Reborn in 2011, 985 missing from two copies

Chapter 143 Destined little rich woman, talent introduction

Chapter 143 Destined little rich woman, talent introduction

"Did you find something interesting?" Wang Yi became interested: "Could it be Bitcoin?"

"Yes, yes." Lin Shu smiled sweetly:

"I heard the senior computer science student mentioned this thing and thought it was interesting. In addition to the new computer, I also had an old computer that was idle at home, so I used it to dig around, and I actually dug it out! Hahaha."

Looking at Lin Shu's bright smile, Wang Yi's expression was extremely complicated. How familiar is this scene?

The same was true for many people in previous lives. At first, they had no idea that Bitcoin would be very valuable in the future, so they dug it out of curiosity.

Just out of curiosity, just digging for fun!

In addition, at the beginning of 2011, Bitcoin was still easy to mine and could be mined with a home computer.

With better performance, a machine can mine one in 20 minutes, or in a day!

But at that time, Bitcoin was not worth much either. It was twenty or thirty cents a piece, which was one or two yuan a piece.

It wasn’t until April and May that the price of Bitcoin began to soar, rising to a few dollars, or more than ten dollars a piece.

Everyone saw the prospect of Bitcoin and started mining Bitcoin one after another, making Bitcoin increasingly difficult to mine.

The excavation time has also increased from 20 minutes at the beginning of the year to half an hour, forty minutes, or even more than an hour...

In mid-June, the price of Bitcoin rose to an unprecedented $32, which is more than yuan per coin!

When people in the currency circle thought that Bitcoin was going to explode completely, the largest Bitcoin trading platform, MT.GOX, was attacked by hackers and completely bankrupt.

The wealth of many people in the currency circle disappeared into thin air.

There are major problems with Bitcoin security!

Most people in the currency circle thought that Bitcoin was finished and had no future, so they gave up and left the market one after another...

After all, the trading platform collapsed, and the Bitcoins that I worked so hard to mine were directly stolen by hackers. How about digging for nothing?

The price of Bitcoin also began to plummet, from more than 30 US dollars, all the way down to more than 20 US dollars, more than ten US dollars, eighty or nine US dollars, and still falling!

Therefore, after Wang Yi's rebirth, when he saw the price and the trend, he was not in a hurry to buy it, and it would drop again!

This wave, the party will not lose if you wait!

By September, the price of Bitcoin was down to six dollars and still falling!

Wang Yi knows that in two or three months, it will drop to about two dollars, which will almost be the bottom, and then it will start to rebound!

At that time, the new trading platform Bitstamp was also established, which was a good time to buy at the bottom!

Bitcoin encountered this kind of disaster when it just started, which severely dampened the enthusiasm for currency speculation.

Those speculators who wanted to make a big move left the market one after another.

Those who were digging for fun, after digging dozens or hundreds of coins, felt bored and simply gave up.

As time passed, many people even forgot about it.

It was not until six years later, when the price of Bitcoin rose to hundreds of thousands, that I remembered my account.

Then dig it out, cash out millions or tens of millions, buy a house or a car, and reach the peak of life...

There are many such talents, and everyone is envious of them.

But what Wang Yi didn't expect was that Lin Shu was also one of them!

What a destined rich little woman!

"Xiao Shu, how many coins have you dug?" Wang Yi was a little curious.

"I just started digging recently, and there are more than a hundred of them!"

Lin Shu took Wang Yi's hand and came to the north-facing study room on the second floor: "Look, they are still digging! Ah, another one was dug out!"

Lin Shu was overjoyed. She didn’t know the future value of Bitcoin, but she enjoyed the sense of accomplishment from mining.

Just like those who love to collect, they often collect things of little value but that they like.

Just playing.

"How long does it take to dig one?"

Lin Shu looked at the record: "This old computer has low configuration. It takes about two hours. If you don't shut it down for a day, you can mine ten coins! If you use the new computer provided for you, you can mine one in less than an hour. More than twenty pieces a day!”

"Go ahead and dig it, maybe it will become very valuable in the future!" Wang Yixiao said.

"Yes, this thing can be sold for money!" Lin Shu nodded:

"But the market has been bad recently, and the price has been lowered. It has dropped to 6 US dollars. I heard from my senior sister that three months ago, it was more than US dollars a piece! And the digging time is getting longer and longer!"

Wang Yi waved his hand: "It's okay. It's normal to have ups and downs. Just have fun digging and invest in the long term. Anyway, it's easy to dig now and you won't lose money."

"Okay, I listen to Xiaoyi. The old computer is idle anyway. Maybe if you dig more, you can buy a new computer, haha."

Wang Yi nodded: "Wait, wait until the market improves before selling, there is no rush now."


Wang Yi knows that Bitcoin is getting harder and harder to mine.

Now a machine can dig out one piece an hour and dozens of pieces a day.

By 2012, it would take 2 hours to dig one, and a machine would only produce 12 coins a day.

By 2013, it took 13 hours to dig one, and a machine could not dig two in a day.

By 2014, it took 23 days to dig one, and a machine could not dig two in a month.

By then, the average electricity bill for digging one coin will be 5,000 yuan!

But by this time, the price of Bitcoin had risen to twenty to thirty thousand dollars.

Going forward, Bitcoin will become more and more expensive, and it will become more and more difficult to mine. It takes dozens of days, hundreds of days, or even more than a year to mine one...

But in 2011, it was still possible to mine Bitcoin.

"Xiao Shu, how much free space does your Internet cafe usually have?"

"You want to use the spare machine in the Internet cafe to mine Bitcoin?"

Lin Shu's eyes lit up and he instantly understood what Wang Yi meant: "Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

"Internet cafes have a high attendance rate during the day. At night, there are fewer night-time reservations, and even fewer in the second half of the night. A lot of machines are empty. If they are all used for Bitcoin, there is no problem at all!"

Wang Yi nodded: "Just dig it. If the Bitcoin skyrockets, you will make money. Even if it is not valuable in the future, you will only lose some electricity bills and machine depreciation."

"Okay, Xiaoyi, I listen to you. The risk cost of mining coins is not worth mentioning, but it is much lower than stock trading!"

Lin Shu was filled with joy and immediately gave instructions to his network managers.

When there are few people, set aside an area to mine Bitcoins.

Of course, when there are many people, customers are given priority!

Wang Yi knew that Lin Shu had made a lot of money this time.

In normal times, just operating an Internet cafe is enough to make money. If you use idle resources to mine at night, you can make even more money!

Of course, they are just digging now and doing it on a small scale, not a professional mine.

When it becomes difficult to dig out in the future, just stop.

I have hundreds or thousands of coins in my hand, that’s enough!

Neither Wang Yi nor Lin Shu are greedy, nor do they plan to make it big.

As for Wang Yi, he will just prepare to buy some Bitcoins at the bottom in batches in October and November.

At two dollars a piece, 10,000 pieces are only 20,000 dollars, less than 130,000 yuan.

The exchange rate in 2011 was still 1:6.4588.

After a few years, the value of these Bitcoins increased, and Wang Yi planned to use the Bitcoins to go to Neon Country to buy mobile phone accessories!

After all, Neon Country supports Bitcoin transactions.

When Wang Yi makes mobile phones, screens, batteries, etc. are all inseparable from Neon giants such as Sharp, JDI, Toshiba, and Sony.

Just when the price of Bitcoin is at its highest, use Bitcoin to buy accessories from Neon Kingdom and harvest them hard!

The currency speculation does not defraud the Chinese people, it specializes in harvesting thieves!

In the evening, Lin Shu cooked as usual.

However, Lin Shu's cooking skills have improved a lot and there are more dishes.

"Xiao Shu, are you studying secretly?" Wang Yixiao said with a smile.

"Yes, it's just those few dishes. I was afraid that Xiaoyi would get tired of them, so I learned a few new ones." Lin Shu smiled sweetly.

Lin Shu liked Wang Yi, so he thought about how to treat Wang Yi well and make Wang Yi comfortable and happy.

They are not like those predecessors in the previous life who only thought about how to suppress Wang Yi, how to squeeze Wang Yi, and how to turn Wang Yi's wealth into their own wealth.

Wang Yi was filled with emotion and hugged Lin Shu into his arms: "Xiao Shu, you are so kind!"

"Xiaoyi is also very good."

Lin Shu hugged Wang Yi tightly. She didn't know when she started to like this boy more and more!

At first, she just felt that Wang Yi was not as purposeful as Chu Chuanjun and others to please her and pursue her, which made her feel pressured and uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Wang Yi is just like an ordinary friend. Getting along with her makes her very comfortable and stress-free.

He even talked about her and criticized her, not treating her as a goddess at all.

It also allowed her to experience her favorite food and enjoy a very comfortable relationship.

But everywhere, Lin Shu didn't know where to start, and her feelings became deeper and deeper.

Fortunately, Wang Yi also likes her!

Originally, this relationship would develop slowly, but due to my aunt's objection, my mother took her on a trip for a week and prevented her from meeting Wang Yi...

I thought this would cool down the relationship between the two, but in the end it was nothing.

Unexpectedly, after more than a week of separation, Lin Shu missed Wang Yi even more and realized her inner feelings.

Not only did the relationship between the two not cool down, it actually heated up!

The main theme is a rebel!

After understanding this, Wang Yi wanted to thank Zheng Yun.

If it weren't for Zheng Yun's evil idea to separate them, Lin Shu wouldn't have firmly stayed with him so quickly!

It can only be said that it is a mistake.

Early the next morning, Wang Yi ate the meal cooked by Lin Shu and prepared to go out.

I made an appointment with an agent today to see the industrial park.

Lin Shu followed up and handed over the Porsche key: "Xiaoyi, you can drive this car. It's not convenient to take a taxi."

Wang Yi hesitated: "What about you? You still have to go to school."

"It's okay, I picked up another Mercedes-Benz CLS!" Lin Shu said with a smile.

"Okay!" Wang Yi kissed Lin Shu and drove away. Later, Lin Shu also drove a Mercedes-Benz coupe and went to school.

Today, Wang Yi and her agent Zhou Huiru made an appointment to visit the industrial park and learn about the market situation in advance.

When I participate in the industrial park foreclosure tomorrow, I will have an idea in my mind!

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Yi arrived at the agency store.

Zhou Huiru was already waiting at the door: "Mr. Wang, you are here."

"Get in the car and go to the industrial park."

"Okay." Zhou Huiru immediately got in the car and tried her best to show her professionalism.

Soon, the two came to the first industrial park.

"Mr. Wang, Ruixin Industrial Park covers an area of ​​201.2 acres, 13.41 square meters, a floor area ratio of 1.5, a construction area of ​​20.115 square meters, and a total price of 10 billion. I helped you negotiate 9.4 million!"

Zhou Huiru said: "The average price per square meter is only 4700, which is much more cost-effective than the surrounding office buildings of to per square meter."

Wang Yi nodded. The industrial park is industrial land and the land price is cheap. The selling price of 5,000 to 6,000 square meters per square meter is the normal price.

Office buildings are commercial land, and the land price is ten times that of industrial land. Even if the floor area ratio is higher, the selling price is many times that of the industrial park.

It is true that industrial parks are more cost-effective.

4700 per square meter, plus agency fees and taxes, it’s about 5000, which is a good price.

If it weren't for the foreclosure of the industrial park tomorrow, Wang Yi would have considered whether to cut the price and just take it.

Seeing that Wang Yi didn't say anything, Zhou Huiru continued to introduce:

"Ruixin Industrial Park was built seven years ago and is still very new!"

Wang Yi nodded: "It was built seven years ago? It's quite new. But in which year was the land acquired?"

Zhou Huiru's expression changed slightly. Wang Yi suddenly asked the key question and said with an unnatural expression:

"The land was obtained fourteen years ago and construction started thirteen years ago. We encountered financial problems and stopped for two years..."

"So the property rights only have 36 years left!" Wang Yi frowned.

The property rights of industrial land are only for fifty years!

"Yes." Zhou Huiru nodded: "The other party sincerely wants to sell it. If you really want it, 9 million will do!"

"Another 4000 million lower." Wang Yi sighed, the intermediary structure is too small!

Do you really think that Wang Yi won’t find out if she doesn’t tell her that the property rights only have 36 years left? Can you save 4000 million in discount?

Then the seller will be able to sell for 4000 million more? Can Zhou Huiru get more kickbacks?

The layout is small!

Wang Yi didn't say anything else: "Let's go and see other things."

"Okay." Zhou Huiru sighed in her heart, understanding that Wang Yi was young, but he was not as easy to fool as the previous coal boss, so he had to be treated with caution!

Before the imperial capital restricted purchases, they sold many industrial parks and luxury homes to coal bosses, so they had enough to eat.

Afterwards, the two visited several industrial parks.

They are all similar situations.

The total price is 8 million to 11 billion, the unit price is to square meters, and the area is large enough.

But Wang Yi had no intention of buying it.

This made Zhou Huiru very helpless: "Could it be that I want to take kickbacks and make him unhappy?"

But I really don’t want to give up the agency fee of tens of millions.

So Zhou Huiru said: "Mr. Wang, if you are not satisfied with these industrial parks, I will help you find other industrial parks in the future. There are also a few good office buildings. I will take you to see them."


Afterwards, the two went straight to the office building.

The price of office buildings is much more expensive, with prices as cheap as more than 20,000 yuan, which is similar to that of residential buildings.

High-end ones cost more than 30,000 yuan per square meter, which is more expensive than nearby residences.

Wang Yi thought about it and decided that an industrial park would be more suitable.

Larger area, smaller floor area ratio, lower unit price, and better privacy!

"Okay, I'll think about it. Thank you for your hard work today."

Wang Yi said and drove away.

"Mr. Wang, please walk slowly." After Zhou Huiru finished speaking, her face instantly turned cold:

"Sure enough, because the price quoted by Ruixin Industrial Park was dishonest, he lost confidence in me. This business may be ruined!"

I wanted to quote a higher price, get kickbacks from both ends, and earn millions more!

As a result, millions of dollars were not earned, and tens of millions of intermediary fees were lost!

The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant!

After this incident, Wang Yi became more determined to take photos of Qianghui Electronics Industrial Park.

In the afternoon, Wang Yi returned to school and had two periods of meditation.

Wang Yi felt that his ideological and moral level was already very high and he did not need to continue his studies, so he simply did not listen and continued to read the outline of "The Patriarch of the Demonic Way".

When it is finished, you can send it to the Meiyou editorial department, and let the editorial department find a suitable writer to write the novel.

Wang Yike doesn't have time to type and write novels every day.

During this time, Meiyou’s novel department was also being rapidly established.

However, the current recruitment is mainly for headhunters in the field of novels, to poach external editors and great writers!

As well as the editorial department, the main job is to find authors, train authors, collect books, and build a library!

And for the great writers we poached, we directly guarantee high prices and sign their new books!

At this stage, Meiyou's novel has not yet been launched online. The poached writers only need to code and submit the manuscript on time. After the editorial department supervises and reviews, they will be paid according to the contract!

In addition, the editors who were poached will also bring some elite authors with them, and they will also be given a certain guaranteed contract.

Meiyou's novels have just started, and the author lacks confidence in Meiyou's novels, so he can only sign a guarantee and pay them the royalties in advance, so that they can rest assured.

When Meiyou's novels are officially launched, these books signed by great masters and books by elite ordinary authors can be launched immediately and serve as the first batch of book libraries!

By then, Meiyou Novels will be able to support itself and gradually grow in size.

This is a long process, and Wang Yi decided to speed up the layout!

When I return to Jeju at the weekend, I will go to the Meiyou novel department to hold a strategy meeting, increase the buyout price, and speed up the collection of manuscripts!

As long as there are more books, a library is built, and a few hits are produced, Meiyou novels will be ready.

If we recruit people to write "The Patriarch of the Demonic Way", a hit that has caused a sensation among female channels all over the Internet, Meiyou's novels will be completely out of the circle!

This approach is completely feasible.

Once the Meiyou novel is completed, the user stickiness and user usage time of the Meiyou APP will increase.

Meiyou’s core barriers will become stronger and it will be difficult for others to copy it!

During the two classes, Wang Yi wrote a lot of outlines.

After class, Sun Tao came around again: "Brother Yi, go back to the dormitory and start hacking!"

Wang Yi: "..."

Now Sun Tao is completely obsessed with the game.

It’s just that CF was okay. Then League of Legends became popular, and it was really a whole day of playing!

Several of Wang Yi's roommates in his previous life turned on the lights when they got up in the morning and played until the lights were turned off at night.

Completely tireless.

If you win, you have to advance triumphantly, pursue the victory, and continue playing.

If you lose, you have to start another game to avenge your shame!

In the two dormitories, except for Wang Yi, who had a date, the others just gathered together and had fun together for the day.

But for games, Wang Yi just enjoys them for fun and is not addicted.

"You guys go and play, I have something else to do tonight."

"Okay, Brother Yi, let's go back first."

With that said, Sun Tao and the others left.

Wang Yi also came downstairs and drove Lin Shu's Porsche straight to the CBD.

After setting up the company, Wang Yi will also have to buy a car and buy a house in the imperial capital.

As for the house, it can only be purchased in the name of the company at present.

Unless Wang Yizu introduces talents and gets the imperial capital residence.

This would probably not be easy for anyone else, but as the CEO of Meiyou Technology, Wang Yi should be completely qualified!

It just so happens that during tomorrow's auction, we may come into contact with the management committee, and maybe the matter of talent introduction will be settled!

Soon, Wang Yi came to the CBD and made an appointment with Yang Yan tonight. Wang Yi had to poach him and make him his subordinate!

If Wang Yi doesn't take action, Yang Yan will be poached by Meizu, become Meizu's product manager, and create Flyme OS by himself!

Initially, most of the UI interfaces of domestic mobile phone systems were ugly and crude.

Meizu Flyme is unique with its flat style, elegance, freshness and style.

Later, everyone learned it and poached people from Meizu’s Flyme business unit to improve their own UI!

In 2014, LeTV wants to make mobile phones and deeply customized systems.

I hired a vice president of Meizu and many core talents from the Flyme business unit, and quickly built the EUI system. It got off to an amazing start and directly entered the first echelon!

(End of this chapter)

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