China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 240 Bullying goes too far

Chapter 240 Bullying goes too far

"Jiang Liu, you are going too far!"

In the Magic City, Gale Logistics is in a warehouse that is given special attention by the postal service.

Jiang Liu and Zhou Xingchi watched the competition between Wang Baoqiang and Gao Da Mao with great interest. A strange call came to Jiang Liu's mobile phone and he said something meaningless.

Jiang Liu wondered who he had offended again. Wang Baoqiang used a scissor kick to wrap up Gao Da Mao, attracting everyone's attention.

"Wow, that's awesome!"

Zhou Xingchi praised and applauded repeatedly, gave a thumbs up, and said to Jiang Liu in substandard Mandarin: "The action actors Mr. Jiang has found are world-class!"

"Just so so, ordinary martial arts."

Jiang Liu smiled modestly and sent an invitation to Zhou Xingchi for a dinner.

"Director Zhou, it's dinner time for the crew. Let's have a quick lunch."

Zhou Xingchi almost followed his footsteps into the "Apes" crew.

In two months, "Kung Fu" will meet audiences on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places.

This film is the first film to obtain a mainland release permit since Zhou Xingchi became director. He attaches great importance to it and deliberately followed the route of King Yang's boss to learn from Jiang Liu.

The reputation of Jiang Liu's works is indeed mixed, but the box office is obvious to all.

The movie not only sold well in the mainland, but also achieved amazing box office results in Asia.

Zhou Xingchi is a very practical person, and all senior directors are nothing compared to the box office of movies.

And the release of a big-budget movie is a big deal, not to mention that he and Jiang Liu had a relationship as early as 2000.

Even if it is a stranger he has never met, he will put down his dignity and ask for advice on how to navigate the mainland film market.

Jiang Liu actually had no good publicity suggestions to offer Zhou Xingchi.

Several of his movies have done well at the box office, and they have indeed made important contributions to publicity and marketing.

But it cannot be copied.

The success of "Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger" is due to Jiang Liu's cool operation - touching porcelain.

"Mobile Phone" has a box office of 5000 million yuan, and Ge You alone will take most of the credit.

"Pirates" has a high box office, and the subject matter takes part of the credit.

Another part of the credit is that he and "Hero" got into a fight during the release. The scolding battle caused by the collision was so fresh that it stole a lot of viewers from "Hero".

"Monster" is like a box office bulldozer. Jiang Liu attributes it to four reasons: his personal fame, the theme of the movie and Super Girl's vigorous promotion, and national policy protection.

These promotional plans do not have much reference for other movies, because it is impossible to find another "Super Girl".

But for the current mainland audience, Chow Sing-chi and Chow Sing-chi's movies are the best promotion plan.

Jiang Liu conveyed this idea, and Zhou Xingchi was so confused that he couldn't believe it. He insisted that Jiang Liu give him some advice and tell him that he was ugly.

After scratching his head and thinking for a moment with a wry smile, Jiang Liu suddenly remembered the phone call just now and couldn't help but said: "We can ask the publicity manager of "Kung Fu" to promote "A World Without Thieves"."

Hype is a double-edged sword.

Especially joint hype.

Huayi and Zhou Xingchi have agreed to use their efforts in one place, which will definitely benefit the movie box office.

This is like using actors and actresses in later generations to speculate on CP. If Zhou Xingchi and Feng Dapao staged a few famous scenes of meeting each other late and cherishing each other, the box office of "Kung Fu" and "House of Flying Daggers" will definitely have a breakthrough.

There are also big hidden dangers in working together to hype.

People are selfish. When the box office of two movies is obviously higher than the other, the joint hype may turn into severing ties and repaying kindness with hatred.

Especially Feng Dapao also made a guest appearance in "Kung Fu", which was the seed of hatred planted in advance. "I saw in the news that Feng Dapao made a cameo appearance in "Kung Fu". The two movies were released on the same schedule. You can definitely market each other."

Zhou Xingchi waved his hands repeatedly: "It's better not to hype up. "House of Flying Daggers" and "Kung Fu" cannot be bumped up. Boss Wang and Director Feng are already very unhappy."

Jiang Liu frowned unconsciously: "Then I have no other good suggestions."

Zhou Xingchi was unwilling to give Hua Yi some eye drops, and Jiang Liu didn't force it.

He was trying to make things smoother when Wang Jinhua left Huayi, taking away as many artists as possible, creating a "big earthquake in the entertainment industry and Huayi's affairs", and making sure that he was a domestic private film and television company.

This favor is not necessarily required. Since I can't help, it depends on whether Wang Jinhua is worthy of use.

Jiang Liu frowned and took a sip of seaweed and egg soup.

In the capital, Soho office building, the company LOGO has been changed to Huayi Company of Huayi Taihe Television.

In the conference room, Wang Zhongjun clenched his teeth and his gnawing eyes seemed to tear Wang Jinhua into pieces.

"In 2000, you were still riding your bicycle through the streets of the capital. I took you in. Is this how you repay Huayi?"

Wang Jinhua did not succumb to Wang Zhongjun's falcon-like gaze and looked directly at him: "Director Wang, how I repay Huayi is based on how Huayi treats me and my customers."

"Last year, the company launched the "A World Without Thieves" project, and Teacher Ge You had a leading role. I had no objection. After all, Teacher Ge and Huayi have collaborated many times and their relationship is extraordinary."

"But why can't the other protagonist be Chen Daoming or Tony Leung Ka Fai?"

"Why would the heroine prefer to choose Rene Liu from Taiwan rather than Rosamund Kwan, Michelle Yeoh, Anita Yuen, and Sandra Ng who are signed by the company?"

"You can say that Sandra Ng doesn't fit the character's style. How do you explain it to the other three? Can you tell me? Is it because she is not as famous as Rene Liu, or because her acting skills are not as good as hers?"

Wang Zhongjun slapped the table with resentment and stood up, pointing at Wang Jinhua: "Has the company signed any actor roles in "A World Without Thieves"?"

"Did Li Binbin have a role? Did he give Xia Yu a role? Did he despise the role and rejected it himself? Do you have any conscience in saying this?"

Being pointed at the nose and stared at by the executives in the conference room, Wang Jinhua was not afraid. She glanced at Wang Zhonglei who came in and said indignantly:

"Everyone knows Li Binbin's thoughts. She has her choice. I won't say more."

"What kind of role did the company give Xia Yu, a fool? If you ask him, a Venice Best Actor, to play a fool, it's a shame the company came up with it."

"Besides, for this idiot character, in the end you would rather take advantage of your competitors than replace him with other actors from the company. What is Director Wang's intention?"

"As for the new project "The Night Banquet" that the company is preparing to build, the company has sincerely considered using actors contracted by the company. I left Huayi today because the company bullied me too much and forced me into a corner."

Before Wang Jinhua could continue to complain, Feng Dapao interrupted sarcastically: "Sister Hua, I have the final say as to which actors to use in my movie, whether it's "A World Without Thieves" or "The Banquet" or in the future. What kind of movie, no one else wants to get involved in the role."

Wang Jinhua glanced at Feng Dapao, sneered, and said with a sneer: "That's all, Mr. Wang, senior executives, let's get together and go."

"So what if we can't get together and part ways?" Wang Zhongjun slapped the conference table again, shaking the water in the water glass on the table and making the documents tremble instantly.

At the same time, a senior executive stood conspicuously at the door of the conference room.

"Why, the company still wants to force me to stay." Wang Jinhua turned around and looked at the Wang brothers and senior executives.

"Let's be clear, how many people are you going to take away?"

"Anyone who is willing to follow me as one heart will be taken away; those who are unwilling to follow me as one heart will not be forced."

The arrow is already on the string, all it takes is a real sword and a real spear to kill it, Wang Jinhua simply said.

 Don’t wait for the next chapter, I might not be able to write it.



(End of this chapter)

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