Chapter 154 Awakened from a Dream
If someone says that beautiful girls sleep quietly, like a kitten, soft and soft, and they will also burrow into your arms.

Then Zhang Yan will definitely have a good argument with that person.

When Xu Ziyao sleeps, she is indeed soft and fragrant, and he understands this very well.

Because, while he was sleeping, Xu Ziyao suddenly reached out and pulled him over, and then hugged him.

Xu Ziyao simply regarded him as a sleeping doll on her own bed.

At first, I simply hugged him to sleep, stretched out my little hands, put my slender little arms on his neck, and pressed my forehead against his jawline. Her warm breath could blow directly to his neck, which made it tickle. Comfortable.

After that, Xu Ziyao seemed to be asleep, so she stretched her thighs and straddled his chest. It was a little uncomfortable, but it was okay.

But what makes Zhang Yan most uncomfortable is that Xu Ziyao's little feet will move around when he sleeps. You must know that Xu Ziyao's thigh is still straddling his chest.

If your little feet move around, it's easy to accidentally injure the heirloom.

So, Zhang Yan stared at Xu Ziyao's thigh, turned over abruptly, turned his body to the other side, and slept on his side.

Xu Ziyao seemed to find it so hard and uncomfortable, and she still wanted to turn him over even as she fell asleep.

This made Zhang Yan very uncomfortable.

He couldn't even sleep well.

And Xu Ziyao... these actions were all done while she was sound asleep. Just like when she was sleeping, she turned over her sleeping doll - she never woke up.

What a comfortable sleep!

Fortunately, Xu Ziyao turned Zhang Yan over several times to no avail. She still felt that today's "sleeping doll" was a little taller than usual, and much harder than before. She didn't notice that her thighs were leaning against her. On Zhang Yan's ribs.

So, after turning over the sleeping doll for the last time, she lay directly on it, her legs bent like a little frog, and her body hung on Zhang Yan like a little kangaroo.

Now, Xu Ziyao felt comfortable, because the "sleeping doll" underneath was soft and warm, just like a warm baby.

As a sleeping doll, Zhang Yan also felt comfortable. At least Xu Ziyao was honest, and in the current position, Xu Ziyao just slept on his lower abdomen and chest, which was no problem at all.

Zhang Yan used the faint light of the night light to glance down at Xu Ziyao, who was lying on the side of her head near his collarbone, and his heart skipped a few beats.

So lovely!
From his perspective, Xu Ziyao's sleeping posture with a side face directly conferred the title of god.

The forehead looks smoother and fairer against the background of the bangs. Looking from top to bottom, the small bridge of the nose is more firm and three-dimensional. The eyebrows, eyelashes, and rosy mouth... needless to say.

What made Zhang Yan feel a strange sense of beauty the most was Xu Ziyao's two twin ponytails, one on each side, hanging down on both sides of his neck.

Although it may be due to the game before going to bed, or Xu Ziyao's poor sleeping posture just now, the ponytail is slightly messy, but it also looks more real, good-looking, and youthful.

If Xu Ziyao always sleeps in this position...

That's not impossible.

Zhang Yan smiled knowingly, closed his eyes, and fell into a sweet dream.

Tonight’s dream is particularly sweet!


Just when Zhang Yan and Xu Ziyao were sleeping soundly, the screen of Xu Ziyao's mobile phone lit up on the small table beside the bed. The middle of the screen showed a flashing red frame with a "warning" triangle pattern, and at the same time, a notification of an incoming call popped up at the top. The square frame emits the sound of two bells that are noisy with each other.

Although the sound was loud, the two people next to him seemed not to hear it.

After a while, the alarm sound was still ringing, but the notification ringtone on Xu Ziyao's cell phone had hung up. Instead, Zhang Yan's cell phone lit up and the call ring tone sounded.

I don't know how long it took, but a bombing sound many times louder than the ringtone came from outside.


At the same time, the whole house was shaken.Such a big movement made Zhang Yan's eyebrows move slightly, but he still hadn't left the gentle countryside.

It seems that after a night of staying up late and working hard, coupled with the fact that there is such a soft little girl hanging on his chest, Zhang Yan's sleep quality is many times higher than before.


A powerful and harsh roar came from the direction of the living room, and the entire bedroom door was blown open.


Zhang Yan woke up suddenly and sat up instantly. He subconsciously reached out to grab the pants next to him to cover his key parts.

After reaching out, he found nothing and found...

He's already wearing clothes and pants, so why are you panicking?
And, it was a dream!

He was sleeping soundly. People often say that what you do during the day is what you dream about at night. He happened to dream about going out to open a room with Xu Ziyao.

Well, it was still sneaky, behind Xu Ziyao's parents' back.

Then for some reason, Xu Ziyao's parents forcibly broke in. That "Bang!" was so appropriate.

Fortunately it was a dream, otherwise I would have caught it...

Before Zhang Yan could finish comforting himself, he saw that his bedroom door had been blasted to the wall on the other side, and a burst of gray-black smoke floated in from the living room.

Is he... not awake yet?
The father-in-law and mother-in-law actually blew up the door just to break it down?
But then, another shell hit outside the bedroom, shaking the whole building, and a lot of gravel and powder fell from the ceiling.

"Xu Ziyao, wake up!"

Zhang Yan's consciousness was not good, and he immediately trembled. Holding Xu Ziyao, who was still hanging on his chest, he shook it several times, turned around and got up from the bed, and wanted to jump out of the window.

I don’t know why, but Xu Ziyao also slept really hard.

After shaking him for several times, there was no reaction at all. He hugged him tighter and smacked his lips in return, as if he was kissing something strange.

Zhang Yan was very helpless, holding Xu Ziyao's hip with one hand, taking three steps and two steps at a time, holding on to the edge of the window, and climbed up the window, complaining in his heart.

Xu Ziyao slept so hard, how did she survive in her previous life?

He didn't take into account the influence of many factors today. Even he himself slept very hard, let alone Xu Ziyao, who always had much better sleep quality than him.

Holding the girl in his arms, Zhang Yan half-crouched by the window and looked down, feeling a hint of fear in his heart.

It's the third floor now!
More than ten meters high.

If it had been before, if I jumped from here, I would not be disabled but would also suffer fractures.

But now, the situation is urgent.

I don’t know which bastard is out there bombarding the farm!
It's important to save your life. If it breaks, it breaks. If it gets shot, you might die.

Zhang Yan gritted his teeth, held on to the frame of the window, turned his back, held Xu Ziyao in his arms, and prepared to jump.

According to normal principles, if you jump to escape, you must face outside the window, but he is still holding a Xu Ziyao who cannot be woken up. If he jumps down like this, under the influence of inertia and weight -

Why don't you use Xu Ziyao as a meat mat?

That must not work!
But for a while, Zhang Yan couldn't think of any other way. He could only turn his back to the window and prepare to jump to escape.

"Zhang Yan, what's wrong?" At this moment, Xu Ziyao's voice came from his arms.


(End of this chapter)

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