China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 222 The subsequent influence of "Monster"

Chapter 222 The subsequent influence of "Monster"


"Hey, one fish died."

On the arch bridge, Jiang Liu looked at a red carp floating on the water with distress, which was at least three or four times heavy.

"Brother, there is another one." Lu Ting threw a pomegranate into her mouth and pointed to a red carp that was also motionless at the corner of the pond.

"It must be because the weather is hot and there is a lack of oxygen. Do you have waders at home? I'll go down and stir up the water in the pond to get more oxygen in the water." Jiang Shengli said well-informed.

"Red carp looks good or not, but it is of no use except for giving as gifts during festivals." Li Qin expressed his personal opinion from a practical point of view.

"Mom, red carps are ornamental fish. I think you have to move to the back house. There must be a housekeeper, aunt, and chef at home. The fish in the pond are dead, the thrushes are losing their hair, the pomegranates are sour and astringent, and the grape trellis is a mess. , it needs professionals to take care of it.”

Jiang Liu said seriously.

He is often away from home.

Li Xin has a bit of a petty bourgeoisie at heart. After all, if she wasn't a host, she would dream of becoming a writer or female singer.

But the dream is just a dream. Her job at this time is still as a host. She prepares daily drafts and memorizes geography and humanities knowledge. Learning to be a director takes up too much time, and she does not have so much energy and time to take care of the dogs, fish, birds, etc. at home.

Zhao Wenhong was a rough man, and if he was expected to feed fish, dogs, birds, and serve flowers and plants, everyone in Jiang House would probably die.

"How much will it cost you to hire someone?"

"I don't know, maybe a few thousand dollars a month."

Li Qin glared for a moment and said, "Let your dad go back and take care of Tingting when she goes to school, and I'll take care of you two."

Jiang Liu flatly refused: "Mom, forget it. I didn't reject you. You can't take care of the flowers, birds, insects and fish at home. It's over. I'll go to work first and come back later."

"CCTV has holidays on Saturdays and Sundays, why do you still go to work?" Li Qin asked her son warily.

She learned from last night that Jiang Liu had raised another woman abroad. She tossed and turned and couldn't sleep that night, for fear that her son would become a prodigal because of women.

The Jiang family has only been prosperous for a few years and cannot be ruined by a shady son and some shameless women.

Being guarded by his mother like a thief, Jiang Liu couldn't help but have a headache and said:

"Mom, it cost 100 million yuan to produce and promote a movie. How can we not take such a huge amount of money seriously?"


"So a movie may take several years from project establishment to preparation, release, and box office accounting after the movie is released, involving the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people."

After Jiang Liu finished speaking, Jiang Shengli said at the side: "Go and do your business, and leave your mother alone. She has long hair and short knowledge."

Li Qin also said with a rare expression: "Then you go to work quickly. I won't ask you about your work in the future."

After leaving the house, Jiang Liu rushed towards the 798 Art Factory.

He didn't open his eyes to tell lies early in the morning. Yi Xin was really busy recently.

"Monster", which has been in the works for nearly two years, has been screened in major domestic cinemas one after another.

As the founder and film director of Yixin, he needs to understand many data reports such as movie box office and market feedback from various places.

Secondly, he also needs to care about the distribution channels of "Monster" abroad.

There are too many things that require his presence to understand the situation in the European market, Japanese market, other Southeast Asian markets, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Province.

In addition, he also has to pay attention to the preparations for the new project "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

Saturday weekend.

Some employees of Yixin are on vacation, but the company is still bustling with many people.

"How many people have been added this year?"

"We didn't add many people this year. The special effects department, headed by Hou, hired about 1300 software engineers, and the publicity department hired some people. The number is about the same as last year, more than people. On the contrary, many people were poached by high salaries."

Jiang Liu looked at Hou Hongliang curiously: "Which companies do you usually go to?"

"Some small private film and television companies run by private owners."

"That's not surprising." Jiang Liu felt relieved. No matter how good Yixin's salary is, it is still not as good as that of a wealthy man who spends a lot of money. It is normal for people to be poached.

Watching Jiang Liu stand in front of his desk, Hou Hongliang continued: "According to information released by the General Administration, domestic private film and television companies increased to more than 2004 in 2000."

"With the introduction of CEPA in 2003, Hong Kong films are no longer subject to quota restrictions, and the number of co-productions between the Mainland and Hong Kong has increased sharply."

"According to the bureau's Order No. 43, foreign investors finally obtained the "birth certificate" to enter Chinese movies. Overnight, the seven major Hollywood film studios established offices in the country."

"There are other rumors that Huayi's new film may receive a loan from Shenzhen Development Bank."

"In short, in the second half of the year, there will be all kinds of news flying all over the world. Hong Kong capital, foreign capital, Taiwanese capital, private capital, and state-owned capital will all enter the domestic film and television industry. The pressure of competition in the industry will be very high in the future."

"It is certain that the demons will be in chaos for a few years, and the market will be stable in a few years."

"During this period, Yixin continues to work steadily and strives to create three high-quality dramas every year, and a movie with a box office of over 100 million yuan every two years. The variety show "Super Girl" should have no rivals in the next two years."

While Jiang Liu was talking, he was attracted by the trophy on his desk.

He picked it up and looked at it, and saw a row of English words "Best Director of "Monster", Jiang Liu" engraved on the base of the trophy. He asked curiously: "London Film Festival?"

"Well, He Jing brought it back."

Jiang Liuliu laughed: "The first Best Director trophy in my life was given to me by a British person. It feels a bit ironic."

Hou Hongliang said with a smile: "There are three major European film festivals in Europe, and the rest of the film awards are just second-rate awards."

"You go ahead and get busy, I'll look through all the data on "Monster"."

"Why don't we study the "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" project first."

"That's okay. What's the reaction after submitting the script?" Jiang Liu asked curiously.

Jiang Liu sincerely wants to film "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" in China.

Domestic prices for labor, food and accommodation are low, which can save a lot of production costs.

A large film project can create local employment, and the release of the film can also promote the place and drive tourism.

"Monster" became famous in Cannes and was a hit in mainland China. After it became popular in South Korea, South Korea's Han River Park became a popular check-in place for domestic and foreign tourists in a short period of time.

Many tourists from the mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan Province, and even Europe flew to South Korea in July and went to the Han River.

When Jiang Liuren was still in South Korea, South Korea's tourism and aviation industries announced that the number of tourists entering South Korea in July was nearly 2003 more than in .

It has brought direct economic benefits to Korean catering, hotels, tourism, transportation, culture and other industries.

Some Chinese and Korean toy manufacturers have also stated that although toys based on the snot monster in "Monster" are not liked by preschool children, they are not popular toys.

But it sells well among young people, so it won’t lose money.

The most intuitive reflection of the popularity of "Monster" in many places is that there are many young people on the street with the same hair color as the protagonist, and barber shops in many places are making a lot of money.

It can be seen that an entertainment film recognized by the audience will promote the local economy and even the economy of multiple industries.

His new movie does not require special scenes and can be shot anywhere. With so many benefits, why not stay in China?

I'm just afraid of getting stuck in the plot review process.

Reminiscent of the scene where a group of gorillas and the army faced each other on the Yangtze River Bridge and then fought, Jiang Liu looked at Hou Hongliang expectantly.

Hou Hongliang said with a smile: "The reaction is not very intense. It seems that they take it very seriously. When I get the news about your return to China, I should ask you to come and help guide the revision of the script."

"Monster" nearly exceeded 2 million in the mainland box office, and ended perfectly with a box office of 1 million.

With two films in a row that grossed more than 1.5 million at the box office, Jiang Liu seems to be the undisputed director who is the best at making commercial and entertainment films in China.

The popularity of "Monster" in South Korea is real, and the economic benefits created by the movie can be seen immediately.

The script submitted by Yi Xin for Jiang Liu was also taken seriously by the bureau.

(End of this chapter)

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