happy with you

Chapter 208 The queen’s location cannot be found

Chapter 208 The queen’s location cannot be found
Since the main troops of the Chu State have not come, it means that the other party wants to use them to deal with the Yong State.

Mi Fuchu is an extremely smart person.

Zhao Zheng used the Wei army as a bait, so Mi Beicu's bait was Shouchun, the capital of the Chu state.

Although Jiang He didn't know what was there, he knew that if Zhao Zheng went there rashly, a tough battle would be waiting for him.

To stop him!

Looking far into the distance on the grass boat, Jiang He asked Lord Long Yang: "Can you find Meng Tian?"

Meng Tian came from Yong's army and knew Zhao Zheng's route and location at this time.

Long Yangjun nodded and said, "I can try it."

It is difficult to capture the head of an enemy general among thousands of troops.Likewise, it is difficult to find a person among them.

"I'd like to ask Lord Longyang," Jiang He said, "find Meng Tian and ask him to return to the Yong army as soon as possible to prevent the Lord from attacking Shouchun."

"Then Your Highness..." Long Yangjun hesitated.

As a female, Jiang He has unparalleled resourcefulness, but has no power to restrain a chicken.

Being by her side, he can still protect her safety.If he leaves, he will be in trouble when they come ashore and encounter the Chu army.

"I am fine."

As soon as Jiang He finished speaking, he heard a "buzzing" sound in the air, which was the sound of crossbow arrows flying rapidly.

Those Chu soldiers actually tied up bamboo rafts temporarily and waded in.

Their goal was never to annihilate the Wei army, but to capture Jiang He.

Wherever Jiang He is, they will go.

Like a gangrene attached to a bone, it pursues you closely.

The light cavalry led by Jiang He were not good at water battles.

"Go ashore!" she said decisively.

There is no way to avoid it, so it is better to attack it head on.

What's more, Meng Tian is also on the shore.

Now we can only race against time to prevent the tragedy from happening.

A Taoist newspaper was transmitted to the Yongguo army. It was first read by the general Wang Jian and then sent to the king Zhao Zheng.

The Wei army did raid the Chu army's camp, and the Chu army did fight back.However, according to intelligence, there are still many Chu troops staying in Shouchun.

Indeed, for the more than 20 Wei troops, it is not feasible to use 50 troops.

This bait is not big enough, but it is enough.

Yong's army marched very quickly.

They approached Shouchun City, encountering sporadic resistance along the way, but were soon able to pass without hindrance.

Finally, in the afternoon of this day, Bagong Mountain, less than a hundred feet high, was visible in the distance.

It is very close to Shouchun City, which is close to Bagong Mountain.

At a fork in the road, the army took a break.

According to the agreement, as long as the Wei army goes to war, Meng Tian will bring Jiang He here, away from the battlefield.

However, Zhao Zheng didn't expect anything.

The hot midsummer sun baked the official road into a thin layer of smoke. At the end of the road planted with catalpa trees, except for the pioneers of the Yong Army exploring the road, no one else could be seen.

The woman who usually dressed in red did not show up at the place they agreed on.

There are only two possibilities in this situation.

She met the Chu army on the way here and could not escape.

Or she couldn't bear the Wei army being slaughtered and stayed in the military camp.

The sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance, and Zhao Zheng couldn't help but get on his horse and go to greet him.

But it wasn't her who came, but the scout who looked worried.

"Your Majesty, we can't find the queen's location!"

"What do you mean it can't be detected?"

The horse under Zhao Zheng's crotch didn't know if he felt his impatience. The horse's head tilted slightly and it paced in place.

Because this scout had followed Meng Tian into the camp, he could accurately find the Wei army's camp.

If you can't find it, either you can't get close to the military camp, or the camp has been moved.

Sure enough, the scout explained, "There is no queen in the camp."

"Have you met Meng Tian?"

"I heard from my humble position that General Meng followed the queen's orders and stayed in the army to command the Wei army in battle."

"Then the queen..."

"I heard that the queen and Long Yangjun led the light cavalry troops to attack the Chu Kingdom. However, when I met the Wei army at the Tianhu Lake, they could not find the queen. They did not know where the queen was."

Follow Long Yangjun to attack, and are they the light cavalry troops that disturb the Chu army?
A piece of ice exploded between Zhao Zheng's heart and lungs, flowing along his blood to his whole body, making his face pale and his limbs as if frozen.

His body swayed slightly and he almost fell off the horse.

"what happened?"

In the Chu army's camp, Xiang Yan, who had arranged the war, was furious.

"My general ordered them to go back as soon as possible, as long as they catch Jiang He. Why did they fall into Tianhu Lake and can't get out?"

The scout who came to report lowered his head and replied: "It is indeed 'trapped' into Tianhu. There is a large swamp there..."

Before the scout could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xiang Yan.

"It's not uncommon to see a swamp there! Can't we just avoid it?"

If he hadn't stayed here and waited to deal with the Yong army, Xiang Yan would have wanted to see how the Wei army held back his 20 Chu army.After a long journey, the Wei army should be exhausted.

Why are you still so brave?
In any case, although there are traps outside Shouchun City, those Chu troops still need to come back for reinforcements.

Seeing that Yong's army was about to arrive, Xiang Yan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"That's it!"

Finally, he waved and said: "Carefully inquire about Yong Jun's news!"

As the general of a lost country, Mang Mao came to Chu with the intention of dying.

Unsuccessful, they become benevolent.

He wanted to kill enough Chu troops and invade Shouchun City, so that when he met the Young Master and the late Emperor under the Nine Springs, his back would be straight.

But today he killed until the edge of the knife was dull, but the enemy still seemed to be unable to kill them all.

Meng Tian's shouts were heard in the distance.

"General Mang, be careful!"

Mang Mao hurriedly avoided, and an arrow narrowly missed his chest.

Meng Tian strode over, standing back to back with Mang Mao, holding a knife.

"General Mang," he said loudly, "did you notice something was wrong?"

"Why not?"

Mang Mao asked as he forced an enemy general back with his sword.

"The Chu troops in the distance seemed to have bypassed us and headed to the rear." Meng Tian asked doubtfully, "Do you have your food and grass in the rear? Why did the Chu troops do this?"

Meng Tian had not seen the military situation Jiang He had deduced in front of the sand table before the war, so he did not know about the meadow swamps laid by Jiang He or that she would retreat by boat.

Taking advantage of the gap before the enemy attacked, Mang Mao glanced in that direction.

He was slightly startled, his face darkened and he said, "That's the ferry, where His Highness disembarked."

As soon as Jiang He got off the boat, he was intercepted and killed by Chu soldiers.

They ignored everything and pounced on Jiang He's location.

Regardless of whether there is a crossbow or a spear in front of him, as long as Jiang He is there, he is the target.

Long Yangjun obviously also realized this.

"It seems the reward is quite large."

While fighting with his sword, he sat upright on his horse and smiled.

Even in desperate situations, he looked calm and at ease.

Each sword is executed with a mysterious swordsmanship, and he does not care about life and death when he charges into battle.

Jiang He was also riding on a war horse.

But she looked much more embarrassed than Long Yangjun.

Since the war in Daliang, Jiang He has devoted his energy to practicing crossbows.Swordsmanship and bows and arrows are difficult to practice, but crossbows are different.

Now three months later, she can already aim at the enemy on horseback with accurate arrow skills.

But even so, the Chu army attracted by Jiang He still far exceeded the Wei army.

She watched the Wei troops in front of her die one by one. In the end, she and Long Yangjun led less than 2000 elite light cavalry troops.

In just one hour, more than 1 people died.

These are the elite soldiers she selected, the ones who trust her and follow her through life and death.

Jiang He's heart ached as he stood on the horse.

"Long Yangjun," her horse approached the people beside her and raised her voice, "take them and run away."

Long Yangjun reined in his horse and stopped. Jiang He saw his sword hanging low, a line of blood winding down and falling into the soil.

"Escape?" he asked.

"Meng Tian and Mang Mao are across the lake," Jiang He said. "You meet them and come back to save me. Otherwise we will all die here."

The main force of the Chu army to attack this time is here, but the main force of the Wei army is on the other side of the lake.

Now the Chu army is dragging the main force of the Wei army, and the main force of the Chu army intends to kill Jiang He.

"Don't worry," Jiang He saw the shock in Long Yangjun's eyes and explained, "I don't want to die yet, I will live well."

Long Yangjun smiled.

He was beautiful to begin with, and his smile was even brighter.

"Your Highness, Queen Yong," Long Yangjun said loudly, "Is it because I am so good-looking that you have forgotten that I am also a man?"

He is a man, how can he let a woman have an abortion in order to survive?

Jiang He looked slightly stunned and shook his head helplessly.

In short, Long Yangjun refused to leave.

And Jiang He was unable to lead his soldiers to break out.

The smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

She suddenly felt disgusted with this war that could never stop.

At this time, on the other side of the lake, Meng Tian discovered the Chu army's plot, but found that he could not cross the lake.

And if we go around the lake to reach the other side, it will take too long.

If the queen dies...

Meng Tian was trembling all over and could hardly hold the sword.

I dare not even think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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