
Before Xu Ziyao got in the car, Xu Zhiguo stopped in front of her and solemnly apologized.

Xu Ziyao shook her head: "It's okay. I don't care about what happened when I was a child."

Xu Zhiguo nodded blankly twice. He originally had thousands of words to say, but in the end he still couldn't.

Yes, when he was a child, he was wrong.

Now, he was at fault too!

"Yao Yao..." Xu Zhiguo took out a small sachet from his pocket, "Take this and hang it on Zhang Yan. It can bring good luck."

Xu Ziyao took the sachet and put it in her pocket.

Looking at Xu Zhiguo, she bit her lip: "Dad, thank you."

"I'm leaving. If you're on the farm... take a look around. If you want to find Zhang Yan's parents, you can..." Xu Ziyao finally told Xu Zhiguo how to get in touch with Zhang Yan's parents below.

Before, she had explained normal things, such as not exposing the base, but Zhang Yan's parents had not mentioned Xu Zhiguo.

Her heart... was very complicated.

She also couldn't figure out why she didn't let Zhang Yan's parents know that her biological father had come to find her.

However, now she couldn't help it anymore.

No matter how much she hates her biological parents... actually, she doesn't, because even if they barely visited her when she was a child, she was never told that she was a child without a father or a mother.

At every parent-teacher meeting, Zhang Yan's parents would give her a prescription in the name of her parents. Whenever she encountered any problems, Zhang Yan's parents would take her parents' place to deal with the teacher... …

Even when she was mistaken for puppy love, her parents were called over. One was Zhang Yan's father and the other was Zhang Yan's mother. They both pretended not to know each other and went against a teacher who was deliberately looking for trouble.

At that time...she had a lot of unspeakable feelings in her heart.

In short, although her parents seldom looked at her, they did not cause her any great harm.


Only now did Xu Ziyao know why Zhang Yan's parents could help her handle matters such as student status, ID card, etc. even though her own parents didn't show up.

This is probably not due to Zhang Yan's parents' ability to find connections, but...her biological parents helped. After all, they work for the Chinese government.

This is much better than some parents who are unable to take care of their children, but for the sake of face, do not let well-intentioned people help.

In addition, now, Xu Zhiguo has given up his chance to survive to Zhang Yan.

Xu Ziyao no longer has any resentment towards her parents.

Still grateful.

"Okay, please pay attention to your own safety..." Xu Zhiguo felt his heart aching in waves.

Is it conscience...or heart?

At the farm gate.

Xu Ziyao drove out slowly and said to Xu Zhiguo, who had been following her: "Dad, please go back first. Don't send her away. Zhang Yan's parents are watching inside. Go and reminisce with them."

As she said this, she couldn't help but smile.

If they hadn't seen each other for so many years, Zhang Yan's parents would probably scold her father bloody and not care about their daughter at all.

"Are they there too?"

"Yeah." Xu Ziyao nodded.

Probably seeing Xu Zhiguo here, they didn't come out to disturb him.

If it was a normal relationship, then Zhang Yan's parents would definitely come over and send her out together. However, her parents had not spent such a long time with her for several years, or even more than ten years since childhood.

Zhang Yan's parents probably couldn't bear to disturb him. "Okay." Xu Zhiguo nodded and couldn't help but beat his heart.

If this goes away and things don't go well, we may have to get together underground.

Just as he turned around to return, a reflection flashed across the ground in the distance. The calm in front of him was instantly broken by the sudden light, and Xu Zhiguo stopped in alarm.

His eyes were fixed on the reflection, and he instinctively felt that it might be an uninvited guest hidden in the forest. As the reflection moved, his heartbeat seemed to rise with a hint of nervousness.

Although he is not a soldier, he still undergoes certain training in order to deal with various situations.

Immediately, he knew that the reflection was probably a sniper rifle or something, and the target...

Xu Zhiguo immediately ran towards where Xu Ziyao was, quickly arrived and stood in front of the car window, spreading his body to act as a human wall.

Then, suddenly, a bullet came silently and passed through his forehead.

His body stiffened for a moment, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, and then he lost consciousness. The whole body was leaning against the car door like a heavy sack, slowly sliding down, leaving a bright red blood stain on the ground. The scene suddenly fell into deathly silence.


Xu Ziyao was stunned, came to her senses, immediately opened the car door from the other side and rushed out.

After seeing that the bullet was shot from the forehead, she quickly ran towards the direction where the sniper rifle shot and opened her bloody eyes.

After struggling so many times, I’m still jumping here!

She was extremely angry, unprecedentedly angry.

In the process of running quickly, Xu Ziyao's eyes were completely occupied by scarlet, blood red like flames.

However, what is striking is that there is another color in the center of her eyes: purple!

The deep and mysterious purple was like a star blooming in the deep night sky. It was in sharp contrast with the blood red, making it look particularly unusual.

These eyes contain indescribable power, as if they carry some mysterious destiny.

Purple occupies a small area, only a little bit, about 1%, but just such a little change made Xu Ziyao feel a different change in all the senses of her body.

I can see farther and clearer, my hearing has improved several levels, and my head is becoming clearer and more rational.

This reason is not the same as the pink eyes that forced him to reason before, but a kind of... that can face his own anger very rationally.

Strictly speaking, the pink eyes suppressed the anger in her heart, while the purple eyes improved her rationality and other aspects of sensory experience.

Comparing the two, Xu Ziyao is more inclined to have purple eyes in this situation.

Suppressing anger will make her suppress herself and become afraid to act. The coexistence of reason and anger can allow her to achieve her current status to the greatest extent while ensuring safety.

Moreover, in addition to this, it can also improve the abilities of various senses, making it very easy for her to find people!

Soon, Xu Ziyao rushed into the forest, shuttled through the trees at extremely fast speeds, and came to the place where the sniper rifle was fired.

Still the same as before, there was only one sniper rifle on the ground, but the person was gone.

After firing one shot, he ran away without even having time to take away the sniper rifle.


If it was before, then she might have passed by like this, because the entire Forest Mountain was so big, and for her to find Ginny and others, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

but now!

Her various perceptions have been greatly improved. In the last days of her previous life, she would have to wait for her second evolution before she would have the unique skills that the lucky ones would gain.

Under normal circumstances, a person can only obtain one type of bonus, such as hearing, vision, etc. If other people have obtained bonuses in strength, speed, etc., it is also difficult to obtain sensory bonuses. Disaster.

In her previous life, Xu Ziyao had only heard of one person, and he only had the double bonus of speed and strength.

And now, her strength and speed have been enhanced, coupled with the enhancement of her vision, hearing and other senses, she is unprecedentedly powerful.

Ginny can't run away!

Must die!

...(End of chapter)

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