Chapter 173

Lin Bei lowered his head and patted Azuri on the shoulder, with uncontrollable gloating on his lips.

Azuri glared at Lin Bei, "It's you! It's all your fault!

If it weren't for you peeking at the vibranium, we wouldn't be dispatched to destroy the invaders like you.

If you hadn't come, Wakanda would still be at peace, and we wouldn't be captured.

If we hadn't been captured, there wouldn't have been a rebellion in Wakanda!

all because of you! "

"Are you starting to blame me now?" Lin Bei spread his hands and said, "How can you falsely accuse me, a good person?

I haven't even set foot on any land in Wakanda. We came here with the concept of peaceful trade. "

Azuri's eyes were so red that they were about to spit fire.

His lips trembled with anger.

Lin Bei didn't want to play with Azuri anymore. He asked him to come here because he wanted to be a leader.

“The essence of this matter is that you, Wakanda, are stuck in your ways and want to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers every day.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is outdated.

I stare at this small area every day.

If you had a broader vision and a bigger picture, you would have developed the technology for alien colonization long ago.

In the final analysis, you Wakanda have a short-sighted view and just hold vibranium as your treasure.

And you, my dear King, heart-shaped grass is a good thing, but you don’t study it?

During World War II, people came up with a super soldier serum.

And what about you?

There is such a good treasure mountain, but it doesn’t know how to develop it.

As the saying goes, the treasures of heaven and earth are inhabited by the virtuous.

You have yourself to blame, Azuri! "

"No, no no! It's not my fault!" Azuri shook his head repeatedly, "I have already started the plan to strengthen the country and increased the intensity of sending citizens to study abroad.

Without you, Wakanda could definitely become the overlord of this planet! "

"Haha~ Overlord?" Lin Bei said with a disdainful smile: "In the Marvel world view, you actually dream of becoming an overlord by relying on technology?

I don’t even know what to say to you!

Remember, in this world of superheroes, technology is a dead end!

Unless you apply the power of technology to yourself. "

When Lin Bei said this, Azuli definitely didn't understand either.

But this is certainly true in the Marvel Universe.

The development of science and technology will definitely be accompanied by the elimination of a group of people, and the early stage will definitely be bumpy, with people's confusion and so on.

This is particularly serious in the West.

Just like the rapidly developing core.

All kinds of despicable tricks were used. In the past, there were young Japanese devils lining up the sea, and later there were foreign devils secretly lining up for decades.

Then there are those who were frozen into dogs for the sake of environmental protection.

If these things were put into the Marvel world, a lot of superheroes would collapse, and then a few scapegoats would be killed, and in the end it would be the same as before.

The technological development of these Marvel worlds alone would be seriously hindered.

There is also the field of medicine and biochemistry, which is what those superheroes pay attention to, and they want to apply for jobs as security guards to guard the door.

As for why you work as a security guard, you can still get paid while monitoring, isn't that good?

"Well, no matter what, Wakanda is already mine, and you can't change this.

Now your choice is to become a qualified tool person, or to choose to resist to the end! "

Lin Bei was not interested in chatting anymore and just let the topic die.

Azuli was stunned when he heard this. He stood there with his head lowered in thought, going through repeated struggles in his heart.

If he surrenders, Wakanda will belong to them, and he will transform from a king with thousands of people to a high-end wage earner.

But even if he refuses, it can't change the fact that Wakanda is about to become his family.

If he cooperates a little more, then his people will definitely die a lot less.

It's definitely not because Lin Beiqian means to continue to manage Wakanda. He is still the 'king'.

I am doing it for the safety of people's lives, that's right.

After a long time, Azuri suddenly raised his head and asked in a hoarse voice: "If I surrender, can you let those innocent civilians go?!"

"It seems you agreed?" Lin Bei looked at Azuri and asked. "Don't worry, I have no interest in you people, as long as you cooperate with us in accepting Wakanda.

We only need vibranium and heart-shaped grass, as well as vibranium technology.

We won't interfere in other matters just because we have nothing to do.

Don't worry about this, you are still the king above ten thousand people.

I can guarantee this! "

"Yes~ I am still the king." After saying this, Azuli's eyes were bloodshot and his mouth was filled with a wry smile. His whole figure seemed to have aged dozens of years, and his figure had become rickety.

"But you have to promise not to hurt innocent people!"

Lin Bei smiled happily and said: "Don't worry, as long as those civilians cooperate and don't resist.

You can't let my people be attacked by your so called civilians without fighting back can you. "

Lin Bei came to Azuli and patted Azuri on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I can't guarantee anything..." Azuri grinned, with a bitter smile on his lips.


In Wakanda.

The group of people marched toward the capital of Wakanda.

Azuri and six female guards were leading the way in an open jeep.

Lin Bei and others followed.

Azuri is a smart man, and now that the situation is like this, he can't resist.

From the moment he surrendered, he was branded with the mark of Hydra by Lin Bei.

Because Azuri still needs to be responsible for governing Wakanda, and arranging the mining of vibranium, the planting of heart-shaped grass, and other things.

So Azuri also reached the level of a first-level clerk and a first-level external relations director in the Hydra Logistics Department.

Together they became a second-level Hydra.

Except when Lin Bei first took control of Hydra, now under Hydra's complete promotion system, no one has been able to become a second-level personnel at once, and one of them is at the leader level.

Azuri glanced at the back of his hand resting on the windshield, looking sad.

Who knew that he would actually board a pirate ship.

Also, besides Hydra, who else can have such a powerful organization?

But hasn't Hydra been eliminated by Captain America?

Why did it appear again, and it was also targeting Wakanda.

And with Wakanda in such trouble, don’t people from other international forces want to come and see it?

The agents you sent all died at the hands of Hydra!

What Azuri didn't know was.

Hydra, which has strictly implemented Lin Bei's lurking orders, has infiltrated many intelligence agencies in Western countries, and even some secret agencies have infiltrated some people.

Except the East.

After all, Western faces are too eye-catching.

Fortunately, there were a lot of shepherd dogs around, and Hydra also learned a lot of news.

But they are all irrelevant.

Hydra agents all know that their boss has an oriental face, and even his nationality is oriental, but he doesn't have an ID card.

Azuri stood in the front seat, and the female guard beside her drove the car with a frown.

This backward means of transportation is really not as convenient as the rhinoceros.

A rhinoceros only needs one ton of fodder to last a day, but this thing actually burns oil?

Are people outside so unenvironmentally friendly?

Azuri looked around and saw a black smoke floating in the distance.

You don't need to think about it to know that it must be the fault of the border tribes.

Nowadays, there is internal rebellion and turmoil in Wakanda, and the international powers have been peeking at Wakanda's vibranium resources, and they have sent agents more than once. Since the decision to sell vibranium, some people have been trying to test it. Wakanda's strength, and it also supports many surrounding forces. Even after the rebellion is resolved, Wakanda's strength will be greatly damaged.

Azuri will never add new enemies to Wakanda during this time of crisis.

Not to mention rebelling against Hydra.

In the past, being so low-key could attract Hydra, but if it were high-profile, it would be okay.

If Lin Bei paid attention to Azuri's inner activities at this time, he would definitely sneer at it.

This is because Wakanda is not high-profile enough, which has led to bad consequences.

If Wakanda is high-profile, the Internet is convenient.

If it becomes a city like Africa Star, even Ami, who is more rogue than Hydra, would not dare to take action directly.

Having said that, there is no Internet in Wakanda. To be precise, the Internet is not popular. If you want to get online, you must get the approval of the king.

This has to mention the genius created by Wakanda, Shuri.

The princess of Wakanda and the genius half-sister of King Black Panther T'Challa. What she loves most is her laboratory and she has produced many high-tech equipment for the kingdom of Wakanda.

She is a genius girl who compares herself to Iron Man.

It's a pity that there is no role for her here.

It's long~it's okay.

It's the kind of food that's acceptable for a change of taste.

But forget it for fun, if you get married.

Sorry, Lin Bei doesn't want to pollute the bloodline of the old Lin family.

This kind of thing would be eliminated from the family tree in the South.


Under Azuri's leadership, the direction gradually shifted.

It’s like just passing by Bonin Zana.

The road gradually became muddy and there were more and more trees.

In the blink of an eye, Azuri got out of the car and walked towards the forest with his royal escort.

Lin Bei waved his hand and motioned for everyone to follow him.

In the face of absolute strength, any attempt to enter Lin Mo is nonsense.

Entering the forest, Azuli's heart suddenly relaxed, as if he felt relieved that he was back home.

Through the vibranium bracelet, Azuri began to release contact signals to summon nearby tribesmen.

He knew that the forest environment was the home of the Black Panther tribe. After the rebellion of the border tribes, this was the only place where the Black Panther tribe could retreat.

Lin Bei and others looked on coldly, not worried at all.

The other Hydra agents also looked very relaxed, but there were more than a dozen of them with their guns hanging on their chests. As long as there was something wrong, they would definitely be there, regardless of whether they were friendly forces or not.

Anyway, people who are Hydra have a complete protection system.

Various life-saving props and permissions for Yishui in the internal exchange list.

Those good things that capitalists outside are struggling to get can be redeemed within the internal authority as long as the contribution is sufficient, and newcomers can get a 0.1% discount.

Just after receiving a fatal threat, he was immediately transported to the Apocalypse Dimension, and the permission to treat him only required a little contribution.

It can also be considered a benefit for newcomers.

However, the cost of this treatment needs to be calculated separately.

Unless you blow your head off, it will only be a year of work in vain.

in the forest.

Didn't keep everyone waiting too long.

After the signal was released, Azuri continued to reply to the signal in an orderly manner.

This is also unavoidable.

After all, not everyone can be a warrior who would rather die than surrender.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been so many betrayers during the Lao Ma period.

Otherwise, Lao Zhou wouldn't have just written one article about Liu Hezhenjun.

Not long after, a team appeared with vibranium spears and vine shields in hand.

From Lin Bei's point of view, they were all Ni Ge, black and white.

Only Azuri greeted him with a smile.

He hugged one of them and patted her hard on the back.

That's right, it was 'her', otherwise Azuri wouldn't be smiling so happily.

Seeing Azuli like this, these Nicos must be from the Black Panther tribe.

Upon seeing Azuri, these people cheered.

The man who was hugged tightly by Azuli also cried with joy and said: "My king, you are finally back."

Before the woman could be happy for a few more seconds, the other warriors of the Black Panther tribe quickly reminded: "Captain! Captain!"

Only then did she notice a group of uninvited guests.

But her loyalty went beyond Lin Bei's imagination, and she looked like a Mary Sue in a costume TV series.

"Your Majesty, are these the people who kidnapped you?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely wash away your humiliation with the blood of these people!"

When Azuli heard this, he hugged her quickly and didn't dare to let her move, "No, no, no! They are one of our own!"

Odena couldn't help being stunned, "King, you, you..."

"Did you succumb to these white-skinned demons?"

Seeing Odena's devastated expression, Azuri felt even more guilty.

He hugged Odena tightly and whispered a few words into her ear secretly.

Only then did Odena relax her tense muscles.

Lin Bei was also in front of Azuri, with an interested smile on his lips. While staring at Azuri, he held Natasha in his arms and blew hot air into her ear.

Natasha couldn't help but trembled slightly and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Let's talk about it first, I'm here to be my aunt."

Lin Bei said in astonishment: "I'm just giving Azuri some color in return, what are you thinking?!

Also, I can calculate your aunt's date clearly through the software, and the Red Queen even reminds me. "

Not to mention Lin Bei's side.

Azuli couldn't help but feel chilled when she saw Lin Bei's half-smiling look, and quickly changed the subject and asked, "What's the situation now?"

"Ah, that. Border tribe Aba Aba..."

After listening to the reports from Odena and others, Azuri's heart sank. The current situation was very bad.

The border tribes have occupied the royal capital and most places.

All the people from the four major tribes were driven out of their ancestral lands.

The remaining people have all surrendered to the power of the border tribes.

Those who were able to stay in the royal capital were either from the border tribes, or were pressured by the border tribes to recognize Kandam's succession as the new king.

This forest was originally the ancestral land of the Black Panther tribe, but because the Black Panther tribe has been the king for more than ten consecutive terms, in the eyes of outsiders, the ancestral land of the Black Panther tribe should be the royal capital.

In fact, this is not the case. This is the ancestral land of the Black Panther tribe that has not yet risen.

However, the royal capital - Bonin Zana, is used as a mine for vibranium mining.

Well, the mine is under the palace.

Living for a long time will help the success rate of taking heart-shaped grass.

Nowadays, the warriors of the four major tribes who can still resist, under the leadership of the remaining elders and the leadership of the Black Panther tribe, Jushu is in the dangerous terrain of this rainforest environment, that is, the border tribes do not dare to attack with fire.

Also, if fire is used to attack, Wakanda's camouflage illusion system cannot cover up the fire here.

After all, some of the secretly launched satellites in the sky are always staring at this place.

(End of this chapter)

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