China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 260 The movie finally went to North America

Chapter 260 The movie finally went to North America

"Hi Jiang!"

"Hello, Fairman!"

Fairman is about 50 years old, quite handsome, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with the standard professional manager style.

After a brief greeting, the two of them and Wen Ziren sat down together.

Jiang Liu watched and considered how to test Wen Ziren to see if he was thinking of switching to Lionsgate in just one year. Fellman already said directly:

"Jiang, Lionsgate is very interested in the other 50% of the copyright of "Saw". I wonder if we can part with it."

Jiang Liu was confused: "Did "Saw 2" do well at the box office?"

Fairman: "It will be released in October, but Lionsgate went to the streets to gather the expectations of North American audiences. Wen's R-rated movie has great potential."

"So you want all the copyrights to fully develop this IP?"

"Yes." Fairman admitted without hesitation: "Acquiring all the rights to "Saw" may be the wisest decision Lionsgate has made in recent years."

While Jiang Liu secretly lamented the rigor of Hollywood Pictures, he asked with a smile: "Who hindered the joint development between Water Pictures and Lionsgate Pictures?"

"Columbia, Disney, or all of Hollywood?"

Fairman spread his hands and smiled: "Even I know that China has a "Pirates 2" project."

"It's ironic that the film companies on the other side of the ocean care more about Yi Xin's movie than I do."

"Hollywood cares about the film market around the world, and the Chinese film market is the focus, and "Pirates" is very special in it."

"You're costing Disney at least tens of millions of dollars, and the losses are growing because 'Pirates' continues."

Jiang Liu nodded and stopped talking about his grievances with Disney. He asked: "The story of "Pirates 2" is more interesting. Is Lionsgate interested in taking over the North American distribution business?"

Fairman laughed loudly: "Jiang, don't tempt me. Lionsgate doesn't want to offend the major Hollywood studios. The media they control is very annoying. They have a better relationship with the theaters."

"You guys reached an agreement privately?"

"Excluding Lionsgate, Lionsgate was established just a few years earlier than Water Pictures, and we are also excluded from Hollywood."

"If you cooperate with me, you will be more severely suppressed. Is this the reason why Lions Gate refused to release "Pirates 2" and cooperated with Yixin?"

"Jiang, you are very smart!"

"But Lionsgate doesn't seem to be very smart and doesn't understand the risk-benefit ratio."

Fairman was not unhappy and shook his head slightly: "Just because your movie is successful in Asia, it doesn't mean that Western audiences will be satisfied."

"We all know the origin of the North American box office of "Pirates 1". It is the credit of Columbia and Disney's Pirates Movie."

"In this case, we will proceed from the interests of both parties. After "Saw 2", the other 50% of the copyright will be sold to Lionsgate Pictures. Lionsgate Pictures invested in "Red Cliff" and took the North American copyright. I will not have any problem. Lionsgate The film industry is fully committed to helping me distribute "Apes" in North America."

"Is it your new work?"

"My new work!"

Feynman smiled and said: "Jiang, are you going to let Lionsgate see your value through this work, and then break with Hollywood for the huge value of an Asian Spielberg director?"

Jiang Liu nodded with a smile: "I take back what I just said, 'You're not smart enough'."

"Jiang, at this moment, you seem very confident in your new work."

Jiang Liu smiled and picked up the coffee: "I've always been very confident!"

After seeing Jiang Liu, Fellman's expression changed for the first time.

His brows furrowed slightly.

He has been very calm in this negotiation.

Because they know the river flow, Water Pictures has no choice.

Selling 50% of the "Chainsaw" rights to Lionsgate is the best move.

"Chainsaw" is not "Pirates" or "Monster".

"Chainsaw" cannot be released in China, or even filmed, and cannot be released in North America. Without selling the copyright, it will only slowly rot.

Jiang Liu agreed as expected.

But there is obviously something behind the words.

In the ancient and luxurious Chinese-style box, Fellman had an inexplicable thought.

If Lionsgate had not committed to releasing "Apes" in a big way, the young people on the other side would have had the courage to let "Chainsaw" rot regardless of gains and losses.

Let the copyright in the hands of Lionsgate rot in the copyright library.

Jiang Liu seemed to not care about "Chainsaw" so much.

On the contrary, Lionsgate Pictures, which is not doing well, treasures "Chainsaw".

Fellman also discovered that he had fallen into another trap - John Woo's "Red Cliff". John Woo's "Red Cliff" is also important.

In recent years, Chinese costume martial arts movies have become very popular in North America.

The Harvey Weinstein Company made crazy money last year with "Heroes."

Putting down his coffee, Jiang Liu was leisurely waiting for Fellman's decision.

In his heart, he was reluctant to give up the copyright of "Chainsaw".

But as the saying goes, if you don't let go of your children, you can't catch the wolf.

For the greater good, in order for Yixin to enter the North American market as soon as possible and gain a firm foothold in North America, he had no choice but to abandon "Chainsaw" and switch to Lionsgate to withstand the pressure and release "Apes".

Fortunately, Yixin can collect the box office revenue of the first two "Chainsaw" films.

He remembers that the second part of "Chainsaw" had a high box office, which seemed to be more than 100 million US dollars.

However, as long as "Apes" is a hit at the North American box office, Jiang Liu will feel that it is all worth it.

By then, he showed his strength, and Lionsgate got on board.

While Water Pictures produces movies openly, it also has a solid distribution ally in Lionsgate Pictures.

As long as he had a hit, a hit streak, with "Apes."

He does not believe that the private agreements between major Hollywood studios will stick to it forever.

Whether Yixin can successfully enter the North American market depends on whether it can gain a firm foothold.

Just look at the decision Fellman makes in the next few seconds or minutes.

Jiang Liu did not dare to speak out without shame. Fairman's next decision may change the future structure of Hollywood.

But changing the landscape may come true in the next few years.

"Jiang, I need to make a call."


Jiang Liu called the waiter to take Feilman to the next door, and looked at Wen Ziren with narrowed eyes: "Thank you for your hard work."

There was nothing unusual about James Wan's expression, but he said: ""Chainsaw" is very valuable."

Jiang Liu smiled for a second: "I know, but sometimes, we have to endure the pain and cut off our arms to survive."

"Boss, would you mind telling me what kind of story "Ape" is?"

"Similar to "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" released in 2001, and Hollywood's early "Planet of the Apes" series of movies."

Wen Ziren said in horror: "Piracy and plagiarism?"

If "Apes" plagiarized "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", there would be no need to make a deal. Whether the movie can be released in North America is still a question.

After a few years of fighting a copyright lawsuit, it will be settled immediately.

"No, what I filmed is a brand new story, maybe involving some homage."

James Wan breathed a sigh of relief: "It's normal to pay tribute. Every director will pay more or less tribute to the classic movies in his heart."

"Hi Jiang."

Jiang Liu looked as usual and said, "Fellman, has a decision been made? What does Lionsgate say?"

"Several directors of Lionsgate Pictures said, why not make money if you have it!"

Fellman said with a wry smile.

If the director talks, he will have to break his legs.

As soon as the news comes out that Lionsgate will assume the North American distribution business of "Apes", the pressure from major Hollywood studios will follow.

Jiang Liu stood up, stretched out his hand and said:

"Fairman, Lionsgate has made an extremely smart decision. You are troubled now, but soon, you will sincerely thank me and praise your God. Fortunately, He allowed you to meet Jiang Liu!"


Jiang Liu took a deep breath.

It has been two years since "Pirates" landed in North America, and it is estimated that it will be three years before "Apes" officially meets North American audiences.

He finally bypassed Hollywood and the box-office sharing barriers set by Hollywood, and landed in North America again.

This time it's either a blockbuster or a stay in North America.

Or another long silence.

(End of this chapter)

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