Chapter 150 Yi Zhonghai was disliked


It's New Year's Eve.

Every household is busy making dumplings.

The sound of firecrackers outside the door was very loud.

The country has just been established, and the people have finally lived in peace, so the flavor of the New Year has been particularly strong in the past few years.

Regardless of whether they have money or not, everyone is in a particularly happy mood.

And at that time, Chinese people had not yet started to roll.

Therefore, everyone is in a very good state of mind, celebrating the Chinese New Year truly, and celebrating the Chinese New Year happily both physically and mentally.

Unlike later generations, the Chinese New Year is not transparent, and happiness hides worries and worries.

Han Weimin bought a lot of firecrackers and firecrackers and gave them to Liu Guangyuan, Yan Jiecheng and other older children to set off.

For the younger ones, let them follow.

After all, it is a bit dangerous to set off firecrackers at such a young age.

In this era, there were not as many fireworks, cannon throwing, fairy sticks and the like as in later generations.

Nanluoguxiang was filled with the roar of firecrackers from beginning to end.

Hanwei's home radios played the New Year's message issued by the national radio station, as well as various music and operas praising the motherland, making it particularly lively.

Han Weimin took the rare opportunity to place the radio on the windowsill and turned the volume to the maximum.

On the one hand, everyone in the courtyard felt the joyful and peaceful atmosphere of the festival, and on the other hand, they also envied Han Weimin's radio.

Having a radio makes free time in the evenings a great pleasure.

Qin Huairu had cooked the dumplings early.

"Brother Weimin, come and eat dumplings."

"Tonight we have not only pork and leek dumplings, but also beef and green onion dumplings."

Qin Huairu wore an apron and held two steaming plates in her hands.

Qin Jingru also started to place chopsticks and dipping dishes on the table with a wink.

Facing the steaming dumplings, the family of three were all excited.

While eating, Qin Huairu suddenly said: "Brother Weimin, would you like to send a bowl to the deaf old lady?"

"It's very pitiful for her to be an old lady at home."

Han Weimin said: "When we finish eating, I will send her fifteen meat dumplings."

Qin Huairu nodded in response.

Han Weimin looked at Qin Jingru and said with a smile, "Let Jingru send it over."

Qin Jingru was a little panicked and said, "Huh?"

"That old lady looks so scary."

Han Weimin said: "Be brave. With my brother-in-law here, she can still eat you."

Qin Jingru nodded angrily and continued eating dumplings.

Han Weimin glanced at Jingru and couldn't help but be surprised by the child's intuition.

Sometimes, the things that children fear are really dangerous.

But people don’t quite understand it, and they often use coercion, temptation, comfort, etc. to force children into submission.

As everyone knows, this is passing a huge risk onto the children.

For example, children are afraid of injections.

But the adults thought it was for the child's benefit and pressed the child's hand to let the child get the injection.

As a result, news broke out frequently about children having accidents due to slinging.

The deaf old lady was a very well-hidden enemy agent. Although Jingru didn't know anything, she felt that this person was scary just based on her intuition.

That is to say, Han Weimin has no evidence of the deaf old lady's crime. If he had evidence, he would not let her stay in the courtyard for a second, and would keep her in custody and send it to the Military Justice Department.

At present, we can only try to figure it out slowly, but we can't alert the snake. Maybe we can catch a bigger fish by following the line of the deaf old lady.

In between firecrackers.

Han Weimin heard something moving at the door of the deaf old lady.

He concentrated his mind and listened carefully.

I heard Yi Zhonghai holding a bowl of leek and egg dumplings, standing at the door of the deaf old lady, and saying to the inside: "Old lady, I'm bringing you dumplings."

Now he has lost his position as the first master, and has also severed ties with Shazhu and Jia Dongxu.

Yi Zhonghai has completely lost his support for old age.

Now, all he can think about is to continue licking the deaf old lady, waiting for the deaf old lady to grow her braids, so that he can inherit the deaf old lady's house and gold bars.

With these things, Yi Zhonghai can have a little sense of security.

In the future, you can also use these things to win over one or two young people to help you provide for yourself in old age.After Yi Zhonghai called for dumplings, not only did the deaf old lady not come to open the door, there was even the sound of retching in the room.

This made Yi Zhonghai's noodles feel hot.

The voice of the deaf old lady came from the house.

"No, I made dumplings by myself in the afternoon."

"What a coincidence, it's also stuffed with chives and eggs."

Yi Zhonghai was speechless. Didn't he watch the deaf old lady making dumplings in the afternoon?
Thinking about it, it must be because I have eaten Renzhonghuang.

And it is an enhanced version of puls.

Even a deaf old lady cannot pass this psychological barrier.

Even if you don’t eat dumplings, you can’t eat Yi Zhonghai’s dumplings.

Yi Zhonghai's self-esteem suffered a ruthless ravage.

A sense of shame came over me.

He was actually disliked.

However, he knocked down the deaf old lady that day, which also left a big shadow on the old lady.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to reverse the relationship.

Now it seems that there is no chance for the time being.

Yi Zhonghai said helplessly: "That's it."

"Then I'll take it back first."

"Old lady, please eat quickly, I won't disturb you."

Yi Zhonghai turned around angrily and headed towards his house.

He had just arrived at the door of his house.

I heard the door of Han Weimin's house open.

Little Qin Jingru carried this steaming plate towards the deaf old lady's room.

"Old lady, I've brought you dumplings."

"Open the door."

Yi Zhonghai was about to open his door and walk in.

But when he heard the sound, he instinctively stopped and wanted to see if the deaf old lady would reject this little girl from Han Weimin's family.

Just a creak.

The deaf old lady's door unexpectedly opened.

The deaf old lady walked out with a cane.

A smile appeared on her face, and her dry hand grabbed the edge of the plate in Qin Jingru's hand.

"Jingru, you are so good."

"You also know how to deliver dumplings to me, a lonely old man."

"Tell your brother-in-law, old lady, I'll thank him."

Qin Jingru nodded in response, then let go of her hand and let the other party take the plate in.

Yi Zhonghai's heart was stung again.

Han Weimin's dumplings are accepted, but not his own. It seems that the fact that he has eaten Xiang has a really big impact.

His wife no longer eats from the same plate as him.

I was stunned and divided the dumplings on two plates, one for each person.

Qin Jingru turned around and left after delivering the dumplings.

Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady stopped her.

"Girl, wait."

"Old lady, I have something for you too."

Qin Jingru was stunned and nodded subconsciously.

After the deaf old lady entered the house, she fiddled with it for a long time before walking to the door.

"Girl, the old lady wishes you a Happy New Year."

The deaf old lady handed an irregularly folded red envelope to Qin Jingru.

Qin Jingru was stunned, but still reached out and took it.

"Thank you grandma."

"Wish you a Happy New Year."

The deaf old lady showed her gapped teeth and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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