China Entertainment 2000.

Chapter 220 Get out of the film and television industry

Chapter 220 Get out of the film and television industry

"Dear distinguished guests, the last dish is called mullet egg soup, which has always been a delicacy for feudal emperors."

"Yuan Mei, a great poet and gourmet during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, tasted this dish many times and recorded the preparation method of this dish in "Suiyuan Food List": mullet eggs are the freshest and most difficult to serve, and must be boiled by river water. After it is cooked, remove the sand and remove the smell, then add chicken soup and simmer the mushrooms till they become tender."

"After the mullet egg soup was introduced to the State Guesthouse, it was improved by several generations of masters. First of all, the vessel used to serve it was changed to a small purple clay steam pot, which made it look exquisite and elegant."

"Secondly, no longer thicken the soup, so that the prepared soup will be as clear as water."

"Finally, the juice of Russian natural pickled cucumbers is used to make the soup "sour without vinegar and spicy without pepper", reaching the highest level of soup making. The soup is slightly sour and spicy in the mouth, with a pleasant fragrance."

"The soup is clear and slightly yellow, with milky white mullet coins floating in it, shaped like petals. The texture is soft, the style is clear and unique, and the taste is fresh and slightly sour and spicy. It is appetizing and relieves greasiness."

After the head waiter explained the last Shandong dish with a breezy smile, Jiang Liu asked with interest: "Can you provide specific steps to make it?"

"Mr. Jiang, wait a moment."

"Just give it to him before you leave. You can go down and have a rest. There is no need for service here." Han Sanping stopped the active foreman.

"Okay, everyone, please use it slowly!"

The waiters exited the banquet hall in an orderly manner, and Han Sanping raised his glass: "People are like rice and steel. Put all the unpleasantness aside for the time being and fill your stomach first."

Jiang Liu echoed: "Here's a drink to you all."

After the three drinks at the beginning, everyone was picking up their dishes and clinking glasses with each other, and the topic started around Jiang Liu and Zhang Yimou.

Even if there is no bad blood between Jiang Liu and Zhang Weiping.

Jiang Liu and Zhang Yimou's contributions to the film and television industry in the past two years alone are bound to be the center of the topic.

"Heroes", "Pirates", "House of Flying Daggers", and "Monster" were successive blockbusters that supported many employees of companies and theaters in the industry.

Jiang Liu's "Monster" has achieved unprecedented success in South Korea, which has never been achieved by domestic films outside the country.

In a few days, the Athens Olympics will open, and Zhang will introduce the style and charm of China by directing an eight-minute theatrical performance at the closing ceremony of the Olympics, trying to give the world a glimpse.

These two people are now national treasures in the mainland film industry.

After Han Sanping learned the inside story of the dinner, from a personal point of view, he really did not want the two of them to become confrontational.

It has been four years since "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was released in 2000. Jiang Liu and Zhang Yimou are the only two people in the country who have made blockbusters, and each has achieved success.

The two of them play an important role in the development of domestic films and the mainland film market. As the leader of the industry, China Film Group, as the chief steward of China Film Group, must not let the two get into trouble.

Having made a decision in his mind, Mr. Han put down his chopsticks and said, "Liu'er, you and Yimou have a drink. Afterwards, talk to each other face to face, and then stop and make peace."

"I don't know what Director Zhang is thinking. I personally think there is no conflict between us."

Jiang Liu raised his glass and clinked it with Zhang Yimou with a normal expression. After drinking it down, his attitude changed and he sneered: "I don't want to deal with Zhang Weiping."

"I know the situation you are setting up well. Mr. Anlejiang gave me some advice before returning home. In that case, I will speak openly."

"Director Zhang and I both work in the film and television industry to make a living. There are competitions and disputes, and it is inevitable that we will make some wrongdoings."

"There are times when father and son don't look at each other, lose their emotions, quarrel, and fight, let alone competitors in the same industry."

"Before this year, the best movie schedules in the country were all about New Year's Day."

"'Heroes' and 'Pirates' were forced to be released on the same schedule."

"In order to grab the box office of two movies in the same period, the producers behind the scenes are throwing dirty water at each other to publicize the scandals and abuses of the film's creative staff and other commercial competition behaviors. I completely understand. I have been scolded a lot, and my movies have been promoted a lot. It’s a bad movie.”

"But in my opinion, once the movie is over, the matter will be over. Next time, whether to continue throwing dirty water at each other and discrediting the opponent, or joint promotion depends on each other's publicity attitude."

Speaking of this, Jiang Liu patted Zhang Yimou's wrist and said, "Do you know what Mr. Zhang did?"

"Not only did he unite with a group of unworthy clowns to deliberately suppress Yixin's drama series, he also found idle people in society to do some sneaky things in Yixin Film and Television Industrial Park." "Cut off Yixin's heating boiler room and report Yixin employees I despise such dirty tricks as setting up a satellite cooker privately in the dormitory, and I’m embarrassed to tell you.”

"Director Zhang, Director Li, Mr. Qiao, Teacher Benshan, and Director Deng, how could you guys endure this if you faced an opponent like this?"

"My only request is that Zhang Weiping, the black sheep in the industry, should get out of here as far away as possible. There are only five or six others in the film and television industry."

"Also, Mr. Jiang from Hong Kong, don't scare me. I don't even care about the North American market, let alone the Hong Kong film market. He only has more than a dozen theaters in Hong Kong, and he can make up for his losses in other regions."

"I'm sorry if I don't vomit today, everyone is laughing at me."

Qiao Jianjun, general manager of the Magic City Cinema Line, rushed into the river and said seriously:

"General Jiang is right. There is competition in every industry, but there must be standards for competition. Zhang Weiping is so unscrupulous, he is not allowed to kill people and set fires in the future. Is there any rules at all?"

Magic City Cinema is one of the producers of "Monster".

The investment funds mainly come from the owners of dozens of movie theaters under the banner. This group of people boldly invested in a movie for the first time, and Jiang Liu brought them huge profits. Who would be willing to offend Jiang Liu for Zhang Weiping?

It doesn't matter whether Zhang Weiping dies or not, as long as it doesn't delay Zhang Yimou's filmmaking.

Han Sanping nodded and looked at Zhang Yimou: "Yimou, what do you think?"

Zhang Yimou turned to Jiang Liu: "Mr. Jiang, is there no room for relaxation? He has found me a lot of funds over the years."

Jiang Liu said without hesitation: "I don't have it here."

Zhang Yimou was silent and looked around at everyone on the field.

Qiao Jianjun from the Magic City Theater had a clear attitude and supported Jiang Liu.

Mr. Han and the manager of China Film's Xingmei Theaters seem to be neutral, but their tendency is very obvious, and they almost declare it in their mouths.

Director Li, Deng En, and Zhao Benshan at the drama center have been chatting about the drama since the banquet began.

Jiang Liu's attitude was extremely determined.

Seeing that the matter was irreversible, Zhang Yimou had to keep his head down and whisper: "I'll find an opportunity to have a good chat with Wei Ping."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the banquet hall suddenly became lively.

The reason is not complicated at all.

First of all, the host of the banquet made a decision, and the people who temporarily acted as lobbyists saved a lot of words and would not offend Jiang Liu for no reason.

To be more realistic, Zhang Weiping's withdrawal will benefit many people in the industry.

Zhang Weiping is extremely possessive and has been protecting Zhang Yimou like a grandson all these years.

Many people were jealous of the box office of "Hero" and wanted to get involved in Zhang Yimou's movie, but they were blocked by Zhang Weiping.

Without Zhang Weiping, Zhang Yimou's movies are open to all investors, and everyone is happy.

And Jiang Liu, the initiator of all this behind the scenes, finally completed the killing of Zhang Weiping.

Let Zhang Weiping be completely abandoned by the entire industry.

With this incident, the Chinese film and television industry saw the extremely sharp fangs exposed by Yi Xin.

In the future, if there are people or companies in the industry who want to make Yixin unhappy, they will have to weigh whether they have the strength of Zhang Weiping and New Picture Peak Era.

Do you dare to use the courage to quit the industry to fight with Yixin?

(End of this chapter)

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