Chapter 331 The Powerful Han State

The coalition forces of the princes saw that Peng Yue's [-] coalition troops were defeated. They are currently sandwiched between Julu and Guangping.

This location is very subtle.This means that once the strength of the Julu garrison is released and attacked from the north and the south, the [-] coalition forces will definitely be defeated!

The princes who had the courage to participate in the carving up of Jizhou were more or less ambitious and capable. They realized that something was wrong and immediately retreated to avoid being cut off.

However, it seems that it is still a step too late for them.

The scout cavalry they sent to patrol the north came quickly to report: "The enemy's infantry and cavalry troops have been found in the east, numbering more than 2, maybe [-]!"

The faces of the allied princes turned pale.

"Their main force has been trapped in Julu, Guangping City, and Jizhou cities. We have at least 2 to [-] troops at our disposal. How can they still piece together [-] reinforcements?!"

"The Han Kingdom is a bottomless pit. They must have reserved troops for counterattack. We have fallen into a trap!"

Fifty thousand coalition troops immediately broke camp and left.

Cao Ren, who was guarding the city, saw that the enemy was withdrawing. In order to avoid being ambushed, he followed Xun Xi's order and could not leave the city under any circumstances.

Following Xun Xi's order, Ban Chao took his [-] personal guards and [-] newly recruited Jizhou troops southward and appeared outside Guangping City. Only then did Cao Ren understand why the [-] coalition troops had withdrawn.

"Hold Li Mi at all costs! Since they have caused us some small losses, they can't leave so easily!"

Ban Chao and Cao Ren commanded the Han army with less than ten thousand people, and used all their strength to block Li Mi's army in order to hold it back!

Both sides in the tug of war in Guangping City knew about the war in Julu.Xun Xi, Zhang Ning, Zhang He, and Cao Hong worked together to defeat more than [-] enemies with inferior troops and fire attacks.

The siege of Julu was lifted, and the Jizhou defenders of the Han Dynasty launched a full-scale counterattack in their own territory!

Ban Chao and Cao Ren were still at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, and it was difficult for them to use tactics to attack Li Mi. However, they learned that Xun Xi was destroying the Qi and Wei coalition forces and planned to lead Zhang Ning, Cao Hong, and Zhang He to support Guangping City, so they made up their mind to attack Li Mi. Li Mi's army is dragged in Guangping!
Li Mi and other princes wanted to escape Jizhou as soon as possible, but they were held back by the [-] troops led by Ban Chao and Cao Ren. Ban Chao led the cavalry to continuously raid the flanks, which greatly affected the marching speed of Li Mi's army.

If he leads his cavalry to escape from Jizhou, Li Mi and other princes can easily escape.

But that would mean abandoning fifty thousand of their best men.

They were reluctant to give 5 soldiers to the Han Dynasty. These were the soldiers they had recruited with great difficulty.

"They are like tarsal maggots, they simply linger!"

Li Mi was a little desperate. If he had known this, why would he repeat it? He was blinded by lard and did not want to give up the opportunity to dominate the world. He encouraged the coalition forces of Wei Jiu and Tian Zhan to carve up Jizhou. It was easy to invade Jizhou, but it was difficult when they were counterattacked. .If you don't do it right, your entire army will be wiped out in Jizhou!
Ban Chao and Cao Ren regrouped and attacked the Wagangzhai coalition led by Li Mi.

On the other side of the horizon, a large group of soldiers and horses arrived, carrying the flag of Han!
The soldiers and horses of Han's victory in Julu have arrived!

Xun Xi marched in person as the princess, commanding Zhang He and Cao Hong to lead a group of cavalry to intercept and interfere. Zhang Ning personally led the main force into the battlefield, intending to attack Li Mi's Wagang army head-on with Ban Chao's army!

The Wagang coalition forces realized that the situation was not good, so Li Mi ordered to abandon the baggage vehicles and retreat lightly, intending to save as many troops as possible for himself.

"Hey!" Gongsun Zan's powerful arms tightened the reins. He led three thousand white horses from the south and arrived at the battlefield in time!

There are four armies on the battlefield now!

There are about 5000 remaining troops of Ban Chao and Cao Ren; there are about 3 Julu soldiers and horses of Xun Xi and Zhang Ning; there are [-] white horse Yi Cong reinforcements led by Gongsun Zan.

Li Mi led the coalition army, leaving 4 to [-] people.

The Han Dynasty's military in Jizhou had the advantage in military strength!

The White Horse Yi led by the White Horse General Gongsun Zan has never been a presence that Li Mi's legions can resist.

Xun Xi's people waved flags, signaling Gongsun Zan's white horse Yi Cong to hold Li Mi down and wipe out the army of Li Mi, a repeater, in Guangping in one fell swoop!
Gongsun Zan understood and held a horse tree in his hand: "Where justice comes, life and death follow it! The sky can tell you, and the white horse is the proof!"

Three thousand white horse righteous followers followed the white horse general Gongsun Zan and launched a pursuit of the Wagangzhai coalition forces!

The five tigers under Li Mi tried their best to maintain their formation, but the Wagang coalition army was attacked from three sides, but their morale was shaken. They were already unable to maintain order. They were attacked by the Baima Yi Cong, which made it even more chaotic!
At the same time, the Yellow Turban Saint Zhang Ning's army pressed forward. She used the talent of the whole army, Taiping, to let the morale of the Han Tao soldiers and warriors under her command rise rapidly. With the highest morale, they rushed into the Wagang coalition army and attacked fiercely. enemy!

The heroic and high-spirited Han soldiers marched into the enemy's formation and were invincible!
High morale means the best fighting condition. In contrast, the morale of the Wagang coalition army collapsed and they were completely defeated!
"I have endured it for so many days, and I can finally kill you!"

Cao Ren used a long spear to charge and kill the Wagang coalition forces.The soldiers had no morale and were busy running away. They would not look back and fight again, so Cao Ren killed unscrupulously and became invincible!
"We, the Iron-Blooded Cavalry, cannot lag behind. We will harvest heads and gain military glory!"

Ban Chao is also very capable, although he is better at dealing with barbarians. Iron Blood Cavalry is Ban Chao's personal guard, and he is also an elite with dual talents, namely life absorption and no edge.

Life absorption, of course, literally means that it can absorb the opponent's vitality. As long as the opponent is killed, the enemy's vitality and blood can be absorbed, and the vitality that escapes after the enemy's death can be absorbed.

Wufeng is a will-type talent. The stronger the will, the more determined the enemy can be cut open. Even if you hold a sword without an open edge, you can still kill the enemy.

Therefore, in front of the iron-blooded knights, the soldiers of the Wagang coalition were easily killed. Even if they were injured, they could absorb the enemy's vitality and recover.

The iron-blooded cavalry's fearless posture made the soldiers of the Wagang coalition panic even more. Even if Shan Xiongxin took action, he was flanked by dozens of iron-blooded cavalry and could not defeat the iron-blooded cavalry.


Seeing that the coalition forces were defeated and unable to control the situation, the coalition princes completely made up their minds to abandon the coalition forces and fled Jizhou with only the most important cavalry troops.

It is almost impossible for everyone in the Han Dynasty to capture all the Wagang coalition forces alive, because there are too many Wagang troops.Tens of thousands of people fled in different directions, and some of the defeated troops fled Jizhou and rejoined Li Mi's army.

Even so, the Han generals killed seven or eight thousand people and captured tens of thousands!

The coalition forces lost more than [-] troops in Guangping!
Subsequently, under the command of Xun Xi, all the main enemy forces in Jizhou were eliminated!
The Qi and Wei coalition forces outside Julu and the Wagang coalition forces outside Guangping were all defeated by the second and third line troops of Han.

A few days later, Xun Xi transferred Taiwei Cao Shen from Yanjing to command the army and attack Qingzhou!
The Han army entered Qingzhou in a mighty manner. In an instant, armies were wiped out one after another and cities were destroyed one after another.

Under the command of Cao Shen, the Han army swept across Qi in an almost irresistible manner. Tian Zhan's Qi army was vulnerable to the Han army.

(End of this chapter)

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