Zhutian Film and Television opens with a Taoist

Chapter 264: The ancient Qi demon attacks, and Xuanmen is in great danger.

Chapter 264: The ancient Baqi demon attacks, and Xuanmen is facing a catastrophe.

...Think about it, everyone else has gone to the mountains to fight against the Japanese Onmyoji, but we, a big family, are actually trying to steal their backs, spreading the reputation of Hidden Immortal Valley everywhere, attracting believers, beliefs, and incense. People don't hate themselves. Strange.

"Ahem, Si Teng, what are we doing now?" He Xiu had just come out of seclusion, his eyes darkened.

Si Teng knew what He Xiu was asking, and she didn't like to play tricks of lust and indulgence.

"Bai Rou, Xiao Shuang and other experts have rushed to Lei Mian Valley with the gathered Taoist soldiers. According to various hexagram calculations, where does the eight-headed snake seem to be going? As for where he is going to cross It's not clear what other purpose the tribulation or...has. After all, the secret of heaven is now deceived, and the strength of the big snake is too powerful. This news was calculated by several arithmetic masters who worked hard to break Yang Shou. Now counting the time, Bai Rou and Xiao The frost should have arrived.”

Kunlun Lei Mian Valley is the legendary Death Valley in later generations. It is a natural minefield. The sect that practices thunder method. Whenever it finds a good seedling who practices thunder method, it will mysteriously use various methods to seduce the disciples. Get into the trap yourself and go there to practice.

For example, if you go to the Lightning and Thunder in Fumo Hall, you are almost guaranteed to practice there. Of course, you still have to work hard. If you go there during a season with high thunderstorms, you will probably be in trouble.

I used to think about learning Ben Lei Fist every day, and my uncle gave me some kind of secret map mysteriously. He also said that it was a mysterious ancient map obtained from a cult altar, which recorded great opportunities.

Bah, old liar.

Because I didn't understand the lines used to test my disciples, and couldn't understand the changes in the Nine Palaces and Five Elements of the Zhouyi Bagua, I kept it in the space gathering dust and never looked for it. It wasn't until my master Shi Jian directly pointed out the secrets in it that I found out about this. Something happened.

After all, Yamata no Orochi, the ancient demon, is leading the team. He probably can't even watch the real Yang Shen. Several of his wives who can beat him are gone, so he has to keep an eye on them. If he dies, wouldn't he be in a big loss? Well, at least...it won't take long for Old Banniang Xu to die, she's still tender now.

At this time, Zhang Yishan was already exhausted, and the sun was floating. Since he took over the task of guarding the dragon veins of Yinshan Mountain, he did not dare to slack off at all, because that is the dragon vein on the back of the flower grower, and it is also an important part of the middle section of the northern dragon. The position, if it weren't for his advanced cultivation, he might not be able to guard it.


Only the Tao soldiers they brought with them could be used. The angry-eyed horseback statue of Guan Gong enshrined by the Tao soldiers was full of murderous aura. It was much more powerful than when it first appeared, with the power of a sun-killing god.

It is now August, a time when the pastures are lush and beautiful, but in just one month, winter will come with snow as high as thighs.

"Well, then let's get ready to set off to avoid any accidents happening to them!"

"Hahahaha, you bald buling bulings have reflected all the light, is it still useful to cover up? From your skills, I can guess almost exactly, that skinny white eyebrows You are from the Faxing Sect, right! We have known each other for a long time. When you knelt down and licked the Empress Dowager Cixi, I saw it clearly!"

After some estimation, we were probably near Wu Luntai. We were walking now to avoid being used as a trap by the Japanese monsters and shot at the leader. He Xiu didn't want to be the leader.

It was just more than half a month ago that an unknown traitor betrayed him, causing the formation to break and the strategic location of Yinshan to be lost. Now he finally knew who the traitor was. There was hatred in Yang Shen's eyes, and he looked at each and every one of them. The big bald donkey on the face laughed out loud.

Twenty real Yang Gods sat cross-legged in a circle, each with a miserable look on their face, and the strange aura lingering on their bodies, constantly corroding the golden light of the Yang God that protected the body.

After thinking about it, He Xiu took out a communication rune and sent it to the two master uncles of Wulei Mountain. Killing the Yamata-no-Orochi, which was causing harm to the world, was a great merit. There was no reason for the two master uncles not to come out of the mountain, otherwise they would have to wait. How long will it take for a ruler with great merit to ascend to heaven? The 1970s will not be easy.

But it is just a river canyon that is about a hundred kilometers long and about thirty wide. Of course, the unique geographical environment gives it a unique mysterious story, such as thunder and lightning, frozen soil, swamps, dark ditches, tramples, and phantoms. Strange animals, etc., and a series of dangers make this place terrifying and abnormal. For ordinary people, it is naturally a life-threatening place.

But at that time, the system had already rewarded me with many lightning techniques. It seemed that I didn’t need to be so obsessed with lightning and thunder. Later, I discovered that the core part of the so-called lightning and thunder fist was just the use of thunder. According to With my own understanding, I instantly knew the key points inside. I didn’t need to practice deliberately at all, and I was already better than my master.

Not daring to hesitate, he put on the magic walking talisman and added his own magic walking skills, and rushed towards the valley.

Compared to places like the northeastern part of the Demon City, it is obvious that Death Valley is close after all. It is rumored that it is the gate to hell, and anyone who enters will die. It is even said that there are countless corpses piled up like mountains... and the weather is even weirder and unpredictable.

"Uncle Master and disciple He Xiu, please ask for instructions. It is suspected that the demon Xiang Liu who was exiled in ancient times and became the great demon emperor of Japan has now broken through the seal, brought countless evil objects, passed through the pass and beheaded all the way to the Kunlun Ancestral Mountain. I am afraid that after he regains his strength, he will destroy the earth. I don’t know what the two great uncles have to do to deal with the disaster.”

He Xiu looked at the water of the Langge River coming slowly from the deep valley, accompanied by evil spirits, resentment, and evil spirits, and knew that it must be very hot inside now.

He listened carefully to the roar of artillery fire and machine guns coming from dozens of kilometers away, and knew that this was his Taoist escort, fighting the enemy.

After looking at the talisman flying through the air, He Xiu also began to prepare. The four-image demon-suppressing formation that he had previously envisioned was no longer useful. The three formation members were not around and were in retreat in the sea.

It is obviously not the best time for my Taoist soldiers to go there now, because it is the season where weird weather and thunderstorms are most common, and extreme weather is very likely to occur, such as a large temperature difference between morning and evening, leading to death from hypothermia, and there will also be snowstorms. Disturbances in the magnetic field produce hallucinations and so on.

The bronze black-topped boat was rushing along, looking at the dark clouds in the distant sky, the thunder, and the sound of roaring, and it quickly descended from the sky to the ground.

"Emit Buddha, Old Man Zhang, you are wrong. The poor monk has never gone down the mountain, let alone been to the barbarian palace." Regarding black history, the bald donkeys will naturally not admit it, even if it is fact. Buddhism has always been like this.

The Quanzhen Taoist next to Zhang Yishan snorted coldly: "Humph, you two over there, what are you hiding from? Aren't you just Fa Xiangmen Pu Mo, Fa Hua Zong's severe sins, two big bald heads? When you were young, you went down the mountain to beg for alms. As a result, we went to the Fireworks Alley with a hangover, refused to pay after the ladle was finished, and ended up killing six people and escaping from the city. Don’t you remember that you really are a seasoned person?"

"Humph, Niubi, don't talk nonsense. The poor monk is a monk. How could he go to such a filthy place? Mitofu, if you are talking nonsense, don't blame Lao Na for using the method of Angry Eye Vajra."

Seeing the two old men with bald heads and angry expressions, all the old Taoists suddenly felt that the poison in their bodies was relieved, and laughed loudly. One of the old Taoists made a last blow and said: "Hahaha, why are these two old bald donkeys still in such a hurry? Aren't they monks?" Are you not lying? Pindao still remembers what Senior Brother Long said just now. There must be portraits of the two of them when they were young in the archives of Chang'an Mansion, hahahaha."

"Then there is no need for these five to hide their heads and show their tails. The Huayan Sect is ashamed of the bald donkey, the Songshan Jingchan Sect is silent, the Western Pure Sect of Buddhism is silent, the Buddhist Vinaya Sect is open to enlightenment, the Yuga Shingon Sect is a hundred scenes, hahahaha, I didn't say anything. Wrong!" "Huh, so what if it's us. Now the Japanese have taken over most of the country. You Dao disciples are stubborn and ignorant of the direction of heaven. They resist in vain and try to resist the heavenly soldiers. We, the Buddhists, have no choice but to go out and slay demons for the sake of all living beings in the world. ”

"Hahahaha! Unexpected~unexpected~, hahahaha, you guys... you Buddhist monks, you actually think that you can rule the world in a small life, so you rush out and become the slaves of Japanese pirates, hahahaha."

He Xiu had already escaped to the mountain wall at the edge of the formation. He was in a cave opened by a space warehouse under the cover of a rock. He had an isolation talisman paper affixed to his body to prevent the aura from being exposed.

Following the two-finger-wide crack and looking at the appearance outside, I really couldn't figure out how these Yangshen masters were brought down.

Now, only Bai Rourou and a few others are holding up the formation to resist the demons all over the sky. According to the intensity of the attack outside, He Xiu knows very well that they may not be able to withstand a stick of incense. Eight huge snake heads are taking turns. There are demons spitting out magical powers, and there are monsters hundreds of feet tall holding weapons, either with magical powers or with power! Every time it makes people feel like the earth is falling apart.

No wonder this place is now a fertile grassland with stars blooming, but in later generations it will indeed be like yellow sand, earth, rocks and bad water. Emotions are the reason why the beaten land is ripe.

The Taoist soldiers of the Hidden Immortal Valley were at the back of the formation, frowning and closing their eyes tightly, controlling the army in the sky, Guan Erye, riding a horse to rush into the formation, but it seemed like they couldn't kill all the shikigami evil spirits. Seeing the Taoist soldier's pale face and vomiting blood, it was obvious that he had reached the limit of controlling the army.

The Taoist soldiers guarding the outer formation had their machine guns red-hot and exploding, and their shells had been used up. From time to time, a few evil spirits would run in and kill them indiscriminately.

In this scene, it doesn't make much sense for ordinary disciples to come here. If it weren't for the military evil to rush into the formation, it is estimated that Bai Rourou and others would have become the rescuers who gathered around to call for help. But now it seems that it is still a dead place.

Looking at the past, all the Yin Shen realm monks from various sects have been eaten clean by those Japanese monsters. On the ground, there are only some flesh and blood residues, broken magic weapons, hair and the like scattered everywhere.

It stands to reason that with so many Yangshen masters here, this battle has a great chance of winning. The Yamata no Orochi is also fighting on the road. This Kunlun Dragon Vein is naturally suitable for the local monks. The right time, place and people are on their side.

But now it seems that there is a traitor. Why has the anti-Japanese war lasted for so many years? A big factor is still the word traitor. Although the Japanese traitors have been in my heart for thousands of years, the vast landscape would really be useless without the traitor to lead the way. Not for this reason.

A Buddhist master, is he really a master? He is really... a good speculator. What he likes to do most is to come out to make up for the damage when the world is about to be clear, and do the work of following the dragon. He is like a stick monk who saved the king of Tang Dynasty. In the early Yuan Dynasty, he was even more licking. Most of the Taoist sect's famous mountains, rivers, and Taoist temples were occupied, and Taoist sect disciples were forcibly ordained.

In the early Qing Dynasty, Shunzhi was brought to an end... Ever since they were introduced to China, they have tried their best, but their intentions were so cruel that in history, those regimes could not tolerate it anymore and destroyed Buddha countless times.

He Xiu was thinking about what method they used to defeat so many Taoist masters at once.

Poisonous? But what kind of poison can knock down Master Yangshen at once? According to ancient records, Master Yangshen is invulnerable to all poisons.


He Xiu thought of a special force of Japanese pirates that specialized in studying the human body. Since there are weird things in this world, it is inevitable that they will not study supernatural poisonous plagues.

Moreover, it is invulnerable to a hundred poisons. This refers to ordinary poisons, not the poisons of ascetics. Otherwise, what would the Qihuang people, black witches and others under the witchcraft do? Aren't they masters of poison?

He Xiu thought of the wizard Huang Xiazi from Majia Town. Wasn't his sneaky palm a poisonous palm that made Master Lin spit out black blood?

When I killed him, I was rewarded with curse runes. He Xiu thought about the introduction of the curse rune: Those who are hit by this rune will feel weak and dizzy all over.

I have never used it much, because the enemies I can't defeat have the system space seal, and the enemies I can defeat are completely destroyed by lightning.

Staring at the huge snake head in the sky, the basic data shows:

Name: Hatamata Tomo.

HP: 60%!

Realm: The soul of the heavenly god, the body of the earthly immortal.

Strength: Earthly Immortal Realm, semi-disabled.

He Xiu rolled his eyes at the eight big heads in the sky, "Hey, my name is you?" If you are half disabled, you are no longer a god or an immortal. It is estimated to be more powerful than Yangshen Dzogchen.

But the gap is huge. If someone can kill you with one punch, you will besiege it hard, but it will only damage its muscles and bones. How can you fight like this? Look at its whole body, with thunder wrapped around it. You are not afraid at all. This thunder in Death Valley.

For example, this thunder is like a person caught in the rain. He will not drown. At most, he will be a little cold. At worst, it will only give him a shot in the butt if he has a cold or fever.

That's the thunder summoned by the formation. Even this can't kill it. This...: "Thunder Talisman, Yin Thunder, Lightning and Thunder, Five Thunders, and Heavenly Thunder!"

He Xiu, who was hiding in the corner, decided to do it all at once, and for a while he added his thunder method.

The thunder array hidden in the sky flashed with brilliance. It was obvious that He Xiu's thunder-calling technique had enhanced its power by three points.

For a moment, thunder shook, and thunder and lightning fell like rain from the sky and the earth, rumbling down.

The Yamata no Orochi is very intelligent. It knows that the gadgets it brought cannot withstand such thunder, so it relies on its rough skin and thick flesh to block them all by itself, allowing them to concentrate on breaking the formation.

Among the rolling dark clouds, eight big heads kept swaying, and most of the thunder blasts were blocked by them.

(End of this chapter)

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