"What a strange idea!"

Xu Ziyao shook her head.

Then she jumped into the town behind the truck.

The town was deserted. Apart from the corpses of zombies everywhere, there were also some horrific corpses of survivors, including men, women, old and young.

Moreover, the death of women is more tragic, and they basically die after suffering humiliation, while most of the men die with one fatal blow, without too much torture...except for a few who are more delicate, and women. The state of death is almost the same.

Xu Ziyao is not surprised by this.

In the apocalypse, women are mostly burdensome, so the number of women is very small in the beginning.

However, after stabilizing, people always have to deal with their physiological needs. If there are no women at this time, then naturally a few weak and handsome men will not be able to escape the clutches.

Xu Ziyao wandered around this small town and found some cages and some survivors who were tied up and tortured to satisfy some kind of fetish. She rescued them a few times and escaped directly.

She is not a good person and cannot do any more good things.

Being able to untie these people from the iron chains of the iron cage or the ropes tied to their bodies was based on the idea of ​​​​gaining virtue for Zhang Yan.

She didn't believe in God before, but now...it doesn't hurt to believe in it.

Soon, Xu Ziyao drove the off-road vehicle on the road again.

We have driven more than 600 kilometers and are still more than 3,000 kilometers away from our destination.

From day to night, every few hours of driving, she would always stop the car and make slight corrections. At the same time, she would turn over for Zhang Yan and continue to put on the nutrient solution.

Since she couldn't feed him liquid food, she planned to keep giving Zhang Yan nutrient solution. Although this nutrient solution would definitely not be replenished during normal meals, it could at least save his life.

If this continues in the long run, that will naturally not work.

Therefore, she must hurry up.

After hanging up the water for Zhang Yan... Xu Ziyao found a toilet nearby and took care of her physiological needs. When she came back, she saw Zhang Yan and suddenly froze on the spot.

Zhang Yan...do you want to go to the toilet?

Ah this...

She hadn't considered it before, but now that she thought about it carefully, Zhang Yan had indeed not gone to the toilet for more than a day.

But how to get there?

This is too much...

Xu Ziyao's cheeks turned pink.

Tell me, what if this doesn’t happen and your bladder explodes?

If this is done...how?

After hesitating on the spot for a long time, Xu Ziyao finally couldn't figure out how to do it.

I can only hope that Zhang Yan can solve it by himself.

and so……

She pulled out a large diaper.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Zhang Yan...it's okay, no shame, you're just unconscious, otherwise you definitely don't need this thing..."

Xu Ziyao murmured and quickly completed the installation work.

Regarding this matter, she was still very different from last time.

When she was a child, there were no girls to play house with her, so she pulled Zhang Yan to play with her. Although Zhang Yan was very unhappy, she still came over to keep her company: she didn’t do anything, she did everything, and what else could she say? Things like diapers are originally done by girls...

Well, that's right, that's right...she does it now.

This is directly related to what happened to her when she was a child, completing a closed loop.

After finishing, Xu Ziyao sat aside, looking into the distance, and couldn't help but doubt her life.

Everyone falls in love, gets married, then has sex, then makes babies... this is a normal process.

Although in the society before the apocalypse, it was popular to have sex first and then get married, or to have sex and then not get married, but...there was no one like her who put Zhang Yan in diapers. "It's really difficult~"

Xu Ziyao held her cheek, then secretly took out her mobile phone to record this "beautiful moment".

Although it is outrageous... it will be very interesting if Zhang Yan wakes up. . .

I can handle Zhang Yan well again.

Think about it, if Zhang Yan doesn't have sex with her, she will take out this photo, and then Zhang Yan can only be intimate with her.

Well, a very good plan!

With such a little idea, Xu Ziyao's whole mood was different and very happy when driving.

For former sweethearts, collecting, finding, and creating dirty information, and then...preserving it, is a great pleasure.

Of course, it may not be fun for Zhang Yan.

But...she is sensible!

In the past, she had never spread any negative information about Zhang Yan. At that time, she adhered to the idea: "Family scandals should not be spread outside."

Moreover, this black material would be of no use if spread outside, it would only embarrass Zhang Yan.

For her, is the purpose of embarrassing Zhang Yan? Of course not, she has many purposes.

At first, I just wanted to make Zhang Yan obedient, because at that time, when I was still young, I felt that Zhang Yan was making trouble every day and didn't learn well, but now... of course it's because of Seese.


Xu Ziyao admitted that she was indeed addicted.

She doesn’t know why, but for some reason, the so-called sage mode of boys suddenly passed away for her.

Unlike boys, a sage, a sage, and a sage can only be sage for half a day, one day, or three days.

"Wouldn't this look very slutty?"

Xu Ziyao was thinking while driving.

Boring driving can always make people naturally enter a state of thinking. No matter what they are thinking about, they are thinking anyway.

Thinking about it carefully, she herself felt that her previous behavior seemed to be a bit excessive, too frequent.


She wants to speak for herself here.

She had always only been with Zhang Yan, and it was quite normal, and she didn't play too much. Many props had not been used yet. At most, they were used too often.

If this is called debauchery... then, those women who have a family background still come out to steal food, hook up with others, and engage in various affairs. What should these women be called?



This is what she calls loving someone deeply.

To put it simply, it’s two words: “affectionate.”

Very deep emotions.

After this very rigorous self-examination, Xu Ziyao successfully labeled her previous behavior as "affectionate" and imagined that she would continue to maintain the status quo in the future.


For now, it's best to head to the Sky Burial Mountain as soon as possible.

Cure Zhang Yan as soon as possible.

If Zhang Yan can't be cured...all the enjoyment, all hopes will be shattered.

Xu Ziyao has already made plans.

If it really couldn't be cured, she would go to the Lighthouse Alliance headquarters to grab the antidote. If she couldn't grab the antidote, she would have to make the other party pay the price.

With her strength, it would be a bit difficult to go all out and bring down the entire Lighthouse Alliance, but if the Lighthouse Alliance exists in the shadows, she is still confident.

burn one's boats!

...(End of chapter)

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