happy with you

Chapter 165

Chapter 165
Wenpo, also called midwife, is a doctor who specializes in delivering babies to women.

Because it is about the continuity of descendants, and the Yong Kingdom encourages more children and more support, Wenpo can not only receive a reward of silver from the master's family, but also register with the government and receive a fixed monthly salary.

However, midwifery is dangerous and unpredictable, and requires dealing with bloody and dirty things. Therefore, as long as a family can survive, no one wants their female relatives to learn to do this.

Why is this girl who is so particular about eating so willing to learn?

Yi Cheng stopped and listened intently to their words.

"I don't dare to be the best, but the master of the slave family does work in Zongzheng Mansion and delivers babies to nobles." Po Wen's modesty revealed pride.

The girl then said: "I don't dare to ask for advice. If I can help my mother-in-law, I can survive."

"Poor child." Po Wen sighed, "If we hadn't chatted a few words on the road, who would have thought that a girl like you would have such a miserable life experience."

The girl's tears immediately welled up and fell into the bowl.

"My parents lost money in business and were chased by their creditors. After both of them died, the slave family fled here. I thought they would not survive. Fortunately, I met my mother-in-law."

Po Wen raised her hand and patted the girl's shoulder, comforting her: "As long as you are willing to do things, you can survive."

Yi Cheng sighed in his heart.

It turned out that she was a girl who had no worries about food and clothing as a child, but met with misfortune as an adult.

This could explain her aura and current poverty.

Feeling slightly relieved, he left the crowd and walked toward the backyard.

I just received the news that Su Yu is not coming back.

Yi Cheng decided to help pack up Su Yu's things and send them back to Kyoto.

He knew that this small inn could not trap the tiger descending from the mountain.

"what to do?"

Zong Jun took off his old rabbit fur collared cloak, and while patting the snowflakes off, he asked the cai Ling in the room.

"Tiger shoes." Cai Ling smiled and shook the red cloth in her hand.

"For the young master?" Zong Jun came over and took a closer look with his only left eye that could see.

Although he speaks a little unclearly now, once he gets used to it, everyone in the house can understand what he is saying.

"Young Master was born in spring, so you don't need to make it too thick." Cai Ling handed the shoe sole sample to Zongjun, "Do you think the added cotton is enough?"

"It's not too warm in spring, so it should be thicker." Zong Jun pinched the soles of his shoes and compared them in his hands.

It's so small, a child's feet are so small.

"When this pair is finished, I will make another pair of thick ones." Cai Ling squinted and smiled, "Grandma's house should prepare these things. Qi is too far away, so we can prepare them ourselves."

"Yes." Zongjun thought for a while, then frowned and said, "There is another matter, which is also quite important, and that is Po Wen."

In order to see the young master, he must first go through the production process.

It was even more difficult for the queen to give birth to a child for the first time.

I heard that if morning sickness is severe, childbirth will be easier.Thinking about it this way, it seems that the Queen only vomited once during her pregnancy, and it was because she smelled the snacks made by Wei Zipei.

"There must be Wen Po in the palace." Cai Ling stopped her sewing and couldn't help but become nervous.

"There are two in Zong Zheng's mansion," Zong Jun said. "One is older and has experience, but is not in good health. The other is in his forties and his techniques are more immature."

What does immature means?
Cai Ling suddenly became nervous.

"So I thought I'd find out in advance what are the best ways to stabilize a woman in Kyoto, just in case." Zongjun looked solemn.

Fortunately, those who engage in the profession of stable mother-in-law are recorded in the government records.

Zongjun only needs to carefully check the number of babies they deliver every year and whether there are any deaths, and he can roughly understand their abilities.

"That's good," Cai Ling said, caressing her chest, "You have the Zong manager to worry about, so I can just concentrate on making my tiger shoes."

In the brightly lit area under the window, a tiger eye has been embroidered with flying needles and threads.


The snow melted slowly in the sun, and the carriage of the captain's mansion stopped outside Chen's house.

Chen Nanxing now has his own mansion, complete with servants and guards.During the day, she would go to the Royal Hospital to study, and during the holidays, she would only have one day off.

Mrs. Su invited her to have dinner today. Chen Nanxing was a little hesitant at first, but thinking that Jiang Ben might also go, she hesitated and agreed.

Jiang Ben is now serving as an errand in the Weiwei army and temporarily acting as commander.He often went in and out with Su Yu. He said he was Su Yu's apprentice to others, but in private he was as affectionate as a brother.

Since the Su family is treating guests, maybe...

Chen Nanxing was a little nervous and his thoughts were confused all the way. It wasn't until he saw Jiang Ben playing with the children in the courtyard of the Su Mansion that he finally calmed down.

"Mr. Jiang." She stepped forward and saluted.

"Miss Chen." Jiang Ben nodded as a return gift.

His eyes never fell on Chen Nanxing. He held up the stone, intent on knocking down a persimmon that was still on the tree in the heavy snow.

It missed several times, but it caused snow to fall on the branches, making the children laugh.

Chen Nanxing took a few steps back, and Mrs. Su, who was beautifully dressed, walked towards her, took her arm, and watched Jiang Ben having fun with the children. "You are already sixteen or seventeen years old, and you still act like a child."

"Young master," the children were shouting and dancing, "Young master, you can't hit, you can't hit!"

Jiang Ben simply rolled up his sleeves and was about to climb up the tree.

Mrs. Su covered her lips and smiled, but Chen Nanxing couldn't help but stop her.

"Master, please don't slide down."

"Watch me pick it off and feed it to them." Jiang Ben explained, throwing away his cloak.

"Most of the frozen persimmons are inedible. What's more, the fruits are left on high branches in autumn and winter to feed wild birds. If the young master picks them, the wild birds will only starve." Chen Nanxing was worried that Jiang Ben would fall and was anxious. said anxiously.

These words were indeed effective. Jiang Ben angrily let go of the tree trunk, picked up the cloak, and said, "That's all! You can play with your slingshot while I go back to the house to have a drink."

The children took Jiang Ben's slingshot and ran away making noise.

Chen Nanxing was a little embarrassed.

Did it make him unhappy?

Although Jiang Ben stopped after hearing her words, he was not happy about it.

"Let's go," Mrs. Su led her forward, "it's time to start the banquet. You will not have a bath today, Mr. Jiang can drink as much as you like."

During the banquet, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. Jiang Ben and Su Yu talked about the official affairs of the Weiwei Army and the rest of the Northern Army.

Wang Jian and Meng Tian had left part of their troops to garrison Zhao State as usual, while the rest returned to the north of Xianyang.

The Yong army has a tradition of "farming war". When there is no war, soldiers return home to farm and promote production.When a war is about to begin, gather troops and rush to the front line.

Now the king has not asked the soldiers to go home, but has hundreds of thousands of troops resting outside the city, which makes people speculate about the next war.

"General Wang fought very well in the Zhao Kingdom," Su Yu couldn't help but praise. "He used counterintuitive tactics to get rid of Li Mu, leaving behind an elite force that is as strong as a rock. If I can retain this spirit, it will be easy to defeat the Wei Kingdom."

Jiang Ben said with a serious expression: "If you attack Wei directly, aren't you afraid of being attacked from both sides?"

To the south of the Wei State, the Chu State was eyeing it.

Su Yu looked surprised, then smiled and praised.

"As expected of Her Royal Highness the Queen's brother, he is very thoughtful."

Jiang Ben snorted and drank heavily.

"Speaking of Her Majesty the Queen," Mrs. Su poured the wine with a smile and said, "We are all looking forward to the birth of the young master. As soon as the young master is born, he will be accompanied by his uncle. But this uncle only cares about eating and drinking, and does not want to marry the young master. An aunt."

This sentence made Jiang Ben look slightly startled, and Chen Nanxing couldn't help but lower his head.

Su Yu said quickly: "These women just like to join in the fun of getting married and having children. Young Master, ignore them and just eat and drink."

Mrs. Su pursed her lips and stood up, going to the kitchen herself.

Now that Su Yu is no longer the commander-in-chief, they have dismissed many servants, and many things need to be done by themselves.

Chen Nanxing quickly followed to help.

Mrs. Su wanted to make a snack with her own hands. Chen Nanxing came back alone with the food drawer and heard Su Yu talking to Jiang Ben outside the window.

"If Young Master Jiang wants to marry a wife, there are several candidates here for the humble job."

Chen Nanxing couldn't help but stop.

"There are so many candidates for Master, so I'm not afraid of Master's mother being angry."

The names between the two of them are very special and make people feel funny.

"Young master, you don't need to make fun of your humble position. This is all the idea that my wife came up with because I saw your young master often drowning his sorrows with wine. To be honest, Miss Wei is a princess of a country after all. The young master and her are not close to each other."

Su Yu's voice was simple but sincere, which warmed people's hearts.

Chen Nanxing continued to listen and couldn't help but clenched the food drawer with both hands.

"What does it matter if the fate is deep or not?" Jiang Ben said, "I have figured out that she said that when she left, just because she was afraid of embarrassing me. I didn't drink to forget her, but she was very annoyed and... too idle."

Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Ben was quite thick-skinned, so he also smiled and said after finishing his smile: "Sister asked me to be the commander of the Wei army, saying that I could spare Wei Zipei's life for personal gain on the battlefield in the future. But how could a person like her survive? Woolen cloth."

Su Yu said "hmm" twice and slowly became serious.

"So," Jiang Ben said, "I have thought about it. If she seeks death, I will die with her; if she doesn't live, I won't live either. Even if it means threatening her with my life, I want her to live well." . Find a secluded place and spend time with her."

With a "pop", the food drawer fell to the ground. Chen Nanxing took a few steps back, turned around and walked out.

Jiang Ben's words were all in her mind.

——I will die with her. If she does not live, I will not live either...

A child running in the yard knocked her down. Chen Nanxing got up and said she felt uncomfortable and wanted to go back to rest.

She walked out of Su's house and walked into the ice and snow. She seemed to have lost her soul and was at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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