China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 236 Red Carpet, Chihuahua

Chapter 236 Red Carpet, Chihuahua

The closing ceremony of the 13th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival was held at the Golden Phoenix Cinema, the largest local venue with a capacity of people.

The organizer's publicity was in place, and the event was packed with people on the day.

But because big-name filmmakers are so good.

Jiang Liu has become the object of crazy pursuit by fans, fans and the media.

Let him enjoy the superstar treatment for a while.

After walking down the 100-meter red carpet with huge cheers from fans and dazzling flashes, Jiang Liu accepted a brief interview with the host of CCTV's Six Princesses with dignity.

The Six Princess Channel, which has succumbed to CCTV, is not very powerful at the moment and is far less famous than it was in the short video era.

But as an industry insider, Jiang Liu knew far better than ordinary people that the sixth princess's status was extraordinary.

This is a channel where even the General Administration does not dare to say anything about what movies are shown and whether the content is appropriate.

"Director Jiang, the questions for the red carpet Q&A session of the 13th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival were mainly collected by the film channel from netizens on CCTV."

"The first question comes from the capital. This netizen's online name is Thorn Rose. She should be a girl. Her question is, how many awards do you expect to take home tonight."

Movie channel host Jingwei said loudly and enthusiastically amidst the screams of fans.

Jiang Liu smiled confidently and said, "I guess there must be one or two anyway."

He doesn't know the specific award "Monster" won, but it is certain to win.

Jury chairman Zhong Chengxiang already hinted last night.

"Second question, Xiao Yu'er, who lives in Chengdu, would like to ask Director Jiang how you define classic movies. He recently looked back at the movies of his childhood and suddenly found that the movies he thought were classics when he was a child seemed to be just average when he watched them as an adult. Have you ever had such an experience?"

"This is normal. After people absorb more knowledge and gain more experience, they will change their opinions on many things. Of course I have had this experience too."

Jiang Liu was silent for a moment and talked about a real experience of his.

"When I was thirteen or fourteen years old, I often sneaked away to watch movies in the video hall. The movies in the video hall were mixed. I once watched a Hollywood movie called "The World of Suzie Wong."

"Then you will find this love movie very interesting. The relationship between a white man and a Chinese woman is heart-pounding."

"But when I went to college and watched this movie again in the screening room of Nanjing University of the Arts, I thought, wow, how did Hollywood movies make the Chinese people and Hong Kong in the 60s so ignorant, feudal, ugly, and ignorant."

"The whole movie was full of white people's position of being arrogant and coming to save this weak and frustrated nation. I was very sad at the time."

"In order to avoid movies like "Suzie Wong's World" from appearing again, everyone must remember to support more domestic movies."

After Jiang Liu finished speaking, he handed the microphone to Miss etiquette.

Jingwei took advantage of the situation and said: "Thank you, Director Jiang. I hope Director Jiang returns home with a full load tonight."

After entering the Phoenix Cinema, Jiang Liu went straight to the front row under the guidance of the etiquette lady.

Halfway through, he stopped to shake hands with Zheng Peipei.

Zheng Peipei is China's first-generation female star. In recent years, she has often played supporting roles in Yixin TV series.

The most famous one is "Legend of Sword and Fairy" released this year.

"Boss Jiang, I want to give you some advice."

"Say." Jiang Liu looked surprised, but still smiled and nodded.

"The chair system of your crew is really not good. It makes me and Xu Jinjiang and several veteran actors over 50 years old very embarrassed. We can't sit or stand. It's better to stand without discrimination."

Zheng Peipei looked at Jiang Liu and said with a smile.

Jiang Liu nodded and said, "I made a note of it. After I return to the capital, I will ask the company executives to study it."

After a few simple conversations, Jiang Liu returned.

As for abolishing the crew system, of course he did it perfunctorily.

Not only will Yixin not abolish the crew system, but it will also strengthen supervision.

In the film and television industry, it is becoming more and more common for popular stars to cheat on their scenes.

At the same time, there are many stars who often play multiple roles. The most basic work qualities that an actor should have, such as understanding the psychology of the character, and memorizing lines were completely just a formality, and they were thrown into the Java Kingdom.

Celebrities are crazy about taking roles in order to gain personal wealth and enjoy a more affluent life, and there is no reason to stop them.

After all, it is legal and compliant.

But Yixin's film and television dramas require a certain amount of dedication from the actors.

This is about the quality of the series.

The existence of the Yixin crew system forces such stars to restrain their drama and professional attitude when working with Yixin.

In the Yixin crew, it is impossible to find comfortable rest time and tools.

The fatigue brought on by other crews can't be relieved by taking some time to rest on the Yixin crew.

Not only will the exhaustion not be less, but it will also become more and more miserable due to the more stringent system of the Yixin crew.

Of course, you don’t have to sign the Yixin contract.

But the reality is that Yixin's dramas are easy to sell, and most of the TV stations that sell them are first-tier TV stations that broadcast them on stars.

If you want to play a role or participate in a drama series that will be seen by more viewers, if the star himself wants to increase his popularity, Yixin's drama is the first choice.

Especially the three big-budget dramas produced by Yixin every year.

"When did you come?"

When he reached the first row, Jiang Liu shook hands all the way to Mr. Han and sat down next to him.

"Pinch it and get it."

"You have to do me a favor after the festival and make me look longer."

"You say."

Jiang Liu didn't know why, but judging from Mr. Han's solemn appearance, he guessed it was nothing serious.

"China Film's corporate bonds have been approved. Yixin will help buy some. Yixin should be rich."

"How much are you going to send?" Jiang Liu asked with concern.

He wasn't surprised at all. China Film had indeed made a lot of big investments recently, such as "Apes", "The Promise", "Pirates 2", and maybe some other projects. They were short of money.


"We will bear one-tenth with one heart." Jiang Liu said confidently.

His confidence comes from the fact that Yi Xin made a lot of money from this year's "Super Girl".

The income from one "Super Girl" was more than the several movies he made, and the company suddenly had a lot of spare money.

"Find some time to have a toast."

Jiang Liu nodded and said nothing more, focusing on dealing with the celebrities and official personnel who came to say hello.

This includes Sanya leaders.

Next year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival will be held in Sanya. Jiang Liu's professional ability and personal popularity displayed at this film festival forum have been watched by the leaders of SY City, so how could they not invite him.

Jiang Liu did not dare to agree, saying that it would depend on the time and situation next year.

He really didn't want to continue participating.

If the film festival uses his little influence to promote domestic films and develop the Chinese film market, as a Chinese filmmaker, he should participate more and support more.

But the film festival is no longer pure. It can almost be said that it is using movies to build momentum for a certain place. It also involves too many unexplained interests, which makes him, a filmmaker, lose interest in participating and supporting.

He was just a Chihuahua, put on the table as an ornament to attract movie fans to buy more tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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