China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 234 Secret Talk

Chapter 234 Secret Talk

The Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival lasts for five days.

Jiang Liu arrived a day late and missed the red carpet of the film festival opening ceremony and other activities.

But the schedule after that was packed.

At noon the next day, I was invited to attend an international film festival and enjoy the movie with the creators of the Russian film "Women Who Fly" and movie fans.

Not long after sitting down next to the Russian director Alexander Sorokin and the film's leading actress, Jiang Liu was startled by the content of the film.

There are so many naked scenes of actresses and passionate scenes in "The Woman Who Flying" that are so straightforwardly presented on the big screen that they may not have been edited at all.

The scale was so large that many fans left the show in a hurry, making Jiang Liu unable to sit or walk, which was extremely embarrassing.

After watching "The Woman Flying to the Sky", he was on pins and needles. In the afternoon, he was invited to participate in two film seminars.

After the first day, Jiang Liu felt a little overwhelmed.

Perhaps it was because he was more utilitarian than ordinary people, so if he was asked to go to a seminar and talk empty talk and sit there for a long time, he felt uncomfortable all over.

"The main activity tomorrow is to attend the film forum. We can return to the capital after the closing ceremony the day after tomorrow."

"But "New Police Story" and "Kekexili" sent me invitations for tomorrow's premiere. Do you want to go?"

Jiang Liu said speechlessly: "The mainland distributor of "New Police Story" is Bona, and the producer and distributor of "Kekexili" is Huayi. Yu Dong and Wang Zhongjun are crazy about money, and they don't even let their opponents go."

Ji Nan laughed and said, "I must have heard about the scene where you were surrounded by fans yesterday. Otherwise, why would I have the nerve to invite you to the premiere? Are you going?"

"No, if I have time, I would rather hide in the hotel room and soak in the sauna." Jiang Liu flatly refused.

His room is said to be a presidential suite that was temporarily repaired in a hurry.

The cost for one night is 16800 yuan, and facilities such as sauna, bathing, restaurant, kitchen, and study room are all available.

It was originally arranged for the star of "New Police Story", international superstar Fang Lung, but Fang Lung was unable to go abroad to promote the movie, so it was Jiang Liu's turn.

In the study, the two of them were discussing Jiang Luming's schedule the day after tomorrow when the doorbell rang.

Jiang Liu was used to this scene.

Ever since he appeared at the film festival, it was difficult for him to have long periods of quiet time, whether day or night, outside or in his room.

"Mr. Jiang, we meet again."

It was late at night, and Jiang Liu didn't seem surprised when he saw Wang Jinhua being brought in by Ji Nan. He stood up and stretched out his hand and said, "Sister Hua, are you just here? I haven't seen you all day."

In the conference room, Wang Jinhua naturally sat opposite Jiang Liu: "Mr. Jiang is busy with things, and I work in the service industry. I don't have any discernment and rush to join in the fun."

"It seems like something is wrong with Sister Hua?"

"My purpose of coming is clearer to Mr. Jiang than anyone else. I know even more clearly that the most valuable thing in my hand is the management contracts of more than 40 well-known artists from the Mainland and Hong Kong. I don't know if I bring people to change jobs and go to Yixin. Mr. Jiang How to arrange for us outsiders?"

Wang Jinhua stared sharply into Jiang Liu's eyes.

After attending the Yixin annual meeting last year, she and Huayi boss Wang Zhongjun continued to have arguments.

Forget the quarrel, Wang Zhongjun slept with her artists and secretly poached her, and the company's role resources frequently excluded artists who were closely related to her.

Artists rely on roles to make a living. Only with roles can they have the chance to become popular. Only when they become popular can they receive advertising endorsements, and she can also get more commissions from celebrities.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents.

If Huayi is unjust, she will be unkind. For the past few months, he has been running around trying to pack himself and the contracted artists into one heart.

Jiang Liu was not a good person in her heart. The relationship between her and Hua Yi suddenly became tense and then collapsed. Jiang Liu was mainly responsible for that phone call.

It can even be said that Jiang Liu single-handedly created the current incompatible situation between her and Hua Yi.

"Yixin has always treated domestic and foreign actors equally and there is no distinction between them."

"I welcome Sister Hua and dozens of stars to join One Heart. I'm afraid that Sister Hua will be too doting on her actors and break the rules of the One Heart crew. Fan Binbin has worked with me on "Mobile Phone", so she should have mentioned this to you often." It's about that." Jiang Liu looked directly at Wang Jinhua without hesitation.

The so-called celebrity agent.

Refers to the staff who help and are responsible for the overall planning of artists' performing arts careers.

Wang Jinhua is the first generation of celebrity agents in China. Her management style can be summed up in two words: "nanny".

It not only helps artists plan their performing arts careers, but also cares about their food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Her comprehensive and considerate care of celebrities has allowed her to recruit a group of well-known celebrities in the country.

And has won the trust of celebrities such as Liu Jialing, Fan Binbin, Hu Jun, Chen Daoming, Li Binbin and so on.

But naturally there is no deal with the film and television producers.

Especially it conflicts with Yi Xin, who has more rules in the crew.

Jiang Liu very much hopes that Wang Jinhua will join Yixin.

Once she successfully brought more than 40 actors to join Yixin, she instantly made up for Yixin's weakest talent management link.

The emergence of "Super Girl" and the sensational effect the program achieved in China.

And the scene where Jiang Liu was surrounded by fans yesterday reminded Jiang Liu that the era of fans is coming.

It is not enough for the TV series produced by Yixin to be well-produced. It must also involve well-known stars and be topical.

TV stations are the most realistic. No matter how well-produced "Ming Dynasty 1566" is, people in the industry will praise it again and again.

The negligibly low ratings cannot attract advertisers, and the TV station has to cry and change the direction of purchasing dramas to adapt to market trends.

If Jiangliu wants to stick to it for a long time and maintain high profit growth every year, it must also adapt to the trend of the times.

Because if you don’t make changes, you will be eliminated first by TV stations that cater to the market.

Therefore, Jiang Liu's determination is to change.

But while he chose to follow the trend of fans, he also wanted to ambitiously seize the source.

He doesn’t develop theaters because he plans to cut off the source of the theaters – content.

Since the TV station is about to lean towards celebrity dramas, he will seize the source of celebrity dramas - actors and stars.

Therefore, Yixin's artist management department must strive to develop into China's CAA.

It is even larger than any two of the three major Hollywood star agency companies combined.

Whether it will happen or not, there is no way of knowing whether this day will come.

When this day comes, I don’t know whether some people will think that Yixin is engaged in monopoly.

Jiang Liu felt that he could use Wang Jinhua's job change to join Yixin Hou and try to plan and develop in this direction.

It doesn't matter if you don't invest much and it doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not.

But there is a prerequisite: Wang Jinhua and her contracted artists must endure Yixin's crew rules.

If you can't stand it, there's no need to talk about it.

The Yixin crew will not tolerate domineering celebrities.

 I've been busy working overtime lately, so don't wait until the second chapter is posted.



(End of this chapter)

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