"you wanna die!"

Xu Ziyao sprinted directly to the woman, stretched out her hand and grabbed her neck, squeezed hard, and died immediately.

She didn't know this woman, but she stole her sachet...

She looked at Zhuang Ziqiong in the crowd, walked straight to Zhuang Ziqiong, stretched out her hand, grabbed Zhuang Ziqiong's neck, and squeezed hard.

"Xu...Xu Ziyao, what are you doing?" Zhuang Ziqiong held her hand with both hands and kept struggling.

Xu Ziyao coldly grabbed Zhuang Ziqiong's head and kept exerting force: "I regret that I said so much to you in the first place!"

Yes, taking away her things and inserting the godhead will have little impact on the whole thing. The most important thing is activation. The godhead is just a key. When the time comes, activation and control of the entire heaven are the most critical.

However, someone stole something from her, which was still very important. If she hid it, it would seriously hinder her plan, so Zhuang Ziqiong must die!

"It's not me!" Zhuang Ziqiong's face turned blue.

When Xu Ziyao dealt with Zhuang Ziqiong, she was not as clean and neat as she had been with that woman before, because she still contained elements of punishment and interrogation.

"Tell me, what is your purpose for doing this?" Xu Ziyao said coldly.

As a key to this godhead, she would definitely activate it no matter what. Zhuang Ziqiong also knew it. Logically speaking, Zhuang Ziqiong would not do such a stupid thing.

However, the fact that the woman was able to find her sachet and take it to activate it was definitely information leaked by Zhuang Ziqiong. Otherwise, with so many people present, why would they keep an eye on her?

Zhuang Ziqiong still shook his head: "Really, I didn't do it."

She was also stupid. Originally, she had planned to find out if there were any undercover agents among the remaining people. If so, she would cooperate directly.

As for the so-called beliefs and positions... she doesn't care, she just wants revenge.

However, she didn't find any undercover agents.

But according to the current situation, there must be an undercover agent, but...

She was certain to die.

And revenge...

Pray that Xu Ziyao fails to activate and dies!

Seeing that Zhuang Ziqiong still didn't say anything useful, Xu Ziyao immediately ended Zhuang Ziqiong's life.

It is better to kill by mistake than to let go!

In the last days, human life is the least valuable.

She will not be stupid because of this matter. She has always considered herself not a good person, but a complete bad person.

Kill whoever you want!

Very violent.

But she didn't care.

She is all about living for herself and the people she loves, selfishly, even if she kills innocent people indiscriminately, she has no regrets.

Seeing Xu Ziyao killing two people directly, most of the people present shrank their necks, for fear that the sickle of death would be placed on their necks.

Most of the people present were uninformed and had no idea that the godhead in the sachet came from Xu Ziyao. They only saw that after someone went up and inserted the godhead into the activation device, Xu Ziyao came up and killed the woman.

Later, he captured another woman and killed her again.

The senseless killing made everyone feel scared.

If someone kills people in a regular manner, most people won't feel scared unless they really do something they shouldn't do, but it makes people feel scared if it's unreasonable and without any reason.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Xu Ziyao ignored it.

It's normal for some people to be afraid.

But she won't explain too much. If she did, she would inevitably reveal some information that shouldn't be disclosed and could be used by interested people.

Next, Xu Ziyao did not go up directly, but waited quietly in the crowd

Originally, no one except Zhuang Ziqiong knew that someone would die if he went up to activate it, but now that this happened, that was no longer certain.

There are definitely undercover agents. In her opinion, there are only two purposes of being an undercover agent. One is naturally to control the heaven, and the other is to kill her.

Because she had not dealt with a mysterious person before. If this person came here, he would take action against her.

But the possibility of the latter is a bit low.

If it is for the control of heaven, and if he knows that he will die if the activation fails, then the undercover agent will not take the initiative to activate it, but will wait until the activation is about to succeed.

Because they don't need to activate it themselves, they just need to spread the information to the outside world and let the people from the Lighthouse Alliance come over. Their mission is... not to let the Chinese people gain control.

And if it is to deal with her, it will not go up. Instead of blocking the probability of successful activation, it is better to directly deal with the person who can activate it.

"Please come forward voluntarily to activate, otherwise it will be enforced according to the system list."

The prompt sound of the Tianting base system sounded.

Immediately, many people lined up to get ready to activate.

After activation, if successful, you will be able to gain control of the entire Heavenly Base. And according to what was said before, wouldn't it mean that you will become the Earth Emperor, and the whole world will listen to the words of the successful activation person?

This naturally makes many people excited.

Of course, the premise of all this is...not knowing that failure to activate will lead to death.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyao scanned the crowd, trying to find someone who was refusing to activate. However, after taking a closer look, most people had the desire to activate. The remaining ones waited for a while and then went to line up.

No obvious abnormalities were found.

I hope...everything is okay.

Xu Ziyao prayed in her heart.

Soon, the first one to go up was a boy, sitting on the stool.

As soon as he sat down, the lids of the countless small cylinders around the stool opened one after another, revealing long blue tube-like jelly strips as thick as a finger, which moved towards the man's head, and then stuck tightly to the man's head. .

"First activation attempt..."

In the center, a projection screen appeared, showing the progress of the activation:


The progress bar moves slowly.

The man sitting on the chair also lowered his head and fell into coma.

Everyone looked at him nervously.

If this is successfully activated by a man, it will be extremely regrettable for the people behind.

The opportunity to become more than millions of people was simply missed.


The progress bar only reached 9% and went no further.


The man immediately bleeded from all his orifices, and stood up from the chair suddenly. His blood-stained eyes were full of madness, and his behavior was extremely crazy. He grabbed his head with both hands, slammed on the ground for a while, and rushed towards the nearest person for a while. , put your face against that person’s face.

"You know what! I have realized the true meaning of the universe, Asakobiqi..." A bunch of nonsense made everyone panic, and then.

The man fell to the ground, twitching continuously, spitting out the last mouthful of foam, and lost his breath.

Completely dead!

...(End of chapter)

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