After the villains heard my voice, they all lost their composure.

Chapter 263 You can’t live without going crazy.

For many days in a row, there were thunder and lightning at night, and the rain was pouring down. During the day, the sun was shining brightly, and the cicadas were chirping. With such celestial phenomena, even a ten-year-old boy knew that this year was a good year. They are also being scorched by the sun, which is a good sign to increase production.

The fields were full of working people, and the village chief went from house to house asking people to drain the water in the fields. The villagers didn't understand, "Rice has to grow in water, can it still be done if the water is drained?"

The village chief said: "This is what the lord of the Yamen said. He said that this is a method that the imperial court finally obtained to increase production. It is called to drain the rice into the water, so that the rice will be stronger."

"Everything in the field has been opened."

The villagers were talking a lot, but since the imperial court said so, it must be reasonable, "Anyway, it will be collected in a few days, so just line it up, everyone just keep an eye on it."

"Hey, Aunt Zhou is so neatly dressed, she's visiting relatives."

Aunt Zhou smiled and said: "There is a prayer meeting at Puji Temple today, and I will also go to pray so that the Bodhisattva can bless us to harvest more kilograms of grain this year."

There were gradually more women on the village road, all going to Puji Temple to worship Bodhisattva.

Today, spring has started early in Puji Temple, and many people and believers from villages and towns across ten miles have come. "The incense is really strong."

Xu Wu clucked his tongue among the crowd, but unfortunately, most of them were fake monks.

"We are doing justice for heaven, right? We are still reciting sutras. I don't know which sutras we are reciting. There are threads of meat hanging from our teeth. We are not afraid of the Bodhisattva's blame."

"I'm afraid I won't do this anymore." Ju Wei nodded, "It's about to start. Let's check again to make sure there are no mistakes."

At the same time, Zhang Yuanwai and others were also ready, counting the time to set off for Chengwen Temple. At this moment, the people they sent out had already started taking action.

There were inexplicably many people in teahouses and restaurants, on the streets and alleys. These people were filled with indignation, "Zhang Yuanwai's affairs keep people awake at night. Tell me, how much tax has been levied on us these years, how difficult are the lives of our people?"

"It's not that Zhang Yuanwai and the others won't pay back the food, he wants it. The yamen collects it as soon as possible. When an official comes to take office, he collects it, and when the official leaves, he collects it. When the prince comes, he collects a lot more. We When will the life of ordinary people come to an end? Let me tell you, if we don’t pay the tax this year, the people from the government office still dare to cut us all off?”

"Yes, those dog officials only care about currying favor with the people above them. When have they ever cared about us people? Today we will not pay the tax. We must let the Yamen give us an explanation."

People are like this, they are worried about things that have nothing to do with themselves, and are hysterical about things that are related to them. Many people started to respond one after another. Everyone has a good idea. Let's make trouble together. Who will the Yamen arrest?
Is it possible that all the people in the city should be locked up in the yamen?

If it doesn't work out, forget it, but if it does work out, won't you make money?

The outcry soon gained momentum, and many people began to denounce the imperial court for oppressing the people, exorbitant taxes, being an official but not making decisions for the people, and guarding each other.

This matter reached Yan Mu'an's ears as quickly as possible, and Yan Mu'an chuckled, "You can't survive without going crazy, give them a helping hand."

If you want to make a fuss, make the biggest fuss.

The people in charge were mobilized, and more and more people gathered together to form a massive anti-tax team. Outside the government office, they raised slogans of serving the people and opposing excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes.

Those students who were bewitched or had interests entangled also began to write pens and eloquently denounced the injustice of the court and the oppression of the people, so that the people were living in dire straits. "Brother Wen, it's better not to write anymore."

Some felt guilty, this was openly confronting the imperial court. The student surnamed Wen showed disdain and wrote furiously. After a while, an article was written criticizing the imperial court. He lost his pen and was very satisfied with his masterpiece. "What are you afraid of? We are asking for orders for the people. We are protecting the justice of the people. Excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes are as fierce as a tiger. The court does not care about the life and death of the people. Someone must speak for them."

As long as the words "please for the people" are put on the lips, it is a talisman. What can the court do to so many people?
The person who persuaded him shook his head and finally put down his pen. He was ridiculed by the student named Wen for a while.

". He is in a high position and well-paid, but he uses ruthless means to harm the country and harm the people, and levies exorbitant taxes to line his own pockets."

"It's so bold, so bold!"

Magistrate Yang felt dizzy after seeing the articles written by the students to criticize him. He also felt that it was too frivolous for the princess to just strip them of their honors and ban them from scientific examinations for ten years, so they should all be exiled to go mining.

Master Qian persuaded: "Sir, please calm down. It's just a small article, it's only for half a day, let them be arrogant."

Magistrate Yang took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and waited for those to fall into his hands, which they would like.

The sound of calling outside has reached his ears, but he did not send anyone to stop it. He just closed the door of the government office. Soon those people named Zhang will go to the Weeping Temple, and these common people will naturally follow them. .

In addition to intensifying patrols, the palace was different from the previous annexation. The government office was even more eerily quiet. Zhang Yuanwai had a vague premonition in his heart, "No one from the government office moved?"

The messenger shook his head, and Zhang Yuanwai felt even more uneasy. At this time, the Yamen should send people everywhere to stop the rumors.

Just when he was about to send someone to continue to inquire, Mr. Zhao, who was going to the Weeping Temple with him, said, "At this time, we still don't care what the yamen does. What can an outside official do to us?"

"The previous magistrate must have jumped high enough, but he didn't leave in despair in the end."

"At this moment, the situation outside has become overwhelming. As long as we get out of this door, we will be the most righteous people in the eyes of the people and their saviors. They will only be grateful. They are a bunch of idiots."

The old man surnamed Li also stroked his beard and looked at the calligraphy treasures in the hall that he had paid a lot of money for. "Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. It is so well written. It's a pity that I can't control the rise and fall of the world, but I can still manage the rise and fall of Yongcheng." Who has the final say.”

The people behind them all nodded. For how many years have they been the gentry who have the final say in Yongcheng? When did they get bullied to the point of being bullied?
The uneasiness in Zhang Yuanwai's heart disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. He looked up at his calligraphy painting and said, "We want to show those people what we are capable of."


He is really not afraid. As for the palace, how capable can a woman be?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be a honorable princess?
After noon, there were far fewer people on the street. There was nothing we could do about it. We had to eat when we were making trouble, so we couldn’t afford to delay this.

After a meal, their momentum weakened a lot, and after eating, their brains became clearer. Looking back, it seems that the Yamen didn't do anything to them, but those people in the dark would not let them go, and neither did the people in charge. He would let them go, beat gongs and drums to advocate in the streets, and reassemble the anti-tax team.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Yuanwai received the news from Puji Temple and burst out laughing, "Everyone, pack up, we are going out."

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