Football: A late bloomer, starting with Leicester City

Chapter 102 Van Gaal’s disaster, Gary Neville’s humiliating moment

Chapter 102 Van Gaal’s disaster, Gary Neville’s humiliating moment (please vote for me)
January 1st is the day the transfer window opens.

The media forum that would have been filled with transfer rumors and news was filled with other news today.

These news came from behind and instantly made the headlines in hot discussions and discussions.

[Leicester City wins the Premier League half-time championship!Arsenal lost the opportunity to share! 】

[Not Arsenal, not Liverpool, not Manchester City!It's Leicester City! 】

[Facing consecutive big6 teams in a few weeks, Leicester City scored ten points against four big6 teams! 】

[A miraculous story belonging to a small town, Leicester City locks in the half-distance championship! 】

Countless reports were published, causing agitation throughout the British peninsula and rapidly radiating to the surrounding areas.

Countless media outlets were busy today, with hundreds of reporters chasing down some figures who had made "big words" before.

The first to suffer was Manchester United coach Louis van Gaal.

The Dutchman had just walked out of his home and was intercepted by reporters before he could get into his car.

At first, Van Gaal was ready to force his way out. After trying several times and finding that it didn't work, he stood there helplessly with a dark face.

"Mr. Van Gaal, Leicester City exceeded everyone's expectations and scored 6 points in four games against the big10 teams. What do you think of this?"

"We all know that Mr. Van Gaal has made a sound before that Leicester City will not score any points when facing Big 6 one after another. Do you regret it now?"

"Mr. Van Gaal, what kind of team do you think Leicester City is now?"


Countless questions were thrown at Van Gaal's face, and a few beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

He wiped it on twice in a hurry, trying to pretend to be calm, but he didn't know that it was full of holes in the eyes of others.

Such is the case in British football, all celebrities' comments are scrutinized.

Once a new disturbance occurs, reporters from these major newspapers and media will quickly add insult to injury and appear next to you pervasively.

This is the British media that scares all football people.

"What can I say? I just made some mistakes in my prediction."

At this time, Van Gaal had nothing to say no matter how much he wanted to argue nonsense.

Four big6 teams, three defeats and one draw, sent Leicester to the semi-finals championship.

He is not a god and can turn anything around.

Leicester City's performance was like a huge slap on his face, blinding him.

"Prejudgment error? But isn't it too...unbelievable for a professional football coach to make this kind of mistake?"

"After all, what Mr. Van Gaal said is completely different from what is happening now."

A reporter quickly asked, and there was no intention of letting Van Gaal go.

"Football games are like this, who can lose or win, a team may have a winning streak or a losing streak, these things will happen."

Van Gaal was obviously unable to resist, his face had already turned red, he kept making small movements, and even started to talk nonsense.

"Didn't you say before that you want them to know what a top team is and what a top coach is?"

A reporter suppressed his laughter and asked: "Is it realized now? Which method did Mr. Van Gaal use?"

Van Gaal gritted his teeth and stood there, wanting to find a crack in the ground and burrow down immediately.

He only endured it for a few seconds before he predictably exploded, "That's enough! You damn reporters, all go to hell!"

"Leicester City are nothing until they win the league title!"

"I am indeed old and my performance as a team leader is not good, but I have a championship! I have it!"

"What do you damn journalists have? What do they Leicester City have?!"

Van Gaal became furious, his voice was very loud, and he even started pushing reporters several times.

This successful head coach is like an angry clown at this moment, being watched by countless cameras to record the moment of making a fool of himself.

Everything seemed to be destroyed at this moment.

He completely lost everything in this confrontation with Leicester City.

It is not difficult to imagine that tomorrow's social media will be published with high-definition live pictures of him making such a gaffe.

If the person who posted this was a little smarter, he would have included a photo of his previous arrogance for comparison.

Because that often means higher playback volume and topicality.


On the other side, in the famous BBC program Match of the day.

As the new episode started, host Lineker sat here holding back his laughter. Sitting opposite him was Manchester United star Gary Neville.

"First of all, I want to sincerely apologize to the teams I played for."

As Lineker said this, he stood up, walked over to the camera, and bowed deeply.

"It's because I don't believe in you so much that I said some stupid things both before and during the season."

"I'm a fool, a stupid fool who can't be any more stupid."

Then, he sat on the bench, looked at Gary Neville next to him, and pretended to be disgusted, "Tell me, how should you be responsible for your remarks."

Gary Neville can sit here as a guest, and he must be prepared to deal with his previous remarks.

But despite being well prepared, when the show started airing and seeing tens of thousands of people online, Gary Neville still had a bit of cold sweat on his face.In particular, barrages are flashing across the bottom of the screen.

"Refund your money! You bitch! I bet on many games according to your promise that you would be responsible, and I lost everything!"

"How are you responsible for my four thousand pounds, Mr. Gary Neville?"

"Get out of the media circle. I shouldn't believe your nonsense. It's enough to maintain your status as a Manchester United star. Don't come out to harm others!"

"Seeing your face again makes me sick."

"Talk! Shit!"


Under tremendous pressure, Gary Neville stumbled and spoke: "It's true, I was just a little hasty and made some remarks... which now seem very hasty and unbelievable."

"I have to say sorry for the impact it caused on everyone. I am very sorry. I will pay attention to my mouth in the future."

"I also apologize to the Leicester City fans. I completely underestimated your fighting spirit and strength and looked down upon you."

After saying this, he didn't even have the courage to look at the barrages, and just turned his head towards Lineker.

"I know our fans will be dissatisfied, but please wait."

Lineker turned his head to Gary Neville and pressed: "Who is the best team in England?"

"Manchester United." Gary Neville answered simply.

"No, just today, I ask you who is the best team in England?!" Lineker said aggressively.

"Manchester United..."

"Who is it?!"

"Okay, Leicester City, for one day only."

In the end, under the pressure of Lineker and the threat of barrages, Gary Neville chose the most frustrating way to apologize with a green face.

For a die-hard Manchester United fan and a famous team player.

It would be really insulting for him to admit that another team is the best team in the Premier League right now.

"Count you through."

Lineker smiled and then continued: "I am very curious now what Mr. Gary Neville will answer if I ask about Leicester City's state in the second half of the game."

Gary Neville hesitated for a while and said cautiously: "Leicester City did perform a perfect performance in the first half. They performed better than any giant team."

"But now, they are about to face the problem of declining physical fitness in the second half and insufficient bench thickness."

As if afraid of Lineker's rebuttal, Gary Neville continued; "I'm not being alarmist like before, I'm just telling a fact, and this is a real fact."

"Now, no one still thinks that Leicester City is just a relegation team fighting for [-] points. We all know that they have a chance to have a good performance this season."

"But it can't be the championship."

Gary Neville finally concluded: "If we can stabilize a certain state at the end of the season, maybe there is hope for the European theater, and even the Champions League."

He felt he had looked in the best direction.

Qualifying for the Champions League was something no one could have imagined before the season.

After he said these words, even Lineker, who had just forced him to apologize, nodded in agreement.

"It seems that Mr. Gary Neville did not dare to make random predictions this time, and gave a relatively high overall expectation."

"I share his view and believe that Leicester City's goal in the second half is mainly to enter the European theater."

"Ranieri must face the problem of insufficient depth of the team's bench, lack of physical fitness and fatigue in subsequent games."


After saying this, Lineker pointed to some barrages selected by the broadcaster and motioned for Gary Neville to reply together.

This is the last part of the show.

Gary Neville shook his head heavily when he read a comment asking if Leicester City would still end up in this position.

"I can really take charge this time and they won't be in that position at the end of the season."

"Indeed." Lineker echoed from the side: "This possibility is almost impossible. I have to remind everyone that Leicester City's odds of winning are 1 to 5000. You know what that means."

Then, the two saw another comment about Chen Yufeng’s upper limit.

"About Chen Yufeng's future development?"

As the program progressed, Gary Neville seemed to have regained some confidence, "I can answer this more responsibly because I have been a professional player for a long time."

"In my opinion, the first half of the league must be his peak stage. This is his upper limit."

"There will definitely be a trend of slow decline in the future, even starting from the second half."

At the end, he did not forget to add self-righteously, "Of course, his performance now is incredible. This is the performance of a first-class offensive line player."

"Only playing his first official season at this age, he has already created many miracles."

"What does Mr Lineker think?"

Hearing Gary Neville turn the conversation to himself, Lineker smiled and nodded to the camera, "Cherish such a late bloomer."

"Perhaps it won't be long before they slowly disappear from our sight because of their age."


ps: What a hard work, I have been sitting all day, please vote for me!Please correct the typos!I am confused!
(End of this chapter)

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