Be a reckless man in the martial arts word game

Chapter 154 Do you want to be the Palace Master?

Chapter 154 Do you want to be the Palace Master?

[Under the guidance of the master, you went to the Yueshi Pavilion of the Underworld Palace to choose a technique and a technique]

[Following that familiar feeling, the technique you choose is "Dream Rain Curtain" and the technique is "Jue Ming Palm"]

[The master guarding the martial arts stopped you. He said that you are not qualified to practice these two martial arts]

["Speaking of qualifications, are you qualified to stop me?"]

[Your master just glared at the person who was guarding the merit, and that person just stood there blankly, unable to do anything, watching you leave]

[You start to exercise your body with the new generation of disciples of Hades Palace]

[The senior brother in charge of the distribution of precious medicines has the same master as you, and he will always give you a lot of "care"]

[There is no shortage of medicinal soup, medicated food, and refined meat. You are suffocating in your heart and practicing martial arts very hard.]

[Soon, you will start to try to practice Jueming Palm]

[When you practice, you will make rapid progress. If God helps you, it will be as if you have practiced this technique in your previous life]

[Unlike others, your meridians and Dantian have been opened, so at the same time, you are also practicing internal strength]

[After half a year, your merit will be second-rate, and you will be ranked in the top fifty among the same batch of disciples]

[Many people have a good foundation in martial arts. You are one of the very few disciples who started from scratch and have no family support, so in terms of speed of progress alone, you are number one]

【Time flies, years fly by】

[In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed, and you have mastered both Meng Yulian and Jueming Palm]

[Master is very pleased with the talent you have shown. He often asks his senior brother to help you find some natural treasures from outside and let you take them in batches]

[So, your inner strength at this time has even surpassed that of the person who helped you initiate the initiation]

[If you put it in the world, you will be an undisputed first-class master]

[After retraining, you will have a deeper understanding of Jueming Palm, and your proficiency in Jueming Palm will be +200]

[After retraining, you will have a deeper understanding of Meng Yulian, and Meng Yulian proficiency +200]

Oh, what an unexpected bonus!
[When practicing martial arts, just practicing silently is not enough. Master encourages you to find something to do]

【You have two choices】

【Stay in the sect】

【Enter the world】

The arena is too dangerous, so I just stay at home.

[Tell Master that you want to stay in the Underworld Palace and find a job like Senior Brother Shentu]

[Master provides you with several choices]

[[-]. Stationed at Tingyan Tower]

[[-]. Take new disciples to strengthen their bodies]

[[-]. Join the Law Enforcement Hall]

[[-]. Join the Mountain Guards]

[[-]. Join the Merit Keepers]

【[-]. Become a drunken dreamer】

【[-]. Become a Dream Protector】

Hiss... It's good to be stationed at Tingyan Tower and dawdle, but Boss Chu feels that just dawdling in a dream is useless.

The divorced brother needs to strengthen himself. When he wakes up from his dream, he still has to face the devil. If he doesn't strengthen, he won't even have the capital to make the opponent face him.

So the question is, which option is most likely to gain real-world enhancement like "rebuilding Jueming Palm"?

Drunk dreamer?
This thing seems to be the fastest way to make money.

Keeper of merit?He has the same profession as the uncle who previously stopped the divorced brother from choosing exercises.

If you have access to the martial arts collected by the Underworld Palace... this is it!

[Tell Master that you feel that your martial arts foundation is not very strong and you need to go to Yueshi Pavilion to settle down for some time]

[Master respects your decision and takes you to the door to make amends to the offended uncle]

[Given a hundred gold and a sword]

[On the second day, you will become a glorious merit keeper]

[Yueshi Pavilion is one of the foundations of the Underworld Palace. It stores most of the martial arts collected by the Underworld Palace over the past millennium, totaling more than [-] pieces.]

[Divided into nine levels, the higher you go, the more subtle the skills become]

[Jueming Palm is on the seventh floor, and Mengyu Lian is on the sixth floor. Without the guidance of the master, your current identity can only touch the sixth floor at most. Going up further is the forbidden area]

["Mr. Yueshuo is familiar with the world, sitting on the mountain wall" are two sentences hanging at the door of Yueshi Pavilion]

[Your duty today is to wipe these two sentences engraved on the Tianmen Stone spotlessly] [On the first day, you wiped it very carefully]

[The next day, you wipe more carefully]

[On the third day, you work hard without complaining]

【The fourth day...】


[A month has passed. Do you want to make some changes? 】

Change, change quickly!

Don’t just do cleaning!

[You came to Yue Shi Pavilion for those martial arts secret books. You want to refer to more martial arts ideas to improve your own martial arts]

[Even if you rub the Tianmen Stone for a month, you still don’t forget your original intention]

[You pretended to be serious about cleaning during the day, but at night, you sneaked into Yueshi Pavilion]

[You went up to the seventh floor in a flash, and before you even opened a page of the book, a light suddenly lit up next to you]

【A person appears in front of you】

[It’s the uncle who accepted your master’s hundred gold pieces and sword]

[He put that sword on your neck]

[You suddenly understand at this moment why a genius like yourself rubs the Tianmen Stone for a month and cannot even enter the Yueshi Pavilion]

[Also... Why is the defense of Yueshi Pavilion today so lax]

【Someone is up to something! 】

[Unfortunately, you understood too late, you were caught by him, and both the person and the person gained the stolen goods]

[You violated the sect rules. Master begged many people, but he couldn't save you]

【You were kicked out of Hades Palace】

[You started wandering around the world. Unfortunately, although you were highly skilled, your experience was mediocre. You died mysteriously in a dark shop a month later.]

[Scene [-] is not completed, and you fall into a deeper dream. If you fail twelve more times, you will sleep in the dream forever]

This old Bideng took the money, and still did this... he was too small-minded.

Hiss... No, the temptation of Yue Shi Pavilion was too great, so Chu Junhui decided to fight again.

This time, the plot started from scene two. He followed the previous options and only changed the last option.

- Keep cleaning.

[You continue to clean up those two sentences at the door of Yueshi Pavilion honestly and honestly]

[A year has passed, and some of the people guarding the first and second floors have withdrawn]

[You can take over his position]

[Another two years have passed, and you won the first place under the will of God in this year’s martial arts competition in the Underworld Palace. Several senior brothers who have realized magical powers have not been able to defeat you.]

[With this honor, you have been promoted to another level within the keeper, and can guard the third and fourth floors]

[Perhaps in order to remember the past, one day you went downstairs and erased the two sentences "Mr., experienced in the world, sitting on the mountain wall"]

[It is this touch that makes you realize your own divine will]

[God's will - take a leisurely look at the mountain city]

[The effect of Divine Will is very simple. It will automatically increase a part of Qi, blood and internal strength every day, both in quality and quantity]

[This is not a divine will that can fight and kill, but it is also consistent with your simple and comfortable life every day]

[Master is very happy that you can realize God's will in this life. He helped you hold a banquet and invited many fellow disciples of the Hades Palace]

[You were drinking deeply at the banquet, and someone asked you about the effect of your divine will]

[You thought that your divine will was neither sinister nor powerful, so it would be okay to tell them, so you told them]

[It was this mouth that made you meet an old man the next day]


[You have seen him before, he was on the second floor of Tingyan Tower]

【Looking down at you】

[More than five years have passed, and he looks older]

【I am so old that I will look up to you even if I stand there】

["Do you want to be the palace master?" he asked]

(End of this chapter)

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