happy with you

Chapter 205

Chapter 205
Zhao Zheng went on a personal expedition and brought to the front not only the general Wang Jian, but also 30 soldiers and horses recruited again from the Yong Kingdom.

After joining Meng Tian, ​​the Yong army totaled 60.

Chu State is said to have millions of soldiers in armor, but Xiang Yan carefully selected and brought to the front line only 60 soldiers.

Even though they were evenly matched, Xiang Yan wanted to pursue the victory because he had just won a battle.

But Yong Jun did not panic.

Because of Zhao Zheng's arrival, Yong's army spent half a month building a city camp.

There are deer villages and trapped horses outside the city camp. Inside the city camp there is a watchtower and even a small urn city.

Zhao Zheng supervised the war, and the generals Wang Jian and Meng Tian came to report the military situation every day.

In fact, there was very little time for reporting. Most of the time, Wang Jian accompanied Zhao Zheng to play chess.

He is good at fighting in all corners of the world, but he may not necessarily be able to get benefits on the chessboard in all directions.

Between the nineteen vertical and horizontal lines, the two men, black and white, often fight inextricably, and in the end, Wang Jian often ends up defeated.

If he wins too many times, Zhao Zheng will feel bored.

"Meng Qing..."

He raised his eyes to see Meng Tian and wanted to change his opponent.

"Your Majesty," Meng Tian grinned, "Is there anyone in this world who can beat you?"

Of course there are.

Zhao Zheng picked up the cup, blew open the finely chopped tea leaves, and took a slow sip.

In fact, he thinks he is not good at chess, but there are not many people who dare to play against him and dare to beat him.

For example, Jiang He.

It's just that she is thousands of miles away now and doesn't know what's going on.

"I heard that the queen is very good at chess, but it's a pity that I haven't had the opportunity to ask for advice."

Wang Jian saw Zhao Zheng's expression and knew that he was thinking of the queen, so he tentatively spoke.

As expected, a smile appeared on the face of the King of Yong Kingdom, and he nodded: "There will be a chance."

"Wei Chen wants it too!" Meng Tian quickly followed.

I also want to drink three hundred cups with the queen and discuss military strategies.

It's just that he didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence.

"We all have a chance," Zhao Zheng picked up a chess piece and dropped it on the chessboard, "but we have to win against Gu first."

In this way, as anxious as the Chu army was, the monarch and generals of Yong were idle.

To pass the time, Wang Jian encouraged the soldiers to hold competitions.They competed in throwing stones, competing in archery, and even competing in who could jump farther.

The winner is rewarded with mutton or millet wine.

For a time, the generals competed to exercise and compete in strength.Wang Jian also cared about their food and daily life and enjoyed themselves with the soldiers.

All of this is to recharge one's energy in the clear wilderness.

Three months later, both the morale and physical strength of Yong's army had improved, but Chu's army was restless, unable to fight, and its morale was slack.

After repeated challenges only to be met with the other side's refusal to fight, the Chu court fell into internal strife. They believed that Xiang Yan was cowardly because of fear of war, and ordered him to lead his army to withdraw eastward and replace his generals.

Wang Jian seized the opportunity to fight. Xiang Yan had just retreated a hundred miles when Yong's tiger and wolf troops rushed forward.

There are many spears, flags flying, drums, horses and swords.

The Yong army defeated the Chu army, captured and killed [-] enemy troops.

Xiang Yan led 50 troops back to defend the capital.

Yong Jun was resting on the spot, like a lion with its bloody mouth open, licking the blood drops from the corners of its lips, looking down at Shouchun City.

Mi FuChu panicked.

When Yong's army attacked Chu instead of Qi, Mi Fu did not panic.

When Zhao Zhengyujia went on a personal expedition and Yong's army suddenly increased to 60, he did not panic.

But now that he was really defeated, Mi Fuchu couldn't sit still.

Even more terrifying news came at this time: the main force of the Wei army, which had been driven to Qi by Yong, had also broken through the border under the leadership of Jiang He and marched southward.

Could it be that his judgment about the separation of the Yong emperor and his queen was also wrong?

Fortunately, I heard that Yong's army was immobile.

The Yong army did not pursue them, but camped on the spot as if they were watching a good show, as if waiting for the decisive battle between the Wei army and the Chu state.


Mi Fuchu lifted her head up in the air and her heart slowly dropped.

He still has a chance.

At this time, the letter sent from King Yong's Palace also arrived.

The letter stated that many courtiers of Yong State had advised Zhao Zheng, believing that Qi State should be destroyed first.

The letter also stated that rumors were spreading in the capital of Yong State that Zhao Zheng was about to be deposed.

The reason why Jiang He left Qi State because of Wei Ji's death was because she had an affair with Wei Ji.

The young master Zhao Qian was the illegitimate son of Jiang He and Wei Ji.

The letter stated that there was a widespread rumor in the Yong State that the reason why Zhao Zheng did not kill the remnants of the Wei army was because he wanted the Wei army to serve as pawns and die in the Chu state.

Of course, Mi Fucu doesn't care much about royal scandals.

In fact, he is also responsible for these scandals.

But he saw a glimmer of hope in this letter.Is this why the Yong army stood aside?
"So you..." Mi Zhechu's fingers hit the scabbard hard, "Do you want to use my power to get rid of Jiang He?"

Mi Fuchu stood up in the palace and said with a smile: "It seems that my strategy of alienating people has not failed."

Speaking of which, Mi Fucu and Jiang He had a blood feud.

In Wei at that time, he led the main force of 30 Chu troops and was defeated by Jiang He; later Chen Jingshi and Wei Nanxu, no matter how well prepared they were, were completely defeated by Jiang He; plus his sister Mi Sichen is still crazy now, and she has something to do with Jiang He.

One after another, the other party must die, and die miserably, in order to relieve the hatred in his heart.

There is nothing to fear from an army of 30, as long as Zhao Zheng just stands by and watches.

What's more, in terms of numbers, the Chu army will definitely win.

Mi Fuchu summoned Xiang Yan into the palace.

He will spend all his life's efforts to make a big trap for Jiang He and Zhao Zheng.

Then please enter the urn and wait for the good news.

Not only Mi negative Cu, Jiang He also received a secret letter from Kyoto.

Over the years, under the arrangement of Zongjun, many people have conveyed news to her.Jiang He didn't know those people, but they were reliable and would only deliver the most important news.

For example, there are rumors in Kyoto that are unfavorable to Jiang He.

"When the slave left, it wasn't there yet!"

"What exactly is going on?"

"Now the monarch is supervising the battle on the front line. This is definitely not what the monarch meant!"

It was not too hot in early summer, but large beads of sweat dripped from Zongjun's head, making him wipe it constantly.

Why did something happen not long after leaving Kyoto?
After Zongjun sent the gold cakes, because he was worried about Jiang He, he was busy preparing grain and grass and did not return to Yong State.At this time, he seemed to be more anxious than Jiang He when he received the information from Yong State.

"Director Zong," Jiang He poured the tea himself, motioned for him to drink it, and reassured him, "I know."

I knew that was not what Zhao Zheng meant.

But she was still nervous.

Because Jiang He suddenly discovered that now she and Zhao Zheng were in the army, leaving their young children aside.

I thought that after several cleanings, the palace was already very clean.

Little did he know that if the country's capital was in chaos, it would inevitably disturb the palace.

"Slave, this is..."

"You go back." Jiang He's eyes stopped on the map, following the winding road on it, all the way to the capital of Yong Kingdom.

If possible, she would rather go back by herself.

"Rumors are not important," Jiang He stroked the short crossbow in his sleeve with a serious look, "The key is to find the source of the rumors."

The atmosphere in King Yong's palace was a bit strange.

"Speaking of which," the Queen Mother looked at A Qian who was playing not far away and said to the chamberlain beside her, "on the day of the wedding, the Queen must have been pregnant."

Although the people of Yong are civilized, they are still popular among people.

"Even so," the chamberlain following the Queen Mother said, "This is not the first time that Your Majesty and the Queen will get married."

Before that, I had been married once.Maybe it will be already by then...

The Queen Mother looked coldly, her eyes fell on A Qian's face, looking at it carefully and distinguishing it.

He looks more and more like a king, but it still makes people feel worried.

Do you want to get some blood tests so that you can stop Yuyou's mouth?

"The Ai family remembers that His Majesty was in poor health before."

Is it okay to be in such bad health?

But even though he is a man, he should know that a woman can only give birth to a baby after ten months of pregnancy, right?

When everyone agrees, the accumulated facts are not what they are; rumors are terrible, they can confuse right and wrong and put people to death.

Cai Ling, who has been taking care of A Qian in the palace, finally understands the meaning of "people's opinions make gold, and accumulation destroys bones".

Although the palace maids did not dare to look at A Qian like the Queen Mother, Cai Ling clearly felt that the way everyone took care of A Qian was different these days.

He was cautious with a bit of fear, as if he was afraid that something bad would happen to him.

"What a bastard!"

A Qian was sleeping, while Cai Ling was in the next room stomping her feet angrily, slapping her arms hard on several cases, almost breaking their legs.She burst into tears, but she didn't know who she was angry with, so she became even more angry.

After thinking about it, Cai Ling walked into the bedroom, took out a dagger from the queen's dowry, and hid it in her sleeve.

The dagger is sharp, and Cai Ling is not afraid of cutting himself.

She made up her mind that as long as someone dared to hurt A Qian, she would risk her life!
Unless she dies, no one can touch the young master's hair.

"elder sister……"

Someone called her outside.

Cai Ling wiped away her tears and walked out, seeing a chamberlain standing in front of the palace door.

That was Li Wenzhou's young apprentice, Zhao Gao, who was punished for carrying the sedan chair because of his mistakes.

"What's up?"

Cai Ling asked.

"My slave was sent out of the palace yesterday to do some work. I dared to bring back some small toys for the young master." Zhao Gao smiled and took out a bundle and handed it to Cai Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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