Chapter 145 Fighting
The sound of rolling hoofbeats sounded, the pace of the war horses was steady and powerful, and the neat trampling sound made people's hearts surge.


There was a creepy friction sound, the iron chain shrank with the wheel, and the thick city gate was slowly opened.

The bustling streets where nightlife was about to begin were deserted at the moment. There was no sound except the honking of trumpets, and the ground was covered with all kinds of debris that had been hastily discarded.

This place was forcibly blocked by soldiers just a few minutes ago.

"It's the knights of the Soros family!" Old Jack recognized the dark red luan tail flower on the armor through the gap in the window.

He once served as a grassroots team leader in the Soros family's iron-making factory and was very familiar with this family emblem.

"What age has it been? These nobles are still wearing armor and dueling with long swords. It's really stupid."

"No matter how fast the sword is, it can still be as fast as my gun!" Big Jack's eyes revealed contempt and disdain.

"Now is the era of cannons and giant ships. No matter how thick the armor is, it can't stop my giant cannons." Little Jack, who is thirteen or fourteen years old next to him, agrees. He is an admirer of cannons.

Old Jack looked at his son and grandson and shook his head secretly. These young people did not understand the power of the knight.

In other words, they cannot see through the performance of the world. Why do these nobles rule the world and stand at the top of society? It is not based on their wealth and reputation.

All they had was the knight's long sword, which they thought was a pile of scrap metal, and the black heavy armor on his body!

Sigh... A faint sigh sounded in the room.

They hadn't seen it, but Old Jack had seen how sharp and ruthless the sword in the knight's hand was. It was not something ordinary people like them could compete with head-on.

He once had the idea of ​​sending his grandson to learn the ways of knights, but he gave up after learning about the expenses required. The daily expenses were barely enough.

But those training equipment, various recuperative drugs, knight swords, full body armor, etc. together cost a lot of money.

Especially the potion called Knight's Faith, which he couldn't afford even if he sold it.

Old Jack couldn't bear to let his grandson serve the nobility and become a family knight of the nobility, so he finally let it go.


Ent and Mark led nearly two hundred knight attendants straight to the Stuart family manor in Qingdi District.

This manor, which can be regarded as the most beautiful and luxurious manor in Highland City, has completely fallen into silence. The frequent chirping of insects and birds in the past has disappeared, leaving only the crackling burning torches everywhere and the dim lights at the gate.

As the sound of horse hooves got closer and louder, the dense and violent sounds were swallowing up the manor like a storm in the dim night.

Under this strong pressure, the soldiers guarding Stuart Manor swallowed unconsciously, held the muskets in their hands tightly, and pointed the muzzles into the darkness.

The knights performed much better. Most of them stayed in their defense zones, holding swords, holding swords, or carrying iron spears on their shoulders. They slowly accumulated power and waited quietly for the arrival of the enemy.

Campas Province is a border province that often conflicts with the Sarus Federation. The people are fierce and the society is unstable.

Therefore, most of the knights here have experienced wars and participated in fighting, and they are war knights.

Knights are divided into several types according to their actions.

There are guardian knights who protect their families, country, and justice, and there are ascetic knights who stick to their beliefs and pursue the evolution of life. There are also some knights called war knights who specialize in killing and fighting for war.

In the past, there were not so many divisions. At that time, wars were frequent and fighting was everywhere, so they were basically war knights. In the past hundred years, Xizhou has gradually settled down, and there are no more large-scale wars. Only local conflicts occasionally occur, so Several other categories of knights were born.

Another part of the estate.

The pale moonlight mixed with the blood-red sunset filtered through the gauze curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and fell on the old man with silver temples sitting cross-legged, creating a long black shadow on the floor.

There was anger, despair, regret, and the will to die on his face... It was extremely complex, and almost every negative emotion in human beings could be found in his eyes.

"The Soros family..." The old man smiled bitterly.

He did not expect that the Soros family would come so quickly and so fiercely, and he did not expect that the Soros family would dare to blatantly lead the family knights to surround and kill another noble in Highland City.

Aren't they afraid of punishment from the noble council?
Looking at the slightly trembling wooden floor, he knew that the enemy was approaching.

The old man stood up suddenly, took a knight's sword with a bright silver luster next to him, and walked out.

This battle may not be lost.

The news coming from the front is that the Thoros family is attacking them and the Corif family at the same time, so there is only one knight-level person coming here at most, and it is very likely that it is the one-eyed Ent. Two against one, our side still has an advantage!

Ent took the lead and rushed to the front of the Cavaliers.

He didn't plan to use tactics. When faced with these garbage, he just charged forward and killed them all.

500 m.

300 m.

200 m.

Getting closer and closer to the gate of Stuart Manor, he saw the muskets and crossbows on the gate...

This group of garbage hasn't attacked yet, probably because they are wearing heavy armor and wants to wait until they get close before releasing them.

"That's a good idea..." Ente's one eye flashed with murderous intent, and he patted the war horse on his crotch.

The war horse's speed surged as if it had been pumped with blood, and it rushed out in an instant, approaching within a hundred meters of the gate in the blink of an eye.The enemy on the gatehouse was stunned for a moment, then quickly aimed at Ent and fired an arrow.

Ent didn't panic. He calmly pulled out the sword from his waist and slashed forward.


A surging and huge sword energy was cut out from the sword, swept across the ground, and struck hard on the gatehouse of the manor that was more than ten meters high. In the horrified eyes of everyone, the gatehouse was dismembered into pieces of rubble under the sharp sword energy. , collapsed suddenly.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the gate tower had completely disappeared, and the guards on the tower had also disappeared, leaving only a deep ravine in the middle, exuding a hot atmosphere.


The old man with silver temples climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, looking at the approaching Ent with eyes wide open.

He was almost hit by this sword energy just now. Judging from the power of the sword energy, he would be seriously injured even if he was hit.

The main reason was that the old man did not expect that Ent would take action without saying a word. He came to the main entrance and wanted to see if the problem could be solved through negotiation, and he would not fight if he could.

"Ente, listen to me first..."


A sword energy screamed, tore through the air, and struck him vertically.

The old man's pupils shrank and he rolled to avoid it.

The position he was in instantly shattered, leaving only a criss-cross ravine of sword marks.

But before he had time to rejoice, Ente pushed his legs hard on the saddle, jumped up, and slashed towards him in the air, the knight's sword in his hand glowing with cold luster.

The moment he left the horse, the horse was crushed to the ground by the huge force, and all its legs were broken.


Seeing that the head of the family was in a dangerous situation of a head-on confrontation with the One-Eyed Ent, Olic didn't care to organize his troops to resist the knights charging behind him. He immediately pulled out the long sword at his waist and prepared to step forward to support.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and he stepped and turned around like a conditioned reflex. While turning, he also made a slash, showing his extremely excellent fighting skills.

The two knight swords were slashed together, and sparks burst out with a crisp sound.

Mark smiled awkwardly, and the sneak attack failed.

Then he put away his smile, snorted coldly, and exploded with extreme strength in his arms, knocking Origi away in one fell swoop.

Olic turned over to resist the force, and when he stepped on the ground, the soil dented, and then he was carried back several meters by the inertia, leaving two deep scratches on the ground.

"You are……"

Halfway through his words, he saw a bit of cold light flying towards him at an extremely fast speed.

There was no time to think about why there was suddenly an unfamiliar knight level. Olic subconsciously narrowed his eyes, suddenly took a step forward, and suddenly sprinted to attack with attack!
In just one breath, his sword struck the knight's sword thirteen times.

It completely weakened Mark's offensive, and the last few blows forced Mark to return to defense, and the offensive and defensive momentum was instantly reversed.

Mark took a gentle breath, and the energy in his body stirred up the flesh and blood. The energy emerged from his body, lightly covering the black heavy armor, and wrapping around the knight's sword.

The air in front of the sword tip was slightly distorted by the stab.

Ent looked at the Stuart family head who was blocking and dodging in a panic on the ground, and the bloodthirsty look in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Ent, please stop first and tell me what you have to say."

"Ent! You are committing a crime and blatantly murdering the imperial viscount. The noble council will not spare you!"

"Mark, the coachman, was promoted..."

Before he finished speaking, warning signs flashed in the old man's heart, and powerful energy suddenly erupted from the Ent in front of him.

The light in front of his eyes suddenly dimmed, and countless sword shadows spread across every corner of the space around him, slashing towards him.

The sky-wide sword energy blocked all possible evasive directions for him, and the old man knew it was time to fight.

Plop plop plop!
His heart beat rapidly, making a sound like a deafening drum. His heart muscle contracted and relaxed rapidly, pushing blood out, and the rapids surged in his blood vessels.

The old man stimulated the qi and blood in his whole body, burning his vitality, and his old body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ent's one eye was smiling, and he took a sudden step, like a flash of thunder, and he was close to the old man in the blink of an eye. The long sword in his hand avoided the old man's silver sword at an extremely tricky angle.

With a puff, the long sword slashed across the waist, and the blood spurting out was mixed with intestines and other internal organs.

"Garbage is garbage!"

Ent said the first words after arriving at Stuart Manor, but unfortunately the old man with silver temples could no longer hear him.

He took off his heavy armor, which was full of bullet marks and arrows, and pulled off his shirt, revealing muscles that looked like they were made of steel. He looked at the gorgeous manor under the moonlight with a cruel smile.

Ignoring the fight between Mark and Olic, he dragged his sword and slowly walked towards the manor.

(End of this chapter)

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