China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 266 The Secret in the Car

Chapter 266 The Secret in the Car

After more than ten hours of tossing, Jiang Liu and his party finally arrived in Los Angeles and met up with Li Meijing, He Jing and others.

Zhao Wenhong and others who acted as Jiang Liu's personal security had dull eyes. As they looked up at the skyscrapers, Jiang Liu called He Jing aside:

"Is Li Meijing too keen on the distribution business of "Apes" in North America?"

cj entertainment is one of the nine major investors of "gorilla".

Mainly responsible for film distribution business in South Korea.

Li Meijing is not staying in Korea to prepare for the release of the film, so where is the fuss from Paoyingjiang who is anxious to make a fuss?

As one of the movie developers, CJ Entertainment has the right to intervene and care about the distribution of "Apes" in various regions around the world.

But treating Yi Xin as a thief so casually is a bit too much.

Jiang Liu felt baffled and a little unhappy.

He is indeed quite generous in his approach to some things, such as filming "Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger" and adding animation to "Pirates".

Like a mercenary villain.

But he has never used public money for personal gain.

"Profit is one aspect, and it's not my nonsense to praise him so highly."

Jiang Liu was a little dumbfounded.

Seeing him nodding without hesitation, the expression on his face was so wonderful that his facial features were almost misaligned.

Jiang Liu laughed dumbly: "I didn't see it, it must be more interests."

"Many staff members on the crew were filled with indignation, but Li Meijing turned a deaf ear and had an extremely firm attitude. I'm really afraid that one day Korean filmmakers will hold a group demonstration to boycott a film company."

He Jing didn't know the reason, and speculated: "Li Meijing probably wants to see how Yi Xin negotiates and cooperates with Lionsgate Pictures and theater chains in North America."

Temporarily transforming the hotel rooms assigned by the crew into a personal preferred style is nothing more than that.

Jiang Liu created the crew system for Yixin because he knew that domestic crews would become increasingly chaotic, and stars would increasingly ignore the people behind the crew, even directors and screenwriters.

2000 yuan for a star’s meal on the set is just a drop in the bucket.

Jiang Liu has been with the crew for many years.

And the events of the crew that seem extremely magical to outsiders.

Korea’s youth culture is so serious that it can even be said to be extreme.

"After 'Monster,' she admired you so much that she must have wanted to watch your first encounter with Hollywood."

"Highly respected?"

He looked at He Jing dumbfounded.

Li Meijing dares to follow the one-center crew system to put pressure on domestic filmmakers. She is really brainless, or she has become a chaebol again and has become arrogant.

"Boss, you also know that her CJ Entertainment started by distributing Hollywood DreamWorks movies in Asia. But on the other hand, CJ Entertainment's movies cannot enter the North American market. This is exactly the same situation as Yixin, or in other words, the situation of all film companies in Asia. .”

He Jing explained to the confused Jiang Liu with a smile:

"After "Monster" became the box office champion in Korean film history, Lee Meijing forcibly implemented a single-minded crew system in the crew invested and produced by CJ Entertainment."

I remember that when the situation was most serious, many stars would not even mention memorizing their lines. Many stars would bring screenwriters with them into the group, and they would revise the scripts and the lines of their characters in front of the directors, screenwriters and other behind-the-scenes staff.

In order to compete for positions and face, many celebrities will be so lawless that they will ignore the filming progress of the crew and insist on being late to enter the scene to prove that they are the biggest star in the crew.

I have seen too many monsters and arrogant celebrities.

The partners will take whatever benefits they deserve, and he never tampers with finances.

Jiang Liu has seen too many stars who love to act evil, and too many behind-the-scenes people who are willing to compromise.

He wants to develop a crew system for Yi Xin.

The only chair in the Yixin crew is not for sitting.

The real intention is to add prestige to the director.

Let the stars in the crew, a large number of celebrity assistants and other unrelated people always remember who is the boss in the crew and who has the final say. Yixin has no control over the celebrities' affairs other than filming on the crew, and has no right to do so.

The crew must be disciplined during filming. Efficient work can reduce the cost of film and television drama production.

The savings are a significant amount of money.

Jiang Liu never expected that Li Meijing would implement the one-core crew system in the Korean crew.

Don’t understand what adapting measures to local conditions means?

Koreans don’t even tremble in front of chaebols.

Even in front of the seniors in the industry, I have to be submissive.

If we continue to exert such pressure, the filmmakers, crew and ordinary people behind the scenes are not allowed to rebel?

Jiang Liu felt a little ridiculous.

Of course, he would not kindly remind Li Meijing.

It is good for CJ Entertainment, run by Li Meijing, to be a purely Korean publisher. It is beneficial to Yi Xin from every angle.

The film produced by CJ Entertainment’s funds and South Korean Chungmulu actors is the prerequisite for Korean films to break out of Asia and go global in the next ten years.

If Korean movies had a leg broken because of Li Meijing's mindless operation that did not combine reality, and given Yi Xin a few more years, Yi Xin's development would be more stable.

In the car, Jiang Liu put the matter aside and pointed to the bag beside He Jing: "What book are you reading?"

"I bought it to pass the time when I flew to the UK not long ago. The flights here are all short distances and I can't sleep well on the plane."

He Jing took out the physical book and handed it to Jiang Liu, and said with a smile.

After taking the book, Jiang Liu inadvertently glanced at the title in the middle of the cover.

When his brain translated the title of the book into an ambiguous Chinese, and then chewed it several times to form a more smooth and connotative title, his head started to buzz.


"Damn, He Jing is such a lucky star. You can buy his heart even if you buy a novel."

Of course Jiang Liu remembers the series of fast-selling movies adapted from "The Twilight Saga".

But if he had never seen the novel, he would never have thought of "Twilight".

Not to mention trying to grab the copyright of the novel first.

I looked at the date and saw that "Twilight" had indeed just been released.

He pretended to turn a few pages, patted the novel pages, and said: "Contact the author of this novel and buy the film adaptation rights as soon as possible."

"Ah? Is there room for adaptation? If it is adapted into a movie, it can only be an R-rated film!"

"I know very well. Just let people negotiate. If the price is right, just buy it."

Jiang Liu was determined, He Jing nodded and said: "Then I will pack up and fly to England later."

"Didn't we set up an office in Europe?" Jiang Liu asked in confusion.

"The office is mostly staffed by newcomers and locals. For transactions that may cost millions of euros, I'd better go there in person." He Jing said with a serious face.

"You have to know how to delegate power and trust your people, otherwise you will die from exhaustion. There are many people in the world with low moral character and are blinded by money, but there are also many people who are passionate about their personal work and will not waver in their original aspirations for huge amounts of money. "

"Aren't you the latter? Otherwise, you would have hidden yourself in a corner with a huge sum of money."

He Jing was very pleased, but she said, "My family is all in China, and I have tall hairy people around me, so I don't dare to run away."

Jiang Liu didn't want to digress further: "These are irrelevant. The important thing is to believe in the people you train. They are suspicious all day long and can't do anything well."

(End of this chapter)

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