Be a reckless man in the martial arts word game

Chapter 345: If you offend me, Chu, then you will be in trouble

Chapter 345: If you offend me, Chu, then you will be in trouble

A rare talent?

No wonder he resists being beaten so much.

Chu Junhui was still here thinking about how much strength he should increase, but the bun-headed girl over there was already a little impatient.

She felt a sense of relief that she had never experienced before, so refreshing that it felt like it was in her bones!

"Big man, hit me, hit me!"

It was the first time Chu Junhui heard that someone had such a request, so he directly used the Jueming Palm.

The blue palm prints were struck at an extremely fast speed, split into three afterimages, and each of the three bun heads was given a palm.

All three bun heads flew more than ten meters and fell to the ground, with blood oozing from the corners of their mouths.

"Continue, don't stop!" She felt even more happy.

Playing a game has never been so fun, the characters in the plot are boring!

It didn't feel right... Chu Junhui suddenly stopped. He used his critical sword intent to find that the girl's physical fitness had soared to an unusual level in a short period of time.

He asked tentatively: "Will you become stronger after being beaten?"

The three bun heads were startled at the same time.

She didn't seem to expect that one of her deepest secrets would be revealed.

Talent - tempered over time.

[Thousands of tempers: After being hit by a powerful attack, if you have not died directly, your body will be effectively tempered and become stronger (it comes with horizontal training, which can be superimposed with the effect of horizontal training techniques)]

[After being tempered by one kind of strength, you must find a stronger strength to temper yourself next time, because the same strength can no longer have the effect of tempering your body]

[But remember, just after you break, what you need is tempering rather than death. Each death will permanently weaken your body by one tenth]

After being beaten back by Chu Jun, Baozitou suddenly began to dislike the coarse chaff he had eaten before.

The garbage system is so messed up that it just crashes every time I play in the game!

Sometimes the bonus from being beaten in one day is not as much as the deduction from accidentally dying twice.

She was about to enter the conflict between the three religions in person, and she felt that her ability to protect herself was still far from enough.

Therefore, after being slapped back by Chu Jun, Baozi Tou was a little obsessed with the improvement of riding a rocket.

One of them couldn't hold it back, and the effect of his talent was guessed.

Deny it?

It doesn't make much sense, it's better to have fun before the three religions compete.

We are all in a community with a shared future for mankind. There is no way the giant would kill me directly... Baozitou hesitated for a moment, but nodded: "Yes."

After her admission, Chu Junhui didn't say anything, but the group of students next to him couldn't help it.

"Sister Lu, is this the reason why you tricked me outside in the middle of the night, laughed at me for being 1.5 meters tall, and asked me to beat you up with your fingers?"

"You're not even 1.6 meters tall!" Baozi Tou felt very wronged.

"Sister Lu, didn't your gun go off during the last target practice? Did you shoot it in the head on purpose?"

"Mr. Que, I guess you won't die with that strength."

"Sister Lu, my sword broke its blade for no apparent reason. Did you use it to comb your hair?"

"Well...your knife is very smooth."

Lu Tansi relied on her divine will to be a clone, and she was able to talk to three people at once without falling behind.

There were a lot of people in the school grounds, and the chatter was quite annoying. Chu Junhui planned to keep the irrelevant people away for a while, and then discuss some big business with this bun.

"Get some rest early, everyone." As Chu Junhui said these words, all the students except Lu Tansi fell into a dream.

Whether they were those who had broken through to the Mountain Viewing Realm or those who had not, they all walked toward the Xiaopinglou accommodation area in confusion.

After clearing the place, Chu Jun glanced back at Lu Tansi and pulled all three of her into a dream.

Dream - Mirror Lake.

Chu Jun didn't even bother to reply and asked directly: "Do you want me to beat you?"

This sounded strange, but Lu Tansi was ready to go all out today, so he didn't care about it and nodded honestly. "Okay, I can help you, but you have to answer a few questions truthfully."

Today, Chu Junhui is no longer afraid of others surpassing him. He has developed some arrogance that a strong man should have.

Moreover, it won't be long before the three religions compete. Only if the companions are stronger will they bring more variables to the world and prevent many things from being counted to death.

...Every thief should be a variable.

"No questions." Lu Tansi agreed readily.

"Why can't I beat you unconscious?" No matter how talented Baozi Tou is, it doesn't have much to do with Chu Junhui. He is mainly concerned about how to copy her divine will.

"Because I get stronger every time I get beaten. It's like taking a stimulant suddenly. Normally I can't faint."

"Then can you accept a death that can be resurrected?" Chu Jun replied surprisingly.




The three Lu Tansi took a step back at the same time.

"Don't be nervous, I can turn into a giant, and I can also resurrect the dead... If you are willing to accept a death that allows you to be resurrected, I will help you develop your talents."

"Your talent is very strong. Think about it, after you develop it to your fullest, you can even withstand a giant's palm."

Lu Tansi was silent for a long time.

...She didn't believe Chu Junhui.

But she believed in Xinxing Wu, believed in the country she had lived in for more than twenty years, and believed in the giant who saved the whole city from danger in the night market.

"Okay." Three Lutansi turned into one.

And she also gave up on maintaining horizontal training.


It was like a dream, no pain, no images, nothing.

When Lu Tansi opened her eyes again, she was told by the man in front of her that it was over and he could start helping her develop her talent immediately.

Even after death, Lu Tansi really let go. She told Chu Junhui about her talent and the effects of divine will.

Divine Will - the world of ten directions.

Using this divine will, you can create an indefinite number of clones. The strength of the clones is equal to that of the main body. However, the greater the number of clones, the weaker the strength of the main body.

If a bun head has a combat power of 9 and is divided into three bun heads, each bun head will have a combat power of 3.

It is worth mentioning that when the main body is swollen, the clone will be sluggish, but if the clone is stale, the main body will take back the power of the clone, and these powers will not be equally divided among the remaining clones.

For example: the three buns all have a combat power of 3, and one of them has never fought with the enemy before. Damn it, then there will be a body with a combat power of 6.

The moment Chu Junhui got this divine intention, he felt that this thing was too big.

Because the power transmitted back to the main body by the clone is not lost, this means that he can use the clone to consume the enemy and hide the main body.

Will you hit my clone?

Fighting, so good, my main body is not damaged at all. When the opponent kills all the clones, he will face me in full strength.

Not fighting, so good.

Just let the clone stand on the other person's face and shit.

The skill has no CD, which means that you can poop all year round.

Chu objectively commented: "It's as disgusting as Wei Chen hiding in Cao Ye's dream."

(End of this chapter)

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