Chapter 282 Qin VS Han, test
"The Qin Army's military formation is still so old-fashioned!" Han Xin looked at the Qin Army's military formation in front of him and couldn't help but comment.

Although there is more cloud armor, the military formation is still the same as before. Obviously the cloud armor will not be the effect of the military formation, but the Qin army's legion talent.

"They are rich and skilled, but we are not bad either!" Liu Hua couldn't help but said, "Remember, we are just bait. Don't really get entangled by the Qin army. A fake defeat will turn into a real defeat!"

Han Xin rolled his eyes at Liu Hua and said, "Noisy! If I were not afraid of excessive losses, I would have defeated the Qin army myself!"

"Haha!" Liu Hua smiled softly, but didn't say much.

Han Xin heard Liu Hua's words and knew that Liu Hua wanted to relieve the tension in his heart.

But in fact, Han Xin was not nervous at all. On the contrary, he wanted to laugh a little. He had [-] red-coated troops, so why should he be afraid of the Qin army?
However, facing the Qin army approaching step by step, they saw the red-coated army in front of them taking the lead and charging towards the Qin army!

"Light crossbowman! Shoot!" Without any hesitation, Wang Li calmly gave the order to fight.

Almost at this time, the charging Changlin Army threw sharp javelins with white poles from their backs one by one, and their heads were made of triangular pyramid-shaped armor-piercing weapons.

Almost everyone in the Changlin Army in the front row has several javelins like this in their hands.

The person at the front was Jiang Song. The energy and blood refined by Jiang Song were absorbed by Chang Lin's army. It was visible to the naked eye that the muscles on his arms grew thicker, and the energy was bound to the javelin.

Throwing it towards the Qin Army, as the javelin spirit in the sky split, it fell like a goddess scattering flowers to the Qin Army's formation composed of Qin Ruishi, and was directly washed away by the javelin.

Even the cloud armor constructed by Zhu Jun had no effect against the armor-piercing javelin.

The Changlin Army who rushed at the front was undoubtedly shot into a hornet's nest by the Qin Army's Qin Rui Shi holding a light crossbow.

Survival depends more on luck than strength!
The most important thing is that the light crossbowmen have completely lost their scale advantage, and it will be difficult to form an arrow net that is difficult to pass.

In just the first wave of fighting, the Red Army achieved its strategic goal at the minimum cost.

The crossbowmen of the Qin Army were severely damaged. This scene made Wang Li feel that something was wrong, and his expression became serious.

Because this kind of people who almost know that they are going to die, but are still willing to go out and die, can be regarded as elites no matter where they are.

But the Han army would directly consume such elites here, which was a bit unimaginable for Wang Li.

Because even though the Qin army has very strict discipline, it may not be able to make its officers and soldiers feel like dying.

Perhaps this is the biggest difference between the Red Army and the Qin Army. The Red Army relies on willpower to support itself, so it can treat death as if it were home.

The Qin army has the system established by Shang Jun, so it can be happy when it hears the battle!
There is no distinction between the two modes: who is superior and who is inferior, it just depends on which general of the two sides can exert stronger combat effectiveness.

At this moment, the final battle between the Han army and the Qin army really kicked off as this appetizer began!
At this moment, the Han army and the Qin army were fighting together, and the Han army's national talent oath began to come into play.

"Fight the unjust and punish the Qin Dynasty! Bring peace to the world!"

At this time, the Han army was fulfilling its oath, and the dawn transformed this will into a dazzling light.

In the glowing state, the dawn talent can strengthen one's own will, with will damage, and can also be transformed into qualities through the oath talent will.An astonishing burst of fighting power.As for Han Xin, he did not need any extraordinary force from the Han army at this time.

All he needed was to evaluate the level of generals such as Wang Li and Zhu Jun and the average combat strength of the Qin army.

Therefore, the Han army's Dawn Oath talent was suppressed by Han Xin. Even if Liu Hua had the Soul Guards in his hands, the real core fire, Han Xin did not let them be exposed!
He just used Liu Hua's soldiers to fight head-on with the Qin army's soldiers, simply to compete with each other's commanding abilities.

"This Han army is worthy of being the main force that followed Liu Hua all the way to defeat powerful enemies. It is really strong."

Han Xin couldn't help but sigh. He had obviously used the abandonment tactic before, but the Han army still carried it out without hesitation. Han Xin could even see the flames from them.

Han Xin clearly understood the biggest hidden advantage of this army!Even though they knew they would die, they still pressed forward. Their instructions to the general were uncompromising and even extraordinary.

Ordinary armies will often use tactics such as abandonment tactics when the commander uses them. Sometimes they will even deliberately throw out a unit as a bait when commanding, and then form a localized situation of using more to defeat fewer.

In the end, the tactic was naturally successful, but after throwing it out as bait for the abandoned son, after this round of fighting, he almost lost all his energy.

But the Han army didn't. Every soldier of the Han army was literate. They knew why they died, to defeat the unjust and punish the Qin Dynasty!To fight for the ideal of world peace and legion, this kind of will is unprecedented and destined to be unprecedented.

They are not like those armies that don't know why they are fighting. For the Han army, they know that they join the Han army to fight for the peasant class, and to fight so that more farmers can live a good life.

This is a concept that Liu Hua has been instilling in them all along. It is a belief that they have been learning since they were literate, and it is almost engraved in their bones.

This is also the reason why the Red Army, which can be said to be the strongest in the world, can continue to grow and even have multiple military souls in one system.

This is also the reason why the Red Army is more powerful than other legions, because it is a legion that transcends the country and fights for its own class.

This kind of legion is stronger and more resilient than a legion formed because of money, discipline, or even glory.

The power of such a legion, coupled with a top commander like Han Xin, allowed Han Xin to suppress the Qin army soldiers led by Wang Li and Zhu Jun from the beginning of the battle, and it could always have a local suppression effect.

This feeling made the Han army find that they could always use more to fight against fewer, while the Qin army's officers and soldiers found that they often used less to fight against more.

Wang Li and Zhu Jun worked together to display the strength that they should have as commanders, and cooperated with the command mode of the Qin Dynasty for hundreds of years. Although the coordination between the two was very rigid, looking down from the sky, the Qin army felt indescribably stuck. But the Qin army finally completed the dispatch!
"This kind of organizational structure is rigorous and concise. It seems a bit difficult to penetrate into the Qin Army's command system!"

Through a simple battle with Wang Li, Han Xin roughly assessed Wang Li and Zhu Jun's command level, which was not up to the mark.

But Wang Li's life was good. Wang Li's command system inherited the Qin army's command system that was personally built by Bai Qi, the God of Death, and then perfected by Wang Jian, the most cautious and famous general in the Warring States Period.

As the most orthodox successor of Wang Jian's command system, although Wang Li's performance has not reached the upper limit of this command system, relying on the inherent existence of this command system, Wang Li can only perform at the normal level of this command system. Even Han Xin cannot capture Wang Li. The command authority of the army allows the other party to cooperate with them in fighting a fake war.

The seemingly smooth dispatching of the Qin Army was Han Xin's attempt to take over the command of the Qin Army.

Although Wang Li didn't know that he was relying on the blessing of his ancestors, allowing him to wander around the Naihe Bridge safely.

But after all, he was the commander of the large army. He had vaguely realized that the Han army was close to the core position of the Qin army's main soldiers. Although he did not think that the Han army could easily destroy the core of the Qin army's base and paralyze the command of his own army.

But out of caution, Wang Li let his trump card take action!
(End of this chapter)

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