Reborn in 2011, 985 missing from two copies

Chapter 138 Following the Zhang family, the box office was a hit!

Chapter 138 Going home with the guide, the box office was a blast!

Ten minutes later, Huang Xinyi came to Yangshan Villa Area happily.

Wang Yi got in the car and said calmly: "Drive, CBD Wanda Cinema."

"???" Huang Xinyi was stunned, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "You want me to be your driver?"

"You're really good, Mr. Pigeon!"

"Don't use random nicknames, I'm doing it for your own good." Wang Yi said with a smile.

Huang Xinyi folded her hands: "Come on, let me tell you, you missed my premiere, why did you still do it for me?"

Wang Yi smiled: "Yesterday's premiere, there were so many stars and so many media. I took you there. If the media takes a photo of me, will they take a photo of you too?"

Huang Xinyi nodded: "Of course it will."

"So, you want to be popular? Stop being a guide and join the entertainment industry?" Wang Yi joked.

Huang Xinyi shook her head quickly: "That won't work, I don't want to go to the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry is too chaotic, but school is suitable for me."

"Then do you think that once you are photographed and become a hot search topic, you can still quietly work as a counselor?"

"This..." Huang Xinyi nodded: "If the school finds out that I went to the premiere on the pretext of personal leave, then I will probably be judged by others! You are still thoughtful!"

"As long as you know what's going on, I'm doing this for your own good."

Huang Xinyi nodded: "Yes, thank you, classmate Wang Yi. I just wanted to meet Ye Xiaohe and Lin Zixuan, and almost ruined my future. Fortunately, there are not many media today because of you, right?"

"No. Yesterday's premiere was attended by many stars and a lot of media. In the first screening today, only a few leading actors attended and interacted with fans, but not much media!"

"That's good!" Huang Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief: "Boss Wang, take a seat. Driver Xiao Huang is here to serve you. Let's go!"

With a kick of the accelerator, the BMW 3 Series sped out and headed straight for the CBD.

"Haha." Wang Yi laughed.

This counselor is too easy to fool.

When he arrived at Wanda Cinema, Wang Yi took out a mask and sunglasses from his bag and put them on.

Seeing this scene, Huang Xinyi was dumbfounded: "How low-key are you?"

Wang Yi said calmly: "Just such a small occasion is not worthy of my high profile."

Huang Xinyi: "..."

She wanted to say that Wang Yi was pretending, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

The previous Meiyou flagship store opened, and the speech was delivered by President Song Sining.

Song Sining was also present at the premiere of "Love Is Not Blind" yesterday.

Wang Yi doesn't seem to want to show up at all!

In other words, it's not worth his appearance!

"Everyone else wants to be in the limelight, but you are so good at hiding it!"

Huang Xinyi curled her lips: "By the way, are there any masks? Give me one!

"You used it yesterday, do you want it?"

Huang Xinyi: "..."

"Haha, I won't tease you anymore, here you go!" Wang Yi took out another pair of masks from his handbag.

During the special period of several years in his previous life, Wang Yi developed the habit of stocking masks in his bag, but he didn't expect to just use them.

"Thank you." Huang Xinyi was overjoyed and quickly put it on.

Wang Yi looked at Huang Xinyi and changed the subject:

"With your figure, is it useful to wear a mask? If you cover your face, don't you force the other person to see your figure?"

Huang Xinyi wanted to curse for a moment: "..."

But if you think about it carefully, what Wang Yi said makes sense.

Then he grabbed the handbag from Wang Yi's hand and blocked it in front of him.

Wang Yi walked directly into the theater without saying anything else.

Seeing Wang Yi come in, even though he was covered up tightly, Ye Xiaohe recognized him instantly and hurriedly greeted him:

"Boss Wang, you are here."

Wang Yi patted Ye Xiaohe on the shoulder: "I have a hunch, Xiaohe, you are going to be popular!"

"Really? I'll lend you some good advice!" Ye Xiaohe smiled knowingly, then looked at Huang Xinyi next to him and marveled:

‘This figure is so good, isn’t it? ’

‘I can’t be calm as a woman! ’

‘But what’s her relationship with Boss Wang? ’

‘Is it possible that Boss Wang likes this? ’

‘Yes, this kind of figure is what all men like. No wonder Boss Wang is not very interested in me. Is it because I am too peaceful? ’

For a moment, Ye Xiaohe thought a lot, then smiled and said: "This is..."

Wang Yi said calmly: "I'm the driver, the one who carries the bag!"

Huang Xinyi: "!!!"

‘Damn you driver! ’

‘I’m your counselor, okay? ’

Ye Xiaohe nodded: "It turns out to be the driver. Thank you for your hard work."

But in my heart, I cursed: ‘With such a sexy figure, is it your driver or your car? ’

'Oh, man! '

"Boss Wang, take a seat!" Ye Xiaohe pointed to the middle seat.

"Okay." Wang Yi walked over. Huang Xinyi hesitated and followed.

Just as he was about to sit next to Wang Yi, Ye Xiaohe beat him to it.

On the other side, Lin Zixuan had already sat down, holding the coffee she had bought a long time ago and bringing it to her with a smile.

They knew what Wang Yi was coming to do today.

In desperation, Huang Xinyi could only sit next to Ye Xiaohe.

I muttered in my heart: "Oh, what a big show!"

"I really can't believe that this guy Wang Yi is so popular. The two heroines are competing for him!"

"Even the exclusive model of Ruili Magazine is so attentive and proactive towards Wang Yi. Is this guy so powerful?"

Just as she was thinking a lot, several other celebrities also recognized Wang Yi and stepped forward to shake Wang Yi's hand and say hello.

Wang Yi responded calmly.

Huang Xinyi's expression was complicated, and she became more and more shocked:

"I didn't expect Wang Yi's status to be so high? So many celebrities are so proactive!"

"This guy is not simple, he is really not simple!"

Then, the theater door opened and many spectators walked in with their tickets.

Soon, the whole theater was filled with people.

Wang Yi found that some of the people who came to watch the movie were close friends, but more of them were a man and a woman.

There are many couples in love here.

Some are lovers who are about to break up, or exes who have already broken up.

The theme of the promotion of "Love Lost for Thirty-three Days" is "September 9th, we promised eternity, but we fell in love for thirty-three days."

and “Graduation season, breakup season.”

June and July every year are graduation season and breakup season.

They were entangled for a while, and by September, it was almost exactly a month since we broke up.

Watching "Thirty-day Love" together again can be regarded as the final farewell to the ex and the end of the previous relationship.

Of course, there are also people who have broken up a long time ago, or even after many years of separation, but still miss their ex.

It's just that I didn't have the courage to interrupt before, but now I just used the excuse of watching "33 Days of Love" to make an appointment and meet again.

If the other party hasn't forgotten me, maybe they can get back together and renew their relationship.

If the other person has already let go and is calm, then he can let go and start a new relationship.

Whether they are breaking up, about to break up, or even couples who have already broken up, they will all come to watch "Thirty-three Days of Love" with different purposes.

It can be said that Wang Yi's gimmick of "graduation season and breakup season" just caters to this group of people.

Of course, there are also many people who come to see it alone!

It's been many years since we broke up, but I can't forget my ex, but I don't want to, or can't, bother him.

You can only watch "Thirty-day Love" alone and then post your movie tickets. If the other person sees it, they will naturally understand what you feel.

If there's still no response, it's time to let it go.

This is another promotional idea proposed by Wang Yi, "Farewell to Bai Yueguang".

The marketing of graduation season and breakup season caters to the group of students who are breaking up after graduation.

"Whose youth is without a white moonlight? Let's watch another movie and say goodbye again" caters to those who have been separated for many years but still have someone they can't forget.

There are many such groups.

With these two major marketing directions, the effect is better than the marketing on Singles’ Day on 11.11!

After all, the original Lost Love was released on November 11.8th.

And that year, there was also a "Single Terminator", which was released on November 2011.11.11, !

"Singles Terminator" is truly marketed as a Singles' Day gimmick.

A full six 1's! But unfortunately, the box office flopped.

I can only say that Singles’ Day gimmicks are not that powerful. The key depends on the quality of the movie!

On the first day of its release, the film schedule of "Thirty-day Love" can only be said to be average. After all, it is only a small-budget movie and is not favored by the outside world.

But the attendance rate for this show was very, very high.

Wang Yi felt reassured, and Du Tianhua and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the attendance rate is high and sales are good, the film scheduling rate will continue to increase.

After all, theaters want to make money. Whichever movie has a high attendance rate and makes money, it will increase the number of movies!

And those with low attendance will only reduce the schedule of films, or even cancel them early!

The leading actors were sitting in the front row, all wearing masks. If you didn't look carefully, you would just think they were ordinary movie fans.

Soon, the entire theater darkened and the movie started playing.

Wang Yi watched "Love Is Not Blind" again, but this time, he had a completely different feeling and didn't miss anyone.

After all, the best girl Lin Shu is by his side, what else is there to miss?

Even the so-called Bai Yueguang has long since been wiped out by Lin Shumiao!

What's more, Wang Yi has no Bai Yueguang at all. As for Lin Ziyi, she really doesn't count and doesn't deserve it!

As the movie played, there were cheers, laughter, and silent sobs in the theater.    When faced with the practical problems of a different place, the relationship of several years became fragile.

As the plot progressed, some couples held each other's hands tightly.

Some were crying while passing paper.

There are also couples who have broken up a long time ago, but when their love is strong, they boldly grab their ex's hand.

The ex hesitated for a moment and held his (her) hand tightly.

They once broke up because of long distance, but now they are getting back together because of "Thirty-three Days of Love".

All kinds of performances, all performed.

This movie is destined to be full of joys and sorrows. But some things are really helpless.

Especially long-distance relationships are really hard to stick to.

Later, when I saw the female client Li Ke, played by Lin Zixuan, wearing a pure lust-style skirt, I was instantly stunned.

All the audience exclaimed.

Although Lin Zixuan failed to endorse Meiyou, she wore Meimei's pure lust-style dress in the movie, which was full of charm.

On the other hand, Ye Xiaohe, still dressed simply, was instantly overshadowed by Lin Zixuan in a pure lust-style dress.

Seeing this, Lin Zixuan, who was on Wang Yi's left, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, showing a hint of pride.

Behind, a woman couldn't help but said: "Look, I'm just telling you, Meiyou's pure-sex style skirts are beautiful. Do you believe it?"

The boyfriend next to him nodded quickly: "I believe it. Let's buy it after watching the movie! Buy it for 599, no, 799!"

"Husband, I want the same style as the 999 celebrity!"

"No, you have such a good figure, you don't need the 999 model!"

"Hehe, my husband is right, let's go for 799!"

The boy breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "Huh, it's not easy. How can he save 200!"

There were also audience members wearing Meiyou’s pure lust-style dresses, their eyes shining:

"This one is so good, I never noticed it before! I will go to Sanlitun to buy it soon!"

Some female viewers were filled with emotion:

"This is Meiyou Pure Sex Wind. It's more beautiful than the big names. Why do I only know about it now?"

"Meiyou's pure lust style is still the best! Those so-called big names are ugly, tacky, and expensive, and they've been out for a long time!"

"When it comes to fashion, you have to look at Meiyou!"

Listening to these words, people wearing high-end brands looked down at the ugly, tacky and expensive high-end brands on their bodies, and felt that they were worthless.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

The fans who were wearing Meiyou's pure lust-style dresses sat up straight with proud expressions on their faces.

I just feel like I’m at the forefront of fashion!

Wang Yi smiled: "Sure enough, the release of "Thirty-three Days of Love" made Meiyou's pure lust dress popular again."

For example, the one worn by Lin Zixuan was originally the first batch of 599 models on the market, so it is considered an old model.

So far, sales have dropped a lot, and it is almost out of date.

The e-commerce department is preparing to reduce the price to 399 for promotion!

But because of this movie, it has become the same model as a star, and I am afraid that sales will explode again!

Many people in the theater started placing orders!

Don't talk about price reduction, just increase the price to 799!

Of course, Wang Yi still has a bottom line and still sells for 599.

Finally, the ending of the movie adds a little more than the original movie.

It was Ye Xiaohe who made a stunning appearance wearing a beautiful pure lust skirt and became a cool girl!

Wang Xiaojian was stunned, and everyone at the scene was also stunned!

Buddha relies on gold clothing, and people rely on clothing.

Ye Xiaohe, who is wearing ordinary clothes in the front, is a rustic, and is crushed by Li Ke, played by Lin Zixuan.

Finally, Ye Xiaohe, who put on a pure lust-style dress from Meiyou, was instantly stunning and her charm blossomed!

The sharp contrast between before and after directly made everyone at the scene fully realize the charm, power and stunningness of Meiyou's pure lust style!

This wave of movie placement made Meiyou an instant hit!

It has completely established an ideological understanding in everyone's mind - Meiyou, leading the fashion trend! Pure lustful wind, blooming with unlimited charm!

They all made up their mind to place an order soon and go to Sanlitun to buy it!

At the end, the male and female protagonists hold hands, walk in the sunshine, and move toward happiness.

It even made everyone at the scene excited to the extreme.

Many lovers who are about to break up have made up their mind to break up after watching the movie.

Some couldn't let go even more, with tears in their eyes.

There are also those who have broken up and got back together again.

People's joys and sorrows are not the same.

Suddenly, an ethereal song sounded: "I came to your city and walked the way you came."

The noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked around and saw a figure in the front row standing up, holding a microphone, singing "Long Time No See" from "Thirty-day Love", and walked towards the big screen.

"Wow, it's Ye Xiaohe!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

Then, another figure stood up and walked towards the screen: "Imagine how lonely you would be without me."

"Liu Zhang!"

"Wang Xiaojian!"

"Take the photo you gave me, that familiar street."

Lin Zixuan also stood up, also wearing a pure and sexy dress!

Several other leading actors also stood up and walked to the screen while singing.


"The starring team is here!"


"I just spent 30 yuan to buy a ticket, and I can see so many celebrities. What kind of luck is this?"

"Xiaohe, so beautiful!"

"Lin Zixuan, goddess!"

Everyone was excited and the entire scene was completely lively.

Only then did they realize that the people sitting in the front row were actually the stars of the show!

It’s a well-designed easter egg!

After the screening, the starring team showed up to surprise everyone and give back to the fans!

After singing the song, Ye Xiaohe, wearing a pure lust-style dress, bowed and saluted:

"Thank you to all the fans for supporting "33 Days of Love", and thank you to Meiyou Technology for sponsoring and investing in our crew! I hope everyone will support "33 Days of Love" and Meiyou! Their skirts, So beautiful, love you!”

Saying that, Ye Xiaohe expressed his heart to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi laughed dumbly.

Afterwards, several leading actors interacted enthusiastically with fans.

Wang Yi stood up and walked out of the theater.

"Oh, wait for me!"

Huang Xinyi quickly followed.

Wang Yi joked: "Why don't you stay, talk more with Ye Xiaohe and the others, and ask for an autograph?"

Huang Xinyi sighed, her expression a little complicated:

"Originally, I thought celebrities were high and glamorous. I should be very excited to meet my idol! I'm so excited! It's such an honor!"

"But when I see my idols fighting openly and secretly for you, and being jealous, but you don't have much interest in them and just walk away. Suddenly everything feels boring."

"It turns out that celebrities are also human beings, and they are indispensable. It's boring. I will never chase stars again!"

He pursues his idol and tries every possible means to please his students!

Then what are you chasing after?

It’s better to chase your own students!

Huang Xinyi shook her head and quickly gave up this terrifying thought.

A wise man will not fall in love, stay away from Wang Yi, and protect himself.

It’s just that this guy is so good!

Today, Huang Xinyi’s eyes were completely opened!

Wang Yi smiled slightly and gave Huang Xinyi a pat on the head: "You have grown up and matured."

"???" Huang Xinyi's mouth twitched: "What's your tone? The attitude of an elder?"

"Damn it, Wang Yi, you took advantage of me!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have it." Wang Yi waved his hand: "Let's go, it's noon, let's go eat!"

"it is good!"

The two found a barbecue restaurant and had a great meal.

"You took me to meet celebrities and fulfilled my wish. Today I invite you!" Huang Xinyi said with a smile.

Wang Yi waved his hand: "You invited me last time, I'll come this time."

"Okay, I'll come next time." After saying that, Huang Xinyi regretted a little and her face turned red.

If this continues, won't we have to date more often?

Wang Yi smiled slightly: "Not next time, let's do it tonight."

"Okay, just tonight, you decide what you want to eat, and I will satisfy you!" Huang Xinyi agreed, not wanting to owe any favors.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yi changed the topic: "It's unhealthy to eat too much food outside. I'll eat what you cooked at night."

Huang Xinyi: "..."

"Is that bad?"

"If there's anything wrong with you, you should be punished! Could it be that you want to be a puppy who doesn't keep his word?"

"You are the puppy, go ahead. Huh!" Huang Xinyi snorted coldly and sighed in her heart.

‘I’ve been tricked by this guy again! ’

But they have already agreed, but they are helpless.

I could only turn around and go to the supermarket, buy seafood and vegetables, and take Wang Yi back to my home.

A three-bedroom apartment of 120 square meters.

Huang Xinyi started to process the ingredients, while Wang Yi received a message from Du Tianhua:

"Boss Wang, since the attendance rate of "Thirty-day Love" is as high as 80%, ranking first, theaters have significantly increased their film schedules!"

Wang Yi smiled slightly.

Just like in its previous life, the box office of "Thirty-day Love" was a huge hit on the first day it was released!

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(End of this chapter)

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