Chapter 167: Watch some beauties?

Maybe it's because I feel strange and uneasy.

If this white cat were a male cat, Zhang Yan would feel very strange.

But it would be much better if it was a female cat.

After all, Xu Ziyao is a girl, and it feels more appropriate for a girl to stay with a female cat.

If there is anything else, it is that he has heard before that female cats are much better behaved than male cats, they will not run around casually, and they are less likely to attack people randomly.

When he bathed the white cat just now, the white cat didn't even give him a paw, which is the best proof.

"Stay there, I'll get you some food later." Zhang Yan explained once more, stood up and left.

The white cat watched the two-legged shit shoveler leave, put down his head, found a comfortable position, curled up, and was about to take a long nap.

The sudden sound of gunfire in the middle of the night frightened her.



Zhang Yan saw Li Fangzheng sitting at the door, and he didn't know where to get a cigarette, and smoked it until it was filled with smoke.

Wu Shuai and Han Zhuang were sitting on a small wooden stool, leaning against the wall, sleeping soundly.

Being pulled up late at night and being so frightened was a double torture for their bodies and minds, and they were already exhausted.

Zhang Yan glanced at the door. Han Huilin had gone out to pick some fruits and hadn't come back yet.

Some of the fruits and vegetables in the planting area are not all grown from seeds, and some are attached to trees or already viable seedlings.

Otherwise, it takes several years for some fruit trees to grow from saplings to being able to bear fruit. This would not be in vain.

Zhang Yan looked at the two sleeping brothers without waking them up. He turned around and walked to the kitchen to cook some noodles. It was almost eight o'clock in the morning and they hadn't had breakfast yet.

For him, cooking is as simple as eating and drinking. Of course, this does not mean how delicious it is. It is impossible for a normal family to cook every meal like in a hotel.

Basically, as long as the taste is passable, it's basically fine.

After finishing the porridge, Zhang Yan specially filled a basin and placed it on the table under the cover to let it cool... Well, it was for Xu Ziyao.

Xu Ziyao used to eat basically one bowl, and sometimes she would feel full even if she didn't get even one bowl.

But recently, as if since the end of the world, this appetite has been steadily increasing.

Zhang Yan might have forgotten or not noticed other small things, but how could he forget such a big thing like eating?

Is it possible that Xu Ziyao can still be hungry?

How can this be?

Afterwards, Zhang Yan simply cooked a few side dishes and called everyone over for breakfast. At the same time, he also brought a bowl and some dishes to Zhang Zhengming.

Zhang Zhengming was in pain and didn't want to eat at first, but he couldn't stand Zhang Yan staring at him, coaxing and coaxing him, and even trying to feed him, so he could only eat honestly.

He could feel... his son seemed to have changed a lot.

I can even feed him.

I was really touched.

"Zhang Yan, you better take care of Xu Ziyao when you have time. I'll just let your mother take care of her." Zhang Zhengming still couldn't help but say.

"Dad, aren't you happy that I'm taking care of you?" Zhang Yan joked. He would never have been like this before.

Because of Xu Ziyao's arrival, he foolishly thought that his parents were partial, and they had conflicts for a long time, which still have some influence to this day.


Now that he is with Xu Ziyao, he understands... I have been looking for a wife for him since he was a child!

Maybe this is a bit inappropriate to say. After all, when Xu Ziyao was a little girl, she regarded others as her daughter-in-law. What is the difference between this and the previous child brides?

He felt that what his parents did was quite appropriate. He really had no intention of bringing her together. He completely regarded Xu Ziyao as his own child. Sometimes he would catch her and beat her if she misbehaved.Although the number of times like this was very rare, only two or three times in his memory, these were rare happy times when he was a child - he mainly focused on causing misfortune.

But later on, luckily, they really came together.

The estrangement between him and his parents seemed to be slowly dissolving due to this reason. Today, Zhang Zhengming's leg was broken, which was a huge leap.

There are some things that I should say to my parents and to Xu Ziyao. They are all my family members who hide them and maintain some kind of face, image, and personality.

No one knows which day will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

Just laugh, if he has an accident first, this can also leave a good memory for everyone.

Zhang Zhengming was silent for a long time. He moved his mouth and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"Dad, don't worry about it. How about..." Zhang Yan hesitated and turned on the TV in front of the bedroom to see if there were any regular film and television materials. "Watch something...beauties...?"

To say this is indeed outrageous, too outrageous.

Zhang Yan felt it himself.

However, he felt that if he didn't say something else, his father would probably say something sad.

He could already guess that there was definitely something like "Son, you have grown up!"

Rather than that, it's better...

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Han Huilin's voice came from behind.

She held a bowl of fruit in her hand and looked at the father and son with a smile.

"Aha!" Zhang Yan scratched the back of his head, "Mom, if it's okay, I'll go work first."

"Oh, by the way, if dad is still in severe pain, then go call Xu Ziyao, she knows where the medicine is."

Han Huilin said coldly: "No, just let Xu Ziyao have a good sleep."

"Your won't hurt. After still want to see beautiful women, right?"

Zhang Yan immediately explained: "This is my suggestion, just..."

Han Huilin sneered and drove Zhang Yan out: "Son, I know, go ahead and get busy."


"What's wrong?" Han Huilin locked the door and walked towards Zhang Zhengming step by step, "Are you in the mood to see beautiful women?"

Zhang Zhengming looked at the ceiling helplessly.

"Wife, I said... our son has grown up, do you believe it?"

"What kind of virtue do you not know about your son after so many years? How could you be asked to see beautiful women?" Han Huilin picked up the TV remote control and pressed it casually.

Suddenly, a TV series called "My Wife is a Hot Beauty 3" came into view.

The TV is connected to the LAN. Although there are permission restrictions, you can still watch most normal TV sets and programs before the end of the world.

"Well... I don't know why there is one." The exposed cover on the TV, which had even been reviewed and checked, made the atmosphere between Zhang Zhengming and Han Huilin fall into a freezing point.

"Honey, for the sake of my leg being injured... just..." Zhang Zhengming hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Han Huilin picked up the fruit on the side: "How can I beat you? Am I that kind of person? Come, I will feed you hot fruit..."

"Hotter than me~"

Zhang Zhengming: Son, I thank you!

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(End of this chapter)

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