!

It can only be said that those who make platforms will always have ways to harvest.

Song Sining turned on her phone and sent another message:

"The first camp of Imperial VIP has 500 people. It is already full. Store managers who have successfully registered should pay the fees of store managers and clerks as soon as possible. Imperial VIP training camp will allocate student numbers according to the payment time. No waiting will be done if it is late."

"There are already 70 people in the Imperial Capital VIP Second Battalion. VIP places are limited, first come, first served!"

Wang Yi burst into laughter, and Song Sining also learned how to force an order.

That's what those who sell courses do.

The quantity is limited, first come first served, no waiting time, all will be kicked out...

But it doesn’t matter, just treat those franchise stores as paying tuition, and they will inevitably make money in the future.

"Sining, if the training camp in the imperial capital is ready in the next few days, trainers will have to be sent from Jeju."

Song Sining nodded: "That's easy to say. I have prepared the manpower. On Monday, we will go to the Imperial Capital with the employees of Meiyou's novel department. From now on, let them stay in the Imperial Capital."

"Okay, there is a dormitory with room and board included, and the salary there is pretty good. I ask trainers who are willing to go to sign up on their own."

"Okay." Song Sining nodded: "It's the 20th, are we going to launch new autumn products?"

Wang Yi nodded: "It's time, it's time for the North to launch new products! Many specialty stores and authorized stores in the North have been renovated and are just waiting to open!"

The box office of "Love Is Not Blind" continues to soar, and it will exceed 300 million at the latest by Monday!

This was an extremely terrifying result in 2011!

With her outstanding acting skills, Ye Xiaohe's image of a girl is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and she is even more popular.

The number of Ye Xiaohe's fans is soaring rapidly.

As the spokesperson of Meiyou, the users and traffic she brings to Meiyou are also very impressive.

So much so that in recent days, Meiyou’s daily profit has been over 40 million!

This time is the best time to launch Meiyou's pure lust style autumn clothing.

"Contact Ye Xiaohe and come to Jeju as soon as possible to take photos of advertisements for new products such as Pure Desire Autumn Clothes. We will launch them together when the time comes."

"I've made an appointment. I'll come tomorrow."

"Yes, you are doing things with integrity." Wang Yixiao said with a smile.

"I can't help it. Who asked me to have a boss who can throw away the shopkeeper!"

Song Sining sighed. With an irresponsible boss like Wang Yi, she could only be doubly responsible!

She had to consider many things that Wang Yi didn't pay attention to and arrange them in place without making any mistakes.

"By the way, boss, "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is also a hit! Since its release, the ratings have exploded, leading by a cliff, and it has always been the ratings champion!" Song Sining reminded.

"As expected." Wang Yi nodded: "Find a time and ask Liu Shishi to come and take photos of Zhenyou's advertisement. Clothes and makeup, too! Ye Xiaohe's side too."

Now that both spokespersons are completely popular, it is a good time for Meiyou and Zhenyou to launch new products.

"Boss, do you want the new products of both brands to be launched at the same time?"

Wang Yi thought for a while: "No, on the 20th, we will promote Meiyou's autumn clothes first. Around the 25th, when Meiyou's autumn clothes become popular, we will promote Zhenyou! In early October, we will launch Meiyou's new cosmetics products!"

The popularity of TV series is slower than that of movies, but it lasts longer.

The movie was released a month later.

The TV series has become popular a month after it was released, and it will continue to become popular on online platforms!

Three to four hundred million online on-demand views a month are normal!

This influence continues.

In addition, after the popular drama "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is broadcast on Mango Channel, other satellite TV stations will also buy it and continue to broadcast it.

It can be said that this drama will continue to appear on major TV stations in the next few years.

At the craziest time, even more than a dozen channels were broadcasting simultaneously.

It can be said that the popularity of "Thirty-day Love" broke out quickly in a short period of time.

As for the popularity of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", in addition to its rapid explosion in a short period of time, it will also continue to explode.

Therefore, Wang Yi asked Ye Xiaohe to endorse Meiyou to boost Meiyou's revenue first.

As for Liu Shishi's endorsement of Zhen You, the series is aired again and again, which can also bring a steady stream of traffic to Zhen You!

In this way, it will not be a problem to promote Meiyou first, and then promote the affordable luxury brand Zhenyou.

It is urgent to make mobile phones. There is a funding gap of 7 million. Whether it can be completed within a month depends on Meiyou Autumn Clothing, Meizhuang, and Zhenyou!

If all three are strong, it will not be a problem to make another 7 million profit within a month.

If it doesn't work, then you have to find a way.

But it shouldn't be a big problem.

Wang Yi couldn't help but sigh. Fortunately, he had prepared many backup plans. Otherwise, it would be a fool's errand to spend 17 billion to make a mobile phone in such a short period of time!

Fortunately, we have seen the light of day and the future is promising.

After a busy day, Wang Yi and Song Sining returned home.

Song Sining's home.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Yi opened his arms.

Song Sining smiled sweetly, threw herself into Wang Yi's arms, and hugged him tightly:

"You performed well and didn't mess around in the company. I'll reward you with a kiss!"

After saying that, Song Sining kissed her.

She had a crush on Wang Yi as early as when he risked his life to save her.

Later, I learned that Wang Yi missed one exam in order to save her, which delayed important events in his life!

Song Sining was filled with regret and felt extremely guilty towards Wang Yi.

That good feeling also turned into a kind of appreciation.

After all, she would rather delay the college entrance examination than save her boy. It's really hard not to like her!

Later, when she found Wang Yi, she offered her 500,000 yuan as compensation, but Wang Yi flatly refused.

Once again, it hit the softness in Song Sining's heart, making Song Sining fall in love with Wang Yi.

Later, Wang Yi started a business and invited her to join Meiyou.

Witnessed with my own eyes how Wang Yi created the myth of pomelo during a summer vacation!

There were also several wonderful misunderstandings...

With all these factors, Song Sining had already completely fallen in love with Wang Yi.

However, this guy is stupid, even though I am willing to hug him, he doesn't know how to express his feelings and advance the relationship.

Even the first kiss was initiated by me.

It's too much!

Thinking of this, Song Sining used a little force and bit Wang Yi's lips.

"It hurts, Sining!" Wang Yi frowned slightly.

Song Sining had a look of resentment on her face: "Huh! You're just a fool, you don't know how to take the initiative! Even the kiss was from me. I'm a girl, how embarrassing it is!"

Wang Yi laughed dumbly: "..."

"Okay, take the initiative, right? Next, I'll do it!"

Wang Yi said with a smile, picked up Song Sining by the waist and went straight to the bedroom.

"Ah! What are you going to do?" Song Sining's expression changed drastically, and she slapped Wang Yi, trying to stop him.

But when it comes to Wang Yi, this kind of slapping turns into cheering.

The so-called prevention has also become an urging!

Wang Yi put Song Sining in the bedroom and started peeling onions.

Song Sining was so frightened that her face turned pale, and after a long time she said: "Brother, make a three-part agreement!"

Wang Yi fell silent and calmed down: "..."

Still stopped.

I can't help Song Sining at all. It would really be bad if I act too hastily.

Better take your time.

Seeing that Wang Yi stopped messing around, Song Sining smiled slightly: "That's right. The three chapters of the agreement must be counted. Don't think about bad things!"

"When can you think about it?" Wang Yixiao said.

"I don't know either." Song Sining said calmly.

Wang Yi: "..."

"Anyway, not now, but in the future... Well, it depends on your performance!"

Song Sining said, turning away, her cheeks turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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