Chapter 327 Congratulations
"Congratulations, Mrs. Lu..."

"Lu Song is both civilized and military, and now he has married a noble wife. What a joy and congratulation!"

"Here comes the bride..."

When Su Youyue heard these voices, she frowned and opened her eyes suddenly. A pair of bright red characters in the hall made her eyes hurt. Sitting in front of her was Madam Lu, Mrs. Kang, who was dressed in rich clothes. She had a happy face, but The moment he saw her, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

This is a familiar picture to her...

This is clearly the scene of her marrying Lu Song!

Su Youyue took a breath and looked down. She was indeed sitting in a wheelchair. Her hand holding the embroidered fan couldn't help but tremble. She looked around as if she couldn't believe it. Sure enough, the person standing next to her was Lu Song, Lu Song's impatience with her was even more obvious on his face.

How could this be?
She had obviously, obviously killed him with her own hands!
Why is she here?

Could it be that God played such a big joke on her? Time turned back again and she returned to her previous life!
"Hurry, don't miss the auspicious moment, it's time to salute." Xi Po next to her urged.

The best man quickly straightened his expression, raised his voice and shouted: "I bow to heaven and earth..."

Lu Song reluctantly bent down.

Su Youyue did not move.

All the guests looked at her, like puppets on strings. The joy on their faces was frozen, and pairs of dull eyes stared at her, making people's hair stand on end.

Su Youyue slowly exhaled and slammed the embroidered fan on the ground: "I can't do this kiss!"

After that, she pushed the wheelchair by herself and tried to walk out of the hall.

She is going to find Xie Yuan.

No matter what the situation is now, whether it is a dream or returning to the previous life, she wants to find Xie Yuan.

She had just taken a step forward when the guests who had just been watching a show suddenly rushed towards her and grabbed her wheelchair with one hand, preventing her from moving.

Su Youyue struggled desperately, and finally fell down. Her legs couldn't use any strength, so she tried to crawl out to escape from this terrible Lu family.

Just as she climbed out of the shadows in the house and touched the golden sunshine outside, the scene in front of her eyes fluctuated again. The next second, she was back in the wheelchair again, holding an embroidered fan in her hand, and beside her were the congratulations of the guests. .

"Congratulations, Mrs. Lu..."

"Lu Song is both civilized and military, and now he has married a noble wife. What a joy and congratulation!"


Su Youyue's chest rose and fell violently. This time, she turned around without hesitation and wanted to walk out, but her body seemed to be even stiffer than before.

The pair of hands stretched out as before, pulled her, and pushed her back into the wheelchair.

Once, twice, three times... the guests' congratulatory voices were like ghosts, and the lingering sound surrounded the wedding hall.

After trying countless times and finding that she could never escape from here, Su Youyue had to sit in a wheelchair and wait quietly to see what would happen next.

She looked at everyone here coldly. Everyone's face was filled with joy, as if today was their big day. However, those faces seemed to be just masks. Behind the smiles, they were expressionless.

Among the crowd, she suddenly saw a man who appeared at an unknown time. He had an ordinary face, and the expression on his face was incompatible with the others. There was no joy or expression on his face, but he was looking straight at her.

Seeing the man's face clearly, Su Youyue, who had been quiet for a long time, once again threw away her embroidered fan and walked towards him.

"Xie Yuan..."

That's Xie Yuan!

It was his appearance after disguise, something she had seen before.

She moved towards him like crazy. This time, his reaction was different from everyone else's. After moving, he walked towards her.

Su Youyue was overjoyed, but the hands around her grabbed her again. This time, they not only grabbed her wheelchair, but directly grabbed her arms, held down her shoulders, and suddenly She pressed down——


She struggled out of the cold and smelly lake water, her lungs hurting as if someone had torn them open from the inside.

She struggled desperately, and just when her head came up from the water, several hands scrambled to hold her down. "Speed ​​up, don't let anyone hear you."

"Mother, I'm coming!"

The voices of the Lu family rang above her head. This time, Su Youyue did not give up the struggle like before. Instead, she tried her best to avoid the hands of several people and struggled to survive in the distance.

But just as she ducked away a little, her vision went dark, and the next moment she heard Lu Song's voice again.

"Speed ​​up, don't let anyone hear you."


Several people's hands reached out again.

Su Youyue froze, staring at the faces of several people under the water. After feeling dizzy for a while, she spit out a string of bubbles and finally sank slowly under the water.

This time, it was time to wake up from this nightmare. A trace of bitterness flashed across her lips.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw a picture she had never seen before.

She seemed to be floating in the sky, overlooking everything in the Lu family.

After she saw her dead, the Lu family asked people to fish her body out, and then they all agreed that she had accidentally fallen into the pond and drowned.

Everyone believed it.

Even Su Rong who came to visit her believed her after crying for her.

Su Qian also came, but he made a mockery of her body.

Not many people came to see her body. There were only a few people coming and going, and the mourning hall soon became empty.

Everyone believed that she had been drowned.

until a man appears.

He was wearing black clothes, dusty and dusty, as if he had just traveled a long way.

The wind was strong, and his cloak was fluttered by the wind like a flag, making a hunting sound.

When the Lu family members saw him, they all hated him. Lu Song thought he was right and stepped forward to stop him.

But he kicked Lu Song over. Lu Song struggled on the ground for a long time, spitting out a mouthful of blood, full of anger and fear.

When other members of the Lu family saw this, they did not dare to stop him.

Finally, the man arrived at the mourning hall.

The coffin is covered.

But he lifted the coffin with his bare hands.

The Lu family who followed were horrified.

His actions were the opposite extreme of the violence just now. He was as gentle as caressing a delicate white flower and gently caressed her face.

Everyone in the Lu family looked at the man's back with panic and disgust.

The man did not turn around, and all Su Youyue could see was his back.

A large group of black-armored soldiers suddenly rushed in outside the Lu family, and surrounded the entire Lu family. The fear in the eyes of everyone in the Lu family was even worse, and they no longer dared to show any hatred.

"Sir, we were wronged. She really drowned accidentally!" Mrs. Lu burst into tears, looking extremely aggrieved.

But the man had no intention of listening to the other person’s nonsense.

"Kill or kill."

His voice was like an evil ghost who had just crawled out of hell, with every word dripping with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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