Chapter 409 Departure
Today is a rare good day. The sky is bright and the morning light shines on the castle and on this "giant" who has experienced hundreds of years of history.

The family cafeteria was already filled with people who had gotten up early in the morning.

The extremely enthusiastic servants of the Bellucci family were entertaining these young men to eat.

The chefs there were constantly performing, cooking up all their specialties.

The dishes in the cafeteria today are also extremely rich. Knowing that everyone is going on an expedition, all kinds of food are fully prepared.

After all, everyone knows that these young people are all fighting for the kingdom.

This alone is enough for people around them to respect them.

Seeing the dishes that were even richer than usual, both the confidants and the gladiators opened their mouths at this time.

However, many people looked outside the canteen from time to time, as if they were waiting for someone.

After a long time, Chen Fan, who was rarely late, saw the figure much later today.

The arrival of the backbone also made everyone feel at ease inexplicably.

In fact, Chen Fan had woken up long ago and just kept lying beside the bed, looking at that face that he couldn't get tired of.

Chen Fan only stood up after seeing that even Monica, who was so bold last night, got into the quilt with a blushing face.

After greeting everyone in the cafeteria.

Chen Fan silently joined the breakfast team, eating hot food with big mouthfuls, replenishing all the energy in his stomach.

Silently looking at the people eating, drinking and laughing in front of him, Chen Fan knew that these were all his subordinates.

After leaving here, they will obey all their orders throughout the process.

Therefore, no matter what you do, you must think for the best.

This is the responsibility of the leader!
After eating and drinking, it was time to prepare for departure. Many people had already rushed to the stables in advance.

I went to say hello in advance to my horse partner who I would be spending a long time with in the future.

Chen Fan also came to the stables and saw Jarvis who had just finished his work and looked a little tired.

It turned out that Jarvis was very disdainful of the method of horse training that Chen Fan found.

I think horses trained in that way will lose their fierceness and even dare not charge.

If you give him enough time, Jarvis can take good care of all the horses in the stable and make them tame enough.

However, it only lasts for one night.

In the end, Jarvis had no choice but to use Chen Fan's method first, but he was a horse lover and could not bear to see horses frightened.

Then he couldn't help it, and stayed in the stable with him, accompanying each war horse to minimize their panic.

After working so hard all night, Jarvis finally rested.

But this kid probably doesn't have enough to eat or sleep warmly in the Hailey family.

After staying up all night, I am still full of energy. I am indeed at my best age.

"How about it, it's okay."

Seeing Chen Fan arriving, Jarvis nodded forcefully, but the bloodshot eyes betrayed him somewhat.

Perhaps because he didn't eat well in the Haley family, Jarvis looked a little thin, but his frame looked very big.

Jarvis looked like a thin, lone wolf.

When I think of Marquis Hailey, with his tall and handsome middle-aged appearance, it seems that he has inherited a lot of his genes.

Standing at the stables, Chen Fan unexpectedly saw the blazing horse "A Hong" who had been strapped with equipment.

Obviously, Lieyima also wanted to set off with himself and others.

Noticing Chen Fan's confused eyes, Jarvis explained with excitement.

"Monica said that this blazing horse will be my...oh, no, it will be your companion horse." "I usually ride it, and I can also help you pull up the big man next to you."

Hearing these words, Chen Fan felt warm in his heart.

Monica has said not once that she wants to train madmen to ride horses.

Otherwise, it would be nothing to have a dignified leader and a tall man sitting behind him every day.

The blazing sun horse is also a magic horse, with a huge body, big enough for two people to sit on.

As for Jarvis, who was born in a racecourse, Chen Fan did not doubt his equestrian skills.

He gently patted the madman on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Tall man, go over and meet your new buddy."

The madman walked over in a few steps and patted Jarvis lightly a few times, almost causing the kid to vomit blood.

Seeing the noisy two people, Chen Fan smiled. It seemed that they would have a good relationship in the future.

After calling Qing Chim, Chen Fan also got on the horse and started to pack things.

Four huge pockets were sewn on each side, and they were covered with a thin layer of iron armor.

The longbow, arrows, and potions were placed on one side.

Dry food, water bags, clothes, as well as some letters and sundries were placed on the other side.

These dry foods are all sun-dried bread, so hard that they can be used as hidden weapons. There are also a lot of miscellaneous grains mixed in, which makes them look a bit ugly.

But it is the best food on the battlefield.

All you need to do is tear it open and soak it in some hot water, which is multigrain bread porridge water.

The other horses were hung with sealed rusks wherever they could.

These things can be stored for a long time. Maybe one day, there will be no food. Just a rusk can save your life.

Almost everyone had no luggage, especially the gladiators who had just been bought back from the Colosseum, and they were even more empty-handed.

In addition to the suit of armor they had just received, there were also equipment, which seemed to be filled with dry food for them who were frightened by hunger.

Soon, everyone packed everything up.

Chen Fan was fully armed, got on his horse, and rode to the front of the team.

The people behind him were all riding two horses.

These half-hearted men, with the help of horse training skills, made the fierce-tempered war horses under them look like delicate little girls.

He was extremely obedient and was led by them obediently.

After training some time ago, after putting on full-body armor, everyone is now in good shape.

Chen Fan took a deep look at the castle behind him.

Monica did not come out to say goodbye, only Bemia and some friends she knew well.

Waving to them, Chen Fan pulled the horse, turned around, and looked ahead.

"Everyone, let's go!"

There were no intense speeches, and the work that needed to be done in advance had already been arranged.

There are also some chaotic sounds of horse hooves, but when they are intertwined, they don't seem so strange.

Everyone started to move forward.

At the highest point of the castle behind her, Monica was looking in the distance in the direction where Chen Fan was leaving.

I kept looking at him for a long time, until the other person completely disappeared from my eyes, but I still didn't want to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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