Zhang Yan couldn't help but want to yell. It made him stay in this box for so long. For him, it was all anxiety!

It would be better if he could look at Xu Ziyao.

However, he still believed that with Xu Ziyao's ability, reaching the finish line would not be a problem at all.

In other words, Xu Ziyao will not be eliminated and her life will not be in danger.

After groping the inside of the dormant chamber several times with his hands, Zhang Yan still couldn't find a switch. He tried to open his eyes.

When he just opened his eyes, he felt a burning sensation. He had never learned to swim before, so he was still a little uncomfortable opening his eyes in the water.

However, I quickly adapted to it.

The liquid soaking his body was very clean. Apart from the initial discomfort, once he got used to it, there was nothing strange about it.

In this transparent liquid, Zhang Yan carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

In the end, I still couldn't find the switch to get out.

Could it be that this one really has to wait until the end to be opened?

Zhang Yan thought for a while and finally decided to give it another try.

He touched every other place in the cabin, and the one thing he hadn't touched yet was the oxygen and oxygen supply device he wore on his head, which was the same as a mask.

He searched up and down, but still couldn't find the switch.

It really made him a little impatient, so he simply took a deep breath, then took off the mask, preparing to take a closer look.

This was the only place he couldn't find clearly. If he really couldn't find the switch to get out, he would have no choice but to stay in there, sleep during the day, sleep at night... and enjoy the torture of extreme boredom.

However, when he took it off, there was a slight vibration in the entire dormant cabin, and then there was a "click!" and the door opened.

All the transparent liquid flowed out of the cabin and flowed into the special treatment pipeline along the slightly sloping ground.

Zhang Yan looked excited and had a smile on his face.

"It turns out that to open the hatch, you only need to take off the mask!"

After leaving, Zhang Yan swayed a little, shook off the water on his body, then put on the clothes he had put aside, and hurried back to the place where he woke up in the first place.

The temperature here is very suitable. If it weren't for the liquid on his body... just like water, Zhang Yan could take off his coat and go to sleep without being cold at all.

Returning to the huge space, Zhang Yan came to the screen and pulled it with both hands.

He quietly stared at Xu Ziyao climbing mountains, crossing rivers, and running on the plains step by step.

Seeing Xu Ziyao gritting her teeth sometimes and walking on.

Zhang Yan felt very uncomfortable.

He scratched the projection screen with two fingers to enlarge the picture and looked at Xu Ziyao's face for a long time.

Originally...it should have been a very delicate and fair little face, but now?

They have all become withered and yellow, and it can be said that you can see the feeling of vicissitudes of life.

Girls with better skin at the beginning will be more severely damaged than ordinary people if they are exposed to too much wind and sun at a time.

Next, Zhang Yan stared at Xu Ziyao who was taking the exam for several hours. He was also a little sleepy. Except for Xu Ziyao who was always on the road, everyone else inside more or less took a rest.

The Xuanwu rolling behind is not very fast. As long as it can pull out a long enough distance at the beginning, it can free up some time to rest.

Of course, this rest time will not be very long, only about half an hour at most. If it is more, they will not be able to spare it.

As for Xu Ziyao, if she wanted to rest, at her current level, she could spare several days or more.

However, according to Zhang Yan, Xu Ziyao probably won't rest. After waiting for a while, Zhang Yan was about to fall asleep looking at Xu Ziyao's face, when Xu Ziyao stopped.

Is she going to rest?

Zhang Yan guessed.

But...randomly, his eyes widened.

Xu Ziyao came to a river and washed her own face, and also washed the "Zhang Yan" she was carrying inside.

Then...a kiss.

Although it was just the cheek, Zhang Yan's heart melted when he saw it.

After the kiss, Xu Ziyao's face quickly became energetic again. Once her hair was tied up again, her whole person immediately looked much more agile.

She got up and carried "Zhang Yan" on her back again. When she was about to go on her way, she looked at the reflection in the river and murmured: "The face has become rough and black, so ugly... I wonder if Zhang Yan can Do you dislike it?"

"I don't mind it!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yan said it immediately. Just when he was moved, he would not feel embarrassed if he said it.

Now, although the picture in front of him was a projection, he could still hear the sounds in the assessment. When he heard Xu Ziyao's words, the source of the sound sounded as if the picture in front of him was an invisible window opened in the assessment.

The closer you are to Xu Ziyao, the louder and clearer the sound is, and vice versa.

As for him, the source of the sound is also very strange, as if the speakers are placed on both sides of his ears. No matter how he moves, the sound will sound the same as long as it is within a certain range of the screen.

Zhang Yan watched Xu Ziyao run a long distance with great emotion.

Xu Ziyao seemed to be very tired. She kept walking and stopping, panting, and her chest kept rising and falling, but she still gritted her teeth and walked.

Zhang Yan could see all of this very clearly, and he could zoom in on the camera.

Not to mention Xu Ziyao's small mouth, he could even see the white and fluffy body hair on Xu Ziyao's face... No, the name of the body hair is inappropriate, it should be called fine hair or down.

Suddenly, Zhang Yan had a sudden idea.

Will this lens wear mold?

If you have an idea, it’s natural to take action.

He immediately moved the camera to the ground nearby, and then punched the ground hard.

If he were playing a game to test this idea, he would definitely find a female character and try to see some weird things.

However, the world in this assessment is too real, so... he doesn't want to do this.

Look at Xu Ziyao... It's not necessary, and it's not like she's hungry or thirsty.

Looking at other women... That's even worse. If he doesn't look at his own wife, why should he look at other people?

Therefore, Zhang Yan chose to fight the ground.

After arguing for a while, it turned out that I couldn't get in, which means... the idea of ​​wearing a mold was unsuccessful.

Completed this interesting exploration.

Zhang Yan adjusted the projection screen and found a nearby wall to sleep against.

Originally, he wanted to stay with Xu Ziyao.

But when he thought about it carefully, it was not necessary!

Xu Ziyao is here to pass the exam, but what about him?

Just to prove that I... am also suffering.

Isn't this just a fool?

It's better to take a good rest, just take a good rest, and then if Xu Ziyao passes the exam, he can help.

...(End of chapter)

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