Under the cover of night, an off-road vehicle was driving rapidly on the national highway, and a melodious song spilled out of the car window:


At this time, the person I love is on the road, and I know that he has been traveling through wind and rain and will not be rewarded by the sunset.

I cross the sea of ​​people just to embrace you. At this moment, the bright moon is shining in the sky, and the person I love is holding the stars in my hands.

I know that he rode the wind and waves for a journey into darkness, and I feel the same way and give you the desire for salvation.

Knowing that you can't keep you feeling makes the starlight add a little rainbow.

Let the cherry blossoms kiss your forehead secretly, and let the beauty of the world be linked to you.


Xu Ziyao's heart moved when she heard the song, and she slowly stopped the car on the side of the road.

At this time, the national highway was in a mess.

Because it is a national highway, although there are many abandoned vehicles and zombies on the road, it is at least walkable. If not, you can take a detour.

So she chose to take the national highway instead of the highway.

If you want to take the expressway, there will probably be traffic jams here and there.

After getting off the car, Xu Ziyao's first thing was to clear the area nearby.

Even if she doesn't activate her skills, with her current strength, nothing can hurt her except for individual survivors and a large zombie wave that can't be killed all.

After cleaning up, she started to set up the pot to cook...

Because Xu Ziyao has a large appetite, she chooses to use local ingredients when it comes to food on the road, as long as she brings pots and pans with her.

Otherwise... all the way down, it would take three days just to drive. You would have to find a gas station along the way, you would have to take a detour when you encountered an abandoned vehicle blocking the road ahead, and you would have to feed Zhang Yan and turn him over regularly. The total time would be It takes seven days to prime.

This is not counting her rest time.

Of course, she doesn't need to rest, as her physical fitness can still withstand it for a long time.

Although Xu Ziyao had two full months, she still had to use it sparingly and try to save some for unknown problems that might arise.

Moreover, it would be best if Zhang Yan could be rescued as soon as possible, because he is lying like a vegetative state now. In a vegetative state, if he has been lying for too long without exercise, his muscles may atrophy, and some other problems may occur.

It didn't take long for Xu Ziyao to get a lot of food and snacks from the nearby supermarket.

One advantage of walking along the national highway is that you can see houses where people live everywhere, as well as supermarkets, restaurants, gas stations, etc. If you are missing anything, you can get it locally.

For her first meal on the trip, she chose instant noodles, which were simple and delicious.

It was already dark, and she was sitting in the car, holding a pot of freshly soaked noodles and slurping them alone.

The back of the car has been slightly modified. Half of the space is a small bed for Zhang Yan to lie on, and the other half is a small storage box for Zhang Yan's things.

Zhang Yan is in a coma now. Eating, drinking and defecating... are all a big problem.

Eating and drinking was okay. She had specially found some liquid food, and she could also store nutrient solutions... Before the end of the world, when she was stocking up on medicines, she just stocked up on them.

And Lazarus...

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyao raised her head and looked at Zhang Yan through the rearview mirror in the car, with a blush on her fair face.

Quickly finish the noodles in the basin and clean and tidy up the pots and pans.

Then, she opened the back door, sat next to Zhang Yan, and stared blankly for a long time.

"Ah! What should I do?" Xu Ziyao supported her little head with both hands and shook it.

In the past, she had watched TV dramas in which if an old man was dying and could not move, and was in a vegetative state, women would basically take care of him, such as a female nurse, daughter, or daughter-in-law.

In her opinion, most of the nursing work is left to women. One reason is because of the long-term thinking and structure of men taking the lead outside and women taking the lead inside. The other is because... women are more special. If the patient is a man, then it is normal for women to be responsible for the care, but if it is the other way around...the patient is a woman, let men do the care.

Xu Ziyao can be sure that most people will resist it, especially women's husbands.

Of course, she would also object to Zhang Yan being touched by a strange female nurse, touching here, touching here...well, it was normal care, and some relatively private issues could not be avoided.

But resistance is conflict, and when it really comes down to her life, she won't make a fuss. Life is the most important thing.

In Xu Ziyao's ideal state, if she gets too old first and is like Zhang Yan now, when she has to be taken care of by someone to eat, drink, poop, and bathe, she would rather Zhang Yan does it.

Anyway, Zhang Yan has already seen almost all of them.

And if Zhang Yanxian is too old...

Xu Ziyao quietly climbed onto the small bed where Zhang Yan slept, lying sideways next to him, and looked at him quietly.

Now... isn't this the case?

This small bed is not small. It can be quite comfortable for two people lying side by side, but she doesn't want to sleep with Zhang Yan.

She still knows exactly what position and appearance she sleeps in.

In the past, when Zhang Yan was not unconscious, she didn't need to be afraid, and he could hug him or hug him casually. But now that Zhang Yan was unconscious, if he was pressed down by her, he would be suffocated and probably wouldn't make a sound.

That would be troublesome!

"Oh, by the way! I haven't had my injection at night!" Xu Ziyao suddenly thought of something, sat up immediately, and took out the box of medicine from the cabinet next to her.

After the injection, she gave Zhang Yan nutrient solution.

It's better not to eat liquid food at night, for fear of indigestion.

After dealing with this, Xu Ziyao could clearly feel that Zhang Yan's breathing was more even. If it were before, he should have slept more soundly.

"Wipe you down...and then..."

Xu Ziyao stood at the door of the car and looked at Zhang Yan for a while, and finally decided... to help Zhang Yan clean up.

Well, before I just wiped normal places like my hands, face, and feet.

But you can't just wipe these places. Zhang Yan doesn't know how to get up and take a shower by himself, so some places have to be cleaned sooner or later.

After a while, Xu Ziyao had prepared all the necessary things, but sitting next to Zhang Yan, she still couldn't make a move.

She could now understand why Zhang Yan only changed her outer clothes instead of her underwear.

"I'm not going to do anything weird, why should I be afraid, why should I not dare?"

"Besides, Zhang Yan is in a coma, and a comatose person can't do weird things..."


"What am I talking about?"

Xu Ziyao wiped her hands and wrung out a towel dipped in hot water.

Then he wiped Zhang Yan's face, hands, and feet... and waited until the next step...

"Um...wipe it on first!"

She lifted up Zhang Yan's shirt and wiped it carefully.

Soon, she wiped all the places that could be wiped clean.

And it can't be wiped...

...(End of chapter)

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