Chapter 383 Rout

"Defeated...indisputable defeat!" Seeing the 20,000 cavalry rushing through the Chu army like a mudslide with an unmatched attitude, Zhou Yuji knew clearly that this time the Chu army was completely defeated.

The only thing he could do was to gather the defeated soldiers and prepare to run away. As for committing suicide... I'm sorry that Han Xin is so strong. It's normal for him to lose!

Xiang Jian, there is still hope for the Chu army. If he commits suicide, he will be sorry for the Chu country.

Therefore, Zhou Yuji immediately gathered tens of thousands of troops that she could control and commanded, and decisively evacuated towards Wuguan.

"Ying Bu, Long Qie, please rescue the Crown Princess quickly and leave this place to me!" Ji Bu said loudly to the two of them.

Yingbu and Longqie naturally knew that Ji Bu's behavior was entirely to use his own life to stop the Han army.

But the current situation did not allow them to say anything more. It was business to immediately lead their legions to support Zhou Yuji.

As for the former army, with the withdrawal of the two pillar legions of Yingbu and Longqie, the situation of the former army completely collapsed.

Finally, even if Ji Bu struggled to support, how could he stop Han Xin's all-round penetrating attack.

After Ji Bu's remaining army was completely swallowed up, no one could stop the Chu army's rout.

Almost every company of Chu soldiers were running away. Even some loyal soldiers were ready to organize effective organizations to contain the Han army's attack, but they were immediately targeted by the main force of the Han army!

At this moment, Yan Yunqi, commanded by Luo Shixin, began to play his role in chasing down the defeated troops. Air flow control allowed his troops to have both speed and flexibility in the chaotic army, allowing them to shuttle freely, while sharply cutting all the enemies. The lethality brought about made it impossible for these defeated troops to reorganize effective resistance, and they were constantly scattered and cut up until no one dared to resist anymore.

Even Xiang Ceyu, under the pursuit of Huo Qubing and Yu Lin's army, cut off at least one-third of Xiang Ceyu's Jiangdong disciples. This statistic is enough to make Xiang Ceyu feel distressed.

All in all, the entire Chu army was defeated. This battle severely defeated Xiang Ceyu's Chu army. Strategically speaking, it was an undoubted victory!

The 100,000-strong army was wiped out after this battle. In the end, less than 20,000 people followed Xiang Ceyu back to Wuguan.

Xiang Ceyu looked at the people around him. Only Long Qie, Ying Bu, Yu Ziqi and Tai Shi Ci were left. Zhong Lihuan and Ji Bu were probably captured, and there was no trace of them among the rebellious army. Anyway, Xiang Ceyu didn't know whether the two of them survived or died in the rebellion.

"Should we go back to Chudi?" Yingbu couldn't help but wonder when facing the scene in front of him. ,

Long Qie looked at Yingbu, but he didn't know how to answer. Maybe he really couldn't answer!

"We haven't lost everything yet!" Zhou Yuji had regained her composure and preached to Long Qie and Ying.

Hearing this, both Long Qie, Yingbu and others, as well as Xiang Ceyu, who had been silent until now, looked at Zhou Yuji in surprise. Isn't this still a defeat?

Zhou Yuji said: "Your Majesty is attending the Hongmen Banquet now. We are an important pillar. If we can succeed, this will be our final turnaround point. If we evacuate Chu Land now, we will abandon Your Majesty in Guanzhong. I will wait How could you do such an unfaithful thing!

I would rather defend Wuguan and wait for news for a few more days than take the remaining soldiers and flee back to Chu across the Yellow River! So if you two want to return to Chu Land, then go back to Chu Land. If you want to defend Wuguan, then defend Wuguan to the death! "

Hearing Zhou Yuji's words, Xiang Ceyu and others also felt a slight fire rising in their hearts. Xiang Ceyu said resolutely: "Then defend to the death!"

When the situation has developed to this point, everyone knows that Chu has lost most of its elite troops. After the news of this battle is known to the Chu army, the position of the leader of the Chu army may not be able to be maintained.

In fact, Han Xin did not have many soldiers to pay attention to Wuguan, and even consciously drove these defeated troops towards Wuguan.

After all, they defeated an army of 100,000 in one breath, and even the Han army commanded by Han Xin could not defeat them in a short time. They are all humans, not pigs. They are really good at running away when faced with a life or death crisis.

Especially when the army entered the collapse stage, each general gathered a small team and ran away in all directions. All the generals who did not escape were either captured or died.

So Han Xin began to send people to shout for surrender, capture them, and organize them into prisoner camps.

Among the captured people, the most famous ones were probably Ji Bu and Zhong Lizhen.

Ji Bu was captured by Su Lie. Most of the people in the world had heard of Ji Bu's deeds and admired Ji Bu's faith, so they knocked the prisoner unconscious instead of directly cutting off Ji Bu's head to claim credit.

As for Zhongli Mei, Han Xin specially ordered that he could only be captured alive. After Zhongli Mei's legion was surrounded, Han Xin went to persuade him in person. Seeing the old friendship between the halberd man and the Chu archer, Zhongli Mei chose to lead his legion to surrender to Han Xin.

When Han Xin saw Zhongli Mei's surrender, he was relieved. The two sides used a horse spoon to eat together. It was great that Zhongli Mei could survive. And with Zhongli Mei as a model, more Chu troops surrendered. It’s much easier too.

After all, these generals of the Chu army surrendered when they saw Zhong Lizhen. What else could they hold on to as soldiers who were just eating for food?

But even so, after Han Xin captured more than 100,000 prisoners, there were still many deserters.

To be honest, Han Xin at this time really wanted to learn Bai Qi's one-to-one annihilation warfare technique. Even if it couldn't produce the effect of annihilating the enemy during the war, it would be very good to use it to capture prisoners after the war. Only in this way can the direct damage caused by war to the people be reduced to a minimum.

After all, the destructive power caused by the war itself is far less astonishing than the destructive power caused by the deserters fleeing in all directions after the war and harming the people wherever they pass.

At least under Liu Hua's influence, the army under Liu Hua still regarded the common people as human beings.

As for the ordinary soldiers in the Chu army, they were easier to convince and surrendered quickly. After all, most of them were recruited by Xiang Ceyu along the way.

After all, working for someone these days is not a job, and they are just making a living by following Xiang Ceyu.

After surrendering to the Han Kingdom and going to work in the prisoner camp, they were noisy on the first day, but after taking a bite of the food in the prisoner camp, they quickly calmed down.

Especially from the reserves, we know that there are many reserve soldiers. Even the soldiers under Han Xin originally came out of the prison camp, and they quickly adapted to life in the prison camp.

Wang Shouren was responsible for arranging their work, and they all worked enthusiastically.

After all, compared to fighting on the battlefield, moving bricks in a prisoner camp is safer and more practical.

Therefore, it is quite easy to recruit these reserve soldiers. It is estimated that they will be available in a year or two.

On the contrary, the Jiangdong disciples under Xiang Ceyu had a sense of honor and were willing to be loyal to Xiang Ceyu. Even if they were captured, some actually wanted to escape to Xiang Ceyu.

Wang Shouren did not accommodate these people. He set rules and provided rewards and punishments, and he did not go out of his way to make things difficult for them. Basically, as long as they obeyed the rules, he would obey them. If they did not obey the rules, he would accompany them to talk. rule.

(End of this chapter)

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