China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 264: June is very angry

Chapter 264 June is very angry

Whether it's because the weather in the north in June is too hot, or whether "Orangutan" is a hit is too important, Jiang Liu has been a little anxious in recent days.

So many people got into trouble and were beaten hard by him.

The first person to bear the brunt is Li Yong.

On the day that several rounds of pricing negotiations between Gale Logistics and Taobao failed, Li Yong became furious and greeted the company's management with obscene words.

The low level of quality left executives stunned.

The violent demeanor frightened the executives even more.

In the past few years since the establishment of Gale Wind, Mr. Li Yong has come and gone, leaving an impression on many employees in the industry and the company that he is bold and adventurous.

When Gale Logistics competed with state-owned logistics for market share, Mr. Li was tortured and imprisoned in a dark room.

Local outlets were bullied by competitors, and Mr. Li personally brought a group of people to the door to ask for an explanation.

Nolan can even create multi-dimensional space and the effects of atomic bomb explosions, and produce real-life effects. Tsui Hark shoots small scenes and complains about this and that, making everyone complain.

"Pirates 2" was completed in June, and Jiang Liu directly put Mr. Xu on Yixin Company's blacklist of directors.

Mr. Han questioned Yan's directing ability and strongly recommended Tsui Hark as the director of "Pirates 2".

"Mr. Jiang." Lu Yu's waist was deep and very polite.

The management had no choice but to drag the model ship from Jiming Island all the way into the studio.

Later that year, the crew returned to Jiming Island after filming the Hengdian scene. He complained to China Film and Yixin Film and Television that it was difficult to shoot in real locations and that special effects had to be used.

Fortunately, Lu Province specially built a large studio for Jiang Liu's "Orangutan". It was simply renovated and installed with a green screen to meet Tsui Hark's requirements.

The bosses of China Film and other management companies were so angry that they vomited blood. Jiang Liu could not wait to drag Xu to Christopher Nolan and ask him to learn what live-action shooting was.

And the one who made Jiang Liu angry the most was Tsui Hark.

If Yixin needed to hire an outside director for another script, Tsui Hark would have to wait a little longer.

Jiang Liu nodded and said, "Hello."

Li Yong does show his irritable side sometimes.

As soon as Jiang Liu received the news, he flew to Magic City despite his busy schedule. While appeasing the senior executives, he also slapped Li Yong hard, letting him taste the feeling of being bullied.

Otherwise, just transporting a few model ships to the capital and Hengdian would cost a fortune in freight.

Just after he returned to the capital after handling the Li Yong incident, he criticized Zhou Guoshan on the phone again.

This was the first time that executives had been insulted. Many executives were caught off guard and secretly angry.

But more often than not he is silent.

Knowing that his sister-in-law was pregnant, Zhou Guoshan had someone send a cow from Hohhot. Jiang Liu was stunned when he entered the yard, thinking he had gone to the wrong door.

When Tsui Hark joined the cast a year ago, he initially argued that Jiming Island was too cold and the environment was too harsh, so the crew was forced to move to Hengdian.

It's just that "Pirates 2" did well at the box office during the Lunar New Year release. If it fails to sell well, several developers will definitely make Tsui Hark miserable.

After going back and forth and adding special effects in post-production, the production budget of "Pirates 2" exceeded nearly million.

"Hello, Brother Jiahui, Binbin, Xia Yu..."

Seeing Lu Yu's hesitation, Jiang Liu reminded: "His name is Wang Baoqiang."

"Remember, Sha Gen in "A World Without Thieves", Bao Qiang, hello."

In the recording studio of Phoenix TV located in the Feiteng Film and Television Base in the capital, Jiang Liu and several people greeted Lu Yu and the column director. The film creators put on makeup, and publicists and celebrity managers discussed with the program director to cross out some gossip.

There was a small argument in the middle, but nothing serious.

At present, artists and celebrities are still on the weak side in front of the media and cannot express themselves freely on shows.

In a few years, the traffic era will come, and many celebrities' salaries and net worth will skyrocket, and fans will follow them. As a result, they will become self-righteous and arrogant, thinking that they can do whatever they want. Lu Yu went on stage first and made his opening remarks. After a while, Jiang Liu and Liang Jiahui came on stage.

He introduced himself to the audience participating in the recording, and everyone humbly sat down on the one-piece sofa one after another.

"Director Jiang doesn't appear on the show very often. Is it because he hates being on the show from the bottom of his heart?"

"It's not annoying, I just find it boring. Recording the program is too boring. Answering questions follows the process, and then presents it to the audience after editing by the director. It's similar to the process of making a film and television drama. It's very boring."

Jiang Liu told the truth.

The host of an interview program is very important. A good host can touch the depths of the interviewee's soul with just a few words and easily get people talking.

Lu Yu's skills are not profound.

Especially facing Jiang Liu, who has rich life experience, it is even more difficult.

However, Jiang Liu agreed to record the highly rated "A Date with Lu Yu" to promote the movie, not to have an in-depth interview with Lu Yu.

So I don’t care about the program or whether the host has connotation.

"As someone who is half of the film and television industry, I find it hard to agree with this. How could a director who loves making entertainment and commercial movies find making movies boring?"

"It should be the director of artistic films who has more say, right?"

"Other directors may enjoy making movies, but I'm a lazy person. I really don't think making movies is an interesting thing. I think Brother Ka Fai seems to have something to say."

"If I were rich, I wouldn't make a movie. I would stay on the set for more than ten or twenty hours. We used to film in Hong Kong. We didn't sleep for days and nights, and our life was in a mess."

Lu Yu was speechless at the two snobbish and ignorant old fritters, and asked Fan Binbin and the others.

The three of them, Fan Binbin, are young actors in front of the camera, like Jiang Liu who has become a boss, and Tony Leung Ka Fai, who has been famous for many years and has entered middle age. They put on an expression of enjoying the crew and filming in front of the camera.

Lu Yu took this opportunity to open up the topic and asked about interesting things on the set of "Orangutan".

Jiang Liu and Liang Jiahui were quite eye-catching, and they tried their best to let Fan Binbin and three people communicate with Lu Yu, and they quietly acted as background.

The truth is that the two of them are more famous.

During the recording break, the director kept cueing Lu Yu to bring the topic to Jiang Liu.

At the same time, Jiang Liu was advised to talk more.

What a 20-year-old billionaire said is no different from an imperial edict.

How many viewers and young people want to discover the secret to getting rich from Jiang Liu.

True to that saying, once a person has money, even his farts will smell good.

Whatever you say is correct.

"Audiences call the films directed by Zhou Xingchi a postmodern structural film, and Zhou Xingchi himself is also known as the master of postmodern structuralist comedy."

"The audience calls you the mainland's best director at making special entertainment films. Director Jiang, what do you think of the audience's evaluation of your respective film styles?"

"I haven't thought about it. The movies I make are all normal entertainment movies, similar to Hollywood movies."

"Chow Sing-chi has gone his own way, and his acting style is not without the shadow of Chaplin, but it does not prevent him from creating a new film style."

"Many viewers are curious, what exactly are poststructuralist films?"

Jiang Liu smiled and said: "Let me give you a simple example. We used to watch movies and saw the male protagonist talking affectionately to a graceful girl. Selfishly, we would think that the girl was very beautiful and touching. When the camera turned, the girl It’s really beautiful.”

"But if this scene is in Stephen Chow's movie, the girl the audience will see will most likely look like Ruhua!"

"Postmodern structuralist movies can be simply explained as the characters in the movies often do things that are difficult for normal people to understand and that go against common sense."

The recording of the two episodes of "A Date with Lu Yu" ended. Jiang Liu and others stayed for a while, signed autographs for the audience, and then got in the car and left.

(End of this chapter)

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